Triumvir Captain Clone has signed an agreement to form an Aquaworld fleet of the HCS Navy. From his HQ on Aquaworld, which is the capital planet of his portion of the Clone Empire, Captain Clone said that existing naval assets (2 Triona OPVs) would be transferred from the HCS Riverine Force to the HCSN Aquaworld Fleet with immediate effect. He also announced the entry into service of new AS-21 anti-shipping missiles (though there was an interesting incident at an airbase where a missile prematurely fired whilst on an aircraft in a hangar awaiting inspection. Luckily no one was seriously hurt.)
Two squadrons of F-45As will be assigned to the anti-shipping role, at present they are seconded from the HCSAF but will be replaced by F-45Ks at some stage (interestingly this pretty much confirms the Navy will buy the F-45K though they have made no announcement yet). Captain Clone has also placed an order for 30 of the maritime version of the TR-72M Mustang. A multi-billion zark investment in new ships will be announced following consultation he said.
Aquaworld, despite it's name and the popular image, is not just a water world though 82% of the surface area is water. Much of the land mass is in the form of small islands and archipelagos and there is a growing piracy threat.
Fleet news (30/10/07)
Rome corvettes K110 Nero and K111 Ovid have joined the fleet following a ceremony at Proxima 7. They are the first of the Rome B type with enhanced capabilities. The DDS are now looking at retrofitting some Rome B technologies into the previous build examples.
The Mars class frigate, the third generation of the Isometric platform has been renamed the Battle class (which was actually the original name of the first Isometric-3 design). No reason for the name change was given by the DDS which apparently came directly from Windscorpion. The order for the class has been increased to 20.
The Fly class, the design consultation for a superluminal version of the SROPS/Heron has been concluded. The type was decided too small to be worth proceeding with. However the DDS are now looking at an enlarged design called Fly-100.
A601 Fulcrum, the first of the new "special purpose" transports (i.e. special forces) has joined the fleet though it's first mission will be the certify operations and carry out proving trials when used in conjunction with R101 Missileer. The DDS do not expect to use the type in anger until next year.
A116 Forwarder, a Provider transport, has also joined the fleet. Interestingly it's first mission will be a "sales trip". The planet of Orratai will evaluate the type as they have shown interest in purchasing the forthcoming export version of the transport.
The Mars class frigate, the third generation of the Isometric platform has been renamed the Battle class (which was actually the original name of the first Isometric-3 design). No reason for the name change was given by the DDS which apparently came directly from Windscorpion. The order for the class has been increased to 20.
The Fly class, the design consultation for a superluminal version of the SROPS/Heron has been concluded. The type was decided too small to be worth proceeding with. However the DDS are now looking at an enlarged design called Fly-100.
A601 Fulcrum, the first of the new "special purpose" transports (i.e. special forces) has joined the fleet though it's first mission will be the certify operations and carry out proving trials when used in conjunction with R101 Missileer. The DDS do not expect to use the type in anger until next year.
A116 Forwarder, a Provider transport, has also joined the fleet. Interestingly it's first mission will be a "sales trip". The planet of Orratai will evaluate the type as they have shown interest in purchasing the forthcoming export version of the transport.
UV120 : Anal Anarchy

Finally in The Truth the mysterious shooting down of a TR-72 on Austini 55 is investigated by a special HCSAF team. Stay tuned for more mayhem in UV121 Uber Sausage in 2 weeks!
HCS to get big budget increase
A story not reported too much by UNP media lately is how successful the Clone Empire economy has been doing lately. Economic growth is predicted to top 7% overall in 2107, up from 5% in 2106 and 2108 could reach double figures. What does that mean? Well the HCS budget is increasing faster than it has since the height of the Clone Wars. Overall the HCS will see a 10% increase in real terms of money this year and the next few years could be the same. Flush with cash the HCS are going shopping.
Top of the HCS' list is to improve the army which has lagged behind somewhat lately. An extra Panzer division will be formed, equipped with new build T-89s. T-89 production will indeed be stepped up with the HCS aiming to withdraw remaining T-88+ and early to mid model T-88++ by the end of the decade. The T-88++ itself will then be run down during the next decade.
The Navy will also benefit, with the HCS outsourcing for the first time because of a lack of capacity. It is expected an order for 6 submarines will be placed with a Terran manufacturer next month. These submarines will be conventionally powered and help fill the gap until the HCSN can get it's own submarine yard in the next decade. Extra money means it is now virtually certain the HCSN will order F-45Ks.
