
iP Services buy former USN base

iP Services have chosen Terra as the home for their new base, with a former US Navy base from the 21st century bought off the coast of the Mexican Alliance. The base has a small footprint above ground with an airstrip (though this will need renewing) but most of the base is underground including an underwater entrance. This part of the base is said to be in very good condition.

SFX said that work will begin at once on bringing the new base, to be known as Despair City, up to operational standard. Installation of specialist equipment for the handling of prisoners will also be carried out. The base will have automated defence systems above ground and underwater though SFX did not elaborate.
  • Benito, commander of CSE-E has blasted the HCS after plans to cut the army by 3 legions were leaked. Benito is incensed because 2 of the legions are in his part of the empire, which already has less military material than it should. Benito went on to accuse Oojok of trying to weaken the CSE-E in order to force Benito from office. The HCS and Oojok made no comment.


Provider ILU announced

The Provider transport fleet is the literal backbone of the DDS and has been since 2104, the oldest ships are now approaching 10 years hard service (and the Providers and Extenders do work hard, typically over 300 days a year away from port). The DDS have decided to bring forward the ILU for the fleet a little early because of a number of important updates.
  • As announced previously the Providers will be the first ships fitted with the TPM-VLS system. To support the new system the Providers will receive an update to their tactical suite and a new databus as well as external power points on the ship (its thought up to 4 VLS will be possible though usually just the 1 cell will be carried). The tactical console and display on the bridge will also be upgraded.
  • Recently the UNP and major shipping lines have finally agreed on a new standard shipping container. The Providers cannot yet easily handle the new larger container so will receive modifications to the main cargo doors as well as a new container handling crane. The ships will also be able to carry up to 12 containers externally.
  • The engine will be replaced with a new unit, the HS-740B-JX has a more efficient core and improved maintenance access. It is also more powerful. The Providers have been found capable of 575c without risk of overloading the structure though the ships will be restricted to 550c, the excess power will mean full speed is still possible even with external cargo.
  • Many other minor updates will also be carried out. All ships will also be refurbished (the amount needed depending on the age of the ship, some are fairly old and some are brand new so this will vary a lot).
The first ship to receive its ILU has not yet been revealed, though the process will begin soon.



Back In The Past
Megara and Dick-Nose are sent into the past (Irregular P1)



SFX closed in on the Hoods (Hunted P2)

Helnikan Island linked up to DDS network

The first step in Helnikan Island becoming the DDS' new GHQ has been achieved with the island being linked to the DDS' network via a microwave link to DDS Communications HQ. Two buried fibre-optic links will also be completed by the end of the year and a satellite link will also be established.

Work is progressing well on a 150m deep excavation at the site of the new GHQ, work is also proceeding on a new port at Ren's Bay. Finishing touches are being made to the first runway at the air base on the island. This runway will be a temporary surfaced one though will enable a greater flow of personnel and materials to the island. Work on the permanent runways and air base infrastructure will begin soon.


Dino View : The race to join Ronald's quest

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

As is generally well known by now Ronald is to head off (with GBH) on an extended exploratory voyage of space beyond the IKA Federation and Tarbot Empire after he retires from front line politics at the end of the year.

He will take his personal ship, the flagship Dinomark, and thus is now looking on building a crew. Ronald says that would prefer for younger Dinos to join him and GBH as the voyage would be a "great opportunity" to gain experience and promotion. Because of this many young Dinos have applied to join the crew.

Its thought Ronald has already chosen some crew members though there are still vacancies. He says he will take a crew of 10 Dinos on the trip with him and GBH though one is likely to be reserved for an SS bodyguard. Ronald will announce his crew in a month or so so training can begin once Dinomark completed its current overhaul.

TPM-VLS cleared for service

The new VLS system for TPM-2 has been cleared for service following trials. The DDS have indicated a change in policy however with TPM-VLS now intended on the first count to replace Canister-TPM on transports in the fleet. This will greatly augment their self-defence capabilities as a TPM-VLS cell includes 32 missiles.

TPM-VLS is a fully self-contained system that only requires a data link to become operational. It includes its own auxiliary power source though in practice will use a power source from the ship it is attached to. The Provider fleet will receive an update to be able to use TPM-VLS in the first instance, the update will include changes to the tactical system, network, databus and fitting some external powerpoints. The DDS is hoping the first Providers can go operational with TPM-VLS by the end of the year.

