
DF-1 He'Taka enters service

The first Raegris built Isometric type frigate, the DF-1 He'Taka has entered service. The type is similar to the forthcoming Sea Of Tranquillity DDS frigate though with a Z5t turret cannon. The DF-1 is a very powerful warship arguably superior to the latest DDS frigates (Terran Sea Type C2) though some say the electronics fit of the DF-1 is not quite as good.

The first export Extender-E has also been cleared for service. The oiler/transport has been accepted into service by Molab and is now currently on route to it's new owner. The DDS/Raegris Export Team is currently on Helinox trying to secure an order for Pentekonter-Es. An existing customer Sirikwan is considering buying more ships but may buy them from the Dinos.


Ferret-E unveiled

The Dino/DDS/Starbot Ferret-E should enter service sometime this year. Up until now it's development has been top secret though there have been a number of artist impressions. At a joint media briefing the Ferret-E UCV has been unveiled. In the picture supplied it is carrying 2 development versions of the TPM-2.


Thieves steal Kalahati Tuul!

Thieves stole a retired Kalahati Tuul based at Mila Orbital Station in an attempt to raid gold mines deep in Remedian territory but a DDS frigate captained by Caratore. The ship, SS Loeuss, was one of 3 former Remedian Navy KTs being used as static departmental ships. The Loeuss was being employed as a mobile generator to provide power to the orbital station over Mila as the station's own reactors were replaced. A criminal gang overpowered the small maintenance team aboard the ship and then set it free from the station. The ship was still largely in working order.

Caratore, in his new command Isometric frigate SS Eocene, was in the area undertaking training and was able to intercept the KT before it could reach the mines. The KT has an operational cloak and main cannons but had no TPMs and the shields failed so was soon defeated by the Eocene. The thieves were apprehended and the Loeuss towed back to Mila. The DDS are now going to de-arm the 3 KTs and also put in extra safeguards to prevent such a theft happening again.


Isometric ILU news update

Funding has been secured for the Isometric ILU (Intermediate Life Update) programme starting early next year. One source puts the price at upgrading the whole fleet of 25 ships at 3.1 billion zarks. However this will keep the ships viable and competitive well into the next decade. The ships will now be re-engined with the Meson TL-03CY evolution. This will have the same core as the 04 varient to be fitted in the Sea Of Tranquillity class frigates.

The ships will be also fitted with the Z5i multi-mode cannon* and will have integrated iSAS2 systems for ground attack. The ships will be TPM-2 ready (and the missile should be beginning to be rolled out by then anyway). All ships will also have 360 CIWS, a new improved version is currently being developed with greater range and will be fitted to a test ship (probably SS Carboniferous which already has the CIWS) later this year.

The ships will be fully refurbished and the opportunity will be taken to modify the internal layout somewhat. The ships will end up with a slightly bigger docking bay able to hold 2 SROPS, 1 SROPS + 1 Coril or 1 Fulcrum. The ships will also have a detachable pylon for mounting the MRM medium range missile and will have the support systems to operate and update the missile in mid-flight, and finally the ship will be able to carry Ferret-E UCVs. The ships will be fully Open Architecture 2.0.

* According to some reports the DDS are looking into fitting the turreted Z5 cannon though its thought the multi-mode version, Z5ti will not be available immediately so the Z5ti could be fitted to later Isometric ILUs but not the initial batch. As an aside it has been reported that Panthers will be fitted with Z5ti as soon as they become available, and the Z5g in Rome ground attack pods will also be replaced by the ti.


Developments with the Porquatians

Recently the Porquatians have finally been able to start rebuilding their armed forces however the DDS put a restriction on the fleet the Porquatians could build. They are only allowed to have up to 12 warships and none can be cruiser sized such as their Xian design. Porquat 640 has asked to join the DDS as an associate member like the Aritans however in return for these restrictions being lifted.

The Aritans however say the restrictions should remain, its not so long ago since the Porquatians destroyed the Aritan fleet and laid seige to the planet, it requiring a combined DDS-Dino-HCS task force to stop the Porquatians. It is understood at 3 party talks being held on Dino-Land between the DDS, Aritans and Porquatians that the Aritans and Porquatians have come up with a compromise : the Porquatians would be allowed up to 24 ships including up to 3 cruisers. Sources close to the DDS indicate they could agree to this compromise.

