
Dino View : Is the SS becoming uncontrollable?

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

The SS is a curious thing. Officially it is little more than the military police of the Dino Army though over recent years they have gained more powers, responsibilities and more resources. Now it is a sprawling monster, protective and dangerous to the state at the same time. As yet another SS-Commander leaves office after only a short time can anyone control this state within a state?

The changes to the SS are fairly recent. Following the brief disastrous reign of Emperor El Diablo and the even briefer reign of the usurper One-Horn Ronald wanted to make sure such a maniac could not grab power in the Dino Empire (as it was then) again. Thus he greatly increased the SS budget and also fostered a fascist god-worship of himself in the SS as well as encouraging the monster of all superiority complexes in the SS. Ronald wanted the SS to be formidable, viciously independent and loyal more to himself and the state than any other actor.

However to stop the SS becoming too powerful (he still remembered the coup of Telavason many years earlier) he also fostered a culture of anarchy and competition. The SS' power would be tempered by its self-destructive urges. To lead this mysterious beast Ronald needed someone who was utterly without a moral compass, a degenerate out only for power and his own selfish urges and lusts (many bestial). His son Stinkyson in other words.

Stinkyson's leadership style was leave the SS largely to its own devices, a method copied later on by Lakes who said famously that you didn't lead the SS but "hung on for dear life and hoped you survived the ride". However later leaders like Balgason have failed to continue this policy and the SS has morphed into a seemingly uncontrollable monster.

Stinkyson is back in charge now but can even he control the SS who only obey two men (Ronald as he is their god and MBH as they regard him as being sufficiently "bad ass")? It will remain to be seen if Stinkyson's old leadership style will cut it this time, especially as he is "tainted" by being a Liberal Party member - an organisation the SS loathes intensely and radical members have tried to get control of SS nuclear weapons in order to remove the party's "stain" several times.

The SS gets away with so much (on average 2 attempted coups a month) though Ronald's current dislike of democracy could mean he could rely more and more on the fascist cult worship of the SS to control the Dino Republic. We could be in big big trouble...