
NS licence engine technology

New Sparta are keen to expand the licensing of their technology to commercial companies, The Shiner sees it as being a very valuable new funding stream. A start has been made with the licensing of a new economic engine core to Consolidated Spacecraft for 1.5 billion zarks plus royalties from engines built using the core.

The core is the work of NS Research and uses hybrid technologies to recycle spent fuel and external energy sources like solar to reduce the amount of fuel needed for normal operation. NS spends 8% of its annual budget on fuel and the required infrastructure including the oiler fleet so reducing this is seen as a priority. Future uses for the technology in NS ships is expected from next year and will include use of EA-X.

The commercial version of the engine core and related systems is said to be able to reduce fuel burn by an average of 5% which amounts to quite a lot on long distance transport programmes.


Story #2323

Crunch Coating
The Dinos come under attack from strange aliens.


Story #2322

Political Mess
DM65 is under attack.

Story #2321

The 6th Legion's new mission soon runs into difficulties.


NS buys third Helwin

NS has bought an ex-Bolitic Helwin cruiser from a scrapyard. Although in a poor state NS Engineering say they can restore the ship to service and it will join 2 other Helwins in the Alpha Centauri 093A class of research and training ships though probably not until 2118.

NS Engineering has also given updates on a number of ship types. The Lavender 105A unmanned patrol ship is now expected for 2118. The Provider 071A transport fleet will be expanded with at least 6 more built over the next couple of years. NS will also retrofit (and built from new) the enhanced C3 suites to be fitted to the forthcoming Remedian flagship to the Mulberry 036A which will take on a role of flagships for medium sized deployments.

NS admits it is struggling against cyber attacks

New Sparta has said that there is one aspect of modern warfare in which it is struggling: cyber warfare. NS systems are said to be under frequent attack with systems being compromised no less than 493 times in 2116. However NS Engineering said that no sensitive data or core systems have been affected.

NS Commander Knobhead is said to be displeased with NS Engineering's efforts to combat the cyber threat from foes like the Bolitic and Tarbotians. A dedicated arm of the NS to combat cyber attacks (and to launch attacks in return) may be formed in the new year alongside Space and Terrestrial Forces.


New Remedian flagship will reuse the Brartiga name

Although the order has not yet been finalised the flagship of the reborn Remedian Fleet will be a Yel'Tema / Mulberry 036A with extra C3 and ship docking facilities according to Remedian reports. The ship is likely to take a slot off the NS Mulberry line so it can be delivered in 2117.

The ship will be known as Brartiga II, reusing the name of the former flagship of the old Remedian Fleet before it was first absorbed into the DDS.


Command sub-class of Rome to be formed

As everyone knows the flagship of the New Sparta fleet is K101X (046-201) Cicero, a Rome 046A Light Combat Ship that has been fitted with worm drive and extra C3 facilities. It and 4 other Romes will form the Rome 046K pool of dedicated flagships.

Five ships will form the Rome 046K to allow for cover due to maintenance and because the Director of Operations Torus will also have a dedicated ship (Windy already has his own ship, SS Infinity). All ships will receive worm drive, C3 upgrades and other enhancements next year. No date has been yet set for this work however.

NS to renumber fleet

New Sparta is to renumber its fleet under the new NS 2117 Scheme over the next few months, though digital records will be changed immediately. The change originally came about an effort to remove the gaps in the existing numbering of ships caused by war losses. However the head of space forces Caratore has come up with a brand new scheme which Torus and Knobhead have endorsed.

Under NS 2117 Scheme all ships will receive a unique 6 digit running number, the first 3 digits will be for the Type code so for example the Panther 035A ships will have number starting with 035. The other 3 digits will be the unique identifier, usually starting from 101 but where a ship type has a number of sub-classes (the Type 35 for example) then numbers will start in their own blocks of 100.

To give a few examples, SS Panther currently H101 will become 035-101 and SS Independence currently H121 will become 035-201. Caratore said the new scheme would bring clarity to the fleet and aid operational planning.

Olympus Mons next priority for worming

With the Freedom and Quasar (nearly) fleets all wormed NS is now looking at the next fleet to receive worm drives, and that will be the 9 strong Olympus Mons 023A fleet of support carriers. The type has already been calibrated for worm drive as the sister fleet of Olympus Balista 023M missile carriers are built as new with worm drives.

NS say the work will be carried out next year as part of a general update for the Olympus Mons which will likely include more TPM storage and sensor updates.

Fleet News 18/12/16

M213 Comet is the latest Corkscrew 051A to enter service.

M133 Firedrake and M135 Fox have been wormed, completing the Freedom 041B worming.

Quasar 015A S107 Charm Quark has also been wormed.


Ronald to reorganise SS

With his return to being Dino Emperor a couple of weeks away Ronald has begun to outline his priorities. Ronald said he wants to integrate the SS more closely into the Dino Army. The 1st SS Legion will be reduced in size to a core of 3 brigades (the elite Black Dragon Martyrs and Iron Fist brigades plus a support brigade). Other SS regiments and battalions will be allocated to Dino Army legions. The 2nd and 3rd SS Legions will continue to exist but mostly for administrative purposes.

Another way to bring the SS closer to the Dino Army will be to change the rank armbands so they are much closer to the Army. Ronald said though that the SS will continue to be a separate and vitally important part of the Dino armed forces and security apparatus. He added that SS Commander Solax is fully behind his plans (though as Solax is the Grand Wizard in the SS Cult which reveres Ronald as a living God that is no surprise).