Though the Porquatians are said to have plans for a smaller fleet than that anyway. Its thought they want 2 Xian and 14 Quagans (3 of which already exist with a number in building). The Porquatians want to maintain 2 battle fleets of a Xian and 6 Quagans, 1 fleet always being ready for operations. Other ships will be in refit or other duties and reserve.

The current 3 Quagans are identical to the type deployed during the Porquatian war (indeed 1 of them is the sole survivor of the old Porquatian fleet, the ship was transferred to the Aritans for a time before being recently given back). Its thought the next batch and subsequent build will be to the Quagan 665 type which will have improved weapons and performance. The first Quagan 665 (the existing ships being Quagan 658s) should enter service this Summer.

DDS create 4th Fleet to combat Bolitic Confederacy

Up until now the DDS Fleet's Combat Command has been split into 3 Fleets plus a reserve flotilla. The 1st Fleet is tasked with protecting the core worlds, the 2nd is based at Randalf 74 and the 3rd in Remedian space. Now the DDS are to create the 4th Fleet which will be tasked with protecting the UNP from incursions coming from the Bolitic Confederacy.

The Fleet will be based at the Remedian world of Algol 7 and maintain a rapid response force to counter any threats coming from Bolitic space. Extra subspace listening posts will be installed along the Remedian border that is nearest Bolitic space and its thought (though not confirmed of course) that the DDS will beef up it's intelligence operation in the Bolitic Confederacy.

There is no word as yet as to who will command the 4th Fleet but Von Kane is thought to be considered for the role and has held talks with Firefly.


Sea Of Tranquillity class confirmed

To try and reassure worried and angry DDS officers about the loss of the "Mars/Battle" class future frigate the DDS has confirmed an order for 3 Sea Of Tranquillity class frigates, the D evolution of the Terran Sea platform. The ships will include technology from the cancelled frigates including integrated iSAS attack software.

It will also be the first ship to deploy the next generation Z5i cannon which will replace the Z5 and Z5g in all future updates. The Z5i integrates both space and ground attack modes. The ships will also be TPM-2 ready from the off. The D will also have the latest evolution of the Meson engine. The engine may yet change as the Meson is being developed for the Isometric ILU programme starting next year and the DDS are keen to use the same varient for the D.

The first ship is expected later this year and the other 2 will be completed and in service by the beginning of 2109.


Fleet news (23/01/08)

The second Panther D102 Jaguar has entered test, it has a number of detail changes from the first ship, it is expected to complete tests in March. After that full serial production of the Panther will begin with the next 2 examples being of the Rev A varient. The first 2 ships will be retrofitted to this standard later this year.

As part of the DDS' cost-cutting and fleet realignment strategy the Battle class frigate has been cancelled as expected. This makes it the second time a "third generation Isometric" class has been cancelled. The DDS do not want the risk of a brand new type (not to mention the expense right now). Instead they are said to be looking at further developing the Terran Sea platform into a D evolution possibly to be known as the Sea Of Tranquility class.

4 more Rome corvettes have been ordered however and will be added to the order making a eventual fleet of 24. The DDS say the type has proven to be very successful and flexible.

The first Pangaea class LHD L111 Pangaea has entered test. It will carry out a full new type proving programme over the next month then carry out an extensive series of tests and exercises with amphibious warfare systems and forces. It is expected to enter service in Q2 2108.

Starsystem training frigate T101 Beta Centauri has suffered moderate damage after being hit by a meteorite. It was caused when the meteorite deflector shield failed during a training mission. No crew were hurt. The rest of the fleet are being examined to see if their deflector shields have any problems.

Finally it is understood 2 Coril shuttles have been modified for operation with DDS warships, in particular their docking mechanisms and control software has been modified to allow operation from the docking bay of an Isometric sized frigate. One is understood to be with Windscorpion's ship SS Carboniferous.

Windy thought to have lead on New Cross

Task Force Windscorpion is currently at the Bolitic planet of Remnatar, the farthest outpost of the Bolitic Confederacy and controlled by a rather inept Baron pretty much out of the loop. The 2 DDS ships are carrying out maintenance and the crews getting some shore leave before they continue deeper into uncharted space to look for the human colonists the New Cross.

Its thought Windscorpion has received intelligence that humans have been seen as part of the slave army of a Baron on the far frontier of Bolitic space which could indicate New Cross members as there are not thought to be any other human colonies in that area. Early next month the task force will continue onwards to investigate this.

