
First Mediterranean Sea 43G completed

The first ship has completed the Terran Sea ILU and unification project that being M171 Mediterranean Sea, and following usual DDS practice the ship has also given its name to this new sub-class of Medium Combat Ships which will be known as the Mediterranean Sea 43G.

The ship has been upgraded and refurbished and includes a worm drive (not the first Terran Sea to receive one, SS North Sea was given one last year to aid calibration), a Z6 cannon, EA-X, IWC 3.0 and a reorganised internal structure to allow for a higher TPM load. SS Mediterranean Sea has now begun extended proving trials and is expected to return to the fleet by the late Summer.
  • The Quasar 15A bomber fleet will finally receive worm drive this year. They were due to receive W1A engines last year but shortages in engines meant their yearly update included everything for the engine to be fitted but no actual engine! That will now be rectified as part of the 2113 Quasar update, full details of which will be announced later in the year.
  • Following the renumbering of the flagship SS Cicero the patrol fleet's pennant number prefixes have been changed from P to K. No reason has been given.


Clone Air Force bomb Benito loyalists

Marcus has finally agreed to the use of air power to help defeat the well dug-in Benito fanatics in the Austini 55 capital. Four A-85 COIN aircraft made pinpoint strikes on rebel held buildings in the park. The targets were chosen to minimise civilian casualties. One A-85 was hit by ground fire but was able to return to base.

Marcus has said that the resolve of the Clone people is strong and that the rebels should drop their weapons and surrender. Current casualties is now thought to be over 730.


Oojok reorganises CDF into 4 commands

The HCS was split into HCS-West and East, Oojok has decided this does not fit the Clone Defence Forces requirements now and has reorganised it into 4 commands. CDF-Core takes in the old HCS-W territory apart from Cloneworld, CDF-East pretty much replaces HCS-E.

The two new commands are CDF-Cloneworld which concentrates on the defence of the Clone homeworld and strategic weapons and CDF-Reserve for reserve, new and rebuilding units. These changes are mostly administrative and will be phased in over the next year.
  • Benito loyalists have been beaten back into an area of Austini City centred on a park. Despite the heavy fighting the loyalists are refusing to surrender and look like they will fight to the last man and bullet. Marcus is still resisting calls to use airpower though some A-85s have dropped leaflets on the occupied area. A SAM was fired at one of the aircraft though did not lock onto the target and landed in a pizza restaurant.



Edge Of Darkness
The DDS investigate the destruction of a Raegris ship (Tremors P1)


Dinos fund T-55ZDM3, TAA-5 development

The Dinos have provided 35 million zarks of development funding for the next version of the T-55ZDM tank which is co-developed and produced with the Clones. The new version, expected to be the ZDM3, could enter service around 2118 replacing the current ZDM2 in production. Few details have yet emerged about the ZDM3 but it could have a new hybrid engine and improved armour.

Also being co-funded is a new air-defence system based on the Clone SA-8 short and medium range missile. The TAA-5 Ferret will supplement the short-range gun/SA-6A armed TAA-4 Stoat. The Ferret will carry 3 of the larger missiles, targeting radar and datalinking capabilities. It will likely use reconditioned T-89 chassis. No entry into service date has yet been given.
  • The battle on Austini 55 continues between government and Benito fanatics. Marcus has held off using air power at the moment though the Benito fanatics from the 2nd Legion are defending their area of the city house by house. Casualties are now listed at 337.
  • The HCS to Clone Defence Forces name change has already been enacted at digital level with computer displays across the empire rolling out the name changes, as has this site. Physical name changes such as signs and uniforms have a target completion date of the end of 2114 though the CDF hope to get most of the major areas changed by the end of this year.
  • Rather quietly the Clone Navy helicopter carrier CNSS Benito Clone has been renamed West Clone Republic.


Rebels isolated in capital

Following another day's heavy fighting rebel troops from the 2nd Legion have now been largely surrounded in the Yelvase district of Austini City, capital of Austini 55. Emperor Marcus has demanded the rebel troops surrender or "the full weight of the HCS will be unleashed". Two COIN squadrons equipped with A-85NT attack aircraft have been moved closer to the capital.