No extra orders are expected for the Space Navy but money will likely be found to have 2 lines for the Shark frigate construction. Following DDS pattern these lines will likely each be producing 3 Sharks at a time meaning that the Space Navy could get a fleet of Sharks up quickly. The 20 oldest Type A transports are now reaching the end of their lives and will be remanufactured to current A6 standard. This is considered faster than replacing them with new build (though they are being built anyway).
Top of the HCS' list is to improve the army which has lagged behind somewhat lately. An extra Panzer division will be formed, equipped with new build T-89s. T-89 production will indeed be stepped up with the HCS aiming to withdraw remaining T-88+ and early to mid model T-88++ by the end of the decade. The T-88++ itself will then be run down during the next decade.
The Navy will also benefit, with the HCS outsourcing for the first time because of a lack of capacity. It is expected an order for 6 submarines will be placed with a Terran manufacturer next month. These submarines will be conventionally powered and help fill the gap until the HCSN can get it's own submarine yard in the next decade. Extra money means it is now virtually certain the HCSN will order F-45Ks.
No extra orders are expected for the Space Navy but money will likely be found to have 2 lines for the Shark frigate construction. Following DDS pattern these lines will likely each be producing 3 Sharks at a time meaning that the Space Navy could get a fleet of Sharks up quickly. The 20 oldest Type A transports are now reaching the end of their lives and will be remanufactured to current A6 standard. This is considered faster than replacing them with new build (though they are being built anyway).
F-10S passes test
The DDS' next generation jet fighter the F-10S Shark 2100 has passed a series of intensive tests and has been cleared to begin production in the new year after just a couple of minor modifications. The F-10S is a major redesign of the F-10A Shark and really shares little with the earlier fighter which was a veteran of the Clone Wars.
The F-10S is faster, more agile, longer ranged, stealthier and has much better avionics. The DDS consider it a good opponent for the HCS' F-45 Falcon. The first batch of F-10S will be used for air defence including space littoral defense using the air launched version of the TPM. The greater speed and ceiling of the F-10S will allow the air launched TPM (now officially known as TPM-A) to reach further into low orbit.
When the F-10S takes over the air defence duties at GHQ then the F-10A(S) squadron there will relocate to Solaris.
The F-10S is faster, more agile, longer ranged, stealthier and has much better avionics. The DDS consider it a good opponent for the HCS' F-45 Falcon. The first batch of F-10S will be used for air defence including space littoral defense using the air launched version of the TPM. The greater speed and ceiling of the F-10S will allow the air launched TPM (now officially known as TPM-A) to reach further into low orbit.
When the F-10S takes over the air defence duties at GHQ then the F-10A(S) squadron there will relocate to Solaris.
HCS Round-up (23/10/07)
The HCSAF's fleet of F-42 Forthright interceptors has been grounded following a crash at Ailier Central AFB that killed the pilot. The fighter crashed on landing when the undercarriage buckled. Checks on the rest of the 118 strong fleet has revealed cracks in the undercarriage main load carrier bars. The entire fleet has been grounded, the latest in a series of setbacks for the much troubled F-42. This could be the final straw though as the HCSAF are considering withdrawing it now, several years early.
"Fixing the undercarriage problem will cost a lot and take some time." A senior HCSAF source said, "As the aircraft are due to be replaced in 2110 to 2111 anyway we have to consider if it is worth it." The F-42 is due to be replaced by the F-45C which is due to enter service in late 2109. Existing F-45As and late-model F-40s will take over interceptor duties for now though lack the range and BVR capabilities of the F-42. The HCSAF are likely to consider it a risk worth taking.
Continuing with the F-45C the HCS Navy are likely to choose it as their next naval fighter. The Navy's F-40Ns are ageing and a replacement is needed for the mid-2110s. CAC (Clone Aircraft Corporation) have offered the navy a navalised version of the F-45C, the F-45K. A CAC spokeswoman said that if the Navy give the go-ahead now the first F-45Ks will be delivered in 2112. That would still mean that the new aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld will spent it's first 1-2 years in service with F-40Ns however.
Staying with naval aviation the Navy has placed an order for 12 TR-72M2 maritime reconnaissance aircraft and 6 ER-72M EW/Elint aircraft. These are the latest versions of the highly successful Mustang tactical reconnaissance platform, the ER-72M is a new version of the EW Mustang optimised for over water operations. The Navy's existing TR-72Ms will also be bought up to M2 standard.