Bolitic to begin building cruiser improved with Utrek help

The Central Design Board of the Bolitic Confederacy has released the design of a new cruiser which is expected to replace the Snarl BS4040 in production over the next year. The Snarl II BS4080 is a linear development said to have been improved with Utrek technology. The Snarl II is slightly larger than it's predecessor though is of a similar design. It's top speed is said to have been increased to 400c making it the fastest Bolitic warship to date.

The offensive systems are said to have been augmented too with the ship having Utrek missile launchers added to it's already powerful gun armament. The Bolitic are though to be also working on a longer-term new design cruiser which will be able to exceed 500c at least.

Two Bolitic Houses are thought to have placed orders or the BS4080.


Bolitic & Utrek try to steal Panther secrets

The DDS is not answering speculation in the media that the recent debut mission by D101 Panther had a slightly larger crew contingent than planned. It is reported by some bloggers that 2 Bolitic soldiers managed to get on board the destroyer before it left for it's patrol between Proxima 7 and Solaris and tried to glean information on the new type.

The Bolitic were supported by the Utrek, perhaps from their shadowy secret service. A Hyper Speed Transport shadowed the Panther while the 2 Bolitic tried to hack into computer systems. Luckily the Utrek ship was discovered after it's cloak field reacted with Panther's subspace wake and the 2 Bolitic forced to flee before they could get any meaningful data though it is thought they did manage to get some information on the internal layout of the ship. A DDS spokeswoman said, off the record, that such information would be published this year in technical journals anyway so there was little harm done.

The DDS has raised security on the Panther though refuse to confirm or deny the incident took place.


Panther receives some modifications before next mission

Last week D101 Panther performed it's first mission when it took the daily Proxima-Solaris patrol. Afterwards it spent a week at Solaris Orbital Base with the crew running a number of training drills. There were some issues that arose during the mission though nothing ship threatening. Some equipment readings were not totally as expected and a special engineering team (which accompanied the ship) is understood to have made some adjustments to the Panther's reactor battery and hyperspace field generator.

"These little tweaks are very common with a new type." a DDS spokeswoman said, "In fact Panther has required noticeably less tweaks than, say, the Quasar and Isometric required on their first few missions!"

Later this week Panther will conduct some training exercises with 3 other ships before moving onto Randalf 74 where it will be based for a few months conducting training missions and patrols in the Rim Worlds area.

DDS debut new tactical sensor pod

In a 170 million zark upgrade the DDS have started deployment of the new Passive Sensor System (PSS) tactical pods which will be fitted to all Isometric derived frigates and the Rome class corvettes over the next year. The PSS pod contains new passive sensor technology and IR sensors said to give resolution and precision equal to active sensors (though the range is still fairly short range).

In a test with a development build last year a Rome corvette made a series of test attacks against a target drone, 5 attacks were made with traditional active sensors and 5 with the PSS with overall the active sensors were found to be only 0.2% more accurate. The final build PSS is said to be even better.

Larger ships will have the PSS system integrated into the hull, it is already planned for Panther Rev A which will start later this year. The last few Quasar ILU will probably also have the PSS built in.


DDS win UNP Communications contract

The DDS have won the UNP Communications contract which will be worth 4.35 billion zarks yearly to the DDS and further strengthen their stranglehold over UNP space operations. The role involves maintaining communications and liaison with dozens of small colonies and mining bases spread across the UNP space.

The UNP's fleet of transports requires replacing which is why the UNP have decided to out source. They are also providing a 1.65 billion zark start-up fund, which will help to procure a fleet of 20 transports which will be dedicated to the role but also available for general DDS duties when spare capacity is available. The DDS have placed an order for modified Avery-Dunlop Star Rider transports, medium sized transports with a specified speed of 510c. The Star Rider is about 40% of the size of a Provider. A DDS name will be allocated to it later.

The first transports are expected later this year and the DDS will begin the changeover from the UNP service from late 2108 to early 2110. As part of the terms of the contract the DDS will also be installing automated intelligence gathering posts at various colonies in strategic locations.


IFG-DUPLEX introduced

During the Utrek War the DDS introduced Integrated Force Goggles (IFG) to protect the eyes of crewmen from blast fragments and splinters, provide them with IR and enhanced visual mode in poor lighting and display important messages in situations where radio problems or too much noise renders other communication methods difficult. These have been a great success but now the DDS have introduced the second version of IFG.