The rebels however appear intent on fighting to the bitter end despite the fact the vast majority of HCS-E (and even the majority of the 2nd Legion) did not join their uprising. It may be the rebels, who are Benito fanatics, may have come to the conclusion that they are finished anyway so might as well go down fighting. The death toll is now estimated at 273 including 32 civilians.


Gun battles across Austini capital as 2nd Legion revolts

Gun battles are raging across the Austini 55 capital as elements of the 2nd Legion are refusing orders by Marcus to stand down. The soldiers have denounced Marcus as the puppet of Oojok and are demanding the arrested senior staff of the legion be released.

Red Lizard, HCS Military Police and loyal troops are battling the renegade 2nd Legion troops who number several hundred, though the majority of the legion has heeded calls to remain in barracks. Clone News TV is reporting 43 deaths including civilians caught in the cross fire.


HCS to become Clone Defence Forces (CDF)

The HCS name predates the modern Clone Star Empire but Oojok feels the name (which officially stands for Hospital Carnage Squad though this is never used these days) is obsolete and it is time to replace it. He has decided to rename the Clone armed forces as the Clone Defence Forces or CDF. The following arms will be renamed as follows :
  • Clone Army or CDF-CA will be the new name for the HCS Army
  • Clone Air Force or CDF-CAF will be the new name for the HCS Air Force
  • Clone Navy or CDF-CN will be the new name for the HCS Navy
  • Clone Space Force or CDF-CSF will be the new name for the HCS Space Navy
The HCS name will be retained for Oojok's honour guard which consists of honoured veterans of the Clone Wars. Changes are expected to begin to be phased in from next month.


Leadership of 2nd Legion arrested, unit suspended from duty

Under pressure from Oojok Marcus has ordered the arrest of the 2nd Legion's staff and restricted the 3 brigades that make up the legion to barracks. Bloodshed continued unabated overnight with horrific atrocities against Eritran civilians by HCS troops recorded by the domestic and intergalactic media.

With control of the units fast being lost some soldiers even turned their guns on their fellow troops who they regarded as not being "Benito" enough. Arrests are ongoing but some are not coming quietly. Extra Red Lizard and Military Police personnel are being rushed to Austini 55 from Woloron 12.
  • The Dinos are considering reintroducing a jet fighter into their military mix to take on air defence and ground attack duties and reduce the load on the Dinomark fleet (and thus reduce the need to built and operate so many of them!) The Dinos have decided against designing their own plane and instead will seek to licence build and modify an existing type. It is thought both the DDS' F-10SEP and the Clone's F-45A are under consideration (the C is not available for export at the moment).


HCS View : The end of the HCS?

Keith Remadra, former chief advisor to the UNP Security Council on Clone affairs 

We could be about to see the end of the HCS. No don't get too excited DDS fans, i am talking about the name not the massive Clone war machine. My sources on Cloneworld are telling me that Oojok wants to get rid of the HCS name which is a historic legacy of the earliest days of the Clone Wars.

To recap HCS means Hospital Carnage Squad (though the full name never gets used these days). The name dates from the days of Clone expulsion from the fertile western continent of Cloneworld to the (then) wild east. The Human settlers forced the Clones to walk in terrible conditions in which thousands of Clones died. As a revenge a former imperial Clone commander (later known as Captain Clone) led a number of fellow ex-soldiers to attack a Human hospital, slaughtering dozens of Humans.

That is where the HCS name came from and indeed those soldiers formed the basis of the first unit of the new Clone army. Oojok has finally decided to get rid of the HCS name which is now obsolete and also has a great deal of baggage attached to it (including the association with Captain Clone who Oojok would rather people forgot about).

And the new name is... well actually i have heard two different versions. Oojok has not decided on the new name yet but will announce it soon. We will report it here of course.


