
HCS Round-up (30/06/08)

The large AH-26X Halogen-X helicopter programme could be delayed up to 8 years in order to save 1.8 billion zarks. The next generation helicopter programme will not be cancelled the HCSAF said but analysts are saying it has been in all but name. To compensate production of the current AH-26W will be increased and an improved version W+ be produced for 2110 using X technology including the new sensor suite and uprated engines. The HCSN also wish to replace their ageing Halogens with new build SH-26WNGs, this could help reduce the unit costs.

The E-1 AEW fleet is to receive an update. E-1M will have a new radar, improved data linking capabilities, new computers and an improved operator layout. Some new build could also be built if funds are found.

The Cosmos SR update programme will be slowed in another cost saving measure with ships only rebuilt when they reach the end of their fatigue life. The SR will be further improved however with a number of system updates.

The Dinos are to fund yet another new AFV. The Dinos want some 1,200 self-propelled guns and have chosen the standard HCS SP gun the ATC-107 as the basis for it. The current HCS model is the G, the Dinos want a number of system improvements and a more powerful engine. This is likely to be called the ATC-107GDM, as with the T-55ZDM and the forthcoming TRV-5HDM the HCS will also procure this improved design localised for themselves. Some have warned that HCS development is now too geared to what the Dinos need and not the Clones themselves however the HCS have said they are saving millions of zarks in doing this.


Operation Hard Thrust begins

An OpSec breach has revealed the fleet for the DDS operation against the Utrek incursion into the DMZ, Operation Hard Thrust. Its thought the leak was orchestrated by DDS GHQ though to scare the Utrek into withdrawing, the fleet being sent against them is certainly impressive. Easily the most powerful fielded since the Utrek War.

R101 Missileer (flag)
C121 Quasar
C126 Lepton
D101 Panther
D102 Jaguar
D153 Progress
F136 Barents Sea
F137 South China Sea
F139 Banda Sea
F146 Bohol Sea
K106 Brutus
A110 Condor
A146 Argus
A151 Gasoline

A second fleet consisting mainly of ground attack ships but also a MCM flotilla is also on the way in a separate detachment.

C102 Australasia (flag)
C107 India
F102 Silurian
F116 Cryptozoic (mine sweeping director)
K102 Caesar
K104 Pompey
K105 Claudius
K112 Seneca
M106 Sappho
M111 Pindar
A101 Provider
A144 Jetstar

E102 Morse, F112 Holocene and F151 North Sea II are already at the DMZ monitoring Utrek activity. X101 Neptune II and A142 Stratotanker are also at Remedia Prime on standby. The DDS plan to rendezvous in around 2-3 weeks at the border and then push on if the Utrek have not withdrawn from Diareel.


Fleet news (25/06/08)

Two Extender oilers have joined the fleet A152 Kerocene and A153 Butane. Kerocene was completed 2 months ago but it's entry into service was delayed while it was used by DDS Engineering for evaluation of a future SUP upgrade programme.

Feeder transports A504 Henry and A505 George have also joined the fleet. The DDS are very happy with the Feeder class and may order further examples.

The Isometric-R sub-class which has internal modifications to allow longer patrols will be converted back to normal Isometric standard when the ships receive refits this year. The extra endurance is not being used and the DDS wish to standardise the fleet again. F121 Phanerzoic will be the first to be converted as it has just begun a refit.


DDS order more ships

Despite budget constraints and economic problems with the UNP the current threats have assisted the DDS in budget negotiations and the UNP have agreed a one-off 3.7 billion zark fund for new ships and updates. The money, the DDS say, will be used for :
  • 2 extra Missileer carriers bringing the eventual fleet to 12. However ships 7-12 will be of a Missileer II standard, details of which will be presented later.
  • 1 extra Panther destroyer giving an eventual fleet of 15. Stocks of ground attack and reconnaissance modules will also be increased.
  • 1 extra Sea Of Tranquility frigate giving an eventual fleet of 6.
  • 4 extra Fighting Falcon littoral warfare ships giving an eventual fleet of 14
  • Funding will also be provided to build a stock of combat modules for fitting to Provider, Extender and Marconi class ships in wartime adding to their self-defence capabilities.
  • Early development work for the Terran Sea ILU and Quasar MULE future upgrade programmes will also be funded.