Finally moving into space the HCS Space Fleet has announced a 450 million zark upgrade of it's fleet of 25 Soulaki cruisers. The upgrades will include systems from the Soulaki-B varient including enhanced sensors and shields as well as some refurbishment of older ships.
"Fixing the undercarriage problem will cost a lot and take some time." A senior HCSAF source said, "As the aircraft are due to be replaced in 2110 to 2111 anyway we have to consider if it is worth it." The F-42 is due to be replaced by the F-45C which is due to enter service in late 2109. Existing F-45As and late-model F-40s will take over interceptor duties for now though lack the range and BVR capabilities of the F-42. The HCSAF are likely to consider it a risk worth taking.
Continuing with the F-45C the HCS Navy are likely to choose it as their next naval fighter. The Navy's F-40Ns are ageing and a replacement is needed for the mid-2110s. CAC (Clone Aircraft Corporation) have offered the navy a navalised version of the F-45C, the F-45K. A CAC spokeswoman said that if the Navy give the go-ahead now the first F-45Ks will be delivered in 2112. That would still mean that the new aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld will spent it's first 1-2 years in service with F-40Ns however.
Staying with naval aviation the Navy has placed an order for 12 TR-72M2 maritime reconnaissance aircraft and 6 ER-72M EW/Elint aircraft. These are the latest versions of the highly successful Mustang tactical reconnaissance platform, the ER-72M is a new version of the EW Mustang optimised for over water operations. The Navy's existing TR-72Ms will also be bought up to M2 standard.
Finally moving into space the HCS Space Fleet has announced a 450 million zark upgrade of it's fleet of 25 Soulaki cruisers. The upgrades will include systems from the Soulaki-B varient including enhanced sensors and shields as well as some refurbishment of older ships.
TPM-2 Milestone 3
Ahead of schedule Milestone 3 of the TPM-2 project has been unveiled and will begin testing early in November. Milestone 3 (or top give it it's full title XTPM-2 M3) will introduce an exciting new technology that will surely strike fear into enemy crews : cloaking.
The TPM-2 will have the option of a cloaking device which means that a cloaked ship using passive sensors or a datalink could launch a cloaked TPM-2 and make a kill totally without detection, or warning to the enemy. The DDS have said though that only a small number of TPM-2s will be fitted with the cloaking device because of cost and will be used on a "first strike".
Accuracy is obviously key and the TPM-2 will have to use it's own passive sensor mode if there is no external targeting data available, the TPM-2 will use datalinks from it's mothership and by Milestone 4 next year will be able to accept targeting data from another ship other than the launcher. It is envisaged that the DDS may have a ship out of harm's way as the active scanner and have other assets as cloaked using the data.
Transphasic spoofing is also included in Milestone 3, this allows the missile to fool enemy sensors and CIWS in the terminal phase by returning false location readings. In either the cloaked or normal model the TPM-2 will be incredibly hard to defend against.
The TPM-2 will have the option of a cloaking device which means that a cloaked ship using passive sensors or a datalink could launch a cloaked TPM-2 and make a kill totally without detection, or warning to the enemy. The DDS have said though that only a small number of TPM-2s will be fitted with the cloaking device because of cost and will be used on a "first strike".
Accuracy is obviously key and the TPM-2 will have to use it's own passive sensor mode if there is no external targeting data available, the TPM-2 will use datalinks from it's mothership and by Milestone 4 next year will be able to accept targeting data from another ship other than the launcher. It is envisaged that the DDS may have a ship out of harm's way as the active scanner and have other assets as cloaked using the data.
Transphasic spoofing is also included in Milestone 3, this allows the missile to fool enemy sensors and CIWS in the terminal phase by returning false location readings. In either the cloaked or normal model the TPM-2 will be incredibly hard to defend against.
Pulsar to soldier on until 2112... or even later
The Pulsar cruiser was intended to begin it's run down in late 2109 with a final withdrawal by the end of 2111 but now the DDS have changed plans and delayed the beginning of the run down to 2111. The fleet is expected to be totally withdrawn by the end of 2112 though a DDS source said it could be 1 or 2 survive into 2113.
The reason for this extension is the Utrek war and the Panther delays. Combat losses plus the DMZ commitments allied to delays in the Panther programme mean the DDS will not have the desired number of Quasars and Panthers in situ to allow the Pulsar run down to begin as planned. "We have to make sure we have enough ships to cover commitments with a decent reserve - just in case." A DDS Fleet spokeswoman said, "Therefore we are going to prolong the Pulsar in service a little longer."
