- The Dinos have built 3 Dinomark PTs and 4 Dinomark XTs, though one old XT has returned to the civilian reserve. All 3 PTs and 1 XT are said to have worm drive. From next month the Dinos expect to be able to fit worm drive to all new PTs and XTs.
- The DDS export backlog continues to be worked down, Putri 500 have received an Isometric-E, Helinox a Pentekonter-E and Sear N7 2 Coril-Es.
Other Fleet News (30/06/11)
Dr Forbidden : Some notes on DDS worm drive production

I am so often asked "Whats happening with DDS worm drive production?" Its a question that crops up all the time, well we are getting there but it is taking time.
We currently have 5 ships in the fleet with worm drive*, all but one of these powered by worm drives bought or supplied from the Dinos. One ship has a DDS built pre-production drive, though this was virtually hand-built by my team. Our production line is now in place and there are 4 new drives in various stages of construction. Much of this first batch remains hand-built as we are still learning how to work with Dino technology which is often radically different to our own.
I am confident that all 4 drives plus at least 2 more will be completed and will be in service with DDS warships (or at least ready for fitting) by the end of the year. True serial production is expected early next year and we are geared up to build 8-10 worm drives a year.
At the moment the priority is to fit them to the new build Indy 35B ships though we are also aiming to equip as many Panther 35As as we can too. Work is currently on-going on drawing up the field geometry for the Quasar 15A and Type 37 (you can't just fit a worm drive to a ship, it has to have its field correctly set otherwise attempting a worm jump would be suicidal). Currently we have geometries set up for the Type 35, Isometric and Isometric Prototype.
Its going to be a long process, new ships like the Indy and the forthcoming Corkscrew and Carbon will have worm drives from new and we'll fit them to existing ships as they come up for major updates. By 2120 we will likely have a majority of the combat fleet equipped, thats our aim. By 2130 we want all ships in the fleet equipped including transports. Now that is a long time but there is a huge amount of work to do as well...
* The 6th D101 Panther is currently in testing and will rejoin the fleet in a few weeks.
AP announces Type 16A bomber
On the deck of the newly withdrawn Pulsar 12A cruiser SS Europa DDS Commander AP has announced its (eventual) replacement. The Carbon project has been given the full go-ahead and will result in a new strike bomber known as the Type 16A to enter service in 2114. AP said that 12 of these new bombers (the DDS are no longer using naval terms like cruiser) would be built and would form the core of the future strike fleet.
Once in service the Quasar 15As would form a supplementary attack force with their primary role switching to command. AP said the Type 16A (a name will be chosen later, it will not be known as Carbon) would be able to carry a large number of MRMs, TPM-2s and other ordinance as well as being equipped with a Zip cannon.
Specification lock-down is scheduled for the Autumn and the first design impressions are also expected then. The prototype will begin building in early 2113 for an entry into service about a year later. The Type 16A is expected to be fairly low-tech in some areas as with the HCS Kelsan KS to cut costs and save time though will be fully equipped with heavy weaponry and sensors. Top speed of the Type 16A has been listed as being in the 700-800c band, though it will also have a worm drive so you can list 5000c also.
Once in service the Quasar 15As would form a supplementary attack force with their primary role switching to command. AP said the Type 16A (a name will be chosen later, it will not be known as Carbon) would be able to carry a large number of MRMs, TPM-2s and other ordinance as well as being equipped with a Zip cannon.
Specification lock-down is scheduled for the Autumn and the first design impressions are also expected then. The prototype will begin building in early 2113 for an entry into service about a year later. The Type 16A is expected to be fairly low-tech in some areas as with the HCS Kelsan KS to cut costs and save time though will be fully equipped with heavy weaponry and sensors. Top speed of the Type 16A has been listed as being in the 700-800c band, though it will also have a worm drive so you can list 5000c also.
- Together with the Type 16A announcement the DDS have phased out nautical terms for its existing ships. Destroyers are now known as Heavy Combat Ships, frigates as Medium Combat Ships and corvettes as Light Combat Ships though there are some variations where roles are not quite as clear cut. The prefices on pennant numbers would be remaining unchanged for now though but these are expected to change at some later date too.
- There are reports of mysterious transmissions eminating from unclaimed space between the CSE-E and the Eritran Free States, close to Sear N7. The HCS are understood to have despatched a ship to investigate.
Pulsars leave service
Following a final formation "flypast" at Solaris Dock One the final 3 Pulsar 12As have arrived at the DDS Engineering Holding Area for decommissioning. The ships have today been officially withdrawn from DDS service though will retain the ability to travel under their own steam for at least 2-3 months until their reactors run out of fuel. The ships will be stripped of armament and other sensitive equipment before being preserved.
DDS strike capabilities are now solely the responsibility of the 8 Quasar 15As until the arrival of the future bomber later in the decade. The DDS is keen to have 3 strike squadrons of 3 ships each however so it is likely the Indie 35B destroyers may be used as auxiliary bombers, they are true multirole ships and have a full SAS suite (though would not be able to carry as heavy a weapon load as the Quasars).
DDS strike capabilities are now solely the responsibility of the 8 Quasar 15As until the arrival of the future bomber later in the decade. The DDS is keen to have 3 strike squadrons of 3 ships each however so it is likely the Indie 35B destroyers may be used as auxiliary bombers, they are true multirole ships and have a full SAS suite (though would not be able to carry as heavy a weapon load as the Quasars).
Dino View : Ronald's power game

We Dinos are used to our political system providing us with a few shocks and surprises thus the events of the last few days are not without precedent in terms of impact though some of the events did cause a few raised eyebrows (if i had such a disgusting mammal trait of course).
Ronald removed Gibson as SS Commander, made him Executive Officer of the Senate and then Ronald made himself SS Commander. Whats all this about then? Some see it as Ronald preparing the ground for a massive power grab when he becomes Consul at the start of the year. But is this right?
Since he stood down as Consul the first time he has stepped back from the forefront of politics for awhile though in recent months he had made his presence felt as he worked to overcome his party, Imperial Order's, loss of top-level political power for the first time in decades. He removed El Diablo who he saw as unreliable and instigated a campaign to become Consul again (and he will win, he could be caught be bed with 100 dead girls and live boys and still win).
However taking over the SS is an unusual move, some have questioned why he has done this as the SS worship him as a god anyway. Has he taken over the SS to help cement himself in power as some claim? But why does he need to? No i think he has taken over the SS for a simple reason : there isn't anyone else he trusts to do it at the moment!
