
DDS attack Argon at Aldebra

A small DDS force (thought to be 2 Type 35s and a Terran Sea) have launched a highly co-ordinated attack on the Argon at Aldebra. The aim of the attack was to attack Argon ground troops which are reported to have surrounded the DDS troops holed up in hills near the capital. The attack was successful according to DDS reports with the Terran Sea (said to be the renowned SS North Sea) striking the Argon troops hard with a dozen Z5t shots killing dozens of Argon troops and injuring many more.

The Type 35s created a diversion and destroyed an Argon cruiser and damaged 3 others. All ships managed to get away though one of the Type 35s suffered serious damage with a number of crew losing their lives. The attack is seen as being vital to raise DDS morale and stop the Argon digging in too comfortably before the DDS are ready to launch a sustained and larger scale offensive.