The next version of TPM-VLS will have the capability of being able to be fully independent of the host ship with a tactical module that can be added to the cell, this will provide basic sensor and targeting systems if the host ship has none.


Sirikwan buy more Nervals and Dinomarks

Sirikwan already had 4 ex-HCS Nerval TYB transports and has 3 on order, now another 2 have been added from recently withdrawn HCS stock. Sirikwan say a fleet of 9 will allow them to maintain a pool of these transports to reduce wear and tear on the fleet. They will form the backbone of the Sirikwanese fleet until 2120 at least. A decision will be made as to whether to extend their lives around 2116.

Sirikwan have also ordered 6 new Dinomark XTs from the Dinos, 3 of which will be the underwater capable version (a new version of which is due soon). No delivery date has yet been set.


Provider becomes name for Dino transports

As Dinomark is for combat ships Provider has been chosen by the Dinos as the name for their transports. The SX-98 has been renamed the Provider SX and the Dinomark MX renamed the Provider MX. The Provider EDA does not need to have its name changed of course. There is still a confusion over the forthcoming Extender EDA oiler on order and whether the Dinos will call their first dedicated oiler a Provider too or choose a new family name. It is thought it will be the former though no decision has yet been made public. (The DDS have not yet commented on the fact the Dinos appear to have appropriated one of the DDS' own band names for their own use...)

Talking of the Provider MX medium transport the DDS are to lease one of them from the Dinos for a few months to see if it suitable as a battlefield transport (a role the Dinos use it for). One of the SX-98 landing ships in DDS service will receive modifications to its docking bay so it can operate the MX. The MX is expected to be delivered next month, it will operate with a seconded Dino Army crew under DDS command.
  • The HCSAF are making big cuts to their helicopter force. They possess a huge fleet of rotorcraft, most being the evergreen H-26. Around 1,200 of their fleet of over 8,700 H-26s will be withdrawn over the next 2 years after the HCSAF's battlefield attack and cooperation squadrons are reorganised. The rotorcraft withdrawn will be old ones which would have been withdrawn within the next 3-5 years anyway though new build production will be kept at a minimal rate so most of the rotorcraft withdrawn won't be replaced. The HCSAF are denying this is due to budget pressures.



The Violence
The hunt is on for the final Hoods (Hunted P1)

Firefly to meet Ronald

Firefly, currently on his way to Starbot via Saeou, is to meet Ronald. Consul Ronald is currently en route to Starbot for an official visit, thought to be his final one before his retirement at the end of the year, to meet S101 and will also meet with Firefly.

Firefly meanwhile has announced that the three reviews into DDS operations and structure (looking at the Space Fleet, Land forces and Military doctrine) have been told to present their findings before the end of the October. This is a bit earlier than originally planned.
  • The Dinos have announced they have begun operational testing of a worm drive equipped drone transport. The Provider-XMA (Provider appears to be the new brand name for transports in the Dino fleet, the MX may also be renamed at some stage) is a rebuilt old Dinomark XT with a new power system and fully automated control and repair systems (it retains a small bridge so can be optionally manned). It is fitted with a wormdrive and a cloaking device and is intended to supply deep space patrols and expeditions. Its thought a Provider-XMA may be used to help resupply Ronald's planned exploratory voyage next year. Up to 6 Provider-XMAs may be built though 1 may be kept for testing and development.


SMA to produce universal IFV for DDS & UNP

The DDS' in-house land weapons company SMA (Sanger Munipical Arms) has published details of its forthcoming universal IFV for the DDS and UNP allied armies. The UAPC-X will be based on the old APC-1 design the DDS used in its early days though extensively updated and improved. Its in-service name will be revealed at a later date.

SMA will publish a specification for the UAPC-X later in the year with finalized designs by the end of the year. The first in-service vehicles could arrive by the end of 2113.



Closing Ceremony
Can the Dinos survive the combined attack? (Nazis P5)

Firefly visits Liberation

DDS Commander Firefly has visited Liberation, his first visit away from GHQ (which is now on Proxima 5) since he became commander. Firefly met with DDS officers and local defence chiefs and tomorrow will meet with the President of Liberation. Firefly will also view plans for the revamp of DDS South HQ on the planet.

Firefly will next go to Saeou, still recovering from the ABBO invasion during the war and then by the end of the week arrive at Starbot for talks with S101. A senior Molabite military officer will also meet with Firefly on the planet.
  • Work has begun on Helnikan Island on Proxima 5 of the new DDS GHQ. Automated construction machines will work 27 hours a day on the project.