Gibson wanted out and Ronald made Gibson Senate EO to maintain Gibson's vote in Senate (and Gibson was forced to join Imperial Order too thus he will have to follow the party whip). Ronald took over the SS but i expect him to give most of the duties to a deputy, Solax has been considered even though he is a MBH man.
Ronald does not want Imperial Order to miss out on top-level power again so we can expect GBH to become Consul as well in a year or so. Cruggson will take his turn again but IO need another candidate to keep up the chain. Can Gibson be that fourth man? Gibson as Consul of the Republic. You read it here first, many will hope it never comes true though.
Pulsars prepare for final flourish
C108 Europa is due to return from Liberation early tomorrow when it arrives at Proxima 7. It will be joined by its sister ships C103 South America and C109 Antarctic for a celebration "flypast" of the main DDS orbital base over the planet. The three remaining Pulsar 12As will then travel onto Solaris where they will perform a similar maneuver past Solaris Dock One and then will arrive at the DDS Engineering Holding Area in high-orbit for decommissioning.
This will bring to an end 17 years of service for the type with the DDS (though the oldest ship remaining South America is only 13 years old). All ships will be preserved with one ship intended for the UNP Space Museum on Promixa 7, the fate of the other 2 ships is as yet undecided).
A fourth Pulsar SS Central America has already been preserved. It is possible the ships will be able to make their own way to their final destinations as they are fueled up for 2-3 more months reactor time though will need to be disarmed and have other sensitive equipment removed first.
This will bring to an end 17 years of service for the type with the DDS (though the oldest ship remaining South America is only 13 years old). All ships will be preserved with one ship intended for the UNP Space Museum on Promixa 7, the fate of the other 2 ships is as yet undecided).
A fourth Pulsar SS Central America has already been preserved. It is possible the ships will be able to make their own way to their final destinations as they are fueled up for 2-3 more months reactor time though will need to be disarmed and have other sensitive equipment removed first.
- At one stage the DDS planned to give the Voth 2 Pentekonter 44A patrol boats, P107 Sophocles and P112 Hipponas were withdrawn from service in late 2109 ready for the Voth but delivery never took place, though some localisation did take place, and the Voth eventually joined the DTA. The Voth still tried to claim the 2 ships which have lain in limbo at a Remedian space yard but a UNP court has ruled the DDS can keep the ships if they wish. The 2 ships may be converted into minesweepers and rejoin the DDS fleet though it is also possible the DDS may sell them to quickly fulfil 2 Pentekonter-E orders.
Current deployments (25/06/11)
Rapid Reaction Force
X111 Isometric (flag)
D102 Jaguar
D168 Denebola
F163 Sea Of Fertility
June Fade
F109 Oligocene (flag and MCM director)
M113 Xerxes
X114 Paris
X115 Hector
A153 Butane
+ 3 Porquatian ships
Rim Worlds Squadron
R151 Olympus Mons (flag)
D166 Vega
F105 Jurassic
F177 Fury
A151 Gasoline
Remedian Border Protection Force
R109 Rifleman (flag)
F101 Cambrian
A142 Stratotanker
+Remedian Police Fleet
Force Starbot
D161 Solaris (flag)
F151 North Sea
F171 Freedom
+ Starbotian fleet
Ships returning from deployment
C108 Europa
X111 Isometric (flag)
D102 Jaguar
D168 Denebola
F163 Sea Of Fertility
June Fade
F109 Oligocene (flag and MCM director)
M113 Xerxes
X114 Paris
X115 Hector
A153 Butane
+ 3 Porquatian ships
Rim Worlds Squadron
R151 Olympus Mons (flag)
D166 Vega
F105 Jurassic
F177 Fury
A151 Gasoline
Remedian Border Protection Force
R109 Rifleman (flag)
F101 Cambrian
A142 Stratotanker
+Remedian Police Fleet
Force Starbot
D161 Solaris (flag)
F151 North Sea
F171 Freedom
+ Starbotian fleet
Ships returning from deployment
C108 Europa
Ronald appoints new SS Commander... himself!
A few days ago SS Commander Gibson's nerve is said to have finally snapped and he fled SS GHQ and went into hiding leaving Henry in charge of the SS, he promptly ordered the entire SS to form an orderly queue so he could execute the worthless (i.e. all of them), the SS fled GHQ en masse throwing the Dino Republic's security service into chaos.
Ronald sacked Gibson as SS Commander and instead gave him the vacant Senate Executive Officer role though interestingly Gibson has retained Senator rank (SS Commander is an equivalent rank) and he will be able to vote in the Senate. Gibson has also been given Ronald's role as Minister of Cultural Affairs which is a welcome move as Gibson has at least read a book once or twice unlike Ronald.
The vacant post of SS Commander Ronald has decided to fill with himself. In a sensational Senate meeting he announced this move which left many shocked (and many relieved). Ronald said he would bring the SS back under control though it is likely he will relinquish his role when he becomes Consul at the end of the year.
Gibson has been forced to join the Imperial Order party and will vote along IO lines, this has annoyed Jimmy and MBH.
Ronald sacked Gibson as SS Commander and instead gave him the vacant Senate Executive Officer role though interestingly Gibson has retained Senator rank (SS Commander is an equivalent rank) and he will be able to vote in the Senate. Gibson has also been given Ronald's role as Minister of Cultural Affairs which is a welcome move as Gibson has at least read a book once or twice unlike Ronald.
The vacant post of SS Commander Ronald has decided to fill with himself. In a sensational Senate meeting he announced this move which left many shocked (and many relieved). Ronald said he would bring the SS back under control though it is likely he will relinquish his role when he becomes Consul at the end of the year.
Gibson has been forced to join the Imperial Order party and will vote along IO lines, this has annoyed Jimmy and MBH.
DDS test Rapid Reaction Force
Set up following the war the Rapid Reaction Force or RRF will eventually be an all-worm drive equipped set of ships on the highest alert status (able to depart port within 2 hours) which will be able to be dispatched immediately to developing situations and hot spots. Because the number of ships with worm drive is still very low only the flagship of the RRF is worm drive equipped at the moment and that currently is SS Isometric.
To test out the RRF on Monday the DDS held an exercise though the RRF crews did not know it was an exercise at the time. Under the test a radiological bomb is said to have gone off in the capital of Liberation, SS Isometric was sent with an NBC Assessment Team, it was able to depart port within 109 minutes of the initial alert. Within 27 hours it was in orbit around Liberation and, if it had been a real emergency, would have sent down the NBC team and later reported back what emergency equipment the DDS needed to send. The DDS hailed the test as a success though say that want to try and get the departure time below 100 minutes in future.
