

Grade A Ultra Sex
The Bolitic war of succession gets murkier.


Current deployments (30/07/11)

Rapid Reaction Force

D101 Panther (flag / wormdrive)
D102 Jaguar
D168 Denebola
F163 Sea Of Fertility

July Wave

F108 Eocene (flag)
D161 Solaris
DR182 Lord Verin
DR187 Remedia Prime
P131 Fighting Falcon
P139 Osprey
L111 Pangaea
L115 Columbia
L153 South East Asia
L131 Tethys Ocean
A101 Provider
A148 Tristar

Rim Worlds Squadron

R151 Olympus Mons (flag)
D166 Vega
F105 Jurassic
F177 Fury
A151 Gasoline

Remedian Border Protection Force

R109 Rifleman (flag)
F101 Cambrian
A142 Stratotanker
+Remedian Police Fleet

Force Starbot

D161 Solaris (flag)
F151 North Sea
F171 Freedom
+ Starbotian fleet

Ships returning from deployment

A153 Butane


DDS unveil Data Security Plan

Sea Urchin has announced the first DDS Data Security Plan (DSP) which is the long awaited response to the Bolitic info-weapon threat early in the war which caused the DDS a number of problems. The DSP is intended to greatly strengthen DDS data security and integrity. It includes the following measures in a 220 million zark programme:

  • Already begun is a programme to convert all DDS encrypted data transmissions including data links to 512-bit encryption by 2113.
  • All DDS ships to have Info Warfare Centres (IWC) by 2114, and all front-line warships to move to IWC 2.0 by 2113 with offensive info-weapon capability.
  • Development of a new class of info-weapon, Autonomous Combat Data Agents (ACDA) for defensive and offensive use. These software weapons will hunt out and destroy enemy programs and also be usable for DDS info-attacks.
  • Two new data warehouses are to be built on Terra and Liberation to provide extra back-up and data mirroring capacity.
  • Fractal encryption to be deployed on all Level 1 data stores.
  • Major programme to train all DDS personnel in better data security methods and data handling with care procedures improved.


LRM-100 roadmap published and LRM-W announced

2120 will be the entry into service date for the DDS' interstellar ballistic missile the LRM-100, which will have a 100 light year range. The DDS have published a preliminary roadmap for development of the weapon system which will be a rival to the HCS' CSM (though that is already in service). Work on the boost phase is already in process with a commercial rocket being used as the template. The DDS aim to start launch tests in 2113 with the boost phase cleared for service by 2116.

The space stage will be a new UCV and will derive from work on existing superluminal UCVs. The DDS aim to begin flight testing of the space stage in 2115. Work on the first silos is expected to begin in 2118 with the final tests of LRM-100 and an entry into service by the end of the decade. The location of the first silos is as yet undecided though Liberation would strategically be the best location as missiles there would be able to strike any part of the Clone Star Empire. Silos on Proxima 7 are also expected as these would be able to reach much of the DTA.

The DDS say that in the next decade they will develop a follow-on version of LRM with worm drive (LRM-100 is expected to have a speed of around 500c) called LRM-W though gave no further details. It is known that a 250 light year ranged version of LRM is also being considered.


CSM-S cleared for service

The space launched version of the Clone Space Missile, known as CSM-S, has been cleared for service though its actual deployment will likely not take place until later in the year. It will be a key component of the Kelsan KS Attack System from mid-2112. The Soulaki can also use the missile with the Molentic Tuul being considered too. It will be also deployable on the ground-attack Cosmos CG which will enter service soon.

CSM-S uses a new version of the CSM targeting system (known as T-Core-2B) and an improved warhead. These changes will be added to ground launched CSM by next year. CSM-S is cold-launched and is said to be very stealthy.

  • The DDS have developed a multi-sensor reconnaissance pod for the Ferret-G, its actual capabilities are being kept a secret but it is thought to have EO, IR and MW radar sensors as well as an encrypted datalink using the new 512-bit key system the DDS will be introducing to all datalinks over the next few years. Though as yet nothing else uses the datalink except new ships built after June but the Ferret pod can also use the older 256-bit key.


Solax in line to be SS-Commander?

When Ronald appointed himself as SS-Commander last month he made it clear that it was a temporary appointment and there has been speculation ever since on who Ronald will pass this poisoned challis onto next. The commander of the elite SS Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade, SS-Tribune Solax, is being considered for the top job which would be interesting as Solax is a known member of MBH's Cabal.

Analysts have pointed to an ever deepening rapprochement between Ronald and MBH over the last year with the former enemies even having being seen going bowling together. MBH, who for so long has desired complete power of the Dinos, is thought to have realised that he will never be able to defeat Ronald but instead can one day replace the great man when Ronald retires. In turn Ronald has seen the folly of trying to suppress the Chosen One (as MBH is known) and instead has allied with him and seems content to leave the running of the republic to MBH.

