
Discontent with Ronald in Imperial Order

There are rumours that some senior members of the Imperial Order party are becoming increasingly frustrated with Consul Ronald's lack of interest in political affairs and his lack of desire in tackling Consul MBH's new foreign policy initiatives. Ronald is now in the last few months of his term of office and the feeling is he is burnt out by 2 years of being a Consul and fifty plus years of being the Emperor before that.

It is thought that Senator El Diablo fears that MBH is getting away with too much and by the time Ronald is replaced by a new Consul which is likely to be either himself or Senator Cruggson too much damage will already have been done to the political alliance with the DDS and the SS will have gained too many powers. Unfortunately under the terms of the new constitution of the Dino Republic a Consul can only be replaced (for medical or emergency purposes) in the 1st year of his 2 year term of office so even if Ronald did stand down early no new Consul could be in office until the start of the next year. If in the second year a Consul is indisposed some of his role (but not including his veto) can be taken over by the Head of the Senate... unfortunately that is Ronald too!

El Diablo and Cruggson want Ronald to decide which one of them is to be the next leader so they can direct policy in the Senate and its thought they will implore Ronald to give one last effort before he goes off to recharge (and do lots of fishing).