Pulsar fans need not get too excited though as this is only a delay of the end not a true reprieve, the fleet reaches the end of it's operational life in 2114-6 and would need an expensive remanufacturing programme like ILU or MULE to keep operating after that. Because of the change of plans however it now looks like next year's Pulsar update will not be the last and there will be one more in 2110. Three Pulsars are expected to be preserved though none are expected to be preserved in working order.
The reason for this extension is the Utrek war and the Panther delays. Combat losses plus the DMZ commitments allied to delays in the Panther programme mean the DDS will not have the desired number of Quasars and Panthers in situ to allow the Pulsar run down to begin as planned. "We have to make sure we have enough ships to cover commitments with a decent reserve - just in case." A DDS Fleet spokeswoman said, "Therefore we are going to prolong the Pulsar in service a little longer."
Pulsar fans need not get too excited though as this is only a delay of the end not a true reprieve, the fleet reaches the end of it's operational life in 2114-6 and would need an expensive remanufacturing programme like ILU or MULE to keep operating after that. Because of the change of plans however it now looks like next year's Pulsar update will not be the last and there will be one more in 2110. Three Pulsars are expected to be preserved though none are expected to be preserved in working order.
Von Kane trapped by Utrek
Von Kane was caught in a trap by the Utrek but managed to escape. His ship was operating covertly in the DMZ acting on information from Utrek dissidents about an illegal Utrek base. A small base was found on an asteroid which appeared to be out of use. A team was dispatched in a SROPS to investigate. In the base they were attacked by a robot sentry and a dampening field raised preventing teleports. Several Utrek warships decloaked around Von Kane's Velocity destroyer. The Velocity was cloaked however retrieving the trapped away team would mean dropping the cloak and thus putting the ship at risk to attack.
The away team were instructed to set up the source of the dampening field using their hand-held scanners and then set up a datalink to the Velocity's weapons. The ship then decloaked, launched a pin-point attack on the field generator, teleported out the team to safety and then got away all in a split second. The Utrek gave chase but gave up after one Molentic Tuul was destroyed.
Afterwards Von Kane was able to return to retrieve the SROPS and destroy the base.
The away team were instructed to set up the source of the dampening field using their hand-held scanners and then set up a datalink to the Velocity's weapons. The ship then decloaked, launched a pin-point attack on the field generator, teleported out the team to safety and then got away all in a split second. The Utrek gave chase but gave up after one Molentic Tuul was destroyed.
Afterwards Von Kane was able to return to retrieve the SROPS and destroy the base.
Fleet news (18/10/07)
The Pulsar fleet will be receiving a level 2 update next year the DDS have confirmed. Pulsar Update 2108 will probably be the last major change to the fleet before withdrawals begin in 2109 and will include improvements to various systems and TPM-2 compatibility. A DDS source said "The Pulsar will be on the front line up until 2110 at least, and will be in service until late 2111, so we need to keep it up to speed." Other changes will include a next generation attack system SAS-II (also to be fitted to Quasar ILUs).
R101 Missileer will also get TPM-2 compatibility early next year as part of it's final phase of tactical development before full capability. It has also begun trials with a pre-production version of the Ferret-E UCV (Ferret-X M04) and will assist a DDS/Dino/Starbotian team with development of the UCV for the rest of this year.
The 4 Caspian Sea frigates (a.k.a. Terran Sea A) will be receiving some tactical updates mostly in the form of software next month to normalise software versions between the various Terran Sea batches (B and C are already largely the same). They will also be fitted with the attack system iSAS to conduct an extended in-service trial. The flagship F103 Carboniferous has already been fitted with the system.
Staying with Terran Sea, the C batch (Arafura Sea) class has been cleared to reach it's top sprint speed of 1000c after trials with F146 Bohol Sea. Because of concerns with structural integrity the fleet were restricted to 990c but all is now fine. The Arafura Sea class thus becomes the first service DDS fleet class to be able to reach 1000c (the Neptune being a test singleton ship). Quasar ILU is also capable of 1000c but has also been restricted pending analysis, it is hoped it's restriction will also soon be removed.
Starsystem training frigate T108 T.S. Eliot has rejoined the fleet. This was the second of the Starsystems returned from the Aritans and was not in as good a condition as T107 Oscar Wilde. T109 Richard Nixon is expected to join the fleet next year. The DDS are thought to have found another Starsystem in a UNP scrapyard and are assessing it with respect to the possibility of returning it to service.