Thus the appointment of Solax makes sense. The Black Dragons are the embodiment of Dino fascist power and regard Ronald as a living god and MBH as their leader. A formal alliance of Ronald and MBH could make the power of Imperial Order and the SS unbreakable at the heart of the Dino Republic and any other political ideas such as the Liberals will be left firmly on the sidelines.


C-426 enters service

The first 5 of 300 ordered C-426 Carnival light transports have entered service with the HCSAF. The small utility transport will fill a real gap in the HCS for communications and liaison transport which often has to be done with aircraft ill-suited to the role. The C-426 was designed to be very cheap to build and operate.

It has a simple design and is powered by 2 of the same engine that powers the A-85 and O-47, it also shares around 20% of the COIN aircraft's components including much of the avionics and the tail. A tanker version able to refuel the projected next version of the A-85 and other piston engined aircraft/helicopters called KC-426 is in development.
  • The Dinos have sent their medical database on "worm syndrome", an illness caused by incorrectly calibrated worm drive fields, to the DDS who have noted some similar cases on SS Isometric. All worm drive jumps are currently suspended in the DDS except in case of emergencies.

Current deployments (23/07/11)

Rapid Reaction Force

D101 Panther (flag / wormdrive)
D102 Jaguar
D168 Denebola
F163 Sea Of Fertility

July Wave

F108 Eocene (flag)
D161 Solaris
DR182 Lord Verin
DR187 Remedia Prime
P131 Fighting Falcon
P139 Osprey
L111 Pangaea
L115 Columbia
L153 South East Asia
L131 Tethys Ocean
A101 Provider
A148 Tristar

Rim Worlds Squadron

R151 Olympus Mons (flag)
D166 Vega
F105 Jurassic
F177 Fury
A151 Gasoline

Remedian Border Protection Force

R109 Rifleman (flag)
F101 Cambrian
A142 Stratotanker
+Remedian Police Fleet

Force Starbot

D161 Solaris (flag)
F151 North Sea
F171 Freedom
+ Starbotian fleet

Ships returning from deployment

M113 XerxesX114 Paris
X115 Hector
A153 Butane


UV168 : Dark Wave

  • Kick On! - Can Windy rescue the Prof and defeat a Tarbotian battle fleet?
  • Conviction - Ronald takes over the SS.
  • Won't Do Any Harm - Malanson's mission begins for the sinister SS-CINT.
  • Can They Be Tamed? - The HCS discover a mysterious and dangerous new alien race.
  • Sacred Band - Can Malanson beat the machinations of SS-CINT?
  • Life-Changing - Truman must answer to Windscorpion.
  • Kings & Queens - Windy makes an example out of someone.



Its Always Better
SFX has to come to terms with the aftermath of his abuse.
Caution story contains very adult themes, do not proceed if you think this could upset you or you are a minor.

Operation July Wave

The DDS have announced a new exercise which will begin this weekend and last for a couple of weeks, this will be the second in a series of regular "small" exercises facilitated by the extra funding won by Operations Command. The exercise will concentrate on amphibious operations and involve Remedian troops as well as the RCPP.

The ships involved are assembling at Solaris (except the Remedian ships which will join at en route), the first landing of the exercise will take place on Bintang. Captain Caratore will command the operation. The ships to be involved are:

F108 Eocene (flag)
D161 Solaris
DR182 Lord Verin
DR187 Remedia Prime
P131 Fighting Falcon
P139 Osprey
L111 Pangaea
L115 Columbia
L153 South East Asia
L131 Tethys Ocean
A101 Provider
A148 Tristar

  • New Arit has completed (with Dino help) an upgrade of its surviving Pentekonter-E. It has been given a C3 upgrade in order for it to act as the Aritan flagship and be able to command DTA detachments. It has also been fitted out for Dino-TPMs and has received some docking bay upgrades so it can dock with Dinomark PTs and Helwin ships as well as XTs.


UNP unveils beta of new space map

The UNP has released a beta of version 3.0 of its official spacemap, the key 2-D rendering of local space now expanded by 100% thanks to recent intelligence, astronomical discoveries and reconnaissance thanks to the worm drive. The new map can be seen here and shows the full extent of the Utrek Federation for the full time as well as giving an idea of the vastness of the Tarbot Empire. Despite dominating parts of the new map it is estimated this only covers about 35% of the total empire.

The UNP warn that this map is not the finished article and there may be discrepancies and some unfinished areas. Requires a HTML5 compatible web browser.

HCS View : Latest from the HCS reorganisation

General Garendin, former commander of the HCS 140th Infantry Brigade and current adviser to the HCS Future Strategy Committee

As reported a short while ago the HCS are considering the biggest reorganisation in its history with the traditional arms being disbanded and replaced by a number of role-driven "forces". I recently attended a thought shower of senior ex- and current HCS officers where we discussed the various issues involved.

