
Wayne King-Meiouf : What can the DDS do?

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The link up between the Clones and Rectoids has a lot of people worried. The Rectoids are pretty much on a par with the DDS technology wise and if they can transfer that technology to the Clones it would put the old enemy right back in front with their existing numerical advantages and full-spectrum capabilities.

But what can the DDS do about that? One UNP politician has called upon the DDS to attack the Rectoids now, so what if that happened? Below is a "what-if" scenario...

Operation Broken Shaft

The DDS and Eritrans announced their large joint exercise early in 2114. Broken Shaft would involve virtually the entire FES fleet and a sizeable chunk of DDS hardware in a series of mock combats and exercises. In June the ships assembled near Molab and the exercises began with a mock combat near the Clone-Eritran border.

Naturally the Clones were interested. A Kelsan Sigint ship was detected early on, it was allowed to monitor the first exercise then chased away. So far so normal. Then the galaxy changed.

On day 2 of Broken Shaft the two fleets suddenly diverged. The FES fleet (a powerful fleet comprising pretty much everything they had) broke into two and crossed the Clone border. A day later the Clones were attacked at Austini 55 and Woloron 12. Sixteen CDF ships were destroyed along with serious damage being done to key orbital facilities. Three FES ships didn't make it back.

The DDS fleet meanwhile charged over into Rectoid space and launched an all-out attack on the Rectoid homeworld Recta. A Quasar attack squadron launched a nuclear strike on key orbital facilities and 14 Rectoid ships were destroyed, 3 more were destroyed in a later engagement as the DDS returned to Eritran space. Four DDS ships were destroyed but it was judged a price worth paying, the Rectoids had been knocked out of the game militarily for a good few years.

The Clone response

Oojok was furious at the attack on the CSE-E by the Eritrans and on the Rectoids by the DDS. However faced with strong DDS and allied forces along the CSE-W border he resisted calls from his generals for a full war with the DDS. Instead he gave the green light to Marcus to strike back against the Eritrans.

The CSE-E had 7 Kelsan KS bombers operational (all but 1 of their allocation had avoided destruction). These headed off from Austini 55 and cloaked once they passed Woloron 12. Meanwhile a fleet of 23 warships departed Austini 55 and headed for the border. They were intercepted by a combined FES fleet and a stand-off ensued.

Distracted by this fleet the Kelsans had left Clone space unnoticed. They were not noticed again until 5 days later when they briefly decloaked to launch 12 CSM-S missiles against Molab.

Molab's population are tightly clustered about one continent on the planet. This meant the ensuing nuclear attack killed millions. Eleven of the missiles struck the planet hitting military targets though the proximity of population centres meant the civilian death toll was catastrophic.

At the border news of the attack sent the FES into a panic. Molab elements (the majority) were torn between attacking the Clone ships waiting for them or returning home to help. Discipline broke and 6 Molab ships crossed the border, only 1 managed to get back to the rest of the FES fleet.

War is declared

As per the Tier 1 agreement an attack on an allied homeworld is treated as an attack on the DDS. The DDS declared war on the Clone Star Empire. But the threat of nuclear attack loomed large. The Clones leaked details of their CSM silos being made ready for launch and the 20 Kelsan bombers in CSE-W space were dispersed to secret staging points.

Firefly met with his general staff, his message was simple. If the DDS attacked the Clones then they had to take out the CSM threat first. Unfortunately Knobhead and the other fleet strategists conceded that even the entire strategic attack force could not guarantee a total wipe out of CSM and Kelsan (and it was unlikely much of the DDS force would get back out alive). Knobhead's answer to his commander was blunt, DDS GHQ and other key DDS and UNP bases and cities would get nuked.

For several days an uneasy quiet reigned as the fully operational DDS and CDF war machines waited for the spark to begin fighting. Then Firefly blinked.