Ronald selects Smellyson as successor!

Following Consul Ronald's fading interest in rule the 2 main contenders to replace him Senators Cruggson and El Diablo asked him to nominate his successor to go into this year's election as Imperial Order candidate. Ronald did so but did not select either of them, instead he selected his son Smellyson, the CSS (Consul Security Section) Commander!

Cruggson and El Diablo are said to still be in shock at Ronald's decision which he declined to give a reason for. Both Senators said they would support Smellyson's candidacy. As for Smellyson himself he is said to been totally surprised at the decision.

Analysts are pondering the decision however some say it could be a smart move as Smellyson is not a Senate member he will have to be made one when his Consul period in office ends in 2111 which means Imperial Order will gain a senate vote. However with Imperial Order already agreeing to allow the Liberal Party a free ride in 2109 against Veritas = Truth it does mean that Cruggson and El Diablo will have to wait until 2110 at the earliest.


Game is on : both sides on Oscar

The DDS have produced proof that the HCS are operating on Oscar though in doing so had to admit they are there too. At a media briefing at Fort Olympus on New Jakarta the DDS displayed the corpses of 3 Clones said to have been killed in an engagement with a DDS special forces team on Oscar. The DDS displayed a chemical analysis of the Clone's blood showing they had been subject to Cloneworld's environment within the last month and also, the coup de grace, displayed the blood type tattoos on the Clone's legs. All HCS soldiers have these.

The DDS said the HCS have been assisting the Oscar Clones for a long time now and have helped bring the Oscar Humans to the brink of collapse but now the DDS will be advising them how to turn their military around. DDS forces on Oscar would not shoot at Clones unless shot at however they would train and re-equip the Oscar Humans to protect themselves.

The HCS have yet to comment.


HCSN announce new frigate class

The HCS Navy is to open a new shipyard on the south coast of the Cloneworld continent and a new naval base as part of it's gradual expansion around all the seas of the planet. Funding has been secured for a new class of frigate to complement the Olana class destroyers. The as-yet unnamed frigates will be of a different design to the singleton CNS Ailier frigate and are likely to be a little smaller. As many as 16 could be build over the next 12-15 years.


First Pulsar MULE3 rolled out

The first MULE3 update of the Pulsar fleet has been completed with C101 North America successfully completing return-to-service trials and rejoining the fleet. MULE3 is the final major update of the Pulsar fleet and will keep the ageing cruisers viable until the fleet is withdrawn from 2111.

MULE3 focuses the Pulsar even more as a bomber in the twilight of it's career. The Z cannon has been replaced with an updated ground attack Z5g cannon (Z5g+) and a new version of the attack system SAS2C. The engine has also been totally refurbished and recored with a small sprint speed boost to 880c. Pulsar has also received FIDO for distributed virtual crewing and is the first ship fitted with the new Blast Fragmentation Containment (BFC) system, which are forcefields designed to reduce shrapnel and fragment damage during combat. TPM2 launchers have been fitted (though TPM1 will still be carried for now) and a number of bridge systems have also been replaced with wireless systems similar to that used in Quasar ILU2.

Overall MULE3 is the most significant update to the fleet since MULE itself and will greatly add to the Pulsar's effectiveness in the final phase of it's life. Two more Pulsars are currently receiving the update, the whole fleet should be completed by the Fall.


Windy muses on nature of DDS 3.0

When Windy overthrew the regime of Rotarios and derailed the New DDS Project he began to plan how he would shape the DDS to replace it. Soon afterwards he announced DDS 3.0 but unfortunately the Utrek War and then the hunt for the New Cross have kept Windy busy so he has not been able to put his plans into action. But what is DDS 3.0? Currently at Remedia Prime Windy has been musing on the nature of the new DDS he wishes to construct.

Windy says DDS 3.0 will be different to the New DDS of Rotarios though may indeed have some similarities such as the emphasis on professionalism and self-actualisation. However Windy says these noble aims were subverted by the excesses of Rotariosism and the fanaticism of the Hoods. DDS 3.0 will allow professionalism and personal growth to flourish in a framework of spiritual freedom.

