
Cruggson moved out of intensive care

Senator Cruggson has been moved out of intensive care as he recovers slowly from his near fatal shooting. Doctors say Cruggson should make a full recovery though have banned him from "anything even slightly resembling work" for 6 months at least. Ronald has also said that Cruggson should not return until early 2115.

New SS-Commander Stinkyson has meanwhile admitted that the hunt for Cruggson's shooter has not yielded any leads. The investigation continues though its thought unlikely the perpetrator will be caught.
  • The Clone Navy has ordered a further 2 Ailier II class frigates. The second Albatross class intelligence gathering ship has entered service.


DDS agree to have 3 more Oceanias

The DDS Politburo has agreed (as expected) to buy a further Oceania 63A amphibious support ship in return for the UNP also buying two for the DDS. The ships will bolster the DDS's disaster response and humanitarian crisis handling capabilities, an area of increasing importance to the DDS and UNP.

The order also (incidentally obviously) helps out Consolidated-ETA Spaceships greatly. The company has been having financial difficulties lately with buyers being considered (one rumour had both the DDS and Dinos aiming to buy the manufacturer). The order of 3 new SX-98s for conversion to Oceanias should ensure their survival for the next couple of years at least.

The 3 new ships will reuse names from the Pulsar 12A class like the in-service examples. The DDS may fit TPM-VLS to these new ships though a decision will not be taken until L157 Central America is under construction in the Summer.


Story #2002

The Legend Begins
Windy recalls when he first joined the DDS (The Hunted P2)

UNP want DDS to have more Oceania 63As

The DDS' fleet of 6 Oceania 63A assault transports are probably the most flexible ships in the DDS fleet having a number of roles such as supporting amphibious operations, being a mobile base for operations and general transportation. They have proven their use in disaster relief as well as amphibious warfare.

The UNP want the DDS to have more of them. They have offered to buy the DDS 2 of them if the DDS will buy a third. The first UNP bought ship could be added to the next Ship Building Plan. The DDS Politburo is to meet to discuss the offer tomorrow but there are indications the DDS will agree to the idea.


Ship Building Plan 2114/5

The new Ship Building Plan for the next financial year starting in April has been approved by the DDS Poliburo and there have not been any further changes to the plan since the last draft.
  • Warrior 16A
  • Kinetic 35C
  • Corkscrew 51A
  • Falcon 47A/W (built by the Dinos)
  • Triumph 66B (built by the Clones)
  • Alpha 121A
  • Provider 71A
  • Extender 73A
  • Zephyr 76A
  • 2 River 75A
  • Coril 86B
The plan is seen as a transitional one with the final amphibious warfare ships being built and the next wave of new combat ships like the Warrior, Kinetic and Corkscrew getting underway in earnest. What will disappoint some though is the fact only 8 combat ships are going to be built next year though there will be 3 Falcons and 3 Alphas too. The DDS include these in their calculations, and equipped with TPMs they are certainly potent enough!

Story #2001

Intensity Of Purpose
Windy and SFX are followed (The Hunted P1)


Changes to Dino Senate agreed

Terence has been promoted to Acting Senator and will look after the Science Ministry while Cruggson recovers from his shooting. Cruggson is not expected to be well enough to return to work much before the end of the year but Terence, the Deputy Minister in any case, should be able to handle the role.

Stinkyson has also been confirmed as the SS Commander.
  • Oceania 63A amphibious transport ship L153 South East Asia has been diverted from the Ground Shock deployment to help with disaster relief on Charlotte which has suffered a number of wild fires which have devastated large areas of the planet's main continent. Another Oceania is being prepared to take SE Asia's place in the deployment that is due to begin in a few days, though the amphibious part of the exercise is not scheduled until mid-March.


Firefly acknowledges existence of son

DDS Commander Firefly has acknowledged the existence of his son Raymond Williams after denying reports in the Proximan media for a number of days. The infant is the son of Firefly and an unnamed staff member at DDS GHQ.

Firefly said he was proud of his son but asked the media to respect his son's and girlfriend's privacy.


Helinox top up ship order

One of the DDS' best customers, Helinox, has agreed a 450 million zark deal for some extra ships on top of their existing outstanding orders. A third Extender 120 oiler has been ordered, Helinox have one in service already and one is due to be completed this year, this third ship is likely to be built next year.

Two extra Coril ST shuttles have also been ordered. Helinox have 4 already in service.