To test out the RRF on Monday the DDS held an exercise though the RRF crews did not know it was an exercise at the time. Under the test a radiological bomb is said to have gone off in the capital of Liberation, SS Isometric was sent with an NBC Assessment Team, it was able to depart port within 109 minutes of the initial alert. Within 27 hours it was in orbit around Liberation and, if it had been a real emergency, would have sent down the NBC team and later reported back what emergency equipment the DDS needed to send. The DDS hailed the test as a success though say that want to try and get the departure time below 100 minutes in future.
HCS to push aviation exports
The HCS through its state aircraft manufacturer subsidery CAC is to try and greatly increase its exports of warplanes with a revamped line-up of products. The F-45 remains off the sales list though a new version of the F-40 upgraded with F-45 technology and boosted engines has been developed. This is to be known as the F-45X and is similiar to the updated F-40S in service with the HCSAF but with some further refinements.
The A-84FE is an export version of the main HCSAF attack aircraft, similiar to the current production FM model for the HCS but with a different radar. The A-85NT will be presented in a new standard called A-85NTE which is similar to the HCSAF NT but with some detail changes. The C-440 cargolifter will remain unchanged as will the CCA C-485 whom CAC act as an export agent for. The new C-426 light transport is also being offered for sale.
The C/M/AH-26WE helicopter remains unchanged though an export version of the AH-50 Dragonfly is now being offered too.
The A-84FE is an export version of the main HCSAF attack aircraft, similiar to the current production FM model for the HCS but with a different radar. The A-85NT will be presented in a new standard called A-85NTE which is similar to the HCSAF NT but with some detail changes. The C-440 cargolifter will remain unchanged as will the CCA C-485 whom CAC act as an export agent for. The new C-426 light transport is also being offered for sale.
The C/M/AH-26WE helicopter remains unchanged though an export version of the AH-50 Dragonfly is now being offered too.
- The gradual withdrawal of the T-88++ Eliminator III continues as the tank has now dropped below 3000 in service. The remaining tanks are due to withdrawal by 2114. Once 60% of the HCS' armour consisted of this type.
- The Pulsar 12A fleet continues its final month of service, with every movement followed by enthusiasts and the media. C108 Europa has just arrived at Liberation en route back to Solaris from Starbot. C103 South America is continuing as DDS Central Fleet flagship. C109 Antarctica is heading the active strike squadron on some manouvers near the Terran system.
Operation June Fade announced
Knobhead has announced the first of what should be a regular schedule of smaller exercises and training operations which is being funded by the recent increase in funds to the fleet. He also announced that these smaller operations will follow a new naming convention where the month the operation starts in comes first followed by a code name. Only the annual exercises Atomic Fist and Ground Shock will be exempt from this new convention.
Operation June Fade will be a minesweeping and co-operation with the Porquatians exercise. The new MCM ships will perform a series of exercises with the Porquatians acting as escorts and later as the "enemy". The exercise is expected to last around 3 weeks, extra ships may join for the later stages. The ships that will take part are:
F109 Oligocene (flag and MCM director)
M113 Xerxes
X114 Paris
X115 Hector
A153 Butane
+ 3 Porquatian ships
Operation June Fade will be a minesweeping and co-operation with the Porquatians exercise. The new MCM ships will perform a series of exercises with the Porquatians acting as escorts and later as the "enemy". The exercise is expected to last around 3 weeks, extra ships may join for the later stages. The ships that will take part are:
F109 Oligocene (flag and MCM director)
M113 Xerxes
X114 Paris
X115 Hector
A153 Butane
+ 3 Porquatian ships
Current deployments (18/06/11)
Rapid Reaction Force
X111 Isometric (flag)
D102 Jaguar
D168 Denebola
F163 Sea Of Fertility
Rim Worlds Squadron
R151 Olympus Mons (flag)
D166 Vega
F105 Jurassic
F177 Fury
A151 Gasoline
Remedian Border Protection Force
R109 Rifleman (flag)
F101 Cambrian
A142 Stratotanker
+Remedian Police Fleet
Force Starbot
D161 Solaris (flag)
F151 North Sea
F171 Freedom
+ Starbotian fleet
Ships returning from deployment
C108 Europa
F175 Firebrand
X111 Isometric (flag)
D102 Jaguar
D168 Denebola
F163 Sea Of Fertility
Rim Worlds Squadron
R151 Olympus Mons (flag)
D166 Vega
F105 Jurassic
F177 Fury
A151 Gasoline
Remedian Border Protection Force
R109 Rifleman (flag)
F101 Cambrian
A142 Stratotanker
+Remedian Police Fleet
Force Starbot
D161 Solaris (flag)
F151 North Sea
F171 Freedom
+ Starbotian fleet
Ships returning from deployment
C108 Europa
F175 Firebrand
HCSN announce A-85NTK service-entry and more F-40Ns
The HCSN Air Service (HCSNAS) has announced a major boost to its carrier airpower. The carrier capable version of the A-85NT COIN aircraft the NTK has been accepted into service and the first deliveries of production standard NTKs are expected within weeks. The HCSNAS hopes to form its first NTK squadron by mid-Autumn and begin fielding the type on its carrier by the end of the year. Currently the HCSNAS has been receiving land-based NTNs but production will switch entirely to the NTK leaving them with a fleet with a 40/35 split of NTN/Ks.
The tiny number of carrier capable F-40Ns has also been boosted following some refurbishments and the HCSNAS now claim they have 13 carrier capable F-40Ns though will continue to only field 4 at a time to save wear and tear by rotating the fleet. F-45Ks are due to enter service around 2115 and that probably cannot come fast enough for the navy. Deliveries of the first of 25 F-45As will begin later in the year which will allow the HCSNAS to withdraw some of its oldest F-40Ns used in the land-based role.
The tiny number of carrier capable F-40Ns has also been boosted following some refurbishments and the HCSNAS now claim they have 13 carrier capable F-40Ns though will continue to only field 4 at a time to save wear and tear by rotating the fleet. F-45Ks are due to enter service around 2115 and that probably cannot come fast enough for the navy. Deliveries of the first of 25 F-45As will begin later in the year which will allow the HCSNAS to withdraw some of its oldest F-40Ns used in the land-based role.
The Shiner releases funds
Deputy Commander & Finance Officer Shiner has done something very unusual (and no doubt very painful and unpleasant for himself) that is increase a budget! He has released 110 million zarks to DDS Operations to fund greater training and a much greater number of exercises than originally planned.
Knobhead has already announced a minesweeping and joint operations exercise will now take place with the Porquatians next month though no more details have yet been given.
Knobhead has already announced a minesweeping and joint operations exercise will now take place with the Porquatians next month though no more details have yet been given.