Are You Sure?
Can the Dinos survive the Berkiv attack? (The Berkivs P3)

Oojok demands 2nd Legion bought to heel after mass bloodshed

Oojok has demanded the 2nd Legion stand down after a series of bloody reprisals against Eritrans on Austini 55. Troops from Benito's old unit are reported to have killed hundreds of Eritrans with parts of the capital resembling a war zone. In one horrific incident (which a Clone News TV crew just happened to be present at) a tank from the 2nd Legion was seen purposely crushing a wounded child under its tracks.

The footage was soon being shown across the Clone Star Empire and beyond. The Free Eritran States have demanded the violence stop and have called on the DDS to intervene. Marcus is understood to be unable to get the 2nd Legion back under control at present.


DDS begin field tests of TPM-3

The DDS have begun field tests with a developmental build of the next generation missile the TPM-3 and say if tests are successful the weapon could be available for service by the end of 2114, a year earlier than earlier thought.

TPM-3 will seek to address the shield and defence advances made by the DDS' potential and actual enemies over the last few years such as zonal shielding, sensor spoofing and point-defence systems which have negated some of the TPM's potential kill potential. TPM-3 will have a new triple warhead system with all 3 warheads being able to be differently targeted and apply different phasing. TPM-3 will also have a whole new signal management system and employ full-spectrum stealth with the help of a new ultra-low emission ion engine.

TPM-3 will be 80% of the size of TPM-2 though the size difference has been managed so that existing TPM-2 compatible launchers will be able to fire TPM-3 with minimal modifications. The smaller size means that weapon loads will be increased.

SS Isometric and a Rome 46A patrol ship will both test the missile this Summer.
  • The car bomb on Austini 55 that killed a senior HCS officer has been blamed on Eritran terrorists. It is known that they plotted to kill Benito and may have been behind the exploding ammunition train that killed him (though no proof of this exists). Now evidence has emerged of an Eritran plot to kill other senior members of the regime. Marcus has granted a furious 2nd Legion a free hand in "punishing the perpetrators". Groups of soldiers have already inflicted brutal reprisals on ethnic Eritrans in the capital.

UV190 : End Of A Legend

  • Battle For Survival - Windy reaches the Acheron ruins (Dark Shadow P4)
  • Fragments Of A Soul - Oh Sally what have you done? (Dark Shadow P5)
  • An Opportunity - Terin is ordered to kill Benito (Touch Base P1)
  • Oblivion - Has the plot been foiled? (Touch Base P2)
  • The Debris Of A Regime - Benito is dead, what next? (Touch Base P3)
  • Pit Stop - Ronald's expedition needs to find a friendly port (The Berkivs P1)
  • Boxcutter - The Dinos fall foul of the extremist Berkivs (The Berkivs P2)


Senior HCS-E officer (and Benito loyalist) killed by car bomb

Field Marshal Holreken, the commanding officer of the 2nd Legion which was Benito's vanguard and himself a Benito loyalist, has been killed by a car bomb on his way to work on Austini 55. The bomb destroyed his car killing him and his driver. Marcus has put the planet on lock down though that did not prevent soldiers from the 2nd Legion attacking Clone government offices.

Marcus has appealed for calm and said that an investigation will begin immediately. With Benito gone it is feared that there could be a jockeying for position behind the new regime of which this terrorist attack could be just the start.
  • The DDS have raised their alert status to AMBER as a precaution.



The Dinos fall foul of the extremist Berkivs (The Berkivs P2)


DDS update export portfolio, now includes Yel'Tema

The DDS have updated their spaceship export portfolio again. The biggest change is the addition of the Raegris Yel'Tema design to replace the withdrawn Velocity-E as the "big ship". The Yel'Tema comes in 2 configurations, a high-end YT-150 with TPM and Z7 and a low-end YT-110 though that still comes with a Z5 cannon.