Wayne King-Meiouf : The tiers of space fleets

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

Speaking with a colleague at the University of Proxima (who specialises in astralpolitics) we agreed that the mighty fleet the DDS have assembled for Ground Shock 2114 is stronger than most Tier 2 fleets in the known galaxy. "Tiers" are a system of space fleet classification UNP academics and military figures have devised in recent times. I thought it would be an interesting topic for a blog.

The space fleets and capabilities of the various nations in known space have been analysed and fitted into a tier classification scheme. The DDS, Dinos, Clones and Bolitic are what we term Tier 1 Space Powers. They have large multi-spectrum fleets numbering hundreds of ships that can maintain territory as well as mount large expeditionary operations outside of their territory. The larger 7 Sa Sao fleets probably also fit into this Tier though we do not know enough about their capabilities to be sure yet.

You might well as, what about the Tarbotians and Utrek? When we were devising the classifications we initially made them Tier 1 too but it was clear they are several magnitudes beyond the likes of the DDS. We thus have termed them Tier 0, vast fleets of thousands of ships that can control large parts of the galaxy.

Below Tier 1 (and 0) we have the Tier 2 powers, the likes of Sirikwan, Molab, the Raegris and a couple more. These are strong fleets with a number of capabilities (though maybe not fully multi-spectrum like a Tier 1 fleet) but they have a local or regional focus. Fleets like the Raegris fleet can protect Raegris territory but they could not mount a sizeable operation outside of their territory, at least at the same time.

The Tier 3 powers, the likes of New Arit and Telvin 802, have useful fleets but are completely focused on local defence and have little capability in areas other than patrol and supply. A Tier 3 power would not have minesweepers or dedicated attack ships for example.

Below them we have the Tier 4 powers, minor fleets which do not have any offensive military capabilities. They might just have transports or coast guard ships. They may have defensive weapons in static positions (and self-defence weapons on their ships) but they lack any ability to engage an enemy in combat. Many small nations are in this position, and fleets that include obsolete second hand frigates from the likes of the Tarbotians tend to be put in Tier 4 as old ships like Vortis or Yeoman frigates have little combat capability these days - though can still do a patrol and communications job.

Tier 5 is the bottom of the pile. Nations without a military fleet at all. They may have orbital facilities and a merchant marine but no government ships in a military focussed role.

These are general classifications, not all fleets in a Tier will be equal. As i said at the top the Ground Shock fleet is superior to most Tier 2 fleets though i suspect the Raegris could hold their own though maybe not Molab or Sirikwan.


Operation Ground Shock 2114

The first of four big exercises in the new DDS calendar is due to begin at the start of March. Ground Shock 2114 will include ground attack, amphibious landings, mock combats, special forces, electronic warfare and mine sweeping. As can be imaged the fleet to be assembled for the exercise, which will last 2 weeks, is large though not all ships will be needed throughout.

Firefly however wants all the ships to be present in a cohesive force throughout the duration of Ground Shock even if not needed (the amphibious warfare ships will be not used in the first week for example). Despite protests from The Shiner at the costs involved Firefly thinks such a big and visible display of DDS power will be a useful reminder to the DDS' rivals.

Operations will take part mainly in Remedian space (a Remedian ship will also take part). Director of Space Operations Caratore will lead the operation.

M103 Jurassic (flagship)
S201 Missileer
S121 Warrior (attack flag)
H101 Panther
H105 Ocelot
H126 Intrepid
H164 Castor
H169 Sanger Alpha
H205 Loeuss II
M107 Oligocene (MCM flag)
M135 Fox
M172 Black Sea
M201 Corkscrew
K201M Thucydides
K209M Pericles
K211M Cleon
K102 Caesar
K108 Seneca
K115 Horace
K151 Fighting Falcon
K164W Porpoise
L132 Iapetus Ocean (amphib flag)
L114 Baltica
L115 Columbia
L153 South East Asia
A112 Trader
A113 Crate
A154 Skymaster


UV199 : Windy Gets Some

  • Man's Inhumanity To Man - Can Krusty be saved from a fate far far far worse than death? (Distant Thunder P3)
  • Thats Windy To Yow - Windy's sekrit mission begins. (The Pteli P1)
  • Have A Runabout! - Windy and SFX's departure from Ptelinus is delayed (The Pteli P2)
  • The Year We Make Contact - Windy will be avenged (The Pteli P3)
  • The Answer Is More Guns - Cruggson gets a lead (Point Blank P1)
  • Leaving The Ladder - Cruggson's spy hunt hits a snag (Point Blank P2)
  • Sordidity Is Our Business - MBH has an indecent proposal (Point Blank P3)

K3 is unveiled by Clones

The new "lead in" advanced trainer for the Clone Air Force, the K3 Pterodactyl, has been officially unveiled ahead of a first flight in the Summer. The K3 will also be the basis of the K58 light attack aircraft and is a clean-sheet advanced design intended to be highly agile and efficient.