- Shiner has also given the New DDS Army 35 million zarks for the procurement of 100 T-55ZDM tanks from the Clones. These will equip the 2nd Armoured Brigade which is currently forming. 7 million extra has also been given to build up the army's stockpile of artillery and anti-tank missiles.
- A Kelsan KS bomber is understood to have been involved in a serious collision with a commercial freighter near Daggaddon in the CSE-W. A number of fatalities on both ships have been reported by unconfirmed sources.
UV167 : Destiny
- All To The Winner - Windy reaches deep into the Tarbotian Empire.
- Dark Wave - Two missions are carried out simultaneously on a Tarbot world.
- Violence For The Sake Of It! - Malanson is confronted by SS-CINT.
- Combat 17 - The HCS attack a rebel base.
- Subtitles - Windy heads towards the end of his mission in more ways than one.
- Down The Cut - Windy Power goes into action.
- Cutting Back - The rescue of Prof. Collins runs into trouble.
DDS Tech Conference : OA 3.0, ASM, Zip
Dr Forbidden, the head of DDS Research, held a hotly anticipated keynote address to close the DDS Technology Conference where he announced Open Architecture 3.0, Active System Management and gave an in-service date for the Zip cannon.
Open Architecture is the protocol and set of underlying technologies that is at the core of most DDS space craft technology, it includes wireless connections and enables technology like FIDO and DAC. OA is also interchangable with the same core used on all DDS ships after the G3 ships like the Isometric 41A onwards (except some commercial bought in designs). OA 3.0 is the long awaited update to this core protocol and includes self-modification by ship systems as well as much greater security built into the core of DDS systems. Dr Forbidden said that OA 3.0 should start appearing on new ships from next year and as part of major upgrades though did not give a time frame for that.
One new technology which OA 3.0 can facilitate is Active System Management or ASM which will similarly start to be rolled out from next year. It allows ship systems to self modify and optimise without crew involvement (although everything will be monitored and can be rolled back). Powerful AI routines will help DDS ships become almost alive self-aware creatures. Dr Forbidden said this would bring much greater efficiency and optimisation as well as damage control.
Finally Dr Forbidden announced the Z Interphase or Zip cannon will make its debut in 2113. This will replace the current Z cannon which will see a final evolution as the Z7 cannon next year (though no details were given about this).
Open Architecture is the protocol and set of underlying technologies that is at the core of most DDS space craft technology, it includes wireless connections and enables technology like FIDO and DAC. OA is also interchangable with the same core used on all DDS ships after the G3 ships like the Isometric 41A onwards (except some commercial bought in designs). OA 3.0 is the long awaited update to this core protocol and includes self-modification by ship systems as well as much greater security built into the core of DDS systems. Dr Forbidden said that OA 3.0 should start appearing on new ships from next year and as part of major upgrades though did not give a time frame for that.
One new technology which OA 3.0 can facilitate is Active System Management or ASM which will similarly start to be rolled out from next year. It allows ship systems to self modify and optimise without crew involvement (although everything will be monitored and can be rolled back). Powerful AI routines will help DDS ships become almost alive self-aware creatures. Dr Forbidden said this would bring much greater efficiency and optimisation as well as damage control.
Finally Dr Forbidden announced the Z Interphase or Zip cannon will make its debut in 2113. This will replace the current Z cannon which will see a final evolution as the Z7 cannon next year (though no details were given about this).
- The Terran colony of Aldebra has applied for full UNP membership which will mean it joins DDS space. It has been the focus of tensions between the DDS and Argon 7 Sa Sao in the past as the Argon faction claim the planet for themselves.
- The Dinos have admitted they don't have as many worm drive equipped ships as they have alluded to earlier. Late last year the Dino Army said it had over 40 ships but today admitted that the figure was really half that. There are now 23 worm drive equipped ships in the fleet though 3 more will join in a few weeks and a new factory will soon enable the Dinos to double production of worm drives an Army source said.
Fleet News (14/06/11)
- Two Solaris 37C destroyers have joined the fleet though one is a conversion of an older version of the Type 37. D151 Velocity has completed its upgrade and has been renumbered D176. It will rejoin the fleet in a few weeks following trials. D170 Regulus is a new Solaris 37C and has joined the fleet immediately.
- A229 Orinoco is the final River 75B to be built.
Fleet lobbies for extra funds for training
The DDS Space Fleet is lobbying The Shiner for extra funding to enable more training to take place and the sort of mix of small and large exercises to take place as did before the war. As a cost saving measure the DDS have cut out small exercises and concentrated instead of large set-piece exercises like Atomic Fist and Ground Shock.
Head of Operations Knobhead said that the DDS needed to maintain a full spectrum of skillsets and asked for an extra 110 million zarks funding which would enable a series of small exercises throughout the year, more integration training with the DDS' allies and improve the curricula at DDS Training. The Shiner is likely to agree to the increase as other savings have exceeded forecasts elsewhere plus there is the worry that the DDS might start to lose its edge without continuing its training regimes.
Head of Operations Knobhead said that the DDS needed to maintain a full spectrum of skillsets and asked for an extra 110 million zarks funding which would enable a series of small exercises throughout the year, more integration training with the DDS' allies and improve the curricula at DDS Training. The Shiner is likely to agree to the increase as other savings have exceeded forecasts elsewhere plus there is the worry that the DDS might start to lose its edge without continuing its training regimes.
- DDS Engineering and DDS Research are to hold a 2 day "DDS Technology" conference over the next 2 days. Keynote addresses will be made by AP, Sea Urchin and Dr Forbidden who is expected to outline details of Open Architecture 3.0, the latest version of the underlying technology platform that underpins most of DDS space ship technology.
- SS Isometric is to take over the flag (and hence be the only worm drive equipped ship) in the Rapid Reaction Force from tomorrow. The DDS said the Isometric was a fully capable ship but the allocation of the trials ship to this role does indicate the DDS are still very short of worm drive equipped ships.
