
The Historian : Downfall of the New DDS (Interview)

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

In future years the New DDS Project which ran between 2103 and 2112 will be seen as a truly fascinating period in DDS history when the organisation appeared to be run by the insane. Here Professor Horlick from Proxima City University has been kind enough to discuss the New DDS with me.

The New DDS came as an answer to the decline and fall of The Shiner regime, but why do you think it lasted so long?

The Shiner had been in charge of the DDS for a long time but by the early 2110s his regime was crumbling. However that isn't why the New DDS came about, as we could have seen the DDS easily move in another direction. No the New DDS came about because of two senior DDS officers who had dramatically different aims and motivations.

Vodaphone and AP.

Indeed, Vodaphone was a fascist who believed in hard discipline, self-denial and obedience. He saw the DDS as weak because it needed an ideology. AP on the other hand felt marginalised and disrespected by the other DDS senior officers. He wanted power and control. Although their motivations and aims were different they did combine to form the heart of the new regime, and when they recruited Rotarios as their figurehead then... well the rest is history as they say.

In 2107 Windy deposed Rotarios and Vodaphone was killed, yet the New DDS survived. How so?

Windy did not have an ideological replacement for the New DDS at the time, his Windy Massive was weak and also was not acceptable to most DDS. With the Hoods gone underground Windy felt he could use the New DDS power structure to maintain control at what was a dangerous time for the DDS, the war against the Utrek was still ongoing of course.

And AP survived, was this a mistake by Windy?

Indeed in hindsight it was but AP was a vile individual, he somehow managed to minimise his role in the DDS and he convinced Windy that he was an opportunist and not an ideologue, which was probably true in any case.

Now we move to the final phase of the New DDS, AP seemed to go mad!

Yeah its quite astonishing to think of his crimes. Killing The Orchid, the Panther crew, the PRB false flags, and the final battle where he sacrificed several 1000 DDS in one incident. AP is a case, i think, of power corrupting totally. He had finally achieved his dream of being DDS Commander and was desperate to protect his position. Once you have begun these crimes then i guess it can be easy for things to get out of hand.

Now the New DDS has been finally destroyed or has it?

Firefly has ushered in a new phase of the DDS, and is working hard to renew the organisation and sweep away the debris of the past. The New DDS Project will never rise again.