Indeed Windy wishes to allow freedom of spirituality though the official Windy cult will be encouraged to all young men as the true way to enlightenment. Other preachers and religious figures will be allowed as long as they do not preach a creed against the values of Windyism.

A priest yesterday

Hard work and self-denial are the key tenants of Windyism which emphasises the whole over the self and rewards the total self-denial of own needs in favour of the collective. This interestingly is another influence from New DDSism though with the hard physical edge of W's Style and earlier Windyism practices which call for hard physicality and endless toil.

The values of Windyism and DDS 3.0 are enshrined in the blueprint Windy has published called New Sparta Style System. This "Bible" will be required reading for all young men and women in the DDS and will instruct them in the brutal physicality, endless backbreaking toil, self-denial and violence which will take them to true happiness with the framework of DDS 3.0.

One problem is the malign influence of Hoods 2.0 with their degenerate extreme vision of Neo-Rotariosism and their attempt to de-rail DDS 3.0 and re-rail the New DDS Project. Windy has said the Hoods 2.0 represent a reaction to change and are a roadblock on the road to holistic self-actualisation and personal goal achievement. And thus will be punished.

Hoods 2.0


DDS establish forward base on New Jakarta

The DDS have greatly strengthened their presence on New Jakarta, a UNP protectorate near to Oscar. Three Providers have arrived in orbit laden with equipment including long-range scanners and communications arrays. Three thousand troops from the DDS Army have also arrived on the planet and are busy expanding Fort Olympus the DDS base on the planet.

A field hospital is being set up, the hospital ship A181 Florence Nightingale transferring some of it's facilities and personnel to the planet. Three Rome class corvettes have been allocated to patrol the planet's location.

The implication is that this will be the DDS' forward base if there are any military operations required on Oscar though the DDS will not comment on the reason for the activity.

New Hoods attack

Hoods 2.0 have launched their first notable attack for months, and what is even more notable is that it is the first attack away from GHQ. A party celebrating the full operational status of DDS Communications new base on Proxima 5 was disturbed by 3 Hoods who brutally beat a number of DDS officers.

Firefly has demanded an enquiry and ordered LPG to investigate personnel movement between GHQ and P5.

Windscorpion responds to Captain Clone

Windscorpion, currently on Remedia Prime, has called Captain Clone a "cretin" in reply to CC's accusations that the DDS are helping the Oscar humans. Windy said that there was evidence the HCS were helping the Oscar clones and indeed had been for months. "The whole universe knows the HCS are active on Oscar, there are even barely intelligent primitive life forms on undiscovered planets which know it. Its time Captain Clone shut his stupid face."

Windy then said that the "farce would soon end". When asked by reporters if that meant the DDS would be operating on Oscar Windy said that DDS forces will not be fighting on Oscar however he said that steps would be taken to help the Oscar humans re-organise. "Is Captain Clone afraid of a fair fight?" he cryptically added.

Captain Clone admits HCS involvement in Oscar?

Captain Clone today made a speech to HCS officers at HCS GHQ where he appeared to admit the presence of HCS forces on Oscar. "Our Clone brothers would have been cast adrift if the traitor Benito and his liberal cronies had their way. The HCS are helping them achieve their objective in a life free from interference and anti-Clone elements." However he quickly started referring to "patriots" instead of HCS.

Captain Clone also accused the DDS of being intent on destroying the Clone Empire. "Tremble Windscorpion! Quiver Firefly! Shiver Shiner in your ivory tower, all cosy and safe in your bathroom slippers! You will not destroy the Clone nation as we all know you intend to do. As you will do on Oscar without the protection of patriots! You want to enslave our brothers and dishonour our sisters but the patriots will stop you!"

CNS Cloneworld launched

CNS Cloneworld, the first aircraft carrier of the new HCS Navy, has been launched at a lavish ceremony at the HCSN HQ at Reuilla. The Friar and HCSN head Admiral Alias launched the 23,000 ton warship. Work is now being carried out 26/7 to complete the carrier and prepare her for her planned entry into service in 2110 (though this may be delayed until 2111).