The humbling of the DDS

Firefly ended the war with the Clones, then resigned. A humanitarian convoy was instead sent to Molab. The DDS entered a period of soul searching, the Porquatians seriously considering leaving their alliance though the pragmatism of Firefly's decision in the end was accepted. The DDS went all out to develop its own strategic weapon and LRM was bought into service 2 years early in 2117.

The DDS remained strong (stronger than ever) but had lost face. The Rectoids sped up their technology transfer to the Clones (who assisted their new allies in the aftermath of the DDS attack) and at the end of the decade were undisputedly top dog...

So thats a possible scenario, its based on many assumptions of course. The Clones may have restricted their nukes to orbital targets, Firefly may have decided to accept the inevitable destruction. But it shows there is no easy answer to the problem of the Clone-Rectoid alliance. Its there and just has to be factored into future strategy i.e. get a hurry up with LRM!

As 2113 comes to an end...


Story #1985

A Peace Of The Action
Can the DDS get back behind their own lines? (Operation Pudding P2)

Dino Senate reshuffles

The return of Ronald and GBH from the Long Shot mission means they of course now return to the Dino Senate. Jimmy took over as Head of the Senate in Ronald's absence and Razorback was made a Senator as a temporary assignment. The return of the 2 icons has meant there has been a senate reshuffle.

Ronald has now resumed his role with Jimmy having Cruggson's Interior Ministry job. Cruggson has said he wanted to return to his engineering and technical roots and has taken up the new role as Minister of Science, Technology & Research. Razorback's rank of Senator has been made permanent though GBH has resumed the post of Minister of the DTA. Instead Razorback is now in the new role of Minister of Social Services, taking over part of his party colleague Spikeson's job who admitted he was only interested in the health part of his portfolio (more nurses).


Dinomark returns home

Operation Long Shot is over, escorted by the entire 6th Legion's space wing, Ronald's ship Dinomark has returned to Dino-Land after its year long mission of discovery. Ronald then visited the Dino Senate (officially resuming his role of the Head of the Senate) and addressed the Senate in an open session televised across the Dino Republic and beyond.

As for the crew of the Long Shot mission of course two died (Jau and Lingson) and both will be given military burials with full honours in the new year. Ronald has already issued promotions and reassignments to the other crew members though and these were as follows:
  • Tribune Oeirkan has been promoted to Legate and will be the 6th Legion's new commanding officer.
  • Centurion Galaxian will command the 1st Century of the 6th Legion.
  • Centurion Bite has been promoted to Tribune and will be Oeikan's deputy.
  • Decurion Krusty has been promoted to Centurion and will be Dinomark's new captain.
  • Decurion Adamson will be Krusty's deputy on Dinomark.
  • Legionary Jerry has been promoted to Centurion and will head the Dino scientific analysis into the new planets explored on the mission.
  • Legionary Brunt is to look into reorganising underwater and marine portions of the 6th Legion.
  • Charltonson and Verute, ex-Dino Army agents and fugitives who were found on a remote planet, have been pardoned by the Anointed One.


DDS ship shot at near Cloneworld

Reports are coming in of a DDS warship (said to be a Panther 35A) decloaking in orbit around Cloneworld. The strong orbital defences of the Clone homeworld immediately sprang into operation and began firing on the DDS ship which fled. Its not known why the DDS ship was there though both sides operate in each others' territories on spy missions.

The reason the DDS ship decloaked is unknown. The DDS refused to comment.


The DDS Christmas Quiz 2014

How much notice have you taken of the DDS this year? Take this quiz to find out if you are a SS Singles centrefold or the Apogee of Man.