Fleet News (17/08/12)

  • H171 Procyon is the latest Solaris 37C to join the fleet and has been joined by A167 Alcohol which will be the last Extender 73A oiler for the DDS fleet (one more will be built for the Starbotians).
  • Panther 35A H109 Margay has been fitted with worm drive, meaning the entire Panther fleet has been so fitted now.


HCS warships approach August Flourish

August Flourish 2112 is the latest exercise in the DDS calendar and this year is taking place near Starbot and involving DDS, Starbotian and Molabite warships. The final operation began yesterday and is taking place in free space inbetween Starbot and Molab, some 2.1 lightyears from the CSE-E border.

As the operation began 2 Cosmos cruisers were spotted approaching the fleet. The HCS ships were uncloaked though had weapons powered up. They came within 0.2 lightyears of the exercise though turned back when a DDS warship approached. The DDS think a cloaked ship is also shadowing the fleet.



One becomes three... enemies (Nazis P4)


First Zephyr 76A begins construction

The first Zephyr 76A fast fleet tanker has begun construction, A181 Zephyr will be the first of 6 oiler transports based on the Solaris platform. Although not as big as normal transports they will be fast ships equipped with worm drive able to keep up with DDS combat deployments.

A modified worm drive calibration will be calculated later this year. Though the first Zephyr is not expected to enter service until 2113, testing could begin by the early Winter 2112.


HCS deny further budget cuts (but there are some restrictions coming)

The head of the HCS Admiral Anderson has said that reports of further cuts on top of those already suffered by the Clone armed forces are untrue. "I can categorically state that the HCS will not have to suffer more cuts on top of those already agreed." he told reporters.

However later on it revealed that the HCS will suffer some restrictions in how it spends money. The HCS has been told to cut back on operational deployments over the next 12 months, reducing training and patrols to a minimum. In doing so the HCS have been told to save 3% of their budget which they will retain but will be kept as a "reserve" for future years. The HCS have been assured that they will not lose the money and if the economy begins to pick up the money will be available on top of agreed budgets. Operational deployments were already cut deeply with the budget cuts however so its not clear yet exactly where the HCS will be able to find the savings.



Quickest In Your Life
The Crugg brothers are captured by the Space Nazis (Nazis P3)

SeaGale launched from submarine for first time

The SLBM version of the Gale-III missile, the SeaGale, has been launched from a submarine for the first time, albeit from a submarine on the surface and not submerged. The trials submarine CNSS Warhammer fired the test missile from a secret location on Cloneworld. The missile landed deep in the main Cloneworld ocean (said to be the designated test site).

The HCS Navy plan 3 more launches in this series, at least 2 will be with Warhammer submerged. There is still a long wait until the first dedicated ballistic missile submarine in HCSN service (the Walrus class planned to enter service from 2116) though following trials Warhammer which has 3 missile tubes will also be available for service use. A submarine launched version of CSM is definitely planned though the Clones have kept quiet about it. As CSM uses the same launcher as Gale-III/SeaGale it is likely that a submarine launched CSM isn't that far away.

HCS Fleet News (10/08/12)

  • A Cosmos CG and a Kelsan KS have joined the HCS Space Navy.
  • 2 Nerval TYB transports have been withdrawn.


iP Services to have planet based HQ

The head of iP Services, Windscorpion, has said that the loss of his ship and mobile HQ has forced him to reassess how his company operates and how it can fulfill its contracts in DDS prisoner interrogation and confinement. Windy is said to be keep to buy a water-capable Dinomark XT from the Dinos, however this would be too small to replace SS Stoke City for many of its roles.

Instead Windy is said to be interested in a planet based HQ / prison with the XT bringing prisoners to the new HQ, which would be much better protected, for processing. Windy's son SFX is currently reviewing possible sites on Proxima 7, Solaris and Terra.
  • The DDS have ordered 6 CCA 380 Skyshuttle regional airliners for use in transferring personnel to and from the new GHQ and Proxima 5's spaceport. Delivery has been set for early next year which means the DDS could get some of these new aircraft before the HCSAF (who are buying it as the C-380!)
  • The Dinos have said they will build their equivalent of the Clone Space Missile interstellar strategic missile. They are already working on a space launched missile called GAM (Galactic Attack Missile) which is due to enter service in 2115 and this new weapon (called GAM-X at present) will be an evolution of the GAM. Its not likely to enter into service much earlier than 2120 but will be based at a number of sites in the DTA.