Other changes include the rebranding of the export Olympus carrier to the Olympus Mons name and the Coril shuttle now comes with 2 configurations, a standard ST fit and a VIP XL standard. The DDS have still yet to provide any details of the export version of the Corkscrew, it is thought this will wait until after the first example of the ship enters service later this year.
  • The HCS Space Navy has successfully adapted its new Sprite NG unmanned combat vehicle to the Tiamon TM carrier. The carrier usually carries conventional aircraft for launching in high atmosphere but will now be also able to carry a complement of Sprites for combat operations and also for self-defence.

Fleet News (15/05/13)

  • H130 Invicta is the latest and final Indy 35B Fleet Combat Ship. Attention now switches to the Infinity experimental ship and the forthcoming Kinetic 35C.
  • A209U Group has joined the Friendship 75A communications fleet.
  • A586 The Orchid and A587 Tsunami have joined the Coril 86B shuttle fleet.
  • H169 Sanger Alpha is the latest Solaris 37C to receive a worm drive.


Alpha completes first phase of testing

The prototype Alpha 121A Nano Fighting Ship has completed its first phase of field tests and development flights. The DDS are very happy with this new concept of small, optionally manned, spaceship though some problems were found with the design.

SS Alpha is now undergoing some modifications and refitting ahead of the second phase of development tests next year. One major change will be a modest fuselage extension (about 1.5m) which will help allow for improved crew comfort facilities. The ship will also have its M6502 engine uprated to allow for a speed increase in hyperspace mode.
  • Firefly has agreed initial funding for the Air Division of Terrestrial Forces to develop its own training fleet and pilot development system. Currently all Air Division pilots have to be trained by separate UNP air forces but this has seen pilot quality vary somewhat and there are problems integrating the different pilots into the DDS. It is likely the DDS will look to procure Clone built T-76 and T-1 trainers though first of all infrastructure will need to be built, probably at DDS City.
  • Starbotian leader S101 has said the Starbot fleet will be increased in size. Currently the Starbotians have 6 destroyer type ships (4 being DDS Type 35s) and 3 frigates (soon to be 4) of the Isometric type. S101 wants another 2 destroyers (1 being a Starbot design) and 6-8 frigates perhaps of the Corkscrew 51A design. Starbot will enter talks with the DDS later in the year.
  • The Raegris are to offer their Yel'Tema RC-2B cruiser for export. The powerful ship, which is probably best known in its HCS Cosmos version (though the Clones have evolved the design in some different ways) will be offered as part of the DDS export portfolio soon.


DTA to facilitate HCS withdrawal from Eritran worlds

The Clone Star Empire agreed to give up Kontai and Unatel Gamma 540 as part of its peace deal with the DDS. Despite the death of Benito this is still on schedule with around 70% of HCS forces on the planet already either left or packed up to go. The aim is for the final withdrawal of the HCS by the end of the year.

However there is a problem. All parties are worried about the vacuum caused by the withdrawal of the HCS and the time it will take Free Eritran State and DDS forces to take their place. The HCS do not want to share a planet with the Eritran and DDS forces. The DTA has agreed to step in to fill the gap. Three brigades of troops will arrive over the next couple of months and then take over the protection of the two worlds until the Eritrans can move in early next year.

It is thought the troops will be mainly Aritan and Sirikwanese with a Dino support unit to provide command, communications and air support. A Dino liaison team is due to arrive soon to assess the situation and make preparations.
  • 100 T-1M Kestrel advanced trainers with the HCSAF are to receive a system update enhancing their light attack capabilities. This will be mostly for training though the aircraft will be available for COIN if needs be. The upgrade will allow the Kestrels to work with the latest HCSAF stand-off weapons and datalink standards.


Raegris ship destroyed

A survey ship chartered to the Raegris military is reported to have been destroyed near the colony Korik, which is the furthest point in claimed Raegrean space near Utrek and IKA space. The ship was charting asteroid fields in the area when its telemetry was lost by the Raegrean military. Later on a cut-off distress signal was picked up.

The ship had been under attack by an unknown enemy when its shields failed and it suffered a main power failure (and was then presumably destroyed). The Raegris are sending a ship to investigate though a DDS ship is also in the area conducting training so may get there first.