IFG-DUPLEX, as the name implies, is two-way. Each set of goggles will include a camera so crewmen can send back footage of what they see. A DDS Research spokeswoman, Dr Malpractice, said in test simulations being able to send visuals had enabled command crew to take stock of a situation much quicker than if it had to be explained verbally, which might not always be possible. Visual enhancement modes have also been improved with seamless integration of virtual reality imagery superimposed on the "real" visual. Dr Malpractice have an example of where this was useful where a crewman was undertaking repairs in a combat situation, his goggles was sent information to assist him in identifying the correct system, this was superimposed on what the crewman saw as labels.

Damage Control & Casualty Assessment Team (Dcat) procedures have also been revised following analysis of their performance in the later battles in the war after the Dcat system was established. However all ships will receive internal modifications when they receive major refits (such as an ILU) to replace the materials used on internal fittings with new materials that do not shatter as dangerously and extra damage control equipment will be built in.

Panther enters service

Although named and dedicated on the 1st the Panther still had a few teething problems that needed solving before it could enter service and that has now been achieved. D101 Panther has been attached to the central fleet though will spend the next few months touring the DDS to give crews and DDS personnel the opportunity to become familiar with the new type. The ship will perform some patrols though to coincide with it's tour.

The first mission will begin tomorrow as the ship takes the Proxima-Solaris patrol. A lowly duty as it is usually performed by a Pentekonter! The mission will only last a day however and then Panther will spend a week at Solaris for training and familiarisation purposes before heading to Remedia Prime for the planned military exercise in March.

HCS warship attacked by pirate AUV

HCSN patrol vessel P05 Velmost has been hit by a torpedo fired by what appears to be a pirate operated autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The attack on the Triona class OPV occurred near the islet of Seska, a known rendezvous for pirates in the Black Octopus faction. One crewman was killed by the explosion and 4 more injured. The Velmost suffered damage to it's steering and there was a hull breech though this was soon put under control.

The ship's SH-26 was airborne at the time though didn't have any ASW weapons loaded, it was able to help guide gunnery directed at the AUV which aborted a second attack and then headed off. Velmost was able to return to port for repairs which will take about 2 weeks.

The HCSN has issued a directive to all ships to have ASW weapons (usually AS-NS-1A) loaded on it's helicopters and have said they will look at the possibility of fitting SS-NS-2 anti-submarine missiles to the Triona. The only place it could be fitted would be in some of the cells for the SS-N-8 though a notable problem here is the SS-NS-2 is a much smaller missile.

New tensions in the Triumvirate

Tensions are rising again in the Triumvirate that rules the Clone Star Empire. Recently there have been a spate of terrorist attacks across various planets in Benito's part of the CSE, the worst incident was the blowing up of a bus carrying HCS soldiers on Woloron 12 that killed 6 HCS soldiers and 2 civilian bystanders. The attacks are thought to not be by the Sword Of Truth which is thought to now have been disbanded but by a new group who want the return of a single authority to the empire.

Tensions are rising because it is thought the terrorists are HCS personnel from Captain Clone's part of the empire and Benito has alleged there has been indirect assistance to these terrorists by Captain Clone. At a media briefing on Austini 55 he said 2 of the terrorists, who died on Austini 55 when their car bomb exploded prematurely had been granted transfers to Benito's CSE just a few days before. He also said explosives and other weapons were from Captain Clone's HCS. A spokesclone for Captain Clone said it was nonsense that they were assisting terrorists and said they would assist Benito's side with finding and bringing to justice the rebels.


UV125 : Behind The 8 Ball

  • Windy's Revenge - The Bolitics with the DDS data flee, Windy gives chase...
  • Mor Lum - Windy hunts down the Bolitic...
  • Call For Trok - Will Gibson finally call for Trok...
  • Victory For The Little Guy - Jimmy begins the fight back against M-B-H...
  • Confessed - A new Clone rebellion begins...
  • Priority Male - Redjec is given a new suicide mission...

Stay tuned for UV126 : Chicks With Dicks in a month's time!

Meta note : we have decided to revert back to a monthly schedule.