The line of of these new "forces" has been finalised and consists of HCS Local Forces, HCS Tactical Forces, HCS Strategic Forces, HCS Space Forces and HCS Support Forces. A final decision whether to go ahead with the reorganisation is expected to be made by Oojok later in the year.

One thing that has been agreed is a limited trial to see how some of these ideas will work in reality. We have chosen Taragargi as the site of the field test and the HCS and HCSAF forces on the planet will become the Taragargi Army and Taragargi Air Force which will be part of HCS Local Forces. This trial will begin in August.

HCS deploy extra forces to Woloron 12

The HCS have despatched the powerful 2nd Amphibious Battlegroup to Woloron 12 as part of its build-up ahead of a possible military response to the new alien threat near the Eritran Free States (though as yet this alien threat has not been recognised). 2ABG consists of an armoured brigade and three mechanized infantry brigades all deployable by a force of 7 Intruder landing ships. The fleet has also been supported by the 6th Attack Wing of the HCS Space Navy comprising 12 first-line warships. Two Tiamon attack carriers as well as assorted airpower and bombardment assets are also en route.

CSE-E Commander Benito Clone said however he hoped to avoid any "aggression". He said that both the HCS and Eritrans were probing the area for the new aliens and it was hoped the loss of ships was due to a misunderstanding. However Benito said that the HCS stood ready to "respond to aggression in kind".
  • The DDS have temporarily ceased all worm jumps after 2 crewmen on SS Isometric were diagnosed with a mysterious illness. Experience from the Dinos indicates that this could be a human form of "Worm Syndrome", an illness that has affected Dinos during early worm drive usage and thought to be caused by slight imperfections in the jump calibration. The problem is thought to be slight and only come to light now on Isometric as this has made by far the most worm jumps of any DDS ship to date. DDS Research is looking to find the imperfection.
  • The Dinos are to freeze their defence budget for the next 3 years following 12 years of rises. Consul Zanus said that ship building was going to continue at a healthy rate but the Dino Army was going to face some cuts, likely to be slightly smaller brigades. The slack would be picked up by a greater role for other DTA land forces. The money saved will be used to fund DTA military improvements.


DDS order extra combat ships

The DDS has ordered an extra Indie 35B and an extra Solaris 37C heavy combat ships following some financial readjustments which has released extra funding for ship procurement Commander AP has announced.

This will allow the DDS complement of heavy combat ships to reach 20 Type 35s (12 Panther and 8 Indies) and 15 Solaris 37Cs though no date has yet been set for this target. One source said "around 2115" is likely.

AP restores the house system (again)

Lord Rotarios, during his reign as DDS Commander, instigated a house system for the DDS where DDS senior and combat personnel were split into 4 houses which competed with each other in order to raise morale and professionalism. The house system fell into disrepair after Rotarios departed though Windy did try twice to restore the system while he was in charge however he did not carry forward his ideas to fruition.

Commander AP said the time was right to restore the house system which he says this time will be even more successful than version 1! As before there will be 4 houses : Red, Yellow, Blue and Green. A full allocation of personnel to the houses will be carried out over the next month ahead of an expected start of the house system in September. The following house captains and their deputies have been announced however:

  • Red : The Sea Urchin (c), Caratore (d)
  • Yellow : Knobhead (c), Von Kane (d)
  • Green : Hibiscus (c), The Onion (d)
  • Blue : The Shiner (c), Tsunami (d)


DDS to reactivate captured Helwin

The DDS are to reactivate a Bolitic Helwin which was captured by the Raegris during the Bolitic/Vosun attack on the Raegris. The ship has some battle damage but this will be repaired along with some other updates and localisation work to get the ship to the same standard as the Helwin already in service, otherwise known as the Alpha Centauri 93X training ship.

With the Experiment class being sold DDS Research need more ships for trials and research work hence the need for a second Alpha Centauri. It will also be used for combat training. The as-yet unnamed ship is expected to join the fleet by the end of the year, it will be updated alongside the Sirikwanese Helwins the DDS are updating.


Current deployments (16/07/11)

Rapid Reaction Force

D101 Panther (flag / wormdrive)
D102 Jaguar
D168 Denebola
F163 Sea Of Fertility

Rim Worlds Squadron

R151 Olympus Mons (flag)
D166 Vega
F105 Jurassic
F177 Fury
A151 Gasoline

Remedian Border Protection Force

R109 Rifleman (flag)
F101 Cambrian
A142 Stratotanker
+Remedian Police Fleet

Force Starbot

D161 Solaris (flag)
F151 North Sea
F171 Freedom
+ Starbotian fleet

Ships returning from deployment

F109 Oligocene
M113 Xerxes
X114 Paris
X115 Hector
A153 Butane


Windy departs for Molab amid rising tensions

Windy and his iP services team have departed for Molab in D113 Snow Leopard where they will meet Molab and other Eritran officials in an affort to improve relations with the Eritran Free States and hopefully sell some kit! Windy will also be investigating the mysterious new alien threat responsible for the loss of a Molab and a HCS warship.

