
Dinomark LM unveiled

Project GHT is the name of the long-awaited Dinomark XT replacement, today the Dinos unveiled how the new multi-role ship will look and also its name : Dinomark LM. The LM will be cylindrical and be of a similar size to the XT though because it is a cylinder and not a cuboid the internal space will be greater (some sources claim 40% greater though this has not been confirmed).

Although originally planned for 2118 (with the prototype being trials in 2116) this has been bought forward by Ronald who is keen to see the new type in service. Construction will begin early next year and if all goes well the first production examples will enter service by the end of 2116. A provisional order for 5 has been made.

The third new Dinomark (Project YZY/Dinomark AM is already flight testing and could enter service late next year) is Project ZWU. This is considered a lower priority though has been named as the Dinomark KK and is expected in 2117.


Windy reboots iP Services

Windscorpion has announced a reactivation of iP Services, his private security company which assists DDS in "specialist tasks". The company was dormant following the destruction of its ship SS Stoke City and Windy's disappearance to a Shaolin temple.

A replacement Freedom 75A transport has been ordered for 2115 which will be known as Windscorpion Power, it will include extensive prisoner holding and interrogation facilities. iP Services will work more closely with the DDS in future Windy said as he is now a DDS member too whereas before he was officially not.


Sea Urchin discusses upgrade targets for 2115

Director of Technology Sea Urchin has spoken to the media about 2115 and revealed that the upgrade budget will increase by 6% over 2114. "This is the biggest increase for sometime and is needed to help us accelerate upgrades and new technology into service."

The key upgrade in 2115 will be of the Quasar 15A fleet which will receive worm drive. However the Isometric 41A fleet will also be fully wormed by the end of 2115 and good progress will be made on the Freedom 41B and Rome 46A fleets. The DDS aim to have their entire Medium Combat Ship fleet wormed by the end of 2116.

EA-X is also going to see much wider use apart from the small number of ships currently updated. The energy absorbent layer will be part of the Quasar upgrade and will added to the Panther 35A as part of its yearly update.

A fleet wide upgrade in astral-navigation will also be made as the DDS switches to a new system standardising and improving on the several navigational systems currently in service. Communications will also be updated across all combat ships (and beyond budget depending) with a new data stack introduced with much improved data security and resilience built in.


Story #2104

Master and Commander
There is a surprise down the morgue.


Windy to form new support organisation

Despite the uncertainty about SFX Windy's official return to the DDS has gone ahead with a live televised signing at DDS GHQ. Windy then addressed the DDS and said it needed to be stronger than ever to face future threats.

He said he was forming a new support organisation to replace his now defunct Windy Massive. The Windy League of Fitness will promote healthy living and fitness by young DDS members.


SFX escapes from prison

SFX, under arrest for the murder of Quarz, has been broken out of the ISSF holding cell he was in at DDS City. He was due to be handed over to the Proximan authorities as he is still officially a civilian (his DDS reinstatement was delayed due to admin issues) and so was under the jurisdiction of the Proxima 7 Police as per the P7/DDS agreements over the use of DDS City.

However he was broken out by unknown individuals and his whereabouts is now unknown. ISSF Commander Torus admitted this was "embarrassing".

Story #2103

Shattered Dreams
Krusty is angry.


Clones perform multiple CSM strike

The Clones have launched a multiple CSM attack for the first time, 3 missiles (without active warheads) being launched from a mixture of silos and mobile launchers on Cloneworld and hitting targets on Daggaddon. Two of the missiles are said to have hit the target with an acceptable CEP though the third suffered a malfunction during the interstellar stage and was destroyed by a shadowing ship.

Up until now the Clones have only tested CSM with single missiles but they have been keen to demonstrate the ability of the weapon system to launch a mass attack on an off-world target.

The Clones have also announced that SeaGale, the SLBM version of the Gale ICBM, has been launched from the trials submarine CNSS Warhammer while submerged for the first time. A test of CSM using SeaGale is planned for 2115.