1) Who is Emperor Melson's chief rival in the Bolitic Confederacy?
a) Erinthorn
b) Joshi
c) Ronald

2) Who did SFX have sex with much to Windy's disgust?
a) A woman
b) A Dino SS stormtrooper
c) Quarz

3) Which advanced Saurian faction destroyed a Tarbotian fleet?
a) Malanas Assembly
b) Sirikwan
c) Bolitic Confederacy

4) Which ex-Dino agent did Ronald find on a remote planet?
a) Megara
b) Bife
c) Gibson

5) Which major Clone figure died earlier in the year?
a) Sleeze
b) Herr Clone
c) Benito Clone

6) What is the name of the shadowy ancient cult which has menaced the Dinos and now the DDS?
a) The Green
b) The Bolitic
c) Acheron

7) Which Rim World planet came under the attention of the Tarbotians?
a) Charlotte
b) Melaris 12
c) Porquat 640

8) What was most notable about the Dino encounter with the IKA?
a) The IKA were powerful
b) The IKA did not show themselves being masters of illusion
c) The IKA were weaker than thought

9) What happened to the son of the UNP President which required DDS intervention?
a) He was captured by the Bolitic
b) He was caught in bed with Gibson
c) He was a Utrek spy

10) What was the code name of Ronald's year-long mission of exploration?
a) Slim Chance
b) Long Shot
c) No Hope

11) What planet were Team Quarz sent to to investigate "strange goings on"?
a) Dino-Land
b) Charlotte 6
c) Melaris 12

12) What did Ronald encounter on Omega Tau 61B?
a) The Bolitic
b) Space worms
c) Gibson naked

13) Who helped Terin with his plot to kill Benito?
a) The Dragon
b) Wolkapi
c) Megara

14) Which old enemy did Ronald encounter near the end of his mission?
a) The Bolitic
b) The Nazis
c) The Terrasaurs

15) What year were Megara and Dick Nose sent to by Future Guy in their final mission?
a) 2126
b) 3000
c) 2067

16) How did Windy fake his death?
a) Teleport accident
b) Explosion
c) Buried alive

17) What did the Repicans try to sell to the Utrek?
a) DDS military secrets
b) An abandoned secret Bolitic weapon
c) Gibson

18) Why did the Berkivs want to kill Ronald and his crew?
a) They don't like Dinos
b) Orders from the Bolitic
c) Jerry accidentally committed sacrilege

19) What did Acheron mind control make Salamander do?
a) Have a girlfriend
b) Shoot Windscorpion
c) Go to B&Q

20) How did Megara die?
a) Shot by Dick Nose
b) Nuclear explosion
c) Poisoned by chips

How did you do? All the answers can be found in this year's DDS comic stories or they are given below but no peeking please! Now what is your score, how do you rate?

0-5 - You will be spending 2014 oiled up and naked with a python doing photoshoots for SS Singles
6-10 - Henry will be using you as his training punchbag
11-16 - To the Arctic assault course with you, naked if your score was below 14
17-19 - MBH and his crew will take you for a beer later, you are paying. Warning, Real Doll drinks a LOT!
20 - Well hello there, are you either the Apogee of Man or the Anointed One?

1a 2b 3a 4b 5c 6c 7b 8b 9a 10b 11b 12b 13a 14c 15a 16a 17b 18c 19b 20b

Ronald addresses the Dinos

Dinomark is now close enough (just) for full asynchronous video communications. Ronald gave a short address to the Dinos which was watched by billions (though many watched it because the SS threatened a "fate worse than death" if they caught anyone watching Celebrity Bellydancing instead).

Ronald said that the Long Shot mission had been mixed, the Dinos know knew the reason for the lost colonies like the Bolitic and why many of them hate the Dinos but Ronald had been unable to make any new allies, though he said the ultra advanced Malanas Assembly could be friends one day. Ronald said a full debrief could wait until he returned to Dino-Land.

Ronald said there had been two fatalities on the mission. Legionary Lingson and SS-D Legionary Jau had both died in the line of duty and would be receiving full military honours. Two Dinos also joined the crew Ronald added, Ronald did not elaborate.

Dinomark is expected to reach Voth in a couple of days.


Story #1984

I'm The Champion
Captain Akbar is handed a secret mission deep into Clone space (Operation Pudding P1)

Ronald is returning!

The Voth are reporting that they have received a signal from Ronald's ship Dinomark which is returning from its year long exploration mission termed Operation Long Shot. Ronald's ship should reach Voth space by the end of the week and then reach Dino-Land by the end of the year. Full asynchronous communications should be available by the 24th.