Dinos announce details of their fleet plans for 2108

The Dinos have given their yearly status report on their space fleet and indicated where they wish to improve. Consul M-B-H, in his first public engagement since becoming Consul, said that the 4th Dinomark RS would soon be completed. No others would be built however. A fleet of 4 would ensure 1 was always available to lead the defence fleets situated at Dino-Land and Pulsin. He said that the RS had good availability and thus the "spare" 2 ships would often also be available. He said that training and deployment of the RS had to increase to keep the RS crews sharp.

The next generation of the Dinomark PT, the PT/3 has been delayed until 2109 because of complexities with the new electronic sub-system (the Dinos are thought to developing something similar to DDS Open Architecture 2.0). Until then new build PTs would be to an improved PT/2a standard. M-B-H did not say what changes were included but it is expected the new tactical unit for the PT/3 will be included. Existing PTs would also start to be upgraded to PT/2a standard this year. Overall production was to drop as the Dinos diverted funds to upgrading the existing fleet.

Another upgrade programme was the Dinomark NG/6a. All 40 remaining NGs have now been upgraded to this new version. The NG/6a includes improvements to powerplant, sensors and weapons. In yet another upgrade the entire Dinomark XT fleet and the reserve fleet (which runs to a total of nearly 500 ships) will receive communication system upgrades. The system will include integration with current DDS communication protocols and support for operation with Ferret-E UCVs. The NT/6a and PT/2a upgrades will also include this.

Finally the Dinomark MR transport is now in production said M-B-H and would enter service later this year.

Changes to DDS fleet procurement

The DDS have held a meeting of the Ruling Council (Windscorpion attending via a video-link) and some changes to fleet procurement have been agreed to free up some 7 billion zarks. 4.2 billion is needed to plug a gap in finances and the rest will pay for the new amphibious warfare assets plus the land forces to go with them.

The Dreadnought destroyer class has been cancelled and the next generation frigate, the Battle class has been reduced to 12 examples. As well as being hard to afford a DDS source said that UCV technology meant that such a big fleet was not needed. 2 extra Panther destroyers have been added to the order though giving a class of 12.

As well the Council agreed to have 2 more Pentekonters converted to minesweepers. Its not known if they will be replaced by any more Pentekonter-Es. These conversions will take place later this year and then will allow for 2 4-ship flotillas. In other fleet news Provider transport A117 Trader has joined the fleet.


HCS Round-up (09/01/08)

At a ceremony in the West Clone Republic the last 5 T-62Z support tanks were withdrawn from service with the 1108th Reserve Regiment. The T-62Z had never been a major type but the last few had soldiered on (probably forgotten) at a couple of remote positions on Cloneworld. Now the type has gone leaving the T-55Z as the only support tank.

As for the T-55Z the Dino sponsored development, the T-55ZDM, has passed a series of tests with few problems. T-55ZDM Milestone 2 will now be presented to the Dinos for testing and evaluation. If there are no hitches then Milestone 3 will follow in the early Summer. This will be the final development build and series production should follow soon afterwards if all goes well.

The HCSAF have unveiled a new UAV, part of their programme to develop a range of unmanned vehicles for patrolling the vast rural areas of the Empire. The RQ-1 and EQ-1 are long range reconnaissance aircraft, the EQ-1 having a Sigint role. Another UAV is the MQZ-1 blimp being co-developed with the HCS Navy. The second example has entered service, it has some slight modifications to better handle wind shear and some guidance improvements. It is known as MQZ-1 Rev 1. The first blimp will be retrofitted with these improvements if they prove successful.

Finally the HCSAF have ordered 100 more new build A-85NT COIN aircraft which will keep the production line open until 2110. The navalised version the NTN was unveiled as a media briefing and couple begin flight testing in the Summer.


DDS plan superluminal UCV

The DDS have issued a press statement saying that they are planning to field a superluminal capable UCV by the end of the decade. The Stoat UCV will be a long-range scout with a secondary deep strike role. The ship will be fitted with a Gluon TM-07 (the engine powering the Panther) and should be capable of around 600c. It will be able to fire TPM-2s and MRMs.

The DDS said that Stoats could be placed in "areas of tension" and stay cloaked until needed. The DDS said Stoats will be able to operate for 5 years between refuelling, the ship staying cloaked for extended periods. Now this has required new technology from the DDS to keep a ship cloaked for an extended period.

Typically cloaking devices are only good for around a week before the field starts to destabilise and needs to be reset. The Stoat will be equipped with 3 cloaking devices. A new technique called Cloak Overlaying has been developed by DDS Research to allow the ship to switch from one cloaking device to another without any tell-tale brief period when the field is off.

