
Clone Air Force to get new and refurbished helicopters

After announcing the half a million cut in the Clone Army's manpower yesterday today the Clone Defence Forces set out how they will spend the 3 billion zarks saved by this and some other changes. They were keen to emphasise the fact the defence budget was not being cut but any increases are currently below inflation and the only way the armed forces can raise funds is by cutting one area and sending the savings to somewhere else.

As well as an increase in new tank production the Z26 Halogen production line is to be stepped up with 100 new Z26WNM multi-mission helicopters ordered as well as refurbishments for 250 older Z26M series. The helicopters will be used for rapid reaction and special forces.

Three hundred million zarks has also been earmarked for a new generation of surveillance satellites and 3 new communication hubs.

Story #2083

That Would Be Uncool
Changes are a-foot in the Argon faction.

Story #2082

Call The Kops!
Debris fields interest our heroes.


Clone Army to cut another half a million troops

The Clone Army at the height of the Clone Wars (then known as the HCS of course) had over 6 million men, nowadays despite having a large empire to guard the army has been reduced to just over half of that but today the Clone Defence Forces announced another half a million men are to be cut from the army as part of a 3 billion zark series of savings.

Although saving money is the primary concern the truth is that changing needs and technology such as the widespread use of drones means that the Clones need less soldiers anyway. Most of the troops to be cut will be in Category B2 and C units which guard the less strategically vital parts of the empire. No Category A units will be cut and these indeed will get a boost in increased production of new tanks.

The cuts will mean that the more minor planets in the Clone Star Empire will maintain small concentrations of troops at the capitals and key infrastructure points but most of the rest of the planets will be patrolled by drones. For example Gonas will lose 5 of the 7 infantry regiments currently based on the planet. It will retain a 4 regiment brigade (including an armoured regiment and a combined fire support / communications regiment) only though will get extra surveillance and rapid reaction assets. The cuts have already begun and will be carried out over a 2 year period.


Argon ship spotted in Starbot system

With Aldebra now seemingly quiet the Argon may have turned their attention closer to home. An Argon ship momentarily decloaked in the Starbot system. A Starbotian warship quickly arrived on the scene and began neutrino dosing space to try and disrupt the Argon cloak though its thought the 7 Sa Sao ship had long gone.

If the Argon are now going to target Starbot for intimidation in their own system then this could cause a real problem for Starbot as their small fleet means they would not be able to properly patrol Aldebra and Starbot.


Dinos skirmish with Bolitic Furl

The Dinos have encountered the new Bolitic cruiser the Furl for the first time. A small task force led by a Furl crossed the border near Pulsin and destroyed a navigational beacon. The Dinos sent ships to intercept and there was a brief skirmish before the Bolitic withdraw. No injuries were reported on the Dino side and none are thought on the Bolitic side.

The Bolitic are thought to have wanted to show off their new ship to the Dinos, a public statement later revealed that the Furl was much more nimble than previous Bolitic cruisers, maybe even superior to the Meltinan escorts it was with.


Story #2081

3 Changes
Windy and SFX's ship starts to break down.


DDS South to be strengthened

DDS South which encompasses UNP planets between Liberation and Starbot is to be strengthened with the addition of an extra squadron of patrol ships and the moving of the 3rd Heavy Attack Squadron to Liberation. The extra ships will come from DDS Centre which is considered safe and secure territory these days.

The DDS are also considering a new command to include the Rim Worlds which has been identified as the key route for Tarbotian operations.


Imperial Order make way for Jimmy

This year's Consul election now looks set to be a formality for Senator Jimmy, the Liberal Party leader and candidate to replace El Diablo, after Ronald said his Imperial Order party would not stand a candidate this time. MBH has already said he is not interested in standing too. The election will be in late November.

Current Consul El Diablo meanwhile says he wishes to return to a more active role in the Dino Army after he leaves office at the end of the year. Senior Dinos often have quite fluid careers, El Diablo's colleague Stinkyson for example is SS-Commander but also a Tribune in the army and it is thought he is currently on a mission for the army.


Ice-Ranger bought back home

The DDS flagship SS Cicero has returned from Aldebra with the bodies of Ice-Ranger and two other Prowler soldiers killed by the Argon. Ice-Ranger will receive a state funeral in his native Norway where he was a national hero.

As for Aldebra no more Argon sightings of ships or ground troops have been made for a week now since the DDS detachment arrived to reinforce the Starbotian ships already there. The DDS say that their deployment will continue until 2115 though Starbot will reduce their 3 ship deployment to 2 ships by next week due to the small size of their overall fleet they are having difficulties maintaining their commitments.