In a short datagram Ronald said that there had been a couple of fatalities among the crew though 2 new crew members (Dinos discovered in uncharted space) had joined too. Ronald did not say anymore and that a full debrief will wait until he is on Dino-Land.

Ronald's son Smellyson and wife Meika are travelling to Voth to rendezvous with Dinomark.


First Walrus SSBN laid down

With the first Sealion nuclear attack submarine for the Clone Navy currently undergoing trials ahead of an entry into service next year the first nuclear ballistic missile submarine has been laid down. The Walrus is strategically the most important weapon currently under development by the Clones. It will eventually launch a development of CSM and, hidden in Cloneworld's vast oceans, will be the ultimate strike-back weapon against an aggressor.

Walrus is based on Sealion and will be able to carry 12 SLBMs, it is thought 6 will be CSM and the other SeaGale nuclear missiles able to strike back against an invading force. Walrus is not expected to enter service until 2117 at least. The CN will build 6. In other submarine developments the Clone Navy has also ordered a further 3 Seawolf conventional submarines to add to the 5 already in service.


CAF retire two long-serving transports

The Clone Air Force has withdrawn two transport types which have served with the CAF for years. The K86 Cargomaster (known through most of its career as the C-486) dates from the Clone Wars. A transonic transport capable of Mach 1.2 it fulfilled a useful role in rapid logistics though has always been rather expensive to run. The final 2 have now been retired and will go to museums.

The K37V (VC-370) Skybus VIP transport has also been withdrawn. It too has served the CAF well over a couple of decades. A third type is also due for withdrawal soon being the K20 Cargoster but the final 2 examples are now expected to remain in service until the Spring of 2114.

The replacement for the K37V and K20 is the K38 Skyshuttle, the CAF have added another 4 to their outstanding order for the type.


Story #1983

Final Long Shot
Can the Dinos escape the Terrasaurs and Terib-Kan? (Terra P8)

Story #1982

Time To Go Extreme
Ronald battles to survive (Terra P7)


DDS ship chased out of Clone space

A DDS warship, reported to be an Isometric 41A, has been chased out of Clone space after it crossed the border and headed towards Lomar. Two Cosmos CK cruisers intercepted the DDS ship and after firing warning shots the DDS ship then changed course and was escorted out of Clone space.

The Clones have protested the incursion and say they will strengthen their patrols along the border between the Clone Star Empire and DDS.


DDS announce breakthrough in cloak technology

Everyone knows there are (using DDS classifications at least) three types of cloaking device. The basic Level 1 Cloak masks a ship's emissions but still leaves a ship detectable by active scans. A Level 2 Cloak also defeats active scans, and a Level 3 Cloak allows for phasing through solid matter (though this is rather specialist and only available on a few ships).

All DDS warships have Level 2 Cloaks, they work great (some nations' cloaks are vulnerable to neutrino scatter but not the DDS') but the problem is they need a lot of power. A Panther 35A for example will need to use around 46% of its total power output to maintain such a cloak (a Level 1 would be much less, around 19%). This means not as much power is available for weapons and shields of course.

DDS Research however have just announced a breakthrough which they term the Level 2B Cloak. Stealth is as good as, if not better than, before but power consumption is said to be around 30% less. This is due to active particle detection and more efficient algorithms. Dr Forbidden said at a media conference, "The Level 2B is intelligent about how strong the cloak is and when, when there is no active detection agent nearby it reduces the cloak field and vice versa. This saves on power consumption."

The reduced power consumption also will also allow for these cloaks to operate for longer before they need to be re-calibrated. An Indy 35B is said to be field testing a prototype cloak now and it is hoped production models can be fitted from late next year.


Mira to be restored as Starsystems take bigger role

SS Mira is to be returned to service after being mothballed in 2111 as the Starsystem 91X fleet takes up a more active role in the DDS. DDS Commander Firefly is said to want a larger fleet and a larger presence on the DDS' borders but with the Terran Sea ILU programme and the delay in starting the Corkscrew 51A programme the DDS fleet will not increase notably until 2116 at least.