Next year the HCSN's fleet of F-40Ns will have their arrester hooks restored and be given an overhaul to prepare them for carrier operation. A ground based "carrier" has been built at Reuilla NAFB to allow for the training of pilots in carrier operations. The facsimile of a carrier deck includes an electric catapult, ramp and arrester wires. It is hoped to be able to field the jets on a carrier for real from 2112 with the F-45K planned to replace the elderly F-40Ns from 2115.

As for major escorts D01 Olana should enter full service within weeks with D02 Micom soon to enter trials. F01 Ailier will complete it's major refit and modernisation later in the Summer and should return to the fleet by the Fall. The HCSN plan a fleet of 4 Olana destroyers for the Cloneworld carrier group fleet plus the Ailier frigate which will act as a command ship for non-carrier operations. More destroyers will soon be ordered for the next carrier group for CNS Clone Empire which is now building and will be launched in 2110.


Dr Forbidden on new DDS technologies

The head of DDS Research, Dr Forbidden, has kindly taken time out from his hectic schedule to update us on some key new technologies DDS Research is working on and will be rolled out over the next few years.


EA-X is a new energy absorbent material which will be covering our ships within the next few years. It acts as a final line of defence, being able to absorb the energy from a medium power energy weapon giving ships what could be a vital few extra seconds to re-establish their shields or escape. EA-X will, in a later development, also collect expelled energy during normal operation and recycle the energy back into the ship's powergrid. This will allow ships to reduce their reactor bank load thus saving fuel and wear and tear. It also could assist in the efficiency of cloaking devices as energy leak is usually the main reason for cloaking devices to fail to hide a ship from the enemy.

Distributed Adaptive Computing (DAC)

DAC will be the basis for the next generation of computing aboard DDS ships. DAC allows computer resources to adapt to need seamlessly. Why? So if some computers are damaged or have failed then other computers can take over their duties. This could be vital in a battle situation where, even if you have duplication, you can lose key systems. With DAC a ship could suffer 80% damage to it's computers but still have all key systems still operate, albiet at a lesser level of service. DAC will be part of Open Architecture 4.0.

Combat Wear 2.0

During the Utrek War we introduced protective goggles and jackets for ship's crews. The goggles, known as IFG, have the capability to relay information real-time to the wearer using a head-up display. The next generation of IFG will be smaller and less obtusive and will overlay virtual additional information in real-time to what the wearer is seeing. An example is if the wearer is looking for fire control equipment, the IFG will overlay on what he sees status information about the equipment he is looking at. This builds on IFG-DUPLEX which we introduced earlier this year and has proven to be highly useful.

The next version of the flak jacket will also relay medical information on the wearer back to the ship's medical centre in real-time.

Passive sensors

Within 18 months passive sensors will be good enough to be the primary system thus greatly adding to the stealth of our ships. We have put a huge effort into passive sensors recently and we now are way ahead of our competitors on this. Datalinking from other sources and advanced sensor filtering will also allow for an unrivalled tactical view.

Future weapon systems

Of course we all know about TPM-2 and Zip so i won't talk about them. However the DDS are expanding their portfolio of weapons thanks to help from our allies. Vosun-Voth anti-matter weapons for example will be fitted to some ships as an optional add-on depending on tactical need. We are also looking at Bolitic info-weapons after some experience at the sharp end from them. The DDS are very good at learning from our enemies and adapting. Non-lethal weapons are something we are lacking in, its not always politically expedient to use a TPM! We are investing in info-warfare heavily, as its also the best way to formulate our own defence against it.

HCSAF unveil F-45C/K details

The next major combat aircraft for the HCSAF will be the F-45C and it's naval carrier borne version the F-45K which is now due to make it's first flight next year. Entry into service is now set for the end of 2110 with the K coming around 2114. The F-45C/K is the second generation of the F-45 which is the most advanced warplane in the HCSAF.

The C/K will further push the HCSAF's edge with it's extra thrust from new engines giving it an enhanced supercruise ability, it will also have enhanced agility through modified aerodynamics and improved flight software, avionics and radar will also be heavily upgraded with the emphasis on BVR combat and datalinking. The F-45K will have strengthened undercarriage and an arrester hook for carrier operation, it will also have modifications to the radar and avionics to optimise for over sea operations.


Fleet news (14/06/08)

Panther destroyer D104 Leopard has finally entered service. It completed it's trials in May but its service entry was delayed because of an accident at space dock when a lighter rammed the Leopard causing damage to the hull. The repairs have now been made and Leopard can finally join the fleet. The pilot of the lighter has been... punished.

