
Solax in line to be SS-Commander?

When Ronald appointed himself as SS-Commander last month he made it clear that it was a temporary appointment and there has been speculation ever since on who Ronald will pass this poisoned challis onto next. The commander of the elite SS Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade, SS-Tribune Solax, is being considered for the top job which would be interesting as Solax is a known member of MBH's Cabal.

Analysts have pointed to an ever deepening rapprochement between Ronald and MBH over the last year with the former enemies even having being seen going bowling together. MBH, who for so long has desired complete power of the Dinos, is thought to have realised that he will never be able to defeat Ronald but instead can one day replace the great man when Ronald retires. In turn Ronald has seen the folly of trying to suppress the Chosen One (as MBH is known) and instead has allied with him and seems content to leave the running of the republic to MBH.

Thus the appointment of Solax makes sense. The Black Dragons are the embodiment of Dino fascist power and regard Ronald as a living god and MBH as their leader. A formal alliance of Ronald and MBH could make the power of Imperial Order and the SS unbreakable at the heart of the Dino Republic and any other political ideas such as the Liberals will be left firmly on the sidelines.