The news that the next SS-Commander will be appointed by the Troika (Ronald, MBH and El Diablo) and not elected is the latest sign that Ronald's interest in democracy is waning.
The fact we have a formalised Troika now is another sign of this, Ronald and MBH have effectively neutered the power of the Consul who is but part of a group and not (at least officially) the head of state. Any plans for an elected Senate have also been quietly shelved.
Ronald was keen to democratise the Dino Republic to give the citizens a voice, unfortunately he does not seem that keen on listening to that voice and the Dinos have reverted back to their tradition of strong man rule. Not many will complain, the Dino democracy was young and of little interest to many who prefer the divine rule of Ronald and the intrigues of MBH to the dry world of politics.
Democracy is not dead though, it continues at lower levels but at the levels of government which call the shots its largely dead and buried. The Consul will remain an elected position but future Consuls may find what they can actually achieve once they have gained election rather limited.