
Provider ILU announced

The Provider transport fleet is the literal backbone of the DDS and has been since 2104, the oldest ships are now approaching 10 years hard service (and the Providers and Extenders do work hard, typically over 300 days a year away from port). The DDS have decided to bring forward the ILU for the fleet a little early because of a number of important updates.
  • As announced previously the Providers will be the first ships fitted with the TPM-VLS system. To support the new system the Providers will receive an update to their tactical suite and a new databus as well as external power points on the ship (its thought up to 4 VLS will be possible though usually just the 1 cell will be carried). The tactical console and display on the bridge will also be upgraded.
  • Recently the UNP and major shipping lines have finally agreed on a new standard shipping container. The Providers cannot yet easily handle the new larger container so will receive modifications to the main cargo doors as well as a new container handling crane. The ships will also be able to carry up to 12 containers externally.
  • The engine will be replaced with a new unit, the HS-740B-JX has a more efficient core and improved maintenance access. It is also more powerful. The Providers have been found capable of 575c without risk of overloading the structure though the ships will be restricted to 550c, the excess power will mean full speed is still possible even with external cargo.
  • Many other minor updates will also be carried out. All ships will also be refurbished (the amount needed depending on the age of the ship, some are fairly old and some are brand new so this will vary a lot).
The first ship to receive its ILU has not yet been revealed, though the process will begin soon.