
Mira to be restored as Starsystems take bigger role

SS Mira is to be returned to service after being mothballed in 2111 as the Starsystem 91X fleet takes up a more active role in the DDS. DDS Commander Firefly is said to want a larger fleet and a larger presence on the DDS' borders but with the Terran Sea ILU programme and the delay in starting the Corkscrew 51A programme the DDS fleet will not increase notably until 2116 at least.

As a stop gap the Starsystem fleet is to be redesigned as the Starsystem 91B Medium Combat Ship (Training). The ships will remain primarily training ships but will also be available for combat patrols, mostly on less important patrol circuits, to release other ships like the Isometrics to more urgent duties. The ships have been renumbered but will not receive any equipment changes as they have been kept up to date and are still very potent warships. SS Mira is expected to be returned to service by the middle of next year.
  • The Panther 35A Fleet Combat Ship is to receive a new mission module. The Panther, like all 4th generation warships, has the ability to extend its capability with mission modules though up until now only a tactical reconnaissance module has been developed. The Panther now also has a sigint/comint module. The Panther would use this when performing signal intelligence in hostile territory which the Marconi fleet cannot safely operate in, and also where a rapid response is needed. Three modules have been built by the DDS though none are thought to have been used yet.