As a stop gap the Starsystem fleet is to be redesigned as the Starsystem 91B Medium Combat Ship (Training). The ships will remain primarily training ships but will also be available for combat patrols, mostly on less important patrol circuits, to release other ships like the Isometrics to more urgent duties. The ships have been renumbered but will not receive any equipment changes as they have been kept up to date and are still very potent warships. SS Mira is expected to be returned to service by the middle of next year.
  • The Panther 35A Fleet Combat Ship is to receive a new mission module. The Panther, like all 4th generation warships, has the ability to extend its capability with mission modules though up until now only a tactical reconnaissance module has been developed. The Panther now also has a sigint/comint module. The Panther would use this when performing signal intelligence in hostile territory which the Marconi fleet cannot safely operate in, and also where a rapid response is needed. Three modules have been built by the DDS though none are thought to have been used yet.


Story #1981

White Out
Ronald escapes but the hunt is on! (Terra P6)

Fleet News (16/12/13)

  • Two ships have been completed before the Christmas shutdown, the first is the final Olympus 23A carrier S230 Tharsis Tholus.
  • The second ship is the latest Zephyr 76A oiler A185 Zodiac.
  • The DDS have also begun to name its forthcoming Corkscrew 51A MCS though these will not come until 2115 at the earliest.
  • An extra Friendship 75A has been ordered as the UNP governance contract has been extended.

Clones already working on mid-life K45C/K refresh

With the K45K just entering service and the first K45Cs for the Clone Air Force now in production attention is turning to "what next". The Clones have not said what their next generation of fighter will be though they have said that a mid-life production refresh of the type is planned for 2118-9.

The K45CE and K45KE (the E presumably for Enhanced) will be a further improvement of this already pretty unsurpassable fighter. The upgrade will include an augmented reality canopy, further enhancements to the active inertial dampening (which allows the plane to undertake manoeuvres that normally would kill the pilot) and an improved ECM sub-system.

The upgrade could also include "slave UAS", these are micro air vehicles (MAVs) launched and controlled automatically by the K45 to enhance its mission. Its not clear yet if the MAVs will be ready for the upgrade or may arrive later in the 2120s.


Clones denounce DDS intimidation

The Clones have denounced the DDS' aggressive response to the visit by the Rectoids as "toothless intimidation" and says it will not change any of the itinerary of the Rectoid visit. The Clones also said that maybe the DDS shouldn't be continuing to buy Clone built warships and aircraft if they are so against the Clones.

That point has also been picked up on by some UNP commentators though the truth is the DDS have already paid the bulk of their contracts with the Clones for landing ships and aircraft and stopping deliveries would just be a waste of money.


Wayne King-Meiouf : Is there substance behind the DDS rhetoric?

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The Rectoids are visiting their new best chums the Clones and Firefly is not happy. Considering the cost of the DDS-Rectoid War in the mid-2100s which saw millions of deaths on the DDS side and billions on the Rectoid this is not surprising. A Rectoid squadron in Clone space has the same resonance as a Utrek or Tarbot one would have.

But is there any substance behind the DDS rhetoric? Firefly has ordered ships to the border but if the Rectoids do not withdraw (and this looks unlikely) what then? Will he order an attack on the Clones? This is highly unlikely though some might say the time to attack would be now before the Clones could be augmented by Rectoid technology and numbers.

However the DDS is not in a position to launch into a major war just like that. The DDS is still officially rebuilding after the ABBO-Bolitic War though the strength of the DDS fleet has fully recovered. It would still take weeks to get the fleet ready for a sustained offensive and months to gear up for a major conflict.

So no an attack is unlikely, though the DDS need to try and get the Clones and Rectoids to think it is. How to do that? Thats the tricky one, and a test of Firefly's leadership. After the conclusion of the war, the increased Tarbot threat and the Windy death spiral Firefly was probably hoping for a quiet Christmas...