Current deployments (11/06/11)
Rapid Reaction Force
D122 Illustrious (flag)
D102 Jaguar
D154 Evolution
F163 Sea Of Fertility
Rim Worlds Squadron
R151 Olympus Mons (flag)
D166 Vega
F105 Jurassic
F177 Fury
A151 Gasoline
Remedian Border Protection Force
R109 Rifleman (flag)
F101 Cambrian
A142 Stratotanker
+Remedian Police Fleet
Force Starbot
D161 Solaris (flag)
F151 North Sea
F171 Freedom
+ Starbotian fleet
Ships returning from deployment
R107 Archer
C108 Europa
F175 Firebrand
D122 Illustrious (flag)
D102 Jaguar
D154 Evolution
F163 Sea Of Fertility
Rim Worlds Squadron
R151 Olympus Mons (flag)
D166 Vega
F105 Jurassic
F177 Fury
A151 Gasoline
Remedian Border Protection Force
R109 Rifleman (flag)
F101 Cambrian
A142 Stratotanker
+Remedian Police Fleet
Force Starbot
D161 Solaris (flag)
F151 North Sea
F171 Freedom
+ Starbotian fleet
Ships returning from deployment
R107 Archer
C108 Europa
F175 Firebrand
The Historian : The ultimate blood sacrifice
The New DDS Project is delighted to announce our latest expert commentator, The Historian, who will cast his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.
Last month the last few O-43 liaison aircraft left service with the HCSAF. On the face of it it seemed a rather minor event, the end of service of a rather crude and obsolete propeller aircraft, but actually it brings to an end a rather interesting and often horrific chapter in the history of the Clones.
During the darkest days of the First Clone War when the DDS were pushing the Clones back on all fronts on Cloneworld and getting ever nearer the capital the embryonic HCS sought desperately for anything it could possibly lay its hands on to stem the stream of losses. The DDS had the technological, professional and military advantages, the HCS had plenty of manpower and plenty of fanaticism.
In a desperate attempt to stop the DDS the HCS launched a series of suicide attacks, first with injured soldiers, amputees mainly, who sacrificed their lives as living bombs, parachuted over DDS lines in a desperate attempt to hit back. However the HCS soldiers found to their cost that slowly descending men on parachutes make easy targets. In the first attack once the DDS knew what was going on they butchered the suicide attackers by the score. Of the 500 men launched in the attack only 7 reached the ground alive (and exploded anyway). Most of the rest exploded in mid air, showing the DDS lines with a grim red mist. The DDS lost 4 men, the HCS 498. Two further attackers were similarly unsuccessful.
The HCS knew they had to produce a (rather paradoxically) more survivable suicide weapon, at least survivable until the point of impact. They began a rush programme to produce a suicide attack plane, a very fast to build crude aircraft that could carry a bomb into DDS airspace and then be dived into the target to destroy it.
The Clone aerospace industry was still in its early stages though the F-40 was in flight tests, the Suicide Attack Plane later renamed Yuxi-10 (Yuxi is a Clonese word for explosives). It was a very crude aircraft, built from odd bits of wood and assembled around a rather temperamental radial piston engine. No two Yuxi-10s were the same, such was the roughness of the finish. It was a wonder such a contraption flew, actually the first 3 attempts didn't. Yuxi-10 Number 4 finally managed to get airborne though its first flight was regarded by HCSAF observers as rather "graceless". Its landing was even more so, it was written off when it crashed.
It was clear the Yuxi-10 needed a lot of work, but as the heavy rains had ground the DDS advance to a halt anyway the Clones had a rare chance to spend some time getting their new weapons right. Its in this critical 4 month break in hostilities the HCS managed to turn their T-86 tank (an AFV almost as crude and unreliable as the Yuxi-10) into the far superior T-88A which then even began to equal the odds with the tiring DDS.
A new plane, the much refined (though still crude) Yuxi-11 was developed in record time. Although it needed some design modifications (such as strengthing the wings after they developed the habit of falling off during early test flights) the Yuxi-11 after a 5 month test programme matured into a reasonably stable aeroplane though 23 pilots had died so far in the Yuxi-10/11 programme to get to this point (some wags said it was a suicide plane after all).
A new factory far from the front line was set up and soon the first of hundreds Yuxi-11s began rolling off the production line. The HCSAF set up a number of suicide attack squadrons though decided to hold them back until the right time to unleash on the DDS. A rocket propelled version of Yuxi-11 was developed as was a jet powered version though neither entered service.
By the time the war had turned around and the HCS was ready to go on the offensive the HCSAF was in possession of over 1200 Yuxi-11s however when the attack came it was the new F-40, A-20 and A-84s which led the air attack. 600 Yuxi-11s were armed and prepared but the HCSAF only wanted to use them if the first attack failed or the DDS counterattacked. In the event the DDS collapsed, exhausted by a year of hard attritional conflict and internal strife. Within a few weeks the war was over and all of Cloneworld belonged to the Clones!
Thus the Yuxi-11 never saw service. As the Clone Wars became a planet-hopping war of conquest and counter-attacks the Yuxi-11 was kept in service but the appetite for throwing away hundreds of lives dampened somewhat. Fanatical fervor to defend ones homeland from the infidel is an easier gig than invading another people's world altogether. Yuxi-11s were deployed in the Daggaddon, New Rome and Randalf 74 campaigns but never used in anger.
Finally the HCSAF began to disband its suicide squadrons though some survived for over 20 years as part of a "last ditch" reserve. Hundreds were modified as COIN aircraft (the A-22) and did see combat - though they were intended to come back from the battle this time! The A-22 was not a huge success as it was based on such a crude design and was always much inferior to the A-85 custom designed COIN aircraft (though its design was based on the Yuxi-11).
A few hundred A-22s were later disarmed and became liaison "hacks", the O-43, though the last has now flown for the last time. This brings to an end the age of the HCS suicide attacker, a weapon forged from the unholy mix of fanaticism and desperation though ironically it never actually saw combat. Its probably just as well too, later analysis showed that a fully loaded Yuxi-11 was a rather easy target for any half-decent air defence...
Last month the last few O-43 liaison aircraft left service with the HCSAF. On the face of it it seemed a rather minor event, the end of service of a rather crude and obsolete propeller aircraft, but actually it brings to an end a rather interesting and often horrific chapter in the history of the Clones.
During the darkest days of the First Clone War when the DDS were pushing the Clones back on all fronts on Cloneworld and getting ever nearer the capital the embryonic HCS sought desperately for anything it could possibly lay its hands on to stem the stream of losses. The DDS had the technological, professional and military advantages, the HCS had plenty of manpower and plenty of fanaticism.
In a desperate attempt to stop the DDS the HCS launched a series of suicide attacks, first with injured soldiers, amputees mainly, who sacrificed their lives as living bombs, parachuted over DDS lines in a desperate attempt to hit back. However the HCS soldiers found to their cost that slowly descending men on parachutes make easy targets. In the first attack once the DDS knew what was going on they butchered the suicide attackers by the score. Of the 500 men launched in the attack only 7 reached the ground alive (and exploded anyway). Most of the rest exploded in mid air, showing the DDS lines with a grim red mist. The DDS lost 4 men, the HCS 498. Two further attackers were similarly unsuccessful.