R101 Missileer will also get TPM-2 compatibility early next year as part of it's final phase of tactical development before full capability. It has also begun trials with a pre-production version of the Ferret-E UCV (Ferret-X M04) and will assist a DDS/Dino/Starbotian team with development of the UCV for the rest of this year.
The 4 Caspian Sea frigates (a.k.a. Terran Sea A) will be receiving some tactical updates mostly in the form of software next month to normalise software versions between the various Terran Sea batches (B and C are already largely the same). They will also be fitted with the attack system iSAS to conduct an extended in-service trial. The flagship F103 Carboniferous has already been fitted with the system.
Staying with Terran Sea, the C batch (Arafura Sea) class has been cleared to reach it's top sprint speed of 1000c after trials with F146 Bohol Sea. Because of concerns with structural integrity the fleet were restricted to 990c but all is now fine. The Arafura Sea class thus becomes the first service DDS fleet class to be able to reach 1000c (the Neptune being a test singleton ship). Quasar ILU is also capable of 1000c but has also been restricted pending analysis, it is hoped it's restriction will also soon be removed.
Starsystem training frigate T108 T.S. Eliot has rejoined the fleet. This was the second of the Starsystems returned from the Aritans and was not in as good a condition as T107 Oscar Wilde. T109 Richard Nixon is expected to join the fleet next year. The DDS are thought to have found another Starsystem in a UNP scrapyard and are assessing it with respect to the possibility of returning it to service.
More details of Rome B announced
With the first 2 examples of the second block of Rome corvettes, the Rome B, now entering test the DDS have announced details of what exactly has been changed. The Rome B is a "linear progression" said a DDS Research spokeswoman, "Using experience gained from existing Rome usage and combat experience to greatly enhance the capabilities of the Rome corvette".
The main change, as already announced, is the addition of the 5036-A combat management suite, a computer add on to existing tactical systems offering better data filtering and management and combat analysis functions. This has been married to a new databus and datalink multiplexer with double the bandwidth of before. The Rome B also has greater data output capabilities to external sites or other DDS ships allowing for seamless data integration.
The Rome B is also the first DDS ship to be fully compatible with the TPM-2 next generation missile (the Quasar ILU has the software and weapon storage facilities but lacks the modified missile launcher and some other auxiliary systems; these will be added next year for the second half of the ILU programme and retrofitted to existing ILU ships). The TPM-2 is not expected to be operational until 2108 Q4 but will need extensive field testing next year and the Rome B will probably be the ships to do it.
There are also a number of other improvements across the board from engine management to as mundane as the ship's entertainment system (the ships will have 2 24/7 gay porn TV channels).
The main change, as already announced, is the addition of the 5036-A combat management suite, a computer add on to existing tactical systems offering better data filtering and management and combat analysis functions. This has been married to a new databus and datalink multiplexer with double the bandwidth of before. The Rome B also has greater data output capabilities to external sites or other DDS ships allowing for seamless data integration.
The Rome B is also the first DDS ship to be fully compatible with the TPM-2 next generation missile (the Quasar ILU has the software and weapon storage facilities but lacks the modified missile launcher and some other auxiliary systems; these will be added next year for the second half of the ILU programme and retrofitted to existing ILU ships). The TPM-2 is not expected to be operational until 2108 Q4 but will need extensive field testing next year and the Rome B will probably be the ships to do it.
There are also a number of other improvements across the board from engine management to as mundane as the ship's entertainment system (the ships will have 2 24/7 gay porn TV channels).
Pentekonters to get update
The DDS have agreed a package of updates to the combat effectiveness of the Pentekonter OPV fleet. The updates will take place later this year and are mostly software so the price per ship update will be only around a million zarks each. Minesweeping Pentekonter-Ms such as SS Hesiod as commanded by Quarz will not be updated.
The update, known as Combat Improvement Pack (CIP) will include :
The update, known as Combat Improvement Pack (CIP) will include :
- Improved datalinks with other DDS assets and data sources
- Better tactical data filtering and combat situational awareness procedures
- Improved user interfaces on key systems
- Compatibility with latest version of TPM
- Higher energy rating for reactor to allow improved shielding with improved power management systems
Dinos announce new Dinomark XTs
The Dinos have announced two new versions of their backbone Dinomark XT type. The XT/118 is the latest type and will replace the XT/115 in production by the end of the year. The XT/118 has the latest evolution of the Solarburst engine, the GX-982 and top speed performance has been increased to 650c. The ship has also received numerous system updates bringing in a greater degree of conformality with the PT series. Damage control has also been improved and the interiors will be coated with a new substance to reduce fragmentation.