El Diablo tells Dino Army it can't keep expanding forever

Consul El Diablo, who has just returned from Benito's funeral, has told a meeting of the Dino Army high command that their request for a budget increase is "unacceptable". "The army has been expanding for the last few decades and now it is big enough." he told the officers. New legions have already been cancelled and now El Diablo has set a limit for the number of Dinomarks to be bought.

Under El Diablo's plans by the end of 2116 the Dino Army will have 75 Dinomark PTs and 150 Dinomark XTs. Currently the army has 60 and 126 respectively (the SS and other paramilitary agencies also have their own ships) so there is still some way to go. This is the first time the army has been set limits to the number of Dinomarks it can have.

El Diablo has sweetened the pill by promising more budget for combat transports, amphibious warfare ships and aviation. The army will also aim to replace all tanks with the T-55ZDM series by the end of the decade.


HCS View : Lets be honest we are better off without Benito!

Keith Remadra, former chief advisor to the UNP Security Council on Clone affairs 

After the tears shed at his funeral the various leaders are returning home. Now let the truth be said : we are better off without Benito!

Apart from his loyalists and fellow travellers in his often-bizarre pseudo-fascist ideology few will truly mourn Benito. Oojok of course will be glad he is gone and the capable but dull Marcus is in his place but also the DDS and other powers will be glad Benito has gone. He was a loose cannon who made everything more complicated...

If the Clones were involved in an alliance or talks with someone then Benito would seek to stick his oar in and try and sabotage the proceedings if he was not given the "respect" he thought he was due (which was a lot). His foolish attacks on Kontai and Unatel Gamma 504 underlined his "bull in a china shop" approach to astral-politics. Invade an ally of the DDS then worry about the consequences...

Now he has gone, Oojok will be careful to include Marcus in matters of interest but the DDS, DTA and others will appreciate the streamlined point of contact in the Clone Star Empire now...

Firefly to hold summit with El Diablo and Oojok on the Tarbotians

All three met at Benito's funeral and now Firefly wants to meet the DTA leader and Dino Consul El Diablo and the CSE Emperor Oojok again. It is understood that a summit will be held at DDS Communications HQ on Proxima 5 in a few weeks (or at the nearby new GHQ if security systems are in place in time).

Firefly wants to discuss the looming threat of the Tarbotians, who have now appeared on everyone's doorsteps after annexing ABBO space. It is thought Firefly also wants direct hotlines between the DDS, DTA and HCS to aid co-operation and help avoid any mistakes resulting in conflict. It is known yet if El Diablo and Oojok have agreed to the meeting but sources indicate both are likely to attend.


DDS unveil 5 year infrastructure investment plan

With the new DDS GHQ about to become operational (though much work needs to be done on Helnikan Island) the DDS have announced a 3.2 billion 5 year plan for improvement of the 3 next most important sites in the DDS.

DDS City on Proxima 7, DDS Communications HQ on Proxima 5 and DDS Engineering HQ on Solaris will all receive full refurbishments in the plan due to start in 2114. Key infrastructure like networks, power and water will all be upgraded and security will be enhanced. DDS Research will receive a new centre dedicated to worm drive technology at DDS City and DDS Communications will built a new VLF broadcasting site and research lab.

Part of the plan will be funded by selling surplus land. No fewer than 17 small DDS sites will be closed over the next couple of years and the personnel and facilities moved to DDS City. The sale of land could raise 1.1 billion zarks, the rest will come out of the DDS infrastructure budget.


Pit Stop
Ronald's expedition needs to find a friendly port (The Berkivs P1)


The Debris Of A Regime
Benito is dead, what next? (Touch Base P3)


Mock terrorist attack staged at DDS City

A mock terrorist attack has been made on DDS City on Proxima 7, as part of the May Mission internal security exercise. ISSF personnel and some external contractors posed as a terrorist group akin to the Proximan Renewal Brigade who were seen preparing for an assault on DDS City. ISSF troops were sent in to intercept the "terrorists".

