
IFG-DUPLEX introduced

During the Utrek War the DDS introduced Integrated Force Goggles (IFG) to protect the eyes of crewmen from blast fragments and splinters, provide them with IR and enhanced visual mode in poor lighting and display important messages in situations where radio problems or too much noise renders other communication methods difficult. These have been a great success but now the DDS have introduced the second version of IFG.

IFG-DUPLEX, as the name implies, is two-way. Each set of goggles will include a camera so crewmen can send back footage of what they see. A DDS Research spokeswoman, Dr Malpractice, said in test simulations being able to send visuals had enabled command crew to take stock of a situation much quicker than if it had to be explained verbally, which might not always be possible. Visual enhancement modes have also been improved with seamless integration of virtual reality imagery superimposed on the "real" visual. Dr Malpractice have an example of where this was useful where a crewman was undertaking repairs in a combat situation, his goggles was sent information to assist him in identifying the correct system, this was superimposed on what the crewman saw as labels.

Damage Control & Casualty Assessment Team (Dcat) procedures have also been revised following analysis of their performance in the later battles in the war after the Dcat system was established. However all ships will receive internal modifications when they receive major refits (such as an ILU) to replace the materials used on internal fittings with new materials that do not shatter as dangerously and extra damage control equipment will be built in.