D155 Improvement is the final Velocity S to enter service and now production will switch to the Velocity N on a new jig operated by the Raegris. The old Velocity jig can finally be retired and will be heavily modified into a specialist jig for repairing badly damaged space craft.

C128 Baryon is the latest Quasar ILU completion leaving just 3 (plus 1 currently in refit) to be updated. One of those C130 Kaon is currently returning to Solaris after patrol to begin it's ILU.

F133 Baltic Sea and F134 Mediterranean Sea have been modified to Barents Sea standard (a.k.a. Terran Sea B) which now means the Terran Sea A is no more.


Discontent with Ronald in Imperial Order

There are rumours that some senior members of the Imperial Order party are becoming increasingly frustrated with Consul Ronald's lack of interest in political affairs and his lack of desire in tackling Consul MBH's new foreign policy initiatives. Ronald is now in the last few months of his term of office and the feeling is he is burnt out by 2 years of being a Consul and fifty plus years of being the Emperor before that.

It is thought that Senator El Diablo fears that MBH is getting away with too much and by the time Ronald is replaced by a new Consul which is likely to be either himself or Senator Cruggson too much damage will already have been done to the political alliance with the DDS and the SS will have gained too many powers. Unfortunately under the terms of the new constitution of the Dino Republic a Consul can only be replaced (for medical or emergency purposes) in the 1st year of his 2 year term of office so even if Ronald did stand down early no new Consul could be in office until the start of the next year. If in the second year a Consul is indisposed some of his role (but not including his veto) can be taken over by the Head of the Senate... unfortunately that is Ronald too!

El Diablo and Cruggson want Ronald to decide which one of them is to be the next leader so they can direct policy in the Senate and its thought they will implore Ronald to give one last effort before he goes off to recharge (and do lots of fishing).

Raegris exercise cancelled, ships redeployed

Operation Tunafish, planned for later in the Summer and an exercise involving the Raegris, has been cancelled because of the Utrek DMZ violation. Ships allocated to the exercise and already in the area are being redeployed to the 2nd Fleet which will move on the Utrek if they do not withdraw from Diareel. The 2nd Fleet currently consists of a Quasar, 2 Terran Seas and a Velocity with 2 Extender oilers though more ships are on the way. Today 2 Panthers, 3 Terran Seas, 2 Isometrics and 3 Extenders will depart from Proxima 7 to join the 2nd Fleet. The force will be led by SS Missileer which will be equipped by a squadron of Ferret-E UCVs. There are also reports that 4 Romes are being fitted with the ground attack module and 2 Pulsars are being loaded with nuclear missiles.

Meanwhile a Marconi class sigint ship is understood to be monitoring the Utrek fleet at Diareel which now has been strengthened by 4 more ships (to 24). An Isometric is also thought to be at the border.


Utrek violate DMZ

The Utrek have brazenly violated the terms of the DMZ by sending a fleet to Diareel to strengthen the garrison on the planet. Some 20 warships were involved in the operation and they landed some 10,000 Utrek soldiers on the planet. The warships have remained in Diareel orbit and long-range sensors are detecting possible re-construction of orbital bases.

The 2nd Fleet based at Remedia Prime has been put on full alert however the fleet only consists of 6 ships at the moment. Re-inforcements will be sent by the end of the week, including 2 Panther class destroyers and a Missileer. The DDS have told the Utrek to withdraw their forces or "face the consequences". Windscorpion is still on Remedia Prime and has taken over command of the fleet from The Orchid whom he has sent with a detachment to the border to conduct long-range strategic analysis.

HCS Round-up (12/06/08)

The HCS Space Navy have cut back on their Cosmos S plans in order to save 3.5 billion zarks. The final 10 on order have been cancelled meaning that just 12 more will be produced. As well as that the 5 oldest Cosmos will be withdrawn from service when they come off the end of their current patrols. This will give an eventual fleet of 115 Cosmos though its possible 5 more will be withdrawn. There is no word yet on when the SR programme to upgrade older Cosmos will begin though some ships are coming to the end of their fatigue lives within the next few years.