At the same time an ISSF cyber-warfare unit attacked DDS systems and tried to cause confusion by hijacking DDS TV news broadcasts. ISSF Commander Torus said that the DDS has reacted well to the mock-attack though there were issues identified and these would be examined by a post-exercise team next month.
  • Sirikwan have ordered 60 SS-NS-3 submarine launched cruise missiles from the Clones. The land attack missiles will arm 2 new submarines being built for the Sirikwanese Navy.

Dr Forbidden : The next break throughs

Dr Forbidden, head of DDS Research

Today the DDS is on the cusp of a whole new generation of genuinely game-changing technology. Over the last few years we have been working on rebooting the powertrain at the heart of all DDS spaceships. Now the powertrain is the power system that provides energy to all ship systems and is the most vital of all systems of course. Four years ago i started a series of projects aimed at redefining powertrains for the next generation of DDS vessels and now we are starting to see these projects come to fruition. I will address all 4 in turn.


Traditionally DDS (and other) space ships are powered by an array or battery of nuclear fusion reactors. This has worked well for the last few decades but the technology is starting to show its age. Ever greater power demands plus the need for greater damage management in conflict means that the monolithic approach to power generation no longer works as perfectly as it needs to.

Thats why we have developed Micro-Cell technology. Put simply this will replace a large array of reactors (which can be damaged by one shot by an enemy crippling a ship) with a distributed network of smaller reactors. We hope to field test Micro-Cell on the forthcoming Infinity trials ship. Instead of the array as used in other Type 35s it will have 8 smaller reactors spread throughout the ship. It is hoped this will make the ship more resistant to battle damage and will also be more efficient as power will be generated closer to where it is needed in many cases.

Recycling Scoop

We have tried ion scoops before, on the Rome and Pentekonters more notably. These inject the free ionised hydrogen that exists abundantly in space, is then processed by a condenser aboard the ship for feeding into the reactor. The technology works but the density of ionised hydrogen is just too low to have any meaningful benefit and we will be discontinuing use of the ion scoop over the next few years.

The Recycling Scoop works in a similar way but is fitted at the rear of the ship and injects expelled energy from the ship's engines. The gases are then recycled and processed. We hope we can reduce fuel consumption by around 8%, which of course will have a number of strategic benefits. Field trials have already begun on a Provider transport and the results are promising. Unlike the ion scoop the Recycling Scoop is fairly small and can be hidden away by the engine outlets.

Liquid Metal Power Grid

Wires have been used to transfer energy for centuries, they work well but we think we have found a way that works just that much better. The Liquid Metal Power Grid uses a plasmic state metal for power distribution to key nodes. This will be up to 35% more efficient and can also be smaller than existing main grid wiring. We hope to begin field tests next year.

Wireless Power

Many systems on the ship are wireless, and with Open Architecture 3.0 systems auto-configure when activated, communicating with other systems wirelessly. However power is still given to these systems by wire on the most part.

Some lower power systems have used wireless power for some time but now we have perfected improved technology and protocols to allow even ultra-high power levels to be safely provided by wireless power links. This will make ships more battle damage resistant and will be the final piece in the distributed system model. We will be field testing some of these new wireless modules soon.

I'm really excited about these new technologies, each on their own will have a noticeable effect on DDS ship performance but together they could revolutionize DDS ship operation and design in the next decade and beyond.


DDS query Clone defence spending

Over recent weeks the HCS have found millions of zarks for upgrades and new equipment following a couple of years of cuts. The state of the Clone economy was at such a poor state (apparently) that they sought a bail out from the Utrek, and instead managed to negotiate a huge delayed military order from the DDS. The DDS have paid billions to the Clones for equipment to be ordered and delivered over the next few years.

The DDS have queried quite how the Clones are suddenly able to spend money on new equipment and are thought to be planning a new cruiser class powered by Dino engines estimated to cost over 3 billion zarks! Director of Operations Knobhead wondered if the Clones had overegged their economic problems somewhat in order to gain extra funding, he also wondered if an economy in trouble should be spending money on more cruisers at this time.