Ferret to receive major update

New Sparta have announced a major update for the Ferret 101 unmanned space fighter. The Ferret-NG 101M is said to be the biggest upgrade since the original UCV. It will have a new updated hybrid ion-turbine drive Z90A with boosted speed, acceleration and fuel efficiency.

The guidance and communication systems have been rebuilt from scratch with data security and encryption built in. While there have been no instances of Ferrets being "hacked" or affected by enemy info-weapons NS believes it is only a matter of time. The Ferret-NG will be virtually impossible to attack in this way.

The first Ferret-NGs should enter service next year. NS say they want to have around 600 Ferrets in service (which is more or less what they have now) so new Ferret-NGs will replace existing old UCVs. These UCVs will be placed in strategic storage.


Tarbot look to spoil NS, Clone export market

The Tarbot Empire has announced it has 60 Samara I and II destroyers for sale, at a low price. The Tarbot say they will sell to anyone other than the "major powers". It is thought Tarbot is doing this on purpose to sour the export market for New Sparta and the Clone Star Empire, which has increasingly become reliant on arms sales to fund weapon development and even day to day running costs of the military.

Unlike the Clones New Sparta has a firmer financial footing though the loss of export zarks would be badly felt. NS is aiming to raise over 20 billion zarks from arms sales over the next 5 years.

Its not known who will buy these old, but still useful, warships. Tarbot used to sell a lot of surplus hardware indeed recent NS and Clone export ships have often replaced time expired Tarbotian Vortis and Yeoman class ships in small navies.

Northern Project ends 2116 exercise schedule

The final exercise of 2116 Northern Project has now ended with a final "mock war" set-piece involving NS, Raegris and Dino ships and troops at Xi in the Dino Republic. New Sparta ships are now returning to base ready for the Christmas shutdown (though only for active service crews, NS Engineering will be very busy!

NS returns to a monthly exercise schedule next year, NS Commander Knobhead preferring more frequent small exercises to a small number of larger ones. The first new exercise will be Dawn Rising 2117 early next month which will involve strategic reconnaissance. Its also thought it will involve special forces and intelligence gathering.


Starbot surprises with order for NS warships

Despite no longer being part of New Sparta the bulk of Starbot's fleet remains NS built ships and they have placed an order to reinforce their fleet. This comes as a bit of a surprise after recent poor relations with NS and the order for Clone ships however the Starbotian Commander K-2 said Starbot was a neutral and independent power happy to have "a wide variety of friends".

A third Olympus 023A support carrier has been ordered and no less than 6 Depender combat support ships. Its thought these ships will be used mainly in the intelligence gathering and Elint roles following recent debate in the Starbotian military about the lack of any assets in this area.


Starbot orders Sharks and transports

Starbot has made it's first major ship order since leaving New Sparta. In a multi-billion zark deal they have ordered 10 Shark SKS frigates from the Clones. In a major revitalisation of the transport arm of their fleet they have also ordered 3 Loader TYCS transports and 3 Omiten TYJS oilers.

Head of the military K-1 said the new ships would help ensure Starbotian security post-NS. He also said that military alliances would be sought with a number of powers including the Clones. A joint exercise will be held next year.

Remedians to disband RCPP, reform Space Fleet

Tier I allies the Remedians are decoupling their ships from the NS fleet and will maintain their own fleet thus abolishing the Remedian Customs & Police Patrol (RCPP) which was a sub-grouping of NS ships operated by Remedian personnel and paid for by the Remedians. The change is mostly administrative as the Remedian ships tend to operate separately anyway and the NS have given their blessing to the change.

The new Remedian Space Fleet will reform at the start of 2117 and will consist of 5 Corkscrew 051As and 2 Extender 073As. These ships will be removed from the NS register. The head of the Remedian Armed Forces Lord Argrox (who is also an NS Politburo member) said that operations would continue unchanged but that it was time the Remedian Belt had its own fleet again. He also said that more ships will be ordered in the new year. Its thought a 6th Corkscrew will be ordered and a new flagship, probably a modified Mulberry 036A.


Fleet News (02/12/16)

S254 Ra is the latest Olympus Balista 023M to enter service.

M212 Crescent is the latest Corkscrew 051A to enter service.

A123 Freightliner is the latest Provider 071A to enter service. A114 Spruce Goose has been fitted with worm drive and is now in the Skytrain 131A fleet.

Operation Northern Project 2116

The latest (and final) edition of the year end "full spectrum" exercise will begin tomorrow. The exercise will involve the Raegris and Dinos in a mock war which will take place in the Rim Worlds and also on the Dino planet of Xi. The exercise will include mock combats, raids and an amphibious landing.

The NS ships involved are below. About 20 Dinos ships and 6 Raegris ships (who will act together as the "enemy") will also be involved.

S202 Lancer (flagship)
S207 Rifleman
H102 Jaguar
H110 Puma
H129 Impregnable
H201 Mulberry (amphibious force flagship)
M103 Jurassic
M135 Fox
M184 Sea of Fertility
K103 Augustus
K151 Fighting Falcon
K159 Goshawk
L111 Pangaea
L117 Rodinia
L158 South America
A106 Flying Boxcar
A141 Extender

UV231 : Gibson's Empire of Fear

  • Roki Or Not Here I Come - Orange Dart demonstrates the power of a chocolate eclair.
  • Shattered - Windy captures some pirates.
  • Its Only Piss - Neverak recounts how he ended up in an alien prison.
  • Gate Of Death! - Gibson's empire of Hell is revealed.
  • Focal Point - Melson warns Joshi of a plot in the Bolitic Confederacy.
  • Greyhounds - Firefly comes to a decision.

Story #2316

Firefly comes to a decision.