The K3 is based around an innovative hybrid powerplant that combines a turbofan with an electrically powered duct fan for low-speed flight and cruise. Its the first time such a hybrid powerplant has been used by the Clones, its not known if the K58 will use the same engine. The K3 is expected to enter service in 2116 and will train pilots to fly the K45C/K in CAF and CNAS service.


Test CSM launched from underwater

In a key milestone of the SeaGale/SeaCSM project the trials ballistic missile submarine CNSS Warhammer has launched a modified SeaGale SLBM from a submerged position. The missile carried a dummy NSV which reached orbit. SeaCSM is now expected to have a full test with a real NSV (hopefully not armed) later in the year.

The Clone Defence Force has also announced an upgrade for its ICBM force, the Gale-IIIEA will enter service from next year and incorporate stealth technology developed for the CSM programme including the "cold fire" rocket and aerodynamic changes. Gale-IIIEA will carry a mixture of CSM, nuclear and conventional warheads.


Dino View : Is the SS becoming uncontrollable?

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

The SS is a curious thing. Officially it is little more than the military police of the Dino Army though over recent years they have gained more powers, responsibilities and more resources. Now it is a sprawling monster, protective and dangerous to the state at the same time. As yet another SS-Commander leaves office after only a short time can anyone control this state within a state?

The changes to the SS are fairly recent. Following the brief disastrous reign of Emperor El Diablo and the even briefer reign of the usurper One-Horn Ronald wanted to make sure such a maniac could not grab power in the Dino Empire (as it was then) again. Thus he greatly increased the SS budget and also fostered a fascist god-worship of himself in the SS as well as encouraging the monster of all superiority complexes in the SS. Ronald wanted the SS to be formidable, viciously independent and loyal more to himself and the state than any other actor.

However to stop the SS becoming too powerful (he still remembered the coup of Telavason many years earlier) he also fostered a culture of anarchy and competition. The SS' power would be tempered by its self-destructive urges. To lead this mysterious beast Ronald needed someone who was utterly without a moral compass, a degenerate out only for power and his own selfish urges and lusts (many bestial). His son Stinkyson in other words.

Stinkyson's leadership style was leave the SS largely to its own devices, a method copied later on by Lakes who said famously that you didn't lead the SS but "hung on for dear life and hoped you survived the ride". However later leaders like Balgason have failed to continue this policy and the SS has morphed into a seemingly uncontrollable monster.

Stinkyson is back in charge now but can even he control the SS who only obey two men (Ronald as he is their god and MBH as they regard him as being sufficiently "bad ass")? It will remain to be seen if Stinkyson's old leadership style will cut it this time, especially as he is "tainted" by being a Liberal Party member - an organisation the SS loathes intensely and radical members have tried to get control of SS nuclear weapons in order to remove the party's "stain" several times.

The SS gets away with so much (on average 2 attempted coups a month) though Ronald's current dislike of democracy could mean he could rely more and more on the fascist cult worship of the SS to control the Dino Republic. We could be in big big trouble...

Clones agree to "de-target" CSM

The Clones have "de-targeted" its CSM force, and they will no longer be ready to fire at DDS targets like GHQ and DDS City at a few minutes notice. The action is a gesture of goodwill following the Firefly-Oojok conference (the missiles can easily be retargeted within a few minutes anyway).

The DDS have also reduced their alert status back to lowest level following the conference, it now stands at CYAN. However some observers say this has more to do with the Dino situation stabilising than anything to do with the Clones.


River class to be upgraded

The DDS have ordered 2 more River 75B utility transports but also have announced an upgrade for the small fleet (the 2 new ships will be built to the new standard). The Rivers will be fitted with the same HS-602CMi engine as their warship cousins the Olympus and will have a speed boost to 550c. They will also have an enhanced self-defence tactical system and a TPM-VLS battery.

The new ships have been added to the 2114/5 Ship Building Plan and the upgrades are expected to take place later this year.


Fleet News (14/02/14)

  • Just one new ship has joined the fleet this month, that is the second Corkscrew 51A MCS and the first for the Remedian fleet. M202R Remedia Prime III is expected to be the new Remedian flagship when the existing ship, the Perimpaz 39A imaginatively named H203 Remedia Prime II is withdrawn later in the year.
  • SS Sulu Sea has completed its upgrade to Mediterranean Sea 43G standard and has been renumbered M180.