The HCS knew they had to produce a (rather paradoxically) more survivable suicide weapon, at least survivable until the point of impact. They began a rush programme to produce a suicide attack plane, a very fast to build crude aircraft that could carry a bomb into DDS airspace and then be dived into the target to destroy it.
The Clone aerospace industry was still in its early stages though the F-40 was in flight tests, the Suicide Attack Plane later renamed Yuxi-10 (Yuxi is a Clonese word for explosives). It was a very crude aircraft, built from odd bits of wood and assembled around a rather temperamental radial piston engine. No two Yuxi-10s were the same, such was the roughness of the finish. It was a wonder such a contraption flew, actually the first 3 attempts didn't. Yuxi-10 Number 4 finally managed to get airborne though its first flight was regarded by HCSAF observers as rather "graceless". Its landing was even more so, it was written off when it crashed.
It was clear the Yuxi-10 needed a lot of work, but as the heavy rains had ground the DDS advance to a halt anyway the Clones had a rare chance to spend some time getting their new weapons right. Its in this critical 4 month break in hostilities the HCS managed to turn their T-86 tank (an AFV almost as crude and unreliable as the Yuxi-10) into the far superior T-88A which then even began to equal the odds with the tiring DDS.
A new plane, the much refined (though still crude) Yuxi-11 was developed in record time. Although it needed some design modifications (such as strengthing the wings after they developed the habit of falling off during early test flights) the Yuxi-11 after a 5 month test programme matured into a reasonably stable aeroplane though 23 pilots had died so far in the Yuxi-10/11 programme to get to this point (some wags said it was a suicide plane after all).
A new factory far from the front line was set up and soon the first of hundreds Yuxi-11s began rolling off the production line. The HCSAF set up a number of suicide attack squadrons though decided to hold them back until the right time to unleash on the DDS. A rocket propelled version of Yuxi-11 was developed as was a jet powered version though neither entered service.
By the time the war had turned around and the HCS was ready to go on the offensive the HCSAF was in possession of over 1200 Yuxi-11s however when the attack came it was the new F-40, A-20 and A-84s which led the air attack. 600 Yuxi-11s were armed and prepared but the HCSAF only wanted to use them if the first attack failed or the DDS counterattacked. In the event the DDS collapsed, exhausted by a year of hard attritional conflict and internal strife. Within a few weeks the war was over and all of Cloneworld belonged to the Clones!
Thus the Yuxi-11 never saw service. As the Clone Wars became a planet-hopping war of conquest and counter-attacks the Yuxi-11 was kept in service but the appetite for throwing away hundreds of lives dampened somewhat. Fanatical fervor to defend ones homeland from the infidel is an easier gig than invading another people's world altogether. Yuxi-11s were deployed in the Daggaddon, New Rome and Randalf 74 campaigns but never used in anger.
Finally the HCSAF began to disband its suicide squadrons though some survived for over 20 years as part of a "last ditch" reserve. Hundreds were modified as COIN aircraft (the A-22) and did see combat - though they were intended to come back from the battle this time! The A-22 was not a huge success as it was based on such a crude design and was always much inferior to the A-85 custom designed COIN aircraft (though its design was based on the Yuxi-11).
A few hundred A-22s were later disarmed and became liaison "hacks", the O-43, though the last has now flown for the last time. This brings to an end the age of the HCS suicide attacker, a weapon forged from the unholy mix of fanaticism and desperation though ironically it never actually saw combat. Its probably just as well too, later analysis showed that a fully loaded Yuxi-11 was a rather easy target for any half-decent air defence...
F-47 wins over some critics
The F-47 Light Fighter test programme is now in earnest and the ultra-cheap replacement for hundreds of ageing F-40s has surprised some HCSAF officials and even won over some critics. Early testing has found the simple fighter a very stable platform with excellent low-speed handling capabilities and is easy to fly. Such qualities are perfect for the secondary-world low-intensity operations which the F-47 is intended for (and for which the F-40, a fighter designed to dogfight with the DDS over Cloneworld, is not).
The F-47 is, in many ways, curiously old fashioned being a subsonic jet fighter with twin booms and unswept wings but is it very cheap and easy to fly and maintain and is thus perfect for the many secondary worlds in the CSE where an advanced jet fighter is not needed but something like the F-47 is.
The F-47 is, in many ways, curiously old fashioned being a subsonic jet fighter with twin booms and unswept wings but is it very cheap and easy to fly and maintain and is thus perfect for the many secondary worlds in the CSE where an advanced jet fighter is not needed but something like the F-47 is.
- The Raegris have withdrawn their final RC-1 Rul'Taka cruiser. The old ship had been intended to remain in the training role until 2113 but extensive cracks in the reactor array meant it would be impossible to meet that without a new array and that was not economically viable.
Sirikwan sign 3.1 billion zark order with DDS
Sirikwan, although a DTA member, is continuing as a DDS export customer and are keen to diversify their source of weapons. They have just signed a 3.1 billion zark order which includes a number of items.
Chief among these is a confirmation for 7 more Pentekonter-E120s to join the 3 already in service. The 4th was already paid for and this order pays for the other 6 as well as 5 years worth of software upgrades and an improved passive sensor suite for all of the ships.
Sirikwan's 6 Helwin patrol ships will also begin their upgrade and life extension later this Summer. The DDS will fully refurbish the ships to give them another 12-15 years of life, sensors will be upgraded to the same system as in the Pentekonters, a TPM-1 compatible missile launcher will be fitted (though will fire Dino TPMs) and a number of other systems will also be improved.
Finally a third Extender-E has been ordered to join the 2 already in service. The outstanding Provider-E has been cancelled though, it is thought the Dino built Provider-EDA will be purchased instead.
Chief among these is a confirmation for 7 more Pentekonter-E120s to join the 3 already in service. The 4th was already paid for and this order pays for the other 6 as well as 5 years worth of software upgrades and an improved passive sensor suite for all of the ships.
Sirikwan's 6 Helwin patrol ships will also begin their upgrade and life extension later this Summer. The DDS will fully refurbish the ships to give them another 12-15 years of life, sensors will be upgraded to the same system as in the Pentekonters, a TPM-1 compatible missile launcher will be fitted (though will fire Dino TPMs) and a number of other systems will also be improved.
Finally a third Extender-E has been ordered to join the 2 already in service. The outstanding Provider-E has been cancelled though, it is thought the Dino built Provider-EDA will be purchased instead.
