
Naval experts question HCSN strategy

With the reborn HCS Navy having conducted a number of operations against pirates on Cloneworld and the next generation of warships being built including the carrier CNS Cloneworld all seems rosy for the HSCN. However some Naval experts, mainly ex officers of the previous HCSN have questioned the new fleet that is being built.

Former Admiral RT Wharn has questioned what the new navy is being designed to fight. "The navy will likely be facing pirates but the fleet being built seems designed to fight another fleet, what fleet is this?"

Former Admiral Mila echoes his former colleague saying the HCS is wasting money building big destroyers and frigates when the enemy will be a mainly littoral force. "Pirates don't and won't have battlecruisers, they've got small ships operating in coastal waters. We need more ships like the Triona." However Mila does agree CNS Cloneworld will be worth having as it can act as a floating base for air assets operating against pirates and insurgents in the various archipelagos off the main Cloneworld land mass' north coast.

The HCSN currently has 1 frigate (from the previous HCSN), 8 Triona OPV(H)s and 1 SSK submarine (also from the old navy). As well as the aircraft carrier, 1 destroyer and 6 more Triona are under construction. The HCSN have yet to commit to further orders though it is known they have indicated they want to start building another destroyer and 3 more frigates next year as well as more Trionas. These plans may change however following analysis of HCSN operations this year.