Jimmy to stand in Consul election

Jimmy, the leader of the Liberal Party, has said he will be the candidate in next month's election to decide who replaces El Diablo as Consul. This year's election is rather low-key thanks to the recent power grabs by Ronald and MBH. One joke popular on Dino-Land is that the ruling triumvirate all have a key role in running the state: Ronald looks after home affairs, MBH looks after foreign affairs and the Consul makes the tea.

However the reality is the Consul still has a lot of power and prestige. Jimmy is likely to win by a walk over as no other serious candidates seem to be standing. Imperial Order are considering not running a candidate this time and MBH's party has also decided to miss this election out.

In other Dino political news Gibson was formally removed from the Dino Senate following a vote, Malanson has been promoted to full Senator and will take up Gibson's minister role. Cruggson has now officially returned to duty and resumes his minister role.


Dinos admit they have lost contact with Long Shot follow-up

A few weeks ago a Dino expedition following up Ronald's epic "Long Shot" voyage last year left DTA space. The expedition is said to have consisted of 5 Dinomark PTs and an unmanned oiler which also acted as a communications relay. The expedition headed off to explore Terrasaur and Terib-Kan space and assess the threat to the Dinos.

However contact appears to have been lost with the expedition. The Dinos say it could just be due to the extreme distances involved or a technical problem.


Dinos form "Praetorian Guard"

Ronald and MBH have instigated a reorganisation of several key military units to form the Dino Defensive Co-operation Group (DDCG). The name is innocuous but DDS observers say the group which brings together units like the 6th Legion and the SS Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade under a unified command is retrenching of the fascist forces at the heart of the Dino Republic.

Ronald and MBH have quietly seized back much of the power which was released under the Dino's limited foray into democracy. The elected Consul (currently El Diablo though he is near the end of his term in office) is at best a peer of Ronald and MBH in the Dino hierarchy though some say the Consul is a junior party in the Dino triumvirate. The new group is said to cement the triumvirate's power and acts as a kind of Praetorian Guard providing direct protection services to the triumvirate but also supporting Ronald and MBH's powerbases and enforcing their rule.

The units included in the Dino Defensive Co-operation Group are:

6th Legion
SS Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade
Diplomatic Protection Group
1st SS-D Battalion


UV207 : Gibson : The Final Disgrace

  • Darker Than Night - Krusty is tasked to bring down Gibson.
  • Keep Creating Chances - Has Gibson been caught in the act?
  • I Am Your God! - The DDS and Argon come to blows.
  • Whatever Happened To The Heroes - The hunt is on for Gibson.
  • Techno Thug! - SS-CINT are searching for Gibson.
  • Over Pressure - Has Krusty been broken?
  • Side By Side - The Utrek agent is revealed.

Gibson sectioned!

The Dinos are reporting that Senator Gibson has been sectioned and has been placed in a top security mental hospital. Gibson has been the subject of many rumours lately of eccentric and extreme behaviour and involvement in several sex crimes. It is reported by insiders that he kidnapped a prominent member of the Dino Army's 6th Legion and finally broke down when his hide out was raided by the SS. It is rumoured that he was also involved in Cruggson's shooting though this is not being commented on by the SS.

Gibson has been formally suspended from the Dino Senate. His role of Minister of Culture and Education will likely go to Malanson who has been standing in for Cruggson but with Cruggson due to report to work in a few weeks Imperial Order are likely to simply move Malanson across. Malanson may also get a permanent promotion to Senator.


Story #2077

Side By Side
The Utrek agent is revealed.

Other Fleet News (15/10/14)

  • The Dinos have built their final Dinomark PT and a Dinomark XT.
  • The Aritans have agreed a sale of their single Pentekonter to fellow DTA member Sirikwan for an undisclosed fee. The ship has already been transferred but needs localisation and standardisation before it can join the other Sirikwanese Pentekonters in service.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have added a Furl to their fleet.
  • Putri 500 have taken delivery of 2 Pentekonter E2P1s completing their order for 10 of the type.


Remedian Corkscrews begin combat patrols alone

Although the Corkscrew 51A has been in service with the Remedians for a number of months it has not run any solo patrols. The Remedians generally run their patrol circuits with a pair of ships, and until now one of those ships has been the legacy Perimpaz 39A. However yesterday a new patrol was begun with 2 Corkscrews.

The patrol was their monthly full circuit of the Remedian-Utrek border and they were shadowed by a Utrek warship for as number of hours.


Story #2076

Over Pressure
Has Krusty been broken?