An extra Tiamon assault carrier has been ordered, on top of the 2 already under construction meaning the HCS will eventually have a fleet of 7. All Tiamons will also receive upgrades to their aircraft control system.

The T-55ZDM trials are continuing well and it is expected full clearance to begin series production will be given early next month. 500 have been ordered for the initial block which will be split in a 3:2 ratio between the Western & Eastern HCS. The Dinos have provided an initial 12 million zarks development fund for an improved version of the Tapir IFV for the Dino Army. The Tapir TRV-5HD will have improved armour, a new gun and an uprated engine. The HCS are expected to procure a localised version for themselves.

The HCS Navy has been allocated 17 million zarks to form 5 Marine Support Regiments. These troops will protect naval bases and provide manpower for amphibious operations. One regiment will be a panzer regiment and be equipped with refurbished T-55Z4 tanks and Tapirs from HCS stocks.

16 AH-26s have been transferred from the HCSAF reserve and will be refurbished and modified to SH-26 standard to supplement the HCSN's helicopter fleet. The HCSN have opted out of the AH-26X programme for now because it's SH-26 has fairly low hours in average and has on the whole a good 10-15 years before replacement be seriously considered.


UV130 : Penetration Is The Name Of The Game

  • Gobson's Despair - Gibson finds the price of his new DDS role so so high...
  • Under The Thumb - Joshi does not enjoy being part of the new House of Melson...
  • Perfect Every Time - MBH gets the new SS Bill passed by locking Ronald in a toilet...
  • Enter The Maniac - Special FX is sent on a mission to Oscar...
  • Amazing - Von Kane investigates a Utrek attack...
  • Drug Patrol - The HCS Navy use their new UUV for anti-drug work...

DDS develop new energy absorbant skin

DDS Research say they have developed a new material called EA-X that can improve the protection of spacecraft against energy weapons. EA-X is an ultra energy absorbent plastic, even a 5mm thick layer can absorb giga-joules of energy which can be expelled safely using a kind of "earthing rod". Although EA-X doesn't make a ship invulnerable in can help absorb some of the energy from a beam weapon and is intended as a last line of defence should the shields fail. A DDS Research spokeswoman said that EA-X would be able to absorb the energy from a shot from the average HCS warship for example.

The material becomes saturated very quickly so the second shot is likely to cause damage but this extra protection could be the difference between being able to escape and destruction in a combat situation. EA-X works with a thin layer (thicker layers do not increase the effectiveness by any significant amount) so will not change the appearance of ships to any noticeable degree. EA-X will now be given a full in-service trial starting with one of the Panthers being built this year (probably ship #6).

Could Dinos form technological partnership with Clones?

The freeze in relations between the HCS and DDS has seen various projects and technological transfers cancelled, one which has just been cancelled being the new submarines for the HCS Navy which were in construction by a Terran company. The Dinos could step into the breech however as MBH is keen to improve relations with the Clones and develop the weapon system partnership already begun with AFV development. Its likely, for example, the Dinos will fund the next version of the Tapir IFV. The Dinos also have submarine technology they could sell to the HCS.

This could put the Dinos at odds with their strategic partners the DDS. Consul Ronald is known to be wary of closer integration with the Clones however his rule is now winding down and MBH is thought to be taking advantage of Ronald's lack of interest to push through his foreign policy agenda.


HCSN field new UUV

The HCS Navy have begun operating a new unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) for autonomous surveillance. The Long Watch UUV is the first of what will likely be a whole series of UUVs and USVs operated by the Navy over the next few years, along with UAVs too of course! Long Watch is intended to wait undetected in areas of the sea with suspected pirate and drug smuggler activity. It has a 3 week endurance thanks to a fuel cell powerplant with solar backup (the UUV will spend most of it's time just below the surface). It has EO and IR sensors plus passive sonar and a directional microphone. It can datalink to ships or aerial vehicles up to 25 miles away, further if the UUV is on the surface (though it would not do this on an operation).

The HCSN have given details of an operation where Long Watch already proved it's worth. One was able to observe some drug smugglers relaying video feeds directly to a SH-26 helicopter just over the horizon. When the helicopter crew felt they had enough video evidence they then moved in and made the arrest.