DDS ramp up the rhetoric

DDS Commander Firefly has threatened "serious consequences" if the Rectoids remain in Clone space. A squadron of Rectoid ships is visiting the Clone homeland and is expected to stay until the new year. However the DDS say this is unacceptable. "We still regard the Rectoids as a hostile state, having their ships within 10 light years of Proxima Centauri is against our security policies."

Firefly has ordered more ships bought to readiness, including a squadron of Quasar 15A strike bombers.
  • Firefly has ordered the DDS alert status raised again, it now stands at AMBER.
  • The Clone Navy say they will begin carrier operations with the K45K fighter next year (i.e. next month). The first squadron has gone operational with 8 of the planes (about half full strength) and 6 successful carrier take-offs and landings have now taken place with a full programme of tests continuing until the end of the year. CNSS Cloneworld will begin a cruise in late January with 4 of the planes embarked along with 8 K85NTKs.


DDS call on Rectoids to return to their own space

DDS Commander Firefly has ordered the DDS alert status to be increased one level to GREEN and has called upon the Rectoid squadron visiting Cloneworld to return to Rectoid space. Two Indy 35B warships have been diverted from the Rim Worlds sector to the DDS-Clone Star Empire border.

A Rectoid spokesrectoid on Cloneworld has said the presence of the Rectoid is "none of the DDS business" and that they would continue their mission as agreed with the Clones. Though later the Rectoids and Clones later made a joint announcement that the visit would be extended until the new year.
  • The first of 4 intelligence gathering ships for the Clone Navy has entered service a few months early. The ship is one of a group of medium sized cargo vessels purchased by the CN earlier in the year. The ships (all of the same type, they were purchased cheaply from a bankrupt transport company) are 9,500 ton freighters which have been fitted out with intelligence gathering equipment, analysis rooms, a mainframe computer and a comprehensive communications suite. The ships have been fitted with a SA-N-6A battery and 2 20mm guns for self-defence. They have also been fitted with a helipad though have no hangar facilities and will not normally carry their own helicopter. The ships are to be known as the Albatross class. Much of the Albatross class is remaining classified, including their appearance, which is said to have not changed greatly from their commercial role - much of the new equipment and weapons being hidden by panels. 


Rectoid squadron visits Cloneworld

A squadron of Rectoid "mushroom" warships has visited Cloneworld as part of the growing ties between the Rectoids and the Clone Star Empire. The 5 ships will take part in exercises with Clone Space Navy warships and also there will be a chance for CSN officers to have tours of the Rectoid ships.

Interestingly the name of these iconic warships which caused the DDS so much trouble in the mid-2100s has been revealed finally by a Clone Defence Forces magazine. They were referred to as Mekit 5Bs.


The Passion
Do the Dinos have a new ally? Meanwhile Ronald reaches the end. (Terra P5)


Sirikwan order new ships, upgrades

Sirikwan have ordered an extra 2 Pentekonters (they have 5 on order already as well as 5 already in service). The new ships (and outstanding ships) will all be to the current Pentekonter Protecter 350 standard, the 5 existing ships will also be upgraded to bring the fleet up to a unified standard. The Sirikwanese will do this work themselves using kits and assistance provided by the DDS.

The long-delayed upgrade of Sirikwan's 6 Helwins will also begin next month. The upgrade to be performed by the DDS, dubbed Helwin ILU, will see the veteran ships given a full refurbishment and life extension to make they suitable for service until the late 2120s. They will also gain TPM launchers, receive other weapon and system upgrades and will have improved docking bays. The total cost of the new orders and upgrades contract is said to be worth about 2.7 billion zarks to the DDS.


Jimmy selected as Liberal candidate for next Consul election

Jimmy has been selected by the Liberal Party to be their candidate in next year's Consul election. With El Diablo currently in place the Liberals are keen to keep their hold on the top post in the Dino Republic (though in reality the Consul only shares power in a troika with Ronald and MBH).

