
DDS Tech Conference : OA 3.0, ASM, Zip

Dr Forbidden, the head of DDS Research, held a hotly anticipated keynote address to close the DDS Technology Conference where he announced Open Architecture 3.0, Active System Management and gave an in-service date for the Zip cannon.

Open Architecture is the protocol and set of underlying technologies that is at the core of most DDS space craft technology, it includes wireless connections and enables technology like FIDO and DAC. OA is also interchangable with the same core used on all DDS ships after the G3 ships like the Isometric 41A onwards (except some commercial bought in designs). OA 3.0 is the long awaited update to this core protocol and includes self-modification by ship systems as well as much greater security built into the core of DDS systems. Dr Forbidden said that OA 3.0 should start appearing on new ships from next year and as part of major upgrades though did not give a time frame for that.

One new technology which OA 3.0 can facilitate is Active System Management or ASM which will similarly start to be rolled out from next year. It allows ship systems to self modify and optimise without crew involvement (although everything will be monitored and can be rolled back). Powerful AI routines will help DDS ships become almost alive self-aware creatures. Dr Forbidden said this would bring much greater efficiency and optimisation as well as damage control.

Finally Dr Forbidden announced the Z Interphase or Zip cannon will make its debut in 2113. This will replace the current Z cannon which will see a final evolution as the Z7 cannon next year (though no details were given about this).
  • The Terran colony of Aldebra has applied for full UNP membership which will mean it joins DDS space. It has been the focus of tensions between the DDS and Argon 7 Sa Sao in the past as the Argon faction claim the planet for themselves.
  • The Dinos have admitted they don't have as many worm drive equipped ships as they have alluded to earlier. Late last year the Dino Army said it had over 40 ships but today admitted that the figure was really half that. There are now 23 worm drive equipped ships in the fleet though 3 more will join in a few weeks and a new factory will soon enable the Dinos to double production of worm drives an Army source said.