
DDS create 4th Fleet to combat Bolitic Confederacy

Up until now the DDS Fleet's Combat Command has been split into 3 Fleets plus a reserve flotilla. The 1st Fleet is tasked with protecting the core worlds, the 2nd is based at Randalf 74 and the 3rd in Remedian space. Now the DDS are to create the 4th Fleet which will be tasked with protecting the UNP from incursions coming from the Bolitic Confederacy.

The Fleet will be based at the Remedian world of Algol 7 and maintain a rapid response force to counter any threats coming from Bolitic space. Extra subspace listening posts will be installed along the Remedian border that is nearest Bolitic space and its thought (though not confirmed of course) that the DDS will beef up it's intelligence operation in the Bolitic Confederacy.

There is no word as yet as to who will command the 4th Fleet but Von Kane is thought to be considered for the role and has held talks with Firefly.