The Health Minister Spikeson was the other Liberal possibility but he has decided to stay as a senator for now. Imperial Order will select their candidate when Ronald returns from his mission, though Cruggson is the only likely candidate.


DDS issue TPM advisory

DDS investigators on the damaged SS Foresight say the weapon bay explosion may have been due to a TPM activating before it had reached the firing position in the ship's launcher. The Freedom 41B MCS had been conducting combat exercises at the time of the explosion. Its DDS practice to push the firing rate of the TPM launcher to "beyond the maximum" in combat situations where every fraction of a second counts, missiles active microseconds early before the round reaches the launch rail so it can fire instantly it arrives on the rail.

It may be the missile that exploded on Foresight was activated a few microseconds too early so was not on the launch rail exactly when the motor ignited. DDS Engineering have issued an advisory to the fleet to not conduct any launches at this extreme firing rate until further investigations take place.


Dinos change policy on upgrades

Traditionally the Dinos have not undertaken major upgrades of the Dinomark XT fleet. Although ships do receive in-service upgrades major rebuilding projects like the DDS ILUs are unknown. XTs gradually become less up-to-date and get relegated to second-line roles, then support roles, then are sold on to the civilian reserve fleet (and eventually when they are too ancient leave even that).

Consul El Diablo has signalled a change in policy. 80 older XTs will be upgraded to a new Dinomark XT/122M standard from next year. The Mark 122M will be similar to the current new-build Mark 120 and will have W2B worm drive, the latest Solarburst revision engine and full weapon and sensor updates. El Diablo said this would be far more cost-effective than simply replacing with new build (which will continue, likely at a slower rate) and would increase the number of worm-drive equipped ships in the fleet. The Consul said he wants the whole Dinomark fleet to be worm-drive equipped by 2118.


Foresight towed to Raegris Central District

The stricken DDS warship M123 Foresight is being towed to a repair facility in the Raegris Central District following an assessment by a DDS Engineering team who arrived at the ship earlier today. The bodies of the 3 crew who died in the explosion in the weapons bay and 5 of the 6 injured are being taken to DDS City on Proxima 7.

SS Foresight is said to not be in a safe condition to reinitialise main power due to the damage caused to the ship's power grid by the explosion. The large hole in the hull also will need to be repaired before it can return to the DDS under its own power. DDS Engineering plan to patch Foresight up and then complete the repairs at Solaris.

The cause of the accident is still being investigated. DDS Engineering are looking into the possibility of a TPM being accidentally fired while still in the weapons bay. SS Foresight had been running combat drills at the time of the accident.


Freedom ship suffers fatal accident

The DDS are reporting that the Freedom 41B MCS M123 Foresight has suffered an accident in which 3 crewmen were killed and 6 others injured. The DDS are not reporting what happened but a Raegris source says there was an explosion in Foresight's weapons bay. A large hole has been blown in the ship's hull (2 of the deaths are said to be from being ejected into space).

The DDS say Foresight instigated a CODE 4G PURPLE emergency response procedure which involves a full reactor shut down and non-essential crew sent to escape pods for immediate ejection. However following emergency recovery work the immediate danger to the ship has passed and a CODE 7H RED procedure has begun instead, in this crew are bought back from the pods and the ship is put on secure lockdown pending assistance. A Raegris ship is reported to have arrived on scene (thus Foresight may have been patrolling near Raegris space). Two DDS ships are also en route and are expected to arrive soon.


DDS Terrestrial Forces to form "space marines"

Following on from ISSF's creation of 3 space combat orientated Prowler units (which will become operational early next year) DDS Terrestrial Forces is to also have troops trained in space combat. The 1st Infantry Brigade will have a Space Reconnaissance Company from late 2114 or early 2115.

The SRC will work with the ISSF's Space Prowlers (an unofficial name but one which seems to be sticking) in providing shipboard protection, supporting counter-terrorism and guarding DDS spaceports. The eventual aim is for there to be a separate "Space Infantry Brigade" though this is unlikely before the end of the decade.