Quarz murdered

The DDS has announced that Quarz, currently captain of a Pentekonter and a long-time DDS member, has been murdered at DDS City. The circumstances of his death are still unclear though ISSF are said to have arrested SFX, who with Windy returned to DDS City that very day, for the crime.

ISSF Commander Torus has ordered a lockdown of DDS City and celebrations for Windy's return have been cancelled.

Story #2102

Hot Headed
The time bomb goes off.


Story #2101

Looking Across Hell
Quarz fails again.


UV209 : Return To Nirvana

  • Slow Boat To Krusty - Windy comes to a decision.
  • Perception Not Reality - Wolkapi plots to kill his brother.
  • Train Station - Windy enters the Terrasaur lair.
  • Final Round - Can the DDS save Windy?
  • Def To Dead Things - Wolkapi's plan to kill his half-brother begins.
  • Dictakors - The Tarbotians know.


DDS near big deal with Solar Empire

The DDS are already about to begin an upgrade for the Solar Empire (a far off little known entity) of their ageing Helwin cruisers but it is now known that this is the tip of what could be a very lucrative ice berg for the DDS.

The Solar Empire also have some ex-Tarbotian Vortis frigates that need upgrades and this is likely to be done too by the DDS (or the Raegris to be more correct) however the Solar Empire want new ships by the end of the decade and are said to be considering up to 5 Pentekonter Protectors and the new Depender combat support ship. It was hoped to tie up the deal before Christmas but this looks more likely to be early in 2115 now.


DDS tweak export portfolio

The DDS has tweaked it's export portfolio for 2115, with improvements to the Pentekonter and SUP lines. The Pentekonter Protectors are now the only models available (and the recent Helinox and Castaris orders were the first for the upgraded - and rebranded - type). The Provider and Extender have also been improved with new generation navigation, security and cargo handling systems. The Corkscrew is also now on sale though specifications still have not been finalised.

Finally the DDS have also announced another sale. Molab have ordered a 6th minesweeper, which will be the first sale of the new Pentekonter Protector 150M model. As part of the deal their existing 5 Pentekonter-EMs will also be bought up to this improved standard.


DDS score export successes

After a lean 2114 in comparison to previous years for export sales of warships the DDS have scored a couple of successes before the end of the year. Helinox has placed a follow-on order for 2 Pentekonter Protectors and Castaris have also ordered 2 of the type.

The new Depender 750 combat support transport has been officially added to the DDS portfolio and is said to have seen interest from 3 potential customers.

Finally the DDS have facilitated the sale of the Remedians' Perimpaz 39As to Molab, the cost of the sale was low though will save the DDS and Remedians decommissioning and scrapping costs. Molab intends to rebuild and upgrade 4 of them to add to their fleet by 2116.


Other Fleet News (16/12/14)

  • The Dinos have completed a Dinomark XT for their fleet plus one for New Arit.
  • New Arit has also received the final 2 refurbished (by the DDS) Kalahati Tuuls on order.
  • Sirikwan have received an ex-Clone Fleet Nerval TYB transport ship.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have completed 2 Meltinans.
  • Helinox have received their first Yel'Tema YT-110.
  • Castaris have received their 4th and final Extender 120.


Story #2096

The Tarbotians know.


Northern Project ends, 2115 schedule announced

The final exercise of the year Northern Project has ended after a final mock combat between DDS and "enemy" ships (the role played by Raegris, Porquatian, Dino and DDS Departmental Service ships). The DDS has now begun winding down for the Christmas break.

The DDS have decided to add a 5th exercise for next year. Info Affairs 2115 will concentrate on special forces and cyber warfare. The full schedule for 2115 is below :
  • Ground Shock 2115 (March) - ground attack, amphibious assault
  • Info Affairs 2115 (May) - special forces, cyber warfare
  • Atomic Fist 2115 (July) - strategic attack
  • Civilian Partnership 2115 (September) - humanitarian relief
  • Northern Project 2115 (December) - full spectrum "mock war"


Story #2095

Def To Dead Things
Wolkapi's plan to kill his half-brother begins.


