
Dino View : An evolving Dino Army

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Recently i took part in a focus group with some other retired and current Dino Army senior officers to come up with ideas to improve the performance of the Dino Army.

Consul Zanus wants the army to be "leaner and meaner", to better reflect changes in galactic warfare and as a response to the recent wars we have been engaged in. Traditionally the Dino Army has followed a fairly light and highly mobile model with a core of heavy power supported by aerial and land units that operate with speed. However the wars against the Utrek and Bolitic showed the need for more heavy power and as the army has expanded the number of air units has not followed suit. The DTA has also raised issues of integration with our allies armies.

I have been given security clearance to present the following ideas that emerged from our focus group and will be presented to Zanus later in the year. These could drive the future development of the army.

Non-Dinomark airpower

In the past the Dinos had a large air force but the rise of the Dinomark over the last 100 years has seen much of the air force retired. Nowadays the only combat aircraft in any decent numbers is the K-series close support fighter. We thought the Dino Army should look to invest in new strike fighters and more combat support aircraft. Helicopters were suggested as we have never deployed any.

Air power should also be separated from the land forces with a separate "Air Force". Close support aircraft could remain attached to the legions but it was felt that a separate air arm would be more flexible.


We have always been poor with artillery, for decades we barely had any at all. Recently we have bought some ex-HCS SP guns and MLRS but only 2 legions actually have any regular attached artillery units. We suggested that artillery be greatly expanded with all armoured brigades having an artillery unit plus several large artillery brigades that can be deployed where needed.

We suggested licence building the HCS ATC-107G and developing our own MLRS as well greatly improving datalinking and artillery spotting capabilities.

The end of the legion

The most controversial suggestion (and hence the one least likely to be enacted!) is the ending of the legion system. Over the last decade the brigade has become a much more important unit in the army and we felt that the legion should be disbanded with instead military districts used instead (which are already in existance) with brigades (and other units) attached to them. Other DTA army units would be more easily integrated without the legion getting in the way!

For expeditionary operations special combat groups would be formed where and when needed. So these were some of our suggestions. I'll let you know how Zanus takes them!