
Fleet news (03/10/07)

The second Quasar-ILU C127 Graviton has completed it's testing and is now on a week long crew training programme before it rejoins the fleet (and will take over from Quasar as the flagship of the DDS North Fleet in Remedia). Two more Quasar-ILU updates are expected to be completed before the end of the year. C123 Boson has left service to begin it's ILU programme.

Panther lead ship D101 Panther has begun pre-proving trials testing. It recently was taken up to 500c on a test without any issues apart from some slight fixable vibrations. It is hoped the Panther can be taken up to full speed very soon. The DDS have pencilled in mid-January as a possible service date for the destroyer which is earlier than expected.

K110 Nero and K111 Ovid are the first Rome B corvettes and are nearing completion. Both will be fitted with the new 5036-A combat management suite which is a computer add on to existing tactical systems offering better data filtering and management and combat analysis functions. If the new system is successful all DDS combat ships will receive this system at a later date.