Argon harass Starbotians

Two Argon cruisers are reported to have decloaked and fired on a Starbotian warship in the Aldebra system. However the shots fired were light only (no heat) laser bolts which caused no damage (the equivalent of firing blanks). The Argon ships recloaked afterwards.

The Starbotians have 3 ships in the Aldebra system, a DDS task force is en route to support them.
  • The DDS are looking into purchasing an EW/data support ship to support operations and conduct data / intelligence gathering. The ship would likely be based on the River 75A platform which the DDS is also using for a number of other types. A decision on whether to go forward with such a type, provisionally known as the Type 83A will be made later in the year.


Story #2075

Techno Thug!
SS-CINT are searching for Gibson.

Classic Story #0663

Killers Invisible
Windy forces Gibson to do his bidding.


DDS reduce alert status

The DDS have reduced their alert status to AMBER, however have placed DDS South on a higher alert. The DDS say they do not think the Argon will launch an attack on the DDS or UNP "at this stage". An AMBER alert status also means that the DDS can resume normal maintenance cycles.

The DDS Politburo met again this morning, a stated priority from the meeting is said to be greater intelligence on the Argon and the 7 Sa Sao in general. ISSF are to meet with the Clone Defence Forces to share information on the 7SS, a few years ago the Clones having being involved in a short but bloody war with the Xeon faction.


Clones deploy SS-10 to 5 other planets

The Clones have deployed mobile launchers of its new SS-10 IRBM to 5 other planets after a successful introduction into service on Cloneworld last years. The planets are Sandworld, Lomar, Randalf 74, Austini 55 and Woloron 12. The SS-10 is an advanced new missile designed to strike back against a landed invasion force. It is highly accurate and fitted with a range of stealth technologies including a "cold flame" rocket with very low infra red and heat emissions. It is rumoured that the Clones are also working on visual stealth.

The Gale-III ICBM on Cloneworld has also been tested recently with the new cold flame technology. A new version of this missile, which is also the booster for the Clone Space Missile, is due to enter service in 2118.


Story #2074

Whatever Happened To The Heroes
The hunt is on for Gibson.


Task Force Aldebra

A small but powerful task force has just left Proxima 7 bound for Aldebra where it will "help defend UNP space and support Starbot". The DDS have gone for maximum publicity to intimidate the Argon though its thought that a least one other ship is already secretly en route. All ships being sent are worm drive equipped so will be there in about 8 or 9 days. The Starbotians have 3 ships already at Aldebra. The DDS say their ships will operate under a joint-command with Starbotians retaining overall responsibility for the operation.

The DDS flagship SS Cicero is included in the ships departing though it will return with the bodies of Ice-Ranger and the other lost Prowlers.

H126 Intrepid (flagship)
H169 Sanger Alpha
M171 Mediterranean Sea
K101X Cicero
A182 Zebra


Molab interested in buying Perimpaz 39As

With 3 having been withdrawn over the last couple of months and the remaining 3 due for withdrawal  before the second half of 2115 the long career of Remedia's Perimpaz 39A/Kalahati Tuul 2 Fleet Combat Ships seems over. However Molab have said they are interested in buying the ships, although the amount they are offering is very little.

Molab say although they are only offering a nominal amount they will save the DDS several tens of millions of zarks in decommissioning costs. A Molabite source says Molab thinks it can restore 4 of the ships to service and get 10-15 years out of them following refurbishment for around 100 million zarks. As the ships have been fully updated over the years and are well proven it would be a cost effective way of getting 4 good warships. Molab already operates a fleet of nearly 20 older generation Kalahati Tuuls.


Fleet News (02/10/14)

  • Alpha 121A NFS X703 Gamma has entered service.
  • Provider 71A transport A120 Voyager has joined the fleet.
  • Isometric 41A M106 Eocene has been fitted with worm drive.
  • Perimpaz 39A H205 Loeuss II of the Remedian flotilla has been withdrawn, slightly prematurely after cracks in a reactor coolent system were found. Repair was considered uneconomic as it was due to be withdrawn by the end of the year in any event. The DDS will provide a ship to cover the Remedians on their patrols for the time being.


Ice-Ranger to be returned to Terra

A DDS ship will bring home the bodies of Ice-Ranger and the 2 other Prowler soldiers killed by the Argon. DDS Commander Firefly has sent his own flagship SS Cicero (which is worm drive equipped) to bring them home though even with worm drive it the round trip to Aldebra will take about over 5 weeks.

Ice-Ranger will be buried in his native Norway, Terra where he is a national hero. Since the news of his death broke Norwegians have been in mourning. To honour him Firefly has decreed that the new training base for ISSF being built on Proxima 7, which includes a suite of training environments for special forces, will be known as Camp Ice-Ranger.