The other new type is the XT/118w, the first underwater capable Dinomark XT for some time. It was developed because the last water version of the XT was the XT/86w some 14 years ago. The Dinos are conscious that their underwater capable ships are ageing and with expeditionary warfare possibly on the Dino future agenda they need to improve in this area. The XT/118w has much the same performance as the XT/118 though the extra equipment needed means that is has less capabilities and internal space.
The other new type is the XT/118w, the first underwater capable Dinomark XT for some time. It was developed because the last water version of the XT was the XT/86w some 14 years ago. The Dinos are conscious that their underwater capable ships are ageing and with expeditionary warfare possibly on the Dino future agenda they need to improve in this area. The XT/118w has much the same performance as the XT/118 though the extra equipment needed means that is has less capabilities and internal space.
Cracks in Alliance as DDS junk DMZ plans?
Patrolling the DMZ along the Utrek-Remedia border would be a huge undertaking, even with patrols reduced to the bare minimum to maintain the integrity of the DMZ the DDS estimated they would need at least 38 ships, with half of these ships to come from the Dinos, Aritans and Starbotians. Unfortunately all these plans are up in the air now after the DDS' allies said they couldn't guarantee the commitment.
First of all the Dinos said they could not guarantee providing 15 ships because of their commitments elsewhere and because they had a heavy refit programme to undertake. They said no more than 12 could be guaranteed at any one time. Then the Aritans has problems when 2 of their Intrepid II class destroyers developed engine faults (thought to be due to poor maintenance routines). This meant the Aritans did not have enough ships to maintain their own patrols and allocate 4 ships to the DMZ task (2 on station and 2 others either on the way or returning). With the 2 broken down Intrepids they only have 8 ships available in their fleet as 2 of the donated Solaris II have yet to join their fleet.
Because of this the DDS had the choice of either adding more ships themselves or changing their plans on how to maintain the DMZ. It is thought they will look at maintaining 3 rapid response task forces plus long-range sensor platforms. The 3 forces would each consist of a cruiser and 2 or 3 escorts. Long-range scanners would detect incursions by Utrek ships and then a fast fleet would be sent to intercept. With this plan its not sure if the DDS will involve the allies. It is thought the DDS are not happy with the Dinos as they think the Dinos could easily maintain the commitment. The Aritan fleet is too slow for a rapid response force but they could be asked to take over some DDS patrols near their space thus releasing DDS ships for other duties.
First of all the Dinos said they could not guarantee providing 15 ships because of their commitments elsewhere and because they had a heavy refit programme to undertake. They said no more than 12 could be guaranteed at any one time. Then the Aritans has problems when 2 of their Intrepid II class destroyers developed engine faults (thought to be due to poor maintenance routines). This meant the Aritans did not have enough ships to maintain their own patrols and allocate 4 ships to the DMZ task (2 on station and 2 others either on the way or returning). With the 2 broken down Intrepids they only have 8 ships available in their fleet as 2 of the donated Solaris II have yet to join their fleet.
Because of this the DDS had the choice of either adding more ships themselves or changing their plans on how to maintain the DMZ. It is thought they will look at maintaining 3 rapid response task forces plus long-range sensor platforms. The 3 forces would each consist of a cruiser and 2 or 3 escorts. Long-range scanners would detect incursions by Utrek ships and then a fast fleet would be sent to intercept. With this plan its not sure if the DDS will involve the allies. It is thought the DDS are not happy with the Dinos as they think the Dinos could easily maintain the commitment. The Aritan fleet is too slow for a rapid response force but they could be asked to take over some DDS patrols near their space thus releasing DDS ships for other duties.
Plans for Isometric ILU announced
The DDS have announced they are now planning and preparing for a huge update for it's fleet of Isometric frigates starting in 2109. The Isometric ILU is the first of 3 planned mid-life refurbishments and updates for the frigate and will take the fleet well into the next decade. The programme will include :
- Full refurbishment and replacement of fatigued load bearers
- Re-engined with Meson TL-03C, a more efficient version of the existing TL-03B2
- Full OA 2.0 and FIDO compatibility
- Z5 cannon and improved missile launcher
- 360 degree CIWS
- Improved interiors to reduce blast fragmentation and improve damage control facilities
- New main computer and improved main databus
UV119 : Quarz : A Portrait Of Sadness

Returning to the present day in 21:08 Windy sets off on his latest epic quest, this time to find the New Cross. In Naval Ops we have our first look at the new HCS Navy as they tackle some pirates who have seized The Friar's cousin. Finally in He's Gone El Diablo investigates where M-B-H has gone and the trail goes to Colom...
