
Clones go-ahead with Randalf 74 CSM deployment

A treaty signed in January as part of the DDS-CSE pact saw Clone Space Missiles (CSM) stationed on Cloneworld "de-targeted" from the DDS. However the Clones have continued work on a second site on Randalf 74 and today declared 6 silos at a protected site on the planet operational.

Like the Cloneworld silos however (up to 67 may be operational in the Gale-III ICBM ring around Ailier City and HCS GHQ though many of these may be ICBMs) the target of these missiles is unknown. One source states the missiles have no target set though one could be given within minutes. A planned third CSM site on Austini 55 was covered by the treaty and will not go ahead, Randalf 74 went ahead due to the advanced nature of the work.