The HCS have met with Molab and will pool their information on the new aliens, not that they have a great deal at the moment. A HCS ship is thought to have begun reconnaissance in unclaimed space near to the area the ships were lost.
  • Artic has given up its UNP membership ahead of formally joining the DTA next month.



Kings & Queens
Windy makes an example out of someone.
Caution story contains very adult themes, do not proceed if you think this could upset you or you are a minor.

The Historian : A brief history of the KT

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

The Kalahati Tuul is entering its final few weeks in DDS service, and there is a long history of the type in DDS service although it has generally been an "enemy" design. I thought it would be interesting to look back over the rich history of this highly successful type.

The Kalahati Tuul is a Utrek design of course, for decades it was the backbone of their fleet with several thousand built. Even now several hundred remain in Utrek service and dozens more elsewhere.

Researching Utrek history is problematical as they are a fairly closed society though the Clones (who bought and later licence built the type) say the type was first developed by the Utrek in 2061 to replace their then current Yeotic Tuul (a spaceship now virtually extinct) and Yeoman class frigates. It heralded the second generation of Utrek spaceship design and broke new ground by being the first warship in known space to break 250c.

During the 2060s and 2070s hundreds were built for the Utrek fleet until at one stage over 90% of their entire fleet consisted of the type. During the 2080s a second generation KT was built that could reach 350c and it is this type that people are probably most familiar with (though the first generation looks fairly similar). The type had reached the end of its development potential (though the Clones have managed to get its speed up to 400c) and production switched to the Molentic Tuul in the early 2090s.

By then the 1st Clone War between the Clones and the DDS was coming to a close with the DDS defeated and the Clones looking to move beyond the confines of Cloneworld to build a star empire. The very first spaceships the new HCS Space Navy procured were 6 Kalahati Tuuls from the Utrek. The Clones liked the type, its ruggedness and reliability appealing to the Clone psyche, and bought a licence to produce the type themselves. Over the next decade they produced over 100 KTs of their own . Quite a few of these survive to this day either in HCS service or elsewhere.

Even from the start though the Clones wanted an uprated KT but the Utrek were busy with the Molentic Tuul. The Clones however were given permission to develop their own new version of the KT which they designed and built in conjunction with the Remedians (this being before the Remedians joined the DDS). The resulting type, called Kalahati Tuul 2 though in reality a third generation, was able to reach 500c and had greater firepower. Its design was vital for the Clone space industry in helping it move beyond building other people's design to their own ships. The KT2 is no longer in HCS service though 6 remain with the Remedians as the Perimpaz 39A and will do so until 2116.

With so many KTs knocking around it was no surprise they might end up in DDS service too. To start with the KT (and KT2) joined the DDS when the Remedians joined the DDS but later on the DDS managed to build a stock of over 20 KTs assembled from various sources including captures during the 2nd Utrek War which the DDS used to supply its allies. During the ABBO War the DDS even pressed 5 into service for themselves as the Kingfisher 39B to plug a gap in their fleet. Although obsolete the type is fine for basic patrol duties.

However the Kingfishers along with all other KTs remaining in the DDS inventory are being sold to the Aritans over the next few months. The KT will leave DDS service. The KT is set to remain in HCS service however for maybe another 20 years. During the 2100s the HCS rebuilt nearly ageing KTs as the Kalahati Tuul S with a new engine and equipment. These are set to be a prime type in the HCS Space Navy's second-line until the late 2120s at least.

It is likely too that other KTs will remain in the navies of medium and minor powers even beyond that. Although obsolete for a top navy nowadays the type is fine for the likes of the Aritans especially if some basic updates are made from time to time. Like all Utrek designs the KT is tough and resiliant and with basic maintenance just keeps going. The Dinos even have a project looking at fitting worm drives to Aritan KTs at some stage. The KT story may be able to end at the DDS but looks set to continue for years to come.


DDS begin winding down Kalahati Tuuls

The DDS have begun the final withdrawal of its final Kalahati Tuuls with the withdrawal of 2 of its Kingfisher 39Bs. The other 3 and the sole remaining Experiment 96X trials ship will be withdrawn early next month. All ships will be sold to the Aritans.

To mark the end of KT operation (though the KT2 remains in Remedian use) the DDS will stage a similar "public wind-down" as it did with the Pulsar 12A fleet. This includes a weekly report on the remaining ships' duties with a final ceremonial ending to operations in August.

