
Utrek try to steal Dinomark AM!

The Dinos are reporting that Utrek agents working in conjunction with Dino traitors tried to steal the prototype Dinomark AM bomber DM50. The Dino traitors struck while the crew of the ship was low due to rotation and training, the bridge crew was incapacitated and the bridge locked out. Then with Utrek agents joining them they tried to take DM50 across the border escorted by 2 Molentic Tuuls.

The plan was foiled due to the brave actions of an elite Dino team aboard DM50 investigating suspicious links between some crew members and anarchist terrorist factions. DM50 was returned safely to Dino-Land orbit and the traitors and Utrek arrested.


DDS working on Provider/Extender follow-on

The DDS are working on a "next generation" transport/oiler (though it seems to be more an evolution) to enter service around 2118. The Type 131 would be a SUP based design but feature a high degree of mission modularity. Replenishment equipment for example could be fitted and configured in a matter of hours.

If the DDS decide to go ahead with the Type 131 then the final 2 Extender 73As on order could be cancelled. No Provider 71As are currently on order though there is the need for more.


Fleet News 28/12/15

Two Freedom 41B MCS have been wormed, these being M121 Freedom and M125 Forward. The rest of the class will be wormed over the first few months of 2116 ahead of the major Quasar upgrade which will also include worming.

A new hospital ship has joined the fleet allowing for greater rotation and availability. A903 Doctor Vincent is the 3rd Nightingale 88A.


Knobhead said to prefer "New Sparta"

DDS Commander Knobhead is said to prefer "New Sparta" as the new name for the DDS, he wants to have the name change completed by the Summer of 2116. However Knobhead says the DDS is open to suggestions and a consultancy will be held next month before the DDS Politburo makes a final decision.

Windscorpion has welcomed the name change, he told DDS News 24 that the DDS name was now tired and mired in the past.


DDS will change its name in 2116!

DDS Commander Knobhead has confirmed that the DDS will change its name next year! Knobhead said that DDS, Dino Death Squad, was no longer a relevant title for a massive pan-solar system multi-spectrum military organisation. "The name may have suited us in the early days when we were not much more than Ronald's private army for operations outside Dino space but now it is a bit of an embarrassment."

The DDS nearly changed name to New Sparta in the early 2100s, some signage was even changed, though the name change was overturned at the last moment. Firefly also considered a name change during his reign a few years ago. It is thought that Knobhead is keen to make his mark on the DDS and a new name and branding would certainly do that. What the new name and when exactly the change will take place is currently not known.


DDS deploys troops to Delta 9 to assist with disaster recovery

Soldiers from L12 Infantry Regiment, DDS Terrestrial Forces, have arrived on Delta 9 from Liberation and will assist with disaster recovery following the volcanic eruption near New Erdington. Emergency supplies have also arrived but personnel are now needed to help stricken and evacuated residents and assist with the UNP led recovery.

The volcano is said to be calming down now though there are still minor eruptions. Luckily the town has not been hit by lava flows though there has been extensive damage due to debris from the eruption.


Dinomark XT will end production in 2116

After 65 years production of the Dinomark XT will finally end in 2116 following the completion of existing orders for the DTA and export customers (new orders will be accepted until the end of next month). The last ships for the Dino Army have already been delivered.

It is thought (official records have not been released) that over 900 XTs have been built to date and over 150 remain in the Dino Army with 300 others in the civilian reserve and other government departments like the SS. A few hundred more older examples still serve across the galaxy.

The first of the replacement Dinomark LM is expected to enter service next month.


Bolitic to help Utrek in war against Mantae?

The Raegris have reported detecting a fleet of 17 warships leaving Castarian and Bolitic space and heading in the direction of Utrek space. This confirms some intelligence gained by the Clones which was leaked to the press in that it is thought the Utrek have asked the Bolitic for assistance in their re-started war against the Mantae.

This could indicate the war is going badly, something also pointed to by the sudden withdrawal of dozens of Utrek ships from territory bordering the Remedians, Raegris and Clones.

Other Fleet News (21/12/15)

The final 2 Dinomark XTs built for the Dino Army have been delivered though production will continue for the DTA and export for a couple of years. The first of the next generation Dinomark LM is currently in acceptance testing.

New Arit has received a Provider MX tactical transport.

The Raegris have received a WF-1 Ku'Yema (Extender) oiler.

The Bolitic have built a new Furl, their first new reported ship for some time.

Melaris 12 have received 2 Coril ST-76M shuttles.


Wolkapi deported back to Clone Star Empire

Oojok's son Wolkapi has been deported from the Dino Republic back to the Clone Star Empire following his arrest for an attempted assassination of a government minister. He has been banned from all Dino and DTA territories indefinitely and would face a potential prison sentence of over 100 years if he does enter Dino or DTA territory!

Wolkapi has been sacked from the Oojok Death Squad which he headed for his father and is no longer Oojok's heir (younger brother Terin now is). It is thought Wolkapi may be given a minor ambassadorial role.

The Oojok Death Squad has been taken over by Sleeze and it is reported a purge has taken place. Other Wolkapi supporters and friends in the CSE have also been arrested or moved.


Story #2213

Southern Final
The bridge crew of the new Dinomark is neutralised.

Story #2212

Should It?
Are the Utrek after the secrets of the new Dinomark?

Story #2211

Burn The Bun
Crickson and co. are given a new mission.

DTA legion declared operational

A legion made up of the non-Dino members of the DTA has been declared operational and has joined the unified military command of the Dino Army / DTA. The legion's constituent units will remain part of their separate armies though will be ready to deploy for DTA expeditionary missions and joint training. The DTA legion has the same command and structure as a Dino Army legion and this system will eventually be rolled out to all of the DTA member armies.