Stinkyson is the new SS Commander!

Ronald's second son Stinkyson has been appointed the new SS Commander, the second time he has held this position. Stinkyson was selected by the Troika and will take up his new duties at the weekend, currently he works as an adviser to Consul El Diablo.

The news of his appointment has not gone down well with the SS who loathe him intensely. Stinkyson is regarded as a disgrace who is not fit to be Ronald's (whom the SS revere as a god) son. However Stinkyson did do reasonably well the last time he headed the SS, his rather "loose" morals is considered a boon in the role.

Pircasa will remain the Deputy SS Commander though Stinkyson will most likely appoint an aide, probably someone quite tough as one of the aide's jobs will be to foil the countless assassination attempts on Stinkyson's life that are likely to occur.


Story #1997

Sordidity Is Our Business
MBH has an indecent proposal (Point Blank P3)

Firefly-Oojok summit ends with... nothing much really

DDS Commander Firefly and Clone Emperor Oojok met on Remedia Prime today to discuss recent tensions between the DDS and CSE. Although its been reported that the meeting did "clear the air" a bit and the two leaders seem to have got on well very little concrete was accomplished by the summit though the two leaders did give a joint statement wishing Senator Cruggson get well soon.

Professor King-Meiouf (a regular commentator here) tweeted that people expecting concrete progress or initiatives from the summit were missing the point of it. "The meeting was to show the galaxy the DDS and Clones arn't about to go to war." he added. "In that the summit appears to have been a great success."
  • The Clone Air Force has received its first K45C Falcon fighters though the type will not become operational until the Summer.


Cruggson awakes from coma

Senator Cruggson is reported to have woken up from the coma he entered after he was seriously injured. He was only able to give SS and 6th Legion investigators a brief explanation of what happened to him and unfortunately he did not know who shot him.

An investigation at the park has similarly drawn a blank but the SS have rounded up local hoodlums and young males and are "robustly questioning" them now.
  • The DDS have begun preparations for Ground Shock 2114, the first of 4 "mega-exercises" this year replacing the monthly exercise schedule of previous years. Ground Shock will include ground attack (though not strategic strike) and amphibious operations. The first Warrior 16A bomber is likely to take part in the exercise which begins in early March.


Dino View : The end of the democratic experiment?

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

The news that the next SS-Commander will be appointed by the Troika (Ronald, MBH and El Diablo) and not elected is the latest sign that Ronald's interest in democracy is waning.

The fact we have a formalised Troika now is another sign of this, Ronald and MBH have effectively neutered the power of the Consul who is but part of a group and not (at least officially) the head of state. Any plans for an elected Senate have also been quietly shelved.

Ronald was keen to democratise the Dino Republic to give the citizens a voice, unfortunately he does not seem that keen on listening to that voice and the Dinos have reverted back to their tradition of strong man rule. Not many will complain, the Dino democracy was young and of little interest to many who prefer the divine rule of Ronald and the intrigues of MBH to the dry world of politics.

Democracy is not dead though, it continues at lower levels but at the levels of government which call the shots its largely dead and buried. The Consul will remain an elected position but future Consuls may find what they can actually achieve once they have gained election rather limited.


Cruggson improves... slightly

Cruggson's condition has slightly improved overnight doctors say. The Senator is no longer thought to be in immediate danger though he remains in a coma and its not known yet if he will make a full recovery. The Dinos are still rocking after news of Cruggson's shooting. As one of the "Magic Circle" Cruggson is a legend to the Dinos and highly respected.

The hunt for Cruggson's shooter continues though the SS admit there are no leads. Why Cruggson was alone at night in a small park is currently unknown. The SS also said that the resignation of former commander Balgason was unrelated to the incident.
  • In the light of the Cruggson shooting and the resignation of Balgason causing instability in the Dino Republic the DDS have decided it prudent to raise its alert status to AMBER.
  • The new SS-Commander will be decided by the Troika (Ronald, MBH and El Diablo) and not be an election.


Cruggson shot!

Senator Cruggson is seriously ill after being found shot in a park on the outskirts of Dino-Town. He was found by an SS patrol after reports of gunshots. The Minister of Science, Technology & Research and one of the true legends of the Dinos was shot twice and had lost a lot of blood.