To start the report the DDS has announced that X152 X-Ray is currently working near Solaris on unspecified equipment trials for DDS Research. D201 Kingfisher and D202 Kangaroo are currently assigned to Patrol Group Border operating on patrol circuits on the DDS-Dino border. D203 Kingcup is at Liberation for resupply before its next duties.

Fleet News (13/07/11)

  • R152 Atlas has become the second Olympus 23A carrier completed, A165 Butanol the latest Extender 73A oiler.
  • Kingfisher 39B destroyers D204 Kilmore and D205 Kite have been withdrawn pending sale to the Aritans.


Windy to visit Eritran Free States

The DDS have announced they have contracted Windscorpion and his iP Services team for a month long (at least) visit to the Eritran Free States (Molab to start with but Sear N7 and other planets too are likely to be visited). Windy will be meeting Eritran military and government officials to discuss military co-operation and will also try and drum up some more arms sales in this already very fruitful area for DDS exports.

A sheer coincidence of course that a recent new alien threat has emerged in the area! It is thought Windy will also be gathering some intelligence. Windy is likely to depart this weekend.


Truman must answer to Windscorpion.


June Fade ends in success

Operation June Fade had ended after a successful exercise involving DDS bombers and minesweeping assets. Two Quasar 15A simulated an attack run in hostile space (Porquatian ships acting as the "hostiles") with Pentekonter 44M minesweepers clearing a "path" for the bombers again under enemy attack.

One problem was found with the new DMS minesweeping systems fitted to the newest DDS minesweepers in that they suffered a software crash twice during the exercise though after a reboot they were found. The DDS will issue a software update for DMS by the end of next week.


Flagship to get worm drive

Commander AP's flagship, the Rome 46A medium combat ship K101 Cicero, will receive a production W1A worm drive in the next couple of months after the Rome became the 4th type to have its worm drive geometry calibrated. AP has insisted on worm drive personally as he says he needs to be able to reach all points of the DDS quickly.

Calibration of the Rome will also largely be valid for the Corkscrew though it is unusual that the Rome has leaped ahead of the Quasar and Type 37 in the list. DDS Engineering however say those 2 types will be calibrated by the end of the year. No other Romes after Cicero are expected to get worm drive in the short term.
  • Two F-45As have collided over Beyond Micom, second city of Cloneworld. Both pilots were killed but there were no fatal injuries on the ground as most of the debris fell into a river that passes through the city. The HCSAF are going to review combat aircraft flights over civilian built-up areas. Its the third F-45A loss this week as a plane also crashed due to mechanical failure on Daggaddon. Up until this week though only 1 plane of the 900 built for HCSAF service has been lost in several years of service.


SUP-ILU to begin before end of the year

The SUP-ILU upgrade of the transport fleet, the specification for which has just been finalised, is to become the largest upgrade programme in DDS history. The sheer number of ships involved (there are currently 45 Provider 71As Extender 73As and Marconi 81As in the fleet) means the upgrade will cost around 4 billion zarks and take over 2 years to complete. New ships will begin to be produced to the new standard from the early Autumn. The upgrade will involve:
  • A new engine, a Hitachi HS-760AY, with a new dynamic efficiency core for improved reliability and fuel efficiency.
  • Speed boosted to 600c thanks to the new engine and strengthening of the main load structure.
  • New navigational array and computer system.
  • Improved tactical system with datalink capability.
  • Missile launcher with 10 TPM-2 load, plus Canister TPM and auxiliary lasers.
  • (Provider & Extender only) improved cargo handling facilities and internal security systems.
  • New internal communications system with new data security layer.
  • (Marconi only) improved 360 CIWS
  • (Extender only) improved refuelling facilities and fire handling system.
  • Improved docking bay.
  • FIDO-VR support (8 projection areas).
  • Combat Wear 2.0 support.
  • Various other minor updates and refurbishment.
The first ship to begin the upgrade has not yet been specified.


Telvins accuse Dinos of attempted sabotage

Telvin 802 has accused the Dinos of trying to sabotage their new commercial orbital port which is currently under construction in orbit over their main planet. They said they had CCTV evidence of several Dinos about their port and there was some shooting involved, apparently between the Dinos. However it appears all Dinos teleported off the port.

The Dinos have denied any involvement. A spokesdino said "We have no operations in Telvin space. If Dinos are involved then perhaps it is a criminal gang, the fact they were shooting at each other would indicate that." Some reports have stated a mysterious missile travelled through part of the station though there has been no evidence to back this up.
  • Molab has relayed a message to the DDS apparently from the Rectoids. The former enemies of the DDS say this wish to "improve relations" with the DDS. It is thought their downfall in the war against the DDS in the mid-2100s has led to a democratic revolution in the state. 
  • The HCSAF have selected the CCA 380 regional airliner as its new medium personnel airlifter. An initial order of 12 has been made for delivery from 2112 where it will replace the C-420 Cargoster as well as some of the oldest C-440s. In HCSAF service the type will be known as the C-380 Skyshuttle.