Stay tuned in 2 weeks time for UV120 : Anal Anarchy!
MRM successfully passes test / LRM
The DDS' medium-range missile, the MRM-1, has passed it's latest Milestone (Milestone 2) test and the DDS are hoping it will be ready to deploy by around 2109. This is slightly later than expected due to issues with the software. The MRM is the bigger brother of the TPM and like the TPM is a cloaked missile however unlike the TPM the MRM can travel faster than light and hit targets several light years away, though the initial version will have a range of 1 lightyear.
In it's test the MRM-1 successfully hit a target 0.5 lightyears away after being launched by a Pulsar near Solaris some 30 hours previously. The MRM-1 ran without a cloak which will be integrated into Milestone 3 next year. The MRM-1 was unarmed and made a kinetic hit on a target. It is understood targeting information was successfully sent to the missile via datalink from a nearby ship (reported to be the Solaris test ship) to make final course alterations a few seconds before the hit. Its thought no mid-flight course adjustments needed to be made. The missile travelled at 150c and was shadowed throughout it's test by the Pulsar.
There were some anomalies in the flight and the course needed to be corrected more than expected by DDS Research said these problems are not insurmountable and are now working to another test early next year with Milestone 2 later on.
The long-range version of MRM, LRM, has also reached a next stage in development with specifications finalised. The LRM will have a range of up to 20 light years (MRM is planned to be up to 5) and will be a true strategic weapon. LRM Milestone 0 is expected early in the next decade.
In it's test the MRM-1 successfully hit a target 0.5 lightyears away after being launched by a Pulsar near Solaris some 30 hours previously. The MRM-1 ran without a cloak which will be integrated into Milestone 3 next year. The MRM-1 was unarmed and made a kinetic hit on a target. It is understood targeting information was successfully sent to the missile via datalink from a nearby ship (reported to be the Solaris test ship) to make final course alterations a few seconds before the hit. Its thought no mid-flight course adjustments needed to be made. The missile travelled at 150c and was shadowed throughout it's test by the Pulsar.
There were some anomalies in the flight and the course needed to be corrected more than expected by DDS Research said these problems are not insurmountable and are now working to another test early next year with Milestone 2 later on.
The long-range version of MRM, LRM, has also reached a next stage in development with specifications finalised. The LRM will have a range of up to 20 light years (MRM is planned to be up to 5) and will be a true strategic weapon. LRM Milestone 0 is expected early in the next decade.
Dinos make changes to armed forces
The Dinos have begun a number of changes to their armed forces organisation and begun some equipment updates following analysis of Dino performance in the Utrek war. "It was the first sustained war the Dinos have been in for some time." An analyst with the DDS told reporters, "Especially in land warfare and the Dinos found some shortcomings with their army which has changed dramatically in the last few years."
It is thought the Dinos will be increasing the strength of it's armoured units and improving radio protocols. All T-55Zs will be receiving software upgrades to their radios and better headphones for crews over the next few months. The bandwidth of datalinks will also be increased. Tank centuries currently operate around 20 tanks each, this will be increased to 25. Extra tanks will be bought in from reserve and the Dinos may order more T-55ZDMs.
Dinomarks will also be receiving some changes especially in damage control, like the DDS the Dinos have found blast fragments and damage containment a serious problem in the intense space battles now encountered. The Dinos are looking at changing the materials used internally on their ships to reduce fragmentation but in the meantime will be moving to a cellular ship management regime similar to the DDS. In this a ship is split into several self-contained "cells" each with a dedicated damage control and casualty receiving team. Blast goggles and flak jackets have also been looked at though declined as the Dinos consider them too restrictive.
It is thought the Dinos will be increasing the strength of it's armoured units and improving radio protocols. All T-55Zs will be receiving software upgrades to their radios and better headphones for crews over the next few months. The bandwidth of datalinks will also be increased. Tank centuries currently operate around 20 tanks each, this will be increased to 25. Extra tanks will be bought in from reserve and the Dinos may order more T-55ZDMs.
Dinomarks will also be receiving some changes especially in damage control, like the DDS the Dinos have found blast fragments and damage containment a serious problem in the intense space battles now encountered. The Dinos are looking at changing the materials used internally on their ships to reduce fragmentation but in the meantime will be moving to a cellular ship management regime similar to the DDS. In this a ship is split into several self-contained "cells" each with a dedicated damage control and casualty receiving team. Blast goggles and flak jackets have also been looked at though declined as the Dinos consider them too restrictive.