Von Kane promoted to lead 4th Fleet

Windy has announced that Von Kane has been promoted to Admiral and will lead the new based at 4th Fleet Starbot. Earlier this year Von Kane was also linked to a 4th Fleet when it was mooted to form one to combat the Bolitic however the DDS changed it's mind at the time. This time however the plans have gone ahead.

Von Kane is currently heading back to Proxima 7 in his ship SS Velocity. His ship will receive a short maintenance and refit and then he will head off to head the fleet at Starbot when it is officially created next month.

Von Kane engages Utrek raiders

The three Utrek Molentic Tuuls which violated the DMZ and attacked a Remedian transport have been chased down and engaged by Von Kane in his ship SS Velocity. Two of the Utrek ships were destroyed in the DMZ before Von Kane was forced to retreat because of incoming Utrek re-enforcements. His ship suffered some moderate damage with 3 crewmen sustaining injuries.

Von Kane reports the Utrek have upgraded their ships with a new gluon based beam weapon which proved quite effective though TPMs still reign supreme.


DDS re-organise for new threats

The DDS are to form the 4th Fleet to counter the growing threat from the 7 Sa Sao. Recently the DDS fleet has been split into 3. The 1st based at Proxima 7 and responsible for protecting the central DDS / UNP, the 2nd Fleet based at Remedia Prime and defending against a possible Utrek attack and the 3rd based at Rathun's World and protecting the UNP enclave near the Rim Worlds. The new 4th Fleet will be based at Starbot.

A Quasar is currently the sole DDS ship in the new fleet though at least 3 frigates may join it later. The 4th Fleet will be integrated with Starbot's own fleet.


HCS to conduct large amphibious exercise next week

Usually HCS exercises are shrouded in secret, especially before the event but because of the tense intergalactic situation the HCS have given details of a large amphibious exercise to be held next week around and on the planet of Calantratia (incidentally one of the closest planets in the CSE to Oscar)...

A spokesclone said a force consisting of a Tiamon carrier and 4 Intruder LPDs would deploy with an escort of 12 Cosmos and Molentic Tuul. An armoured brigade and Red Lizard units would be landed on the planet. The HCS said they are going to test the new ground mode of the Cosmos' supercannon which they say gives a real ground attack function to the cruiser though DDS sources say the cannon is not as optimised as Z5g for ground attack and HCS attack sensors are not as advanced as the SAS suite the DDS use.

DDS and HCS officially end their relationship

The DDS has announced all sales and technical links to the HCS and Clone companies will no longer be viable and have begun programmes to produce Pangaea LPDs in their entirety instead of having the shell made by the HCS. A Raegris company has also been given a contract to produce a new minesweeping suite to replace SPECNES + Pave Yellow early in the next decade. Coril-B will also now be wholly made by the DDS.

For their part the HCS now are looking elsewhere for engine technology to re-engine some of their oldest freighters. A HCS spokesclone said the Clones would be more aggressive in the export market. However the Clones need a partner with which to develop advanced technology especially propulsion, an area in which they lag the DDS and Dinos badly.

Utrek attack Remedian ship

A Remedian freighter operating near the de-militarized zone (DMZ) has been attacked by what appears to have been 3 Utrek Molentic Tuuls. The freighter was disabled and the cargo raided by the attackers, two crewmen were injured in the attack. 250,000 zarks worth of minerals were taken from the holds.

A DDS task force led by Von Kane has arrived in the area to investigate the incident and to make sure it does not happen again. Since the end of the war the DDS have not been able to patrol the DMZ as much as they had liked and have relied on long-range sensor stations, however there are still gaps in coverage which Utrek ships can and will use to illegally enter DDS space.


DDS claim they have proof the HCS is operating on Oscar

The DDS say they have proof the HCS are illegally supporting the Oscar Clones. They displayed 3 dead Clones plus military equipment which they said had come from a "non DDS source" at a media briefing at GHQ. Firefly showed reporters that the Clones were of an obscure Clone sub-species who are not known to have been on Oscar before. Firefly however said that the only way these Clones could have got on the planet was if they were in the HCS.

Firefly also showed the equipment the Clones had been carrying including AR-100 assault rifles and mortar shells, all HCS sourced. A HCS spokesclone rubbished the DDS claims saying that just because this minority were not known on Oscar before did not mean it was impossible and the weapons were old and could have got there in any number of ways.


