
Dino View : Ronald's power game

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

We Dinos are used to our political system providing us with a few shocks and surprises thus the events of the last few days are not without precedent in terms of impact though some of the events did cause a few raised eyebrows (if i had such a disgusting mammal trait of course).

Ronald removed Gibson as SS Commander, made him Executive Officer of the Senate and then Ronald made himself SS Commander. Whats all this about then? Some see it as Ronald preparing the ground for a massive power grab when he becomes Consul at the start of the year. But is this right?

Since he stood down as Consul the first time he has stepped back from the forefront of politics for awhile though in recent months he had made his presence felt as he worked to overcome his party, Imperial Order's, loss of top-level political power for the first time in decades. He removed El Diablo who he saw as unreliable and instigated a campaign to become Consul again (and he will win, he could be caught be bed with 100 dead girls and live boys and still win).

However taking over the SS is an unusual move, some have questioned why he has done this as the SS worship him as a god anyway. Has he taken over the SS to help cement himself in power as some claim? But why does he need to? No i think he has taken over the SS for a simple reason : there isn't anyone else he trusts to do it at the moment!

Gibson wanted out and Ronald made Gibson Senate EO to maintain Gibson's vote in Senate (and Gibson was forced to join Imperial Order too thus he will have to follow the party whip). Ronald took over the SS but i expect him to give most of the duties to a deputy, Solax has been considered even though he is a MBH man.

Ronald does not want Imperial Order to miss out on top-level power again so we can expect GBH to become Consul as well in a year or so. Cruggson will take his turn again but IO need another candidate to keep up the chain. Can Gibson be that fourth man? Gibson as Consul of the Republic. You read it here first, many will hope it never comes true though.