Sacred Band
Can Malanson beat the machinations of SS-CINT?

Dino View : Sirikwan's 15 year fleet plan

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Last week i had a very interesting meeting with Group Leader Jelika, a senior member of the Sirikwan Defence Force who was on Dino-Land for DTA related meetings. We discussed plans for Sirikwan's fleet which was already in the middle of a multi-year investment programme now it is part of the DTA's overall military strength.

Sirikwan is in an interesting position, although much weaker than the Dinos they are easily the second biggest military in the DTA and are keen to improve their already reasonable fleet. Key to their plans are their 6 Helwin patrol ships which will soon be upgraded and life extended by the DDS to give them another 10 years of service on top of their remaining hull life. The aim is to replace the Helwins by 2126 and hence the Sirikwanese have recently formulated a fleet plan for the next 15 years based around that.

The next couple of years will see the 3 Reliwan (Vortis) frigates withdrawn from service and replaced by new Pentekonter-Es. The Sirikwanese will have a fleet of 10 of these ships by 2115 which will form the backbone of their patrol fleet with the Helwin as their combat fleet (supported by the Pentekonters).

The Sirikwanese will also begin to build up a sizeable Dinomark XT fleet, by the end of the decade having over 10 in service and likely quite a few more. Informally i have been told the Sirikwanese want 20-25 in service eventually.

Supporting these ships will be a force of Ferret-UCVs. Sirikwan currently have over 50 of these drones and aim to have over 120 by 2113. They are likely to have several Olympus-E carriers though their forthcoming Multi-role Combat Support ships (also based on the Friendship/River platform) will also be able to support UCV operations.

So by 2120 the Sirikwanese will have a fleet of 16 combat ships, 4-5 carriers with drones and a sizable fleet of XTs, all in all the Sirikwanese will have a fleet that easily ranks among the top of the medium powers. But one question will remain : what will replace the Helwins?

The Sirikwanese will be looking to buying 5-6 powerful medium sized combat ships by the mid-2120s. The Dinos do not generally build ships like this and the Sirikwanese themselves are unlikely to design and build their own design. I suspect something like the DDS' Corkscrew could be perfect for the Sirikwanese, by the 2120s it will be a mature design and with a core of these ships plus their Pentekonters the Sirikwanese will continue to be able to provide a powerful force of ships to support DTA activities.


Bombers join June Fade exercise

Quasar 15A bombers C121 Quasar and C125 Positron have joined the June Fade exercise for its final week to take part in a combined attack/MCM exercise. In the exercise the minesweepers in the fleet will clear a "path" for the 2 bombers as they attempt an "attack" on an asteroid (no live rounds will be used). Three Porquatian warships will take on the role of a defending force attempting to stop the bombers and the minesweepers.

Originally the DDS wanted a full 3 bomber squadron to take part but with only 8 bombers now until the arrival of the Type 16A in a few years time the force is a bit stretched. With 3 bombers kept on standby at all times only 2 other Quasars were available. The Indy 35Bs will soon be fitted to perform an auxiliary attack role which will help matters somewhat.
  • The HCS have sold 5 Nerval TYB transports to Sirikwan in a 180 million zark deal, this included 3 ships just withdrawn and 2 withdrawn a couple of months ago. All will receive some refurbishment though will be refuelled and localised by the Sirikwanese themselves. Delivery is expected for the end of this year.
  • The Dinos have said they will consider selling Dinomark PTs to their DTA allies after 2112. Its thought an export version will be developed called PTe which will be more affordable.

HCS Fleet News (06/07/11)

  • A Kelsan KS has joined the fleet, the 13th to date. It is the first of what is known internally in the HCS as KS2 standard with some improved equipment and 2 CIWS laser guns. Earlier ships will be upgraded later on.
  • The 8th Tiamon TM assault carrier has finally entered service, a 9th has been ordered for delivery next year.
  • Three Nerval TYB transports have been withdrawn. It is thought they will be sold to Sirikwan after refurbishment.


Benito puts HCS-E on full alert

The Emperor of CSE-E Benito Clone has put his armed forces on full alert following the destruction of a Kalahati Tuul S by an unknown alien ship. Early analysis of telemetry provided by the Molab as well as data from the KTS' own datalink shows an alien ship destroyed the KTS by ramming it. The Molab say they also lost a ship, a Vortis frigate, to the same alien ship.

A senior HCS general is currently travelling to Molab where he will meet the Molab military and discuss this new and mysterious threat.