DDS release FASP to make "every ship a carrier"
At a DDS Research presentation earlier today Dr Forbidden announced Ferret Auxiliary Support Platform or FASP. It is a set of software upgrades and a support module that can be fitted to any DDS ship with a docking bay (which is virtually the whole fleet apart from shuttles) to allow the ship to perform as a UCV carrier. The software and support module allow for refuelling and reprogramming of Ferret-G UCVs so ships can help support the normal carriers.
Dr Forbidden gave the example of a small task force headed by an Olympus 23A with 40 Ferrets, a Panther 35A also in the force could carry up to 8 Ferrets too to help augment the carrier's load. Dr Forbidden said this would add to flexibility and redundancy. It is also thought this could be a real boost to DDS exports of Ferrets as smaller nations could buy FASP for their Pentekonter-Es for example and also operate Ferrets even if normally they could not afford the expense of a carrier.
Dr Forbidden said a few ships like the Alpha Centauri trials ship were not compatible with FASP (because in that case it is a Bolitic design) but nearly everything else was fine. FASP will begun to be rolled out as a normal upgrade to the fleet over the next few months.
Dr Forbidden gave the example of a small task force headed by an Olympus 23A with 40 Ferrets, a Panther 35A also in the force could carry up to 8 Ferrets too to help augment the carrier's load. Dr Forbidden said this would add to flexibility and redundancy. It is also thought this could be a real boost to DDS exports of Ferrets as smaller nations could buy FASP for their Pentekonter-Es for example and also operate Ferrets even if normally they could not afford the expense of a carrier.
Dr Forbidden said a few ships like the Alpha Centauri trials ship were not compatible with FASP (because in that case it is a Bolitic design) but nearly everything else was fine. FASP will begun to be rolled out as a normal upgrade to the fleet over the next few months.
- The DDS have also announced an upgrade to the Ferret-G. The MQ-5B2 Ferret-GE will be produced from next year once the current G production ends. The DDS expect to buy 250 of them. The GE will have enhanced vector thrust for improved agility, better datalinks, refined control systems and the ability to replace the small laser gun with a third TPM-2.
El Diablo joins Liberals!
El Diablo, who resigned from Imperial Order, earlier in the year has sensationally joined the Liberal Party of Consul Jimmy and will be the party's Consul candidate next year (no one is bothering to stand against Ronald this year, miracles can happen but not super-miracles).
Legate Razorback has also joined the party, Jimmy will sponsor him to join the Senate proper when a vacancy arises. He is still the Senate Executive Officer though Ronald has begun interviews with potential replacements.
Senator Spikeson was expected to be the next Liberal candidate for the Consulship but it is rumoured he does not want to go for it, being content with his minister's job, private medical work, and scores of mistresses.
Legate Razorback has also joined the party, Jimmy will sponsor him to join the Senate proper when a vacancy arises. He is still the Senate Executive Officer though Ronald has begun interviews with potential replacements.
Senator Spikeson was expected to be the next Liberal candidate for the Consulship but it is rumoured he does not want to go for it, being content with his minister's job, private medical work, and scores of mistresses.
- The ion scoop fitted to Freedom 41B frigates after F178 is said to increase the ship's efficiency though not by as much as DDS Research hoped. It is still hoped to retrofit the device, which gathers expelled and latent energy in space to augment the ship's power systems (and this use less nuclear fuel) to the earlier Freedoms and even other ships. A Quasar 15A cruiser may be fitted with it for a trial.
- The Isometric 41A fleet has been cleared to have its cruise speed increased to 730c. Analysis of the fleet's structural state and load at hyperspace speeds has indicated the modest 5c increase will have little or no effect on the ships.
- The final Experiment 96X trials ship SS X-Ray has begun its final cruise ahead of its withdrawal later this month. It will be sold to the Aritans.
HCS View : Moving to a 3 type fleet

This site very often discusses the future of the DDS space fleet but rarely is the future of the HCS Space Navy mentioned. Well one reason for that of course is that we Clones tend to be more secretive about such matters but i think it is a topic that does need to be discussed a bit more.
Over the next 20 years we will see a gradual rationalisation of the fleet as older types like the Kalahati Tuul finally are withdrawn. One criticism of the HCS has been (in all branches) far too many different types doing the same or similar jobs. Rationalisation has been carried out across the HCS and the Space Navy has been no exception. We have seen the unification of the Molentic Tuul for example.
This will continue though in the medium to long term and by 2130 i except the HCS Space Navy will be based around 3 types : a heavy cruiser, a medium cruiser and a patrol ship. Two of these types are already in service. Lets talk about them first.
The Cosmos is the backbone of the fleet and our medium cruiser, and i expect us to have around 120 in service by the end of the decade (CK/S/G). These numbers are likely to remain constant through the 2120s as new build replaces time expired CKs and early CS. HCS plans are to keep the ship in production for the foreseeable future and update the type every 6-7 years. The HCS are already working on the follow-on to the CG which will have a new engine and be capable of over 700c.
The patrol ship will of course be the Shark which will eventually number well over 100 examples including replacing the Kalahati Tuul KTS in the 2120s. Like the Cosmos the HCS plan to keep this in constant production, updating the specification periodically. The SKB is already planned for 2112 with a further development around 2118.
This is all known and predictable, we Clones love the known and are generally quite conservative which is why, when we have a weapon that "just works" we keep it in production and just update it (Cosmos, A-85, T-55Z) instead of taking the chance with a new design. However things are different with the heavy cruiser.
Currently 2 types share the heavy cruiser role, 19 Soulakis and 21 Molentic Tuuls however by 2130 most of these will be coming to the end of their lives. Earlier Soulakis will begin withdrawals in the late 2120s and the MTMs in the early 2130s. Both types are said to be "adequate" and the HCS are generally happy with them but not to the same extent as the Cosmos. Which is why i think a new type could be developed to replace both the Soulakis and the MTMs in the late 2120s.
It makes sense for the HCS to replace 2 types with 1 and i expect we will see a new design to fulfill the heavy cruiser role. As its still a long way off i don't think anything will materialise design wise until the end of this decade at least. One problem we Clones do have is with a clean sheet of paper though, we are usually very good at developing a design (the Raegris are asking us for advice with their new Cosmos for example even though the design was originally theirs, we have developed their original design so much!) but our attempts at new warships have been a bit hit and miss (though the Shark and Kelsan are definitely hits which indicates we might be starting to learn how to do it!)
A collaboration cannot be ruled out, we have done it before. Hey maybe even with the DDS, who knows? The late 2120s are a long way away.