Windscorpion rejoins DDS

Windscorpion left the DDS to head iP Services after the ABBO-Bolitic War though he still played  a close role in DDS affairs. Now following his period away Windy has decided to return to the DDS full-time. DDS Commander Firefly was happy to bestow on his brother the title of "DDS Protector".

The exact meaning of the role which Windy has had before is not that clear but usually Windy will take charge of any combat operations and also be an inspiration to the young men and women of the DDS.


Windscorpion is alive!

The DDS and the known universe is in shock after DDS Commander Firefly announced that Windscorpion did not die last year after all. Instead he had faked his own death with DDS agreement so he could retire to a secluded temple to renew himself after having grown weary after two decades of being the apogee of man.

"Because he didn't want to be annoyed by journalists, groupies and prostitutes Windy thought it best if he was considered dead and with DDS help a "decline and fall" was engineered." Firefly said. SFX also faked his death so he could devote himself to guarding his father. Firefly said that Windy is now nearing the end of his time in the temple and will return to DDS and iP Services duties in the new year.

The news was greeted with riots and mass celebrations across the UNP and DDS.

Story #2094

Final Round
Can the DDS save Windy?


DDS put under lockdown ahead of major announcement

The DDS has raised its alert status to AMBER and put all major DDS sites like DDS City and DDS GHQ under lockdown. The reason is said to be a precaution ahead of a major announcement Firefly is expected to make either tomorrow or Monday.

The announcement could cause unrest according to ISSF who are deploying to key positions in the bases on lockdown. All DDS ships have also been ordered to cease operations and hold station by early tomorrow.


Jimmy is new Consul

The result was not in doubt after other main contenders withdrew but Jimmy scored an impressive 92.3% of the vote in the Dino Consul election held earlier this week and hence will not have to run-off against a runner-up having secured over 50%. The rest of the votes were shared fairly evenly between  the motley collection of busybodies and racists who stood for fringe parties.

Jimmy will take up the Consul reins at the start of 2115 replacing his Liberal Party colleague El Diablo.


Dinos to build 3 more Dinomark PTs

The Dinomark PT production line ended earlier this year but last month it was confirmed that 4 of the type had been lost against an unspecified enemy in deep space. Sufficient spares and parts remain on the production line to produce 3 new PTs fairly cheaply and Ronald has given the go-ahead for the line to re-open. The new ships will be built in the first quarter of 2115.

This may delay the first Dinomark AM ground-attack cruiser which was expected to use the PT jig though the Dinos say they still expect to have the prototype AM ready for testing by the end of next year.


Clone Navy launches anti-piracy operation

A Clone Navy fleet led by the aircraft carrier R02 Clone Empire (though still with K40Ns embarked, all 4 remaining carrier capable examples) has begun anti-piracy operations against the powerful Redrendrial Band pirate faction based on islands off the coast of the West Clone Republic.

The pirates have been attacking merchant shipping over the last few months and Oojok has declared the attacks must stop. Two suspected pirate vessels have been seized and a jetty attacked by helicopters though this was later found to have been abandoned.

The operation will last for up to 3 weeks and is expected to be the swan song of the K40N which will be withdrawn early next year as sufficient K45Ks are now in service to take over.


Story #2093

Train Station
Windy enters the Terrasaur lair.


Fleet News (01/12/14)

  • The first of the third batch of the Type 35 has entered service. H141 Kinetic is the leadship of the Kinetic 35C which is a kind of hybrid of the Panther 35A and Indy 35B. It was completed a few weeks early so type proving could begin before the DDS Christmas shut-down.
  • M205R Loeuss III is the latest Corkscrew 51A and joins the other ships in the Remedian flotilla.
  • A590 Zeppelin and A591 Caratore are the latest Coril 86B shuttles to enter service.
  • The Isometric 41As M105 Palaeocene and M117 Ordovician have been fitted with worm drive.