Wayne King-Meiouf : Worm drive shrinks our galactic view

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

Worm drive will make the galaxy smaller than anything we've yet seen. In a short space of time ship speeds have been increased 20 fold to 5000c (lets not forget that 500c is closer to the average speed of the DDS fleet than 1000c that only a few ships can reach with hyperspace drives). This can only have a dramatic effect on how the DDS operates and how it sees the galaxy and its relations with it.

It may be easier to look at a concrete example. Lets take the distance between Proxima 7 and Starbot which is 50 light years (its actually 50.7 but lets round it down for ease of calculation, i've chosen Starbot for ease of calculation but also as it is one of the furthest points of the DDS from GHQ).

This distance of 50 light years means that a ship that can only go 1c would take 50 years to get there at least (and in practice quite a bit longer with time taken up recharging hyperspace drives, cooling down generators and the like).

Of course no ship only goes 1c these days, but a ship that can cruise at 500c will still take over a month to make the journey. Around 36 days continuous travel in fact, usually a Provider can make the journey in around 44 days. Its managable but obviously does tie up an asset for quite some time. A cargo trip to and from Starbot ties up a transport for several months.

Even faster ships take some time, on average something like an Isometric would manage 800c over the trip, taking around a month. Pulsar cruiser SS Europa made the journey back from Starbot to Solaris (46 light years) in just over 3 weeks, they really caned the old bird!

With worm drive this changes totally, a worm drive equipped ship can (in theory) make the journey in 3.6 days! In practice it takes around 5-6 days with recharging and also hyperspace travel to take up the final part of the journey. Even so it makes a huge difference to the DDS' strategic abilities. The Rapid Reaction Force has already been set up and a worm drive equipped ship can reach any point in the core DDS from Proxima Centauri within a day.

Planets once many months away are now within a few weeks travel time, this should lead to a great expansion of the territory the DDS considers its' sphere of influence with new potential allies and customers within reach for the first time, and new potential enemies too of course.

One final thing to add, worm drive brings the capital of the Tarbot Empire within a month's journey time. A blessing or a curse... depending on your point of view, and who has worm drive. Over time the technology will leak to other powers and we may find the comfort of distance no longer applies.

Wayne King-Meiouf : The secretive world of the A-projects

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The DDS C-projects are all very known, a new scheme bought in by the DDS in the late 2100s to better manage new ship projects and improve management of the process. As yet though no C-project has resulted in an actual ship being built though both the Corkscrew and Carbon projects should change that.

However there is another set of projects that are not well known at all, projects which are not classed as secret but are kept under wraps by DDS Research and are seldom mentioned in public documents. These are more abstract ideas, earlier concepts if you will. Consider the C-project a fleshed out concept, an A-project is the initial sketch.

Some A-projects have progressed to C-status though most (and there are said to have been over 50 to date) never get any further than a few briefings and discussion fora. Some A-projects can be combined into a C-project. The cancelled Chrysalis cruiser for example took elements from the Acorn project for a ship with a detachable large UCV and the Apex project for a large combatant.

Dr Forbidden told me recently that A-projects are not intended for the public domain mostly because they are often the DDS thinking aloud about a ship concept. He did give me permission to write this introduction into the world of the A-project and kindly allowed me to mention a few projects of interest (maybe because he is keen on them progressing to C-status and getting some development funding!)

Albany is a new concept in DDS warship design, a "multi-battlesphere combat vehicle". It is a spacecraft that can also operate in the atmosphere of a planet and even has a limited ground capability. As such it can be considered to be an equivalent in concept at least to the Dinomark XT. Albany would be bigger though, maybe around Rome size and would be intended to support amphibious operations.

Adder is nothing less than a replacement for the entire DDS transport fleet! Adder is a modular transport design which can be easily changed with the correct modules to perform cargo transport, passenger transport, oiler even humanitarian duties.

Finally August is a design for a small space fighter. A similiar idea to the Dinomark XA perhaps, August would be a 4-5 man ship with full superluminal capabilities and heavy firepower. August would be intended for space combat and special operations where a full-size ship would be unneeded and indeed too much to risk.

I'd personally like to see all 3 ideas developed fully, Albany sounds very interesting and would fill a bit of a gap in the DDS' amphibious and ground attack capabilities. August is where the galaxy is going in spaceship design with ever greater automation and shrinking size of technology resulting in smaller ships. Adder is the longest term project but by the 2130s the DDS need to start replacing their SUP based fleet and something like Adder could be the way the DDS will go.


Dino View : An evolving Dino Army

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Recently i took part in a focus group with some other retired and current Dino Army senior officers to come up with ideas to improve the performance of the Dino Army.