Speaking at Central Hospital in Dino-Town his fellow Senator Spikeson, the Dino Minister of Health and a noted surgeon, said that Cruggson would have died if he had not been found. "Even another twenty or thirty minutes might have been fatal." he said. Cruggson is said to be in a coma though is stable. Ronald has ordered the 6th Legion mobilised and the security level across the Dino Republic raised.
  • Former SS-Commander Balgason has been accepted back to his old rank of SS-Tribune and will command SS armoured forces on Pulsin.


SS-Commander resigns

SS-Commander Balgason has shocked the SS and Dino establishment by resigning with immediate effect. The brutal SS chief did not give reasons for his resignation but said he wished to resume his previous rank of SS-Tribune and have a "quiet remote posting". It is speculated that Balgason, who was put in place by MBH, has fallen out of favour with the Chosen One.

Deputy SS-Commander Pircasa has taken over the reins temporarily. It is not known how Balgason's replacement will be chosen yet. The SS have experimented (or rather been forced to experiment by Ronald) in democracy to choose their leader but it is thought Ronald has given up on that after the SS chose figures such as Balgason whom Ronald had a low regard for.

Story #1996

Leaving The Ladder
Cruggson's spy hunt hits a snag (Point Blank P2)


Failed Bolitic coup sees shipbuilding disrupted

This month's Other Fleet News did not include any new ships for the Bolitic Confederacy, basically because no new ships were reported. Now news is coming in of a failed military coup on Castarian. These are nothing new, on average there are about 7 attempted coups a year in the Bolitic Confederacy (the last Emperor to die of natural causes was hundreds of years ago after all).

The coup led by a Baron Qiladreki was an utter failure after 3 other Barons failed to back him. Qiladreki and his remaining supporters fled to the main shipyard on Castarian where they were holed up for 6 days. Frequent gunfights and military operations saw shipbuilding halted and its only now getting back underway. Qiladreki and his supporters were eventually wiped out by Melson's Chosen Men.


Ronald regards the Terrasaurs as the greatest threat

Despite the presence of the Tarbot Empire on the DTA's "doorstep" as well as the Bolitic Confederacy, Ronald says he regards the Terrasaurs as the greatest threat to the Dinos. Ronald discovered the Terrasaur homeworld and territory near the end of his epic voyage into uncharted space. Despite Terrasauria being over 190 light years from Dino-Land he thinks an attack will come.

"The Terrasaurs have powerful Saurian allies [the Terib-Kan lost colony] whose technology is very advanced and different to what we have encountered before. If that technology is coupled to the Terrasaur aggression and skill at war then they will be a very powerful adversary." Ronald told a group of military officers at a Dino Army HQ.

Ronald said he is now preparing the case for a new expedition to properly scope the extent of Terrasaur territory and power. This may head out in 2115.


Firefly and Oojok to meet

DDS Commander Firefly and Emperor Oojok are to meet in a summit next week. Oojok requested a meeting a few weeks ago and Firefly has finally accepted though has insisted on Remedia Prime being the venue. Despite Remedia Prime being part of the DDS system (indeed it is 4th on the list of substitute DDS GHQs should the actual GHQ be destroyed) Oojok has agreed.

Oojok said he hoped the meeting would help the Clone Star Empire and DDS "repair their relations so our peoples can move forward in the spirit of peace". Firefly however is less optimistic, he said in a briefing that "the arrogance of the Clones is one of the greatest threats to galactic peace".


Story #1995

The Answer Is More Guns
Cruggson gets a lead (Point Blank P1)

DDS raise 1.6 billion zarks

The DDS has raised 1.6 billion zarks after a series of land sales across the UNP though mainly on Proxima 7, Solaris and Liberation. The DDS has been closing a number of small bases and depots lately and concentrating some services at DDS City. Much of the land came from holdings kept by the DDS for a number of years but not used.

The Shiner said that the money will be largely split 50:50 on the new GHQ and ship building and development.
  • The provisional Ship Building Plan for 2114/2115 has been published which lists what ships will be built or bought from April. It includes 27 ships, a big increase on last year, though does include Coril 86B shuttles. Overall the number of "proper" warships is similar to the current year. DDS sources indicate it is unlikely there will be much deviation from the provisional plan.


Other Fleet News (01/02/14)

  • The Dinos have completed a Dinomark PT plus 2 transport/amphibious ships have joined the fleet in the shape of a Provider SX and a Provider XMA.
  • New Arit has received 2 Dinomark XTs, thought to be ex-Dino Army but still to a good standard.
  • The Raegris have received a new build Yel'Tema RC-2C and the first 25 MQ-5BR Ferret-GR drone fighters.
  • Porquat 640 has received a Pentekonter 632.