We could be about to see the end of the HCS. No don't get too excited DDS fans, i am talking about the name not the massive Clone war machine. My sources on Cloneworld are telling me that Oojok wants to get rid of the HCS name which is a historic legacy of the earliest days of the Clone Wars.
To recap HCS means Hospital Carnage Squad (though the full name never gets used these days). The name dates from the days of Clone expulsion from the fertile western continent of Cloneworld to the (then) wild east. The Human settlers forced the Clones to walk in terrible conditions in which thousands of Clones died. As a revenge a former imperial Clone commander (later known as Captain Clone) led a number of fellow ex-soldiers to attack a Human hospital, slaughtering dozens of Humans.
That is where the HCS name came from and indeed those soldiers formed the basis of the first unit of the new Clone army. Oojok has finally decided to get rid of the HCS name which is now obsolete and also has a great deal of baggage attached to it (including the association with Captain Clone who Oojok would rather people forgot about).
And the new name is... well actually i have heard two different versions. Oojok has not decided on the new name yet but will announce it soon. We will report it here of course.