
Oojok orders 7 days of national mourning for Benito

Oojok has ordered that 7 days of national mourning be held for Benito after the Emperor of the Eastern Empire was killed in an explosion on Woloron 12. A state funeral will be held on Austini 55 after the mourning though because of the distance from Cloneworld Oojok and Sleeze are not likely to be able to attend (even the fastest HCS ship takes over 3 weeks to make the journey - it is rumoured the HCS have asked the Dinos for loan of a worm drive equipped ship).

The CSE-E is on lock-down and CSE-W is on high alert. Tensions are high mostly on Austini 55 where Benito's fascist vanguard the 2nd Legion is based. Oojok has recognised Marcus as the Acting Emperor of CSE-E and says the West will provide any help it can to find out what happened.
  • The DDS have said that Firefly will attend Benito's funeral, the DDS Commander and the Consul of the Dino Republic El Diablo have both been invited according to HCS sources.