
HCS View : Lets be honest we are better off without Benito!

Keith Remadra, former chief advisor to the UNP Security Council on Clone affairs 

After the tears shed at his funeral the various leaders are returning home. Now let the truth be said : we are better off without Benito!

Apart from his loyalists and fellow travellers in his often-bizarre pseudo-fascist ideology few will truly mourn Benito. Oojok of course will be glad he is gone and the capable but dull Marcus is in his place but also the DDS and other powers will be glad Benito has gone. He was a loose cannon who made everything more complicated...

If the Clones were involved in an alliance or talks with someone then Benito would seek to stick his oar in and try and sabotage the proceedings if he was not given the "respect" he thought he was due (which was a lot). His foolish attacks on Kontai and Unatel Gamma 504 underlined his "bull in a china shop" approach to astral-politics. Invade an ally of the DDS then worry about the consequences...

Now he has gone, Oojok will be careful to include Marcus in matters of interest but the DDS, DTA and others will appreciate the streamlined point of contact in the Clone Star Empire now...