The Stoat is likely to be larger than the HCS superluminal UCV project the Nybble which is said to be Coril sized. One source says the Stoat could be "half the size of a Panther".

Meanwhile the DDS/Dino/Starbot Ferret UCV is progressing well with it's final pre-production testing. Ferret-X M05 is being tested alongside manned DDS assets. One problem discovered is the collision avoidance system. In a test the Ferret did not avoid a simulated meteorite and would have been destroyed.


HCS announce plans for Molentic Tuul M

The Molentic Tuul was intended for withdrawal in the next decade but now the HCS have changed their plans following the premature withdrawal of many Kalahati Tuuls and an injection of cash from the Zones. With the withdrawal of KTs and KT2s the Cosmos fleet is now being more heavily used than before for patrol and general fleet duties. The 28 strong Molentic Tuul fleet (20 A, 5 GX and 3 V) has been repositioned as part of the HCS Core Attack Fleet alongside the Soulaki fleet.

The HCS have decided to standardise and update the 3 MT sub-types into a new Molentic Tuul M standard. The new type will be refurbished and rebuilt to give it a combat life up until 2130. It will be re-engined boosting top-end speed to 650c. Weapons and sensors will also be upgraded. The programme will be partially paid for by the Zones and it is thus expected that Zones will serve aboard these ships.

The HCS are trying to purchase 12 Molentic Tuuls off the Utrek to bring the fleet up to 40, indications are the Utrek are keen to sell some old ships off to boost their funds for new builds. The M Programme could begin in the Summer.

Fleet news (03/01/08)

As a New Year present to the fleet 2 ships have returned to service. C122 Photon is the latest Quasar ILU and Isometric F110 Miocene returns to action after lengthy repair following damage in the war. C124 Deuteron has gone to Solaris to begin it's Quasar ILU refit however.

2 more Coril class shuttles have left the fleet and there are indications the DDS want to get rid of the rest of their ageing fleet as soon as possible. A556 Helen and A566 Lorraine have been sold to the Aritans however it's thought the "payment" is part of the DDS rewarding the Aritans for their assistance. The DDS have put a tender out for a new shuttle, one possible replacement for the Coril is... the Coril. A Clone company has managed to produce the Coril 2110, a reverse-engineered and improved version of the classic Tarbotian design and it is attracting a lot of interest.

The DDS have decided to split their minesweeping force into 2 flotillas based at Solaris and Rathun's World. Each flotilla will consist of 2 Pave Yellow equipped Isometrics and 4 Pentekonter-M mine warfare ships. This of course means the DDS will have to convert 2 more Pentekonters and 1 more Isometric (they currently have 6 P-Ms and 3 Iso-PYs). No official order has been placed yet due to funding.


Panther debuts OA 2.5/ZMO

The brand new Panther destroyer brings a number of new technologies to the DDS but one which is maybe the most important is Zero Maintenance Operation (ZMO), part of Open Architecture 2.5 which debuts with the type this month. ZMO has been incorporated into the Panther's engines and reactor cell, its is an automated system for maintenance and repair. Although physical components will still need a manual replacement (which will mostly be done by servo-robots) much repair can be done by automatically diverting past broken components. The systems can be monitored and controlled from anywhere on the ship and also off the ship using FIDO technologies.

The Panther thus does not really have an engine room, rather the Chief Engineer has an office near the reactor cell next to the main spare parts store. It is hoped Panther will be much cheaper to run and more resilient than older types.

RCPP finally get the Kalahati Tuul 2Ns

The Remedian Customs & Police Patrol (RCPP) which replaced the Remedian Space Fleet has finally received some reinforcements. The 4 Kalahati Tuul 2Ns were transferred from the HCS to the RCPP as part of the deal to transfer Intruder back to the HCS. The ships have already been localised sufficiently to allow Remedian crews to take the ships back to Remedia Prime and this will take place over the next couple of weeks.

The ships will then receive DDS communications and combat equipment including TPM-1 missile launchers. The 2Ns are rebuilt and updated versions of the KT2, capable of 600c and said to have a combat life extended to 2130. In a 190 million zark deal the RCPP's existing 5 KT2s will be refurbished and updated to a similar specification by the HCS at a later date, probably once the 4 2Ns have entered service.