On The Hunt
Ronald battles for his life against Rumble (Terra P4)


Death Toll
Ronald is taken to Terrasauria (Terra P3)

Clones detail warship upgrades

The Clones have published some details of their forthcoming Soulaki SLM unified standard battlecruiser and its new-built Molentic Tuul MTM2 cruisers. The Soulaki SLM will bring the whole fleet up to SLBK standard though with the latest versions of some components and systems so will be improved overall. All ships will also receive refurbishment and strengthening to enable their operation until the late 2130s at least. It is thought that more extensive Soulaki upgrades will wait until Rectoid technology can be integrated into them.

The Molentic Tuul MTM2 will be enhanced however over the existing MTM. Its cannons will be upgraded to triple-phase (based on the Soulaki weapons) and it will have a modest fuselage plug and internal reorganisation to allow for a much greater missile load. It will be able to carry CSM-S on wing pylons and also internally. The earlier MTMs are likely to bought up to MTM2 standard at a later date.


Clones announce ambitious "Plan 2120Space"

The Clone Space Navy has announced an ambitious plan (dubbed Plan 2120Space) to upgrade its fleet for the 2120s. The plan, intended to invest heavily in the space fleet could cost over 25 billion zarks in total though that will be spread out over 8-10 years. The plan includes new ships and upgrades to existing ships in the front line, support and transport fleets.

The plan includes the following, some details are yet to have been finalised :
  • Upgrade of the 18 Soulaki SL to a new standard based on the SLBK, SLBs will also be upgraded. All ships will receive some form of upgrade as the fleet is standardised to the SLM standard.
  • As previously rumoured 20 new reverse-engineered Molentic Tuuls will be built to the upgraded MTM2 standard. Details TBA.
  • An extra 15 Cosmos CG added to the existing order.
  • The Cosmos CK and Kalahati Tuul KTS fleets to receive an upgrade, again details TBA. All remaining Cosmos CA (about 20 ships) will also receive the CK rebuild.
  • 6 more Loader TYC transports ordered.
  • Shark production will be increased though the existing order will not be increased at this stage.
  • Some orbital bases and stations will receive defence and communication upgrades.
  • A new research base will be set up on the Rectoid home world to help integrate Rectoid technology into Clone systems (this base is already under construction on Recta).
  • A space combat version of CSM-S will be developed, details of this are scant but it is thought it will be a nuclear weapon designed to attack orbital stations or fleet concentrations.


Other Fleet News (02/12/13)

  • The Dinos have built a Dinomark PT and XT for their own fleet. 
  • The Bolitic are reported to have built 2 Meltinans.
  • Putri 500 have received their first Olympus Mons UCV carrier, the first export Olympus delivered.
  • After a barren period the Clone Space Navy has received 2 new Cosmos CG cruisers and 2 new Freighter TYA transports, a Nerval TYB has also been withdrawn.
  • Porquat 640 have received an Extender 120 oiler.

DDS announce 350 million zarks in contracts for GHQ

The DDS has signed off on about 350 million zarks worth of contracts to cover the next year's building up of the new GHQ on Helnikan Island. Among the projects funded for 2114 are a second runway at Central Air Base and metro extensions to the ISSF HQ and Henkly Point. Work on a heliport at Yendal is also expected to begin for completion in 2115.

Improved roads from Ren's Bay to the air base and to the Quentin Hills are also planned. GHQ's TPM-G sites will also receive an upgrade for the forthcoming TPM-ABM.


"DDS Airlines" begins operations

A regular shuttle service between the main spaceport on Proxima 5 (Camacote Spaceport) and DDS GHQ has begun, what has been dubbed by the media as "DDS Airlines". The shuttle runs every 2 hours during the day and every 3 hours at night, flights operated by the C-380 regional airliner. As the DDS only have 3 of 10 on order some flights are also operated by chartered civilian airlines.

Although much work remains to be done the new GHQ on Helnikan Island is already a hive of activity. ISSF have now moved all of their HQ functions there from DDS City.