
Fleet news (03/01/08)

As a New Year present to the fleet 2 ships have returned to service. C122 Photon is the latest Quasar ILU and Isometric F110 Miocene returns to action after lengthy repair following damage in the war. C124 Deuteron has gone to Solaris to begin it's Quasar ILU refit however.

2 more Coril class shuttles have left the fleet and there are indications the DDS want to get rid of the rest of their ageing fleet as soon as possible. A556 Helen and A566 Lorraine have been sold to the Aritans however it's thought the "payment" is part of the DDS rewarding the Aritans for their assistance. The DDS have put a tender out for a new shuttle, one possible replacement for the Coril is... the Coril. A Clone company has managed to produce the Coril 2110, a reverse-engineered and improved version of the classic Tarbotian design and it is attracting a lot of interest.

The DDS have decided to split their minesweeping force into 2 flotillas based at Solaris and Rathun's World. Each flotilla will consist of 2 Pave Yellow equipped Isometrics and 4 Pentekonter-M mine warfare ships. This of course means the DDS will have to convert 2 more Pentekonters and 1 more Isometric (they currently have 6 P-Ms and 3 Iso-PYs). No official order has been placed yet due to funding.