"The HCS Space Navy is huge and powerful, is another class of cruiser really what they need to spend their money on right now?" he asked. The HCS refused to comment.
  • The government of Clone Star Empire - East has confirmed Marcus as the successor to Benito. A new Deputy Emperor will be appointed, Oojok is understood to be pushing for his son Terin to be given the role.
  • Although he was unsuccessful in the last Consul election (and wasn't expected to do that well anyway) Imperial Order has shown faith in Malanson by making him the official deputy leader of the party. He has also been given a government role as a junior minister in Cruggson's Interior Minister. He will be Minister for Internal Security, though he will remain a Legate.


Benito's funeral passes without incident

Emperor Benito's funeral, amid much pomp and fascism, has taken place on Austini 55 amid one of the largest security operations in HCS history. Despite rumours of Benito's death in an explosion not being an accident (and indeed ordered by Oojok) the Emperor's iron guard, the 2nd Legion, did not cause any trouble but respectfully took their leader to his funeral pyre under secular Clone conditions while Oojok and other dignitaries looked on.

Benito was carried in a casket atop his personal T-88++ tank (a veteran of the invasion of New Rome) followed by an entire brigade of elite armoured troops. Thousands more HCS troops lined the path many carrying banners proclaiming Benitoism and various fascist sayings. Acting Emperor Marcus gave a eulogy to his old commander and promised that "Benito's spirit would live on and that he would carry out the wishes of the Benito Clone project."


HCS View : What the HCS are really after?

Keith Remadra, former chief advisor to the UNP Security Council on Clone affairs 

Forget the story about the Clones trying to buy Dino worm drives, the Dinos won't sell them and the Clones know it (but of course there is no harm in asking). The Clones are desperate for ships with improved performance though and my sources are telling me that the Clones could well buy traditional Dino propulsion systems.

Though not quite as good as the DDS Dino hyperspace drives and engines have taken ships up to near 900c. This is much faster than what the HCS currently possess in their fleet (their fastest ship is the Soulaki SLBK which is alleged to be able to reach 730c - it struggles to best 680c in reality) and while worm drive is the dream having ships that can reach 900c would be a great strategic boost to the empire.

The Clones have enquired about both the Ultraburst and Pulseburst engine series which power the Dinomark RS and PT respectively and my sources tell me that a sale of around 20 Pulseburst engines could be on.

But these engines would likely need to be put in a new class of ship. The Clones do not have a ship of the right size and stressed strongly enough to allow these engines to push a ship to 900c. They could modify the Shark perhaps but it will be easier to build something new around these engines (2 would be used per ship i think, like on the PT).

The HCS have already begun design studies for a new class of light cruiser that can reach 900c. These ships would come between the Molentic Tuul and Shark in size, be well armed and well equipped with communications and reconnaissance equipment. The HCS want around 8 or 9 of these ships which fits well if the Clones buy 20 Pulseburst, they will need a couple for training and engineering purposes. It will all depend on the Clones being able to buy the engines, its quite likely that after tomorrow's funeral on Austini 55 Oojok and El Diablo will be discussing this deal.

Clones trying to buy worm drives?

There are unconfirmed reports that the Clones have asked the Dinos if they will sell them worm drives. It is thought the HCS want an elite core of their fleet (maybe 8-10 Soulakis) fitted with the drives to aid communications and rapid response.

However the Dinos have said they are not prepared to sell their technology yet. A Dino spokesdino is thought to have told the Clones the technology was still too sensitive and only the desperate need for TPM technology forced them to do their deal with the DDS. However the Dinos did say they may review this in a few years.


Leaders arrive on Austini 55 ahead of Benito funeral

Emperor Oojok has arrived on Austini 55 courtesy of MBH (who has chosen to remain on his ship for the time being). Consul El Diablo also arrived earlier today representing the DTA. DDS Commander Firefly is due to arrive early tomorrow ahead of Monday's funeral of Emperor Benito of the CSE-E who died in an explosion a few days ago.