UV181 : Last Stand Of The New DDS

  • Decision - Redjec begs for his life (Endgame P3)
  • Wheels Within Wheels - AP confronts the plotters (Endgame P4)
  • The Darkest Days - The civil war at GHQ begins (Endgame P5)
  • Project Completed - Windscorpion destroys the New DDS Project (Endgame P6)
  • Ronald vs the Nazis - Nazis come from outer space and only Ronald can save us (Nazis P1)
  • Vaterland - The Dinos and the Space Nazis clash! (Nazis P2)

HCS View : What is happening to the Clones?

Keith Remadra, former chief advisor to the UNP Security Council on Clone affairs 

I have been following the Clone Star Empire for years but its surprising these days, as the Clone Wars disappears further into the past, that the Clones have slipped away from Terran attention. Even the Benito coup and the invasion of various Eritran planets hasn't grabbed the wider public attention as earlier events would have.

Suddenly however friends, family and colleagues have been asking me about the Clones and what exactly is going on with them? Is the CSE on the verge of collapse? Are they facing economic oblivion?

Well the simple answer is no but it is serious, however not as serious as the situation the CSE was in around 10 years ago (thats when things got so tight for the HCS they had to resort to crime to try and bring funding in!)

The main problem for the Clones is that their economic is too cyclic and unstable, big peaks followed by equally big troughs, they haven't yet found a way to stabilise their economy and i think the main reason for that is that the CSE simply doesn't work. The empire is probably too big and too varied to make any sense from an economic, strategic and even cultural sense and costs a huge amount to maintain and protect. This is a byproduct of the manic expansion of the CSE during the Clone Wars. No strategic thought was given to how the empire should expand, the object was to expand as quickly as possible. While you can rely on booty bought in from your conquests that works, however when the booty is spent and replaced with running costs then you run into trouble.

So what is the answer? I suspect the HCS will simply have to swallow its budget cut medicine and just wait for the next upturn. Even with the new cuts the HCS will still be a vast military machine, among the best in the known galaxy, though the HCS will likely be put into a firmly a defensive posture which of course is good news for smaller nations along the CSE's borders. The empire won't collapse, though it will suffer.

One possible answer could be to decentralise the CSE, split it into semi-independent mini-empires on the CSE-E model. This was something Oojok did try once before, though did not allow enough time to see if it can work or not. In smaller more cohesive chunks the CSE might work. It would be a risk but it could be the long-term sustainable model the CSE desperately needs.

HCS told to prepare for more "deep cuts"

Earlier in the year the HCS suffered a 10% budget cut followed by a 5 year freeze as part of desperate measures to save the economy of the Clone Star Empire from imploding. The HCS announced a series of cuts to units and equipment across the board though managed to avoid serious cuts to their war potential as most cuts could be made to older and second-line forces.

However the cuts might not be enough, it is rumoured the HCS has been told to prepare for another cut of around 5% on top of existing measures. HCS analyst Keith Remadra says that these new cuts could be much more devastating. "The HCS had a lot of fat that could be trimmed but the earlier cuts and freeze largely accounted for this. Extra cuts will mean serious cuts in primary warfighting capabilities. It also means that vital recapitisation programmes like the communications network [something Keith has written about here] will be further delayed and put under greater pressure."
  • Windy has confirmed he will replace his lost personal ship SS Stoke City which was destroyed by Redjec in a suicide attack. He said that a number of options are being looked at, one being an underwater capable Dinomark XT which Windy is said to like the sound of. Whatever ship Windy decides on will be owned by iP Services but have a DDS pennant like the previous ship.


DDS to upgrade DDS South HQ on Liberation

Not content with a new GHQ the DDS are also to invest in DDS South HQ on Liberation it has been announced by Sea Urchin. Around 67 million zarks will be invested in the complex, off-set by closing and moving personnel and facilities from two smaller bases on the planet (and selling the land for 4 million zarks), the Liberation government are also to cover 22 million zarks of the cost.

The improvements will include TPM-G emplacements, an upgraded airbase with a second runway, a new barracks facility able to house up to 3000 soldiers, a new vehicle maintenance facility and upgrades to the core infrastructure of the base.