Fleet news (03/06/08)

Another Fulcrum class special forces transport has been added to the fleet, the ship is a Utrek High Speed Transport and where the ship came from is unknown but it is thought the ship was once owned by the Sirikwanese but sold to the DDS as part of the payment for Sirikwan's order for DDS ships. A603 Forefront and the other 2 ships have received a minor avionics update and their communication systems have received updates as part of the DDS effort to protect against cyber attacks.

The third Nightingale hospital ship has been cancelled. The class will now finish at 2 when A182 Dr Alban is built next year.

25 SROPS are now in service and production will soon switch to SROPS Rev C. The C will have extra fuel and an improved air filtration system to improve range and endurance. Avionics will also be enhanced with improved bandwidth for integration with the mothership. The Heron name, which is the official name of the SROPS, has been dropped because no one uses it!

Coril-B latest casualty of DDS/HCS tension

The Coril-B (or Coril 2110) was a reverse engineered and modernised version of the Tarbotian Coril shuttle which the DDS had ordered to replace it's crumbling Coril fleet. However DDS/HCS tensions have now led to the Cloneworld company Space Investments being forced to cancel the DDS order (by order of HCS GHQ). The prototype was due to begin testing next month.

This leaves the DDS in a bad situation as the remaining fleet of 10 Corils are due to be withdrawn by the end of next year. The DDS have therefore decided to reverse-engineer their own Coril! A DDS spokeswoman said that the DDS had already looked into the project before but had decided not to proceed because of the Clone project but now they would go full steam ahead and pledge to have a working ship by next year.

The Coril-DDS as it will be known will use a CFM WSN-865J engine which is more powerful than the Coril-B's FT101A, it thus will be able to reach 250c. The DDS was to complete the fitting out of Coril-B with avionics and defensive systems anyway so the Coril-B systems will largely be able to be used on Coril-DDS.


Windscorpion interview!

Currently visiting Remedia Prime on his way back to the DDS following his epic mission into the Bolitic Windy was kind enough to grant us a short interview.

US : Windy, is it good to be going home?

WS : Indeed young man... I always like to return to familiar... areas. I have been away from civilisation for a long time.

US : But there are a number of new problems that have arisen while you have been away, such as the Oscar crisis and the 7 Sa Sao.

WS : More things will surely arise when i return. The HCS are trying to test us, see how far we will go to avoid a war. They will find out that the DDS stands ready to defend the humans on Oscar. Oscar will never be a Clone protectorate. They should come to the table and discuss the future of the planet and a way to find a lasting peace between the 2 sides not rattle their sabres. The illegal supply of weapons to Clones on Oscar also must stop. The DDS stands ready to punish further transgressions.

US : It sounds like you are prepared for war with the Clone Star Empire...

WS : I say this to the people of the UNP, the staff of the DDS : your armed forces are ready.

US : But can the DDS go into a war with a major rival with the 7 Sa Sao also looking to test our resolve?

WS : The 7 Sa Sao are an unknown unknown which is the worst of all unknowns. Priority number 1 is to investigate the nature of their civilisation, their society and strength. Aldebra is on the extreme edge of their space so i suspect they are not really interested in the planet which is basically a worthless ball of shit but know they will be coming face to face with the DDS in future and want to see how we will respond. Like Oscar the DDS is here to protect humanity and will not shirk from it's role.

US : Finally, are you looking forward to see Gibson again?

WS : Yes i know the boy thrives when put under extreme pressure and he always has worked hard under me.

7 Sa Sao ship spotted near Aldebra

A few months ago the 7 Sa Sao said that Aldebra, a UNP planet with a growing colony, was their claim and that colonists should leave. Since then the DDS have offered talks with the 7 Sa Sao who have not replied. Now a 7 Sa Sao ship, this is known because it looks similar to the ship that made the first contact, has returned to the area and repeated the call for colonists to leave or face "dire consequences".

A DDS ship has been assigned to Aldebra recently however and this, a Rome class corvette, approached the 7SS ship but they left without replying to any of the DDS' messages. This blanking of the DDS is understood to have both infuriated and concerned DDS High Command.