A representative of the Utrek Federation is also due to arrive tomorrow. It is thought a Tarbotian representative may also attend though this has not been confirmed. The HCS and allied special forces have locked down Austini 55 in what must be one of the biggest security operations in recent history.
  • With production now finally underway of the F-45C/K attention is now turning to the next generation of HCSAF fighter in the 2120s and beyond. The HCS have provided 20 million zarks of funding for research into future air superiority. A team of HCS and industry experts will examine a number of options for "what next?" including manned and unmanned options. The HCSAF have a big lead in fighter design over the DDS though the DDS have their own F-10X project for the 2120s which is expected to close the gap.


DDS order flying boats!

The DDS have ordered 6 Xiacal Canada Goose H8 amphibious aircraft or flying boats. The aircraft will be operated by the new Naval Air Department of the Air Division and will be used by ISSF personnel guarding the new DDS GHQ on Helnikan Island, Proxima 5.

The small three man aircraft will be militarised to DDS spec which will include new radios, IR cameras, ECM and provision for carrying anti-ship missiles. However it is thought their main role will be to detect possible enemy targets for shipborne ISSF teams to check out.

Deliveries are expected to begin later this year. In DDS service they will be known as the RP-30 Canada Goose.
  • The HCS Air Force has accepted its first KC-426 tanker into service, these tanker version of the small prop transport is intended to refuel aircraft like the A-85 but there is a problem... no A-85 COIN aircraft cannot yet perform inflight refuelling! To rectify this (due to the planned long range NTLR variant of the A-85 being cancelled) the HCSAF are to retrofit fuel probes to around 120 A-85NTs in service. The modifications will also include software updates to the plane's main cockpit display with a camera feed from the probe to assist the pilot. These modified planes will be known as the A-85NTIK.
  • Three F-10S fighters from the DDS Terrestrial Forces Air Division have been taken to Cloneworld where they will conduct tests with a Tiamon TM carrier. The DDS are considering buying 2 of these spacecraft which can enter atmospheres to launch aircraft but first of all wish to test the Shark fighter with them.
  • New Vosun, an independent planet of ethnic Vosunites separated from the rest of the Vosun by many light years (and the DTA and Bolitic Confederacy) have asked to join the DTA. Their application may be opposed by the Voth who have a mistrust of their former masters, however New Vosun has always been a fringe planet culturally and politically separate to the rest of the old Vosun-Voth Star Empire so some kind of accommodation may be found. The DTA say they will consider the application.

Other Fleet News (02/05/13)

  • The Dinos have built a Dinomark PT for themselves plus 3 XTs for export. One goes to Sirikwan, the other to iP Services (as already noted earlier) and the third to the HCS Navy.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have completed as Snarl and Meltinan but have withdrawn 3 Redhulls.
  • The Raegris have completed their first 2 new-built RC-2C Yel'Tema (Cosmos) cruisers which are an update of the venerable design with a turreted Z6 cannon and TPM launchers.
  • Putri 500 have received their second Velocity EP1. Unless Putri order a third it is likely the DDS will withdraw the Velocity-E from their portfolio this Summer.
  • Haylei have received their first Isometric E217H and 2 Coril-Es.


May Mission 2013

May Mission is the latest DDS exercise and will last the whole month of May. It is unlike all other DDS exercises in that, apart from the secretive ISSF team running the exercise, and a few key and high-up DDS staff no one knows when events in the exercise will take place or even if an incident is an exercise event or a real incident! (Safeguards have been put in to stop things going out of control... hopefully!)

The aim of May Mission is to train the DDS in internal security, internal strife containment and resolution and countering propaganda. The latter was the focus of today's incident. False adverts appeared on the DDS intranet appearing to offer free food at a remote part of DDS City. A few staff did make it to the area, to be told by ISSF that if there had been a bomb planted they would likely all be dead.