Work will begin on the improvements next year. Sea Urchin said that DDS South HQ was one of the most important bases in the DDS (most list it as the 4th most important after GHQ, Solaris and DDS Communications) but had lagged behind in terms of facilities and defensive capabilities.
  • The Dinos have confirmed that Dinomark PT production has ceased because of tooling and jig changed needed for the forthcoming PT/3 due next year. Details on the PT mark 3 are hard to find but the internal layout is said to be very different to earlier PTs and there will be a degree of modularity. Only a few new PT/3s will be built next year, most work will be done on rebuilding PT/1s and PT/1as to the new mark 3 standard.


HCS View : A tale of two infrastructures

Keith Remadra, former chief advisor to the UNP Security Council on Clone affairs 

With the DDS embarking on some major infrastructure projects including their new GHQ and another major project i can't mention (it will be made public in a day or two anyway) i thought it might be interesting to compare the DDS who are willing and able to put their money and effort into maintaining vital infrastructure with the HCS who basically can't and won't.

The HCS Communications Network is in serious trouble. A major upgrade should have occurred over 10 years ago but for various reasons including severe economic difficulties and civil war the upgrade has not taken place. Now a network already creaking in the early 2100s is in serious danger of collapse. Now the HCS (and DDS for that matter) can utilise commercial network bandwidth in "emergency situations" (such as war or in the event of a major node failure). The Clones have been using between 30-40% of the Clone commercial network all the time for the last year now. Suffice to say the commercial broadcasters and indeed the public are not that happy about this.

The problem for the Clones is that they need to virtually start again with their network and as you can imagine the cost of this is vast. 32 billion zarks is a recent quote i have seen for a project that could last 15 years. That massive cost would have to come out of the already reduced HCS budget and they simply won't do it.

Instead the HCS have embarked on a series of smaller projects (known sarcastically in the Clone media as "sticking plaster projects"). 117 million zarks have been spent so far on a dozen small scale projects but they are just delaying the inevitable, a network crash could happen in a couple of years.

The Clones do know how serious the situation is, a more substantial project said to cost around 2.3 billion zarks is due to start next year to replace the backbone network between Cloneworld and 3 other core planets as well as parts of the main databus on Cloneworld itself. The Clones have also just signed a 157 million zark contract with a Terran company for improved data compression multiplexers and software.

These projects will just delay the inevitable though, and a war could cause an immediate collapse. The DDS completely replace their network every 10-12 years (the next cycle is due to begin in 2117) something the HCS should have done too. Of course this would mean less money for spaceships and other shiny toys.

But all these shiny toys are fairly useless without constant data...

Other Fleet News (06/08/12)

  • The Dinos have suspended Dinomark PT construction for at least the rest of the year to concentrate on XT production for the DTA (and it is also rumoured they are working on a new version of the PT). Three XTs have been produced one each for the Dino Army, Sirikwan and New Arit.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have completed a Meltinan.
  • Molab have received their Isometric-ME minesweeping director (though do not have any minesweepers yet). The Isometric-ME is fitted with Pave Yellow and can operate as a normal patrol asset though is optimised for minesweeping operations. The first of their Pentekonter-MEs is due for delivery in a couple of months.

DDS order A-85NTN and other items for new GHQ

The DDS have ordered 25 A-85NTN (not the NTK as originally reported) from the Clones with a delivery date set for next year. The navalised COIN aircraft will be used to patrol the waters around their new GHQ to be built on Proxima 5.

The Maritime Support Regiment of the Land Division is to be merged with the Marine Prowler Unit and will form the new Marine Patrol Brigade (the numbers of troops involved will also be increased). This will support the brigade assigned to the Headquarters Defense Department charged with defending and guarding GHQ though it will also be able to support marine operations elsewhere.

To support the Marines the DDS are to purchase 16 Galaki patrol boats from MME on Terra. These fast patrol craft are to be equipped with guns and SAMs for patrolling the waters around GHQ. Other vessels including a couple of hydrofoils and some smaller boats are also expected to be bought at a later stage.

Geological surveys have begun on the island though the DDS are already pretty confident the island of Helnikan is suitable (the P5 government conducted surveys some years ago). The DDS have already spent around 17 million zarks on materials for the construction of the various facilities on the island including drilling and tunneling equipment, jetties and construction materials. Further purchases are expected later in the week including a nuclear reactor which will provide the new GHQ's primary power supply.