Consul Zanus wants the army to be "leaner and meaner", to better reflect changes in galactic warfare and as a response to the recent wars we have been engaged in. Traditionally the Dino Army has followed a fairly light and highly mobile model with a core of heavy power supported by aerial and land units that operate with speed. However the wars against the Utrek and Bolitic showed the need for more heavy power and as the army has expanded the number of air units has not followed suit. The DTA has also raised issues of integration with our allies armies.

I have been given security clearance to present the following ideas that emerged from our focus group and will be presented to Zanus later in the year. These could drive the future development of the army.

Non-Dinomark airpower

In the past the Dinos had a large air force but the rise of the Dinomark over the last 100 years has seen much of the air force retired. Nowadays the only combat aircraft in any decent numbers is the K-series close support fighter. We thought the Dino Army should look to invest in new strike fighters and more combat support aircraft. Helicopters were suggested as we have never deployed any.

Air power should also be separated from the land forces with a separate "Air Force". Close support aircraft could remain attached to the legions but it was felt that a separate air arm would be more flexible.


We have always been poor with artillery, for decades we barely had any at all. Recently we have bought some ex-HCS SP guns and MLRS but only 2 legions actually have any regular attached artillery units. We suggested that artillery be greatly expanded with all armoured brigades having an artillery unit plus several large artillery brigades that can be deployed where needed.

We suggested licence building the HCS ATC-107G and developing our own MLRS as well greatly improving datalinking and artillery spotting capabilities.

The end of the legion

The most controversial suggestion (and hence the one least likely to be enacted!) is the ending of the legion system. Over the last decade the brigade has become a much more important unit in the army and we felt that the legion should be disbanded with instead military districts used instead (which are already in existance) with brigades (and other units) attached to them. Other DTA army units would be more easily integrated without the legion getting in the way!

For expeditionary operations special combat groups would be formed where and when needed. So these were some of our suggestions. I'll let you know how Zanus takes them!

HCS ship destroyed near Sear N7 (Reports)

Molab media is reporting that a HCS ship, probably a Kalahati Tuul KTS, has been destroyed in unclaimed space near to Sear N7. A Molab ship was nearby but the Molabites are emphasising that they did not destroy the Clone ship, they say that one of their Vortis frigates was also lost in the same mysterious circumstance.

HCS-E has gone on high alert and a fleet is being assembled at Austini 55, it is thought however that the Clones are not blaming Molab for the loss and indeed have entered diplomatic discussions for the transfer of telemetry which could help explain the loss.
  • SS Panther will complete a short test run with its new worm drive this week and then take over as flagship of the RRF from SS Isometric. It is thought DDS Research are keen to get their test ship back so they can begin field tests of Open Architecture 3.0 technology though Isometric will not be converted fully to OA 3.0 until next year.


Current deployments (02/07/11)

Rapid Reaction Force

X111 Isometric (flag)
D102 Jaguar
D168 Denebola
F163 Sea Of Fertility

June Fade

F109 Oligocene (flag and MCM director)
M113 Xerxes
X114 Paris
X115 Hector
A153 Butane
+ 3 Porquatian ships

Rim Worlds Squadron

R151 Olympus Mons (flag)
D166 Vega
F105 Jurassic
F177 Fury
A151 Gasoline

Remedian Border Protection Force

R109 Rifleman (flag)
F101 Cambrian
A142 Stratotanker
+Remedian Police Fleet

Force Starbot

D161 Solaris (flag)
F151 North Sea
F171 Freedom
+ Starbotian fleet

Ships returning from deployment



Can They Be Tamed?
The HCS discover a mysterious and dangerous new alien race.


Won't Do Any Harm
Malanson's mission begins for the sinister SS-CINT.

Putri 500 order second Velocity-E

Putri 500 have placed a 1.36 billion zark order with the DDS which includes a second Velocity-E and 2 Coril-Es. The Velocity, and the existing ship, will be fitted with the Z6 cannon and be fitted for QPM. The Putrians will order QPM separately at a later date. The Isometrics they have already and the 2 they will receive later will also be QPM capable.

Putri have also shown an interest in the Olympus-E carrier and Ferret-UCV. Two Ferrets have been loaned to the Putrians for evaluation, they are being supported by a Starsystem.
  • D101 Panther has returned to the fleet after its upgrade to receive worm drive, and becomes the 6th ship in the fleet so fitted. Its upgrade took longer than expected as Panther, being first of class, had a slightly different power grid to later Panthers. Its power grid has been modified to bring it in line with the rest of the class.
  • Dinomark production is to slow slightly, PT production will reduce to 2 a month and XTs to no more than 3 a month. From the Autumn one of those XTs is likely to be for DTA allies.The Dinos have stated (for the first time) an aim for 50 PTs and 150 XTs plus SS and other agency ships. They are not far off those numbers though an unspecified number of XTs still need to be reduced back to the Civilian Reserve.