
HCS told to prepare for more "deep cuts"

Earlier in the year the HCS suffered a 10% budget cut followed by a 5 year freeze as part of desperate measures to save the economy of the Clone Star Empire from imploding. The HCS announced a series of cuts to units and equipment across the board though managed to avoid serious cuts to their war potential as most cuts could be made to older and second-line forces.

However the cuts might not be enough, it is rumoured the HCS has been told to prepare for another cut of around 5% on top of existing measures. HCS analyst Keith Remadra says that these new cuts could be much more devastating. "The HCS had a lot of fat that could be trimmed but the earlier cuts and freeze largely accounted for this. Extra cuts will mean serious cuts in primary warfighting capabilities. It also means that vital recapitisation programmes like the communications network [something Keith has written about here] will be further delayed and put under greater pressure."
  • Windy has confirmed he will replace his lost personal ship SS Stoke City which was destroyed by Redjec in a suicide attack. He said that a number of options are being looked at, one being an underwater capable Dinomark XT which Windy is said to like the sound of. Whatever ship Windy decides on will be owned by iP Services but have a DDS pennant like the previous ship.