The DTA Legion consists of:

781 Sirikwan Panzer Brigade
771 New Arit Infantry Brigade
772 New Arit Infantry Brigade
784 Sirikwan Infantry Brigade
791 Voth Infantry Brigade
90283 Yeng Infantry Company
3781 Sirikwan Artillery Battalion
6772 New Arit Transport Brigade
6792 Voth Transport Brigade
7117 Sirikwan Engineering Battalion
558 Yeng Support Battalion
559 Yeng Support Battalion
90287 Sirikwan Reconnaissance Company
90232 Voth Reconnaissance Company


First DDS help arrives at Delta 9

A couple of days after a volcanic eruption which badly affected a heavily populated area, an Indy 35B from the Rapid Reaction Squadron has arrived at Delta 9 bringing personnel from the UNP Geological Survey, vulcanologists and specialist medical personnel as well as some specialist supplies. The Indy 35B is a warship so could not carry a large amount of aid though a laden Oceania 63A is due to arrive from Liberation on Wednesday with aid and support personnel.

The volcanic eruption is said to be continuing though some scientists predict it will lessen by next week. Thousands of people from the town of New Erdington have been evacuated. About 40 people are unaccounted for though the Deltan authorities think the death toll could rise.

Two Provider 71As are being prepared and loaded at Liberation with the next wave of supplies though will not depart until an initial survey is made to see what is needed.


DDS deployed to natural disaster on Delta 9

A volcanic eruption on Delta 9 has put the population around the town of New Erdington at risk from lava and ash. The overstretched civilian authorities have asked the DDS for assistance. The DDS always keep one of their amphibious squadron ships on 48 hour notice for just this eventuality and L151 Oceania will depart from Liberation tomorrow with supplies. It should arrive at Delta 9 by the middle of next week.

M190T Beta Centauri was diverted to Delta 9 from a training mission and has taken atmospheric samples and photographs of the eruption which has been sent to the DDS for analysis.


Raegris to invest 15 billion zarks in fleet

The Raegris have announced a huge boost to their space fleet with 15 billion zarks to be spent over the next 5 years on extra ships, upgrades for existing ships, 3 new staging points and communication network upgrades. The Raegris say that the enlarged fleet will improve their security and sovereignty and improve interaction with the DDS.

The investment will include:

  • 6 more DF-1 He'Taka (Isometric) frigates - giving an eventual fleet of 26. All will also be upgraded to a standard similar to the DDS Mediterranean Sea. All 20 existing DF-1s will also be wormed and upgraded.
  • 12 more RC-2C Yel'Tema (Cosmos) cruisers - giving an eventual fleet of 30. All RC-2Bs will be updated to RC-2C.
  • 2 more KA-1 Norenka (Olympus) carriers - giving an eventual fleet of 5.
  • 5 DC-1 Uhm'Waa (Quasar) cruisers will be wormed and upgraded along with the DDS Quasar 2116 Update.


Ronald plays hardball with Clones over worm drive

Ronald has said talks on the Clones acquiring Dino worm drives can resume despite the scandal of Oojok's son Wolkapi trying to kill a Dino government minister. However Ronald has said that a number of offsets cannot be included in the price and that the payment schedule will be tightened which means the price has risen to around 12 billion zarks for 30 worm drives and engineering support and set-up.

The price rise will put greater pressure on the Clone defence budget already being squeezed by the original price and a number of projects have been cut back and put on hold. Oojok is said to be discussing the deal with his senior advisers.

Wolkapi meanwhile is likely to be deported from Dino-Land in a few days and will be barred from the Dino Republic for 100 years according to a Dino government source.


Wolkapi demoted, Terin now heir of Oojok

Wolkapi, who is still languishing in a Dino Army gaol, has been stripped of his status as Oojok's heir apparent. Oojok is understood to be enraged by his eldest son's behaviour on Dino-Land where he tried to assassinate a government minister (though to be Justice Minister Araniza). The incident threatens to derail the purchase of worm drives which Oojok believes are vital for the future of the Clone Star Empire. Ronald has suspended negotiations and there are no signs as to when, or even if, talks will resume.

Oojok's younger son Terin has been named the heir apparent, a slightly unusual move for the Dinos who tend to go for age seniority though not unknown. Terin has done well in his duties to date and is currently Deputy Emperor of CSE-E, some feel he would make a much better future Emperor than Wolkapi in any case.

Wolkapi is not expected to stay on Dino-Land for long, it is expected he will be deported and released back into Clone custody within days. The welcome he will get from Oojok is not expected to be warm.


Fleet News 02/12/15

There are no new ships to report this month as the DDS begins to shut down for Christmas. However worming of the Isometric 41A fleet has finally been finished with M116 Devonian being equipped. The Freedom 41B fleet is next to be wormed.


Wolkapi arrested on Dino-Land, accused of assassination plot

Oojok's son and heir, and commander of the Oojok Death Squad, Wolkapi has been arrested by the Dinos and is accused of plotting to kill a senior civilian minister in the Dino government. Details of the plot are still emerging but it is thought that Wolkapi employed 2 criminals to kill the minister under the guise of a "robbery that went wrong". Another Dino has been arrested who is alleged to be Wolkapi's head of ODS on Dino-Land. An SS source says that 2 Clone ODS members are in the Clone embassy in Dino-Town.

Ronald has reacted angrily to the plot and has suspended talks with the Clones on a sale of worm drives, Oojok was to travel to Jeloka to meet with Ronald next week but that has now been cancelled.

Story #2207

Under The Bed
S101 and B-B head off on their trek into the stars... a kind of star trek.