Current deployments (04/06/11)
Rapid Reaction Force
D122 Illustrious (flag)
D102 Jaguar
D154 Evolution
F163 Sea Of Fertility
Rim Worlds Squadron
R151 Olympus Mons (flag)
D166 Vega
F105 Jurassic
F177 Fury
A151 Gasoline
Remedian Border Protection Force
R109 Rifleman (flag)
F175 Firebrand
A142 Stratotanker
(F101 Cambrian)
+Remedian Police Fleet
Force Starbot
C108 Europa (flag)
D161 Solaris
F151 North Sea
(F171 Freedom)
+ Starbotian fleet
Ships returning from deployment
R108 Yeoman
A157 Methane
R107 Archer
D122 Illustrious (flag)
D102 Jaguar
D154 Evolution
F163 Sea Of Fertility
Rim Worlds Squadron
R151 Olympus Mons (flag)
D166 Vega
F105 Jurassic
F177 Fury
A151 Gasoline
Remedian Border Protection Force
R109 Rifleman (flag)
F175 Firebrand
A142 Stratotanker
(F101 Cambrian)
+Remedian Police Fleet
Force Starbot
C108 Europa (flag)
D161 Solaris
F151 North Sea
(F171 Freedom)
+ Starbotian fleet
Ships returning from deployment
R108 Yeoman
A157 Methane
R107 Archer
HCSN launch Ailier II
The HCS Navy have launched the first Ailier II frigate, a modernisation of their singleton legacy Ailier class frigate which is a survivor from the old HCSN and the fleet flagship. The Ailier II is a fairly similar design though takes advantage of improvements in technology, it does lack the C3 facilities of CNSS Ailier though the armament is much the same. The first ship should enter servie before the end of the year.
The 4th Seawolf SSK has entered service and joined the HCSN submarine patrol pool, the single SSB CNSS Warhammer has left the pool and returned to dock for "modifications". These are unspecified but it is expected it will begin testing of the SeaGale SLBM from next year.
The 4th Seawolf SSK has entered service and joined the HCSN submarine patrol pool, the single SSB CNSS Warhammer has left the pool and returned to dock for "modifications". These are unspecified but it is expected it will begin testing of the SeaGale SLBM from next year.
- The DDS has cancelled its final 2 Missileer 21B orders (which have yet to be started) and instead converted them into the cheaper Olympus 23A carrier, in the process saving 240 million zarks. Some of this money will be used unifying the Missileer to the later 21B standard though. The final Provider 71A transport has also been cancelled though one ship is currently in building. The final River 75B has also been cancelled. These cancellations will save 210 million zarks.
- The Dinos have outlined provisional specifications for the Mark 3 Dinomark PT with the aim of it replacing the current Mark 2b next year. Speed will be boosted to 920c with an upgrade of the power system and Pulseburst GX engines though it will have a W1B worm drive as standard too. Its missile bay will be larger to enable more TPMs and other munitions to be carried.
DDS announce Carbon and Coral
The DDS have formally announced 2 new ship projects both with names starting with C as is the current trend. When a project receives a code name it is said to have passed from the theoretical stage to actual solid work being done on it according to DDS sources. Carbon is the name for the new strike bomber to replace the Pulsar 12A, this name had already been rumoured for a few weeks. Interestingly Carbon is being called a bomber and not a cruiser.
There are signs the DDS are preparing to ditch the old ship type names. Corkscrew 51A is being called the Medium Combat Ship instead of a sloop now and instead of being called a frigate.
While Carbon was expected Coral was not. This is the codename for the Fast Fleet Tanker concept which has been mentioned a few times over the last couple of years. Coral will be based on the River platform but capable of 800c as the structure will be re-stressed and strengthened. No date for either type to enter service has yet been given but a source said they will be roughly enter service the same time as Corkscrew in 2114-5.
It is hoped both Carbon and Coral will enter service though one commentator said that no C-ship has yet entered service and some projects (Chrysalis, Crankcase) ended up cancelled. The other projects known about, Cordial, to replace the SUP and Clearwater a superluminal UCV have not been mentioned for some time.
There are signs the DDS are preparing to ditch the old ship type names. Corkscrew 51A is being called the Medium Combat Ship instead of a sloop now and instead of being called a frigate.
While Carbon was expected Coral was not. This is the codename for the Fast Fleet Tanker concept which has been mentioned a few times over the last couple of years. Coral will be based on the River platform but capable of 800c as the structure will be re-stressed and strengthened. No date for either type to enter service has yet been given but a source said they will be roughly enter service the same time as Corkscrew in 2114-5.
It is hoped both Carbon and Coral will enter service though one commentator said that no C-ship has yet entered service and some projects (Chrysalis, Crankcase) ended up cancelled. The other projects known about, Cordial, to replace the SUP and Clearwater a superluminal UCV have not been mentioned for some time.
- The Pulsar 12A fleet is now in its final month of service with the DDS. C108 Europa is currently the flagship of Force Starbot though will hand-over at the weekend to another ship and then return to Solaris via Liberation and will arrive back just in time for the scheduled withdrawal. Of the other ships C103 South America is currently the flagship of the DDS Central Fleet at Proxima 7 and C109 Antarctica is heading the active strike squadron along with 2 Quasar 15As.
DDS refresh export portfolio
The DDS have refreshed their portfolio of ships for export for the first time in nearly 2 years (though to be fair the war did get in the way). The most notable additions to the portfolio are export versions of the Olympus (which is already nearing a possible sale to the DTA) and the Corkscrew Future Medium Combat Ship though this will not be available from 2115 at least.
High-end versions of the Velocity-E and the Isometric-E (which now has a new E215 version) come with QPM and Z6 options. TPM is no longer available as an option even on request (though in practice no one had been sold it anyway).
High-end versions of the Velocity-E and the Isometric-E (which now has a new E215 version) come with QPM and Z6 options. TPM is no longer available as an option even on request (though in practice no one had been sold it anyway).
- The DDS have announced... an announcement. The specification for the Corkscrew 51A Medium Combat Ship will be finalised by DDS Engineering over the next few weeks and then publically unveiled on July 1st. One snippet which is being speculated about is a vertical launch system for TPM-2 known as TPM-VLS which is in development. It is said to be in development for the Type 1X Cruiser though sources indicate it will be used on Corkscrew too.
HCS Fleet News (01/06/11)
- A Kelsan KS and a Nybble NL UCV have joined the fleet. The Nybble fleet have also received a software upgrade which is said to improve communications security and self-defence automonous mode.
- A Freighter TYA transport has also joined the fleet meanwhile its big brother the first of the Type AA super transports (in essence 2 TYAs joined together with extra cargo handling equipment) has also entered service. It has been named the Megalift TYZ transport.
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