Dinos sell T-88s and T-89s on
When the Dinos began rebuilding their army using surplus (and later new) HCS AFVs they got a hotchpotch of types including T-88++s, T-89s and T-55Zs as far as tanks are concerned. The Dinos have standardised on the T-55Z and now have several thousand in service (and made their combat debut on Loeuss). A developed version the T-55ZDM is currently in development by a joint Dino-Clone team.
This has left the Dinos with around 270 T-88s and T-89s however. The Dinos have already withdrawn these to reserve units, although they are superior tanks to the T-55Z the cost of maintaining extra logistical and mechanical supply trains is not one the Dinos are keen on. Yesterday a Dino Army spokesdino announced the tanks, and all spares for these tanks currently in Dino stores, as well as around 70 other AFVs including Aardvark APCs will be sold to New Arit in a 40 million zark deal.
This has raised eyebrows at the DDS who largely regard building the Aritan armed forces as their job however they have said they will not block the deal. Indeed it is likely they look forward to the opportunity of having realistic training missions against these ex-HCS tanks in future.
To reassure their strategic partner in land weapons, the Clones, about this sale to a DDS ally it is thought the Dinos will use the proceeds of the sale to buy around 130 TRV-5FS2 Sand Tapir desert optimised IFVs.
This has left the Dinos with around 270 T-88s and T-89s however. The Dinos have already withdrawn these to reserve units, although they are superior tanks to the T-55Z the cost of maintaining extra logistical and mechanical supply trains is not one the Dinos are keen on. Yesterday a Dino Army spokesdino announced the tanks, and all spares for these tanks currently in Dino stores, as well as around 70 other AFVs including Aardvark APCs will be sold to New Arit in a 40 million zark deal.
This has raised eyebrows at the DDS who largely regard building the Aritan armed forces as their job however they have said they will not block the deal. Indeed it is likely they look forward to the opportunity of having realistic training missions against these ex-HCS tanks in future.
To reassure their strategic partner in land weapons, the Clones, about this sale to a DDS ally it is thought the Dinos will use the proceeds of the sale to buy around 130 TRV-5FS2 Sand Tapir desert optimised IFVs.
Shark frigate unveiled
At long last the Shark frigate, which will replace the various versions of Kahalati Tuuls in the HCS Space Fleet, has been unveiled to the media. However the design has not differed much from the earlier "Shark" concepts unveiled earlier in the decade but not proceeded with so there was not a great deal of surprise. The Shark is a neat and clean design which appears to have been influenced by current DDS design though the HCS say it is a pure Clone design.

The Shark is equipped with twin laser cannons and a missile launcher. Other weapons may be fitted in the field, it is thought the Shark includes a degree of modularity though again the HCS deny it is influenced by the DDS.

The Shark is equipped with twin laser cannons and a missile launcher. Other weapons may be fitted in the field, it is thought the Shark includes a degree of modularity though again the HCS deny it is influenced by the DDS.
HCSN ponder aircraft options
The new HCSN aircraft carrier is expected to enter service before the end of 2110 and the HCSN is now looking at aircraft options for the carrier, CNS Cloneworld's, primary aircraft. In the previous navy a navalised F-40 was used the F-40N. Only 120 of these were built and when the old navy was disbanded they were given to the HCSAF. After attrition only 62 could be returned to the HCSN on reformation though a search across the Clone Empire has unearthed 6 more examples, though not all are servicable.
However it is not really enough for the HCSN who will field aircraft both from land bases and the carriers (a second will be built in the next decade). The HCSN is expecting to operate 20 fighters off their carrier and with reserve and maintenance units that number per carrier will be around 40. Thus the HCSN need at least 80 fighters just for their carrier wing alone.
There are a couple of options for the HCSN, one is to rebuild older withdrawn F-40s into new F-40Ns and the other is to create a navalised version of the F-45. The former option is cheaper but will reduce in a less capable and older aircraft. A navalised F-45 will be much more advanced (especially as it would be based on the 2nd generation F-45C platform), long-lived and would keep the HCSN in the loop with respect to updates and new technologies. Navalising the F-45 is a lot more expensive however. A decision is expected early next year but no matter what is chosen CNS Cloneworld will enter service with 10 plus year old F-40Ns.
However it is not really enough for the HCSN who will field aircraft both from land bases and the carriers (a second will be built in the next decade). The HCSN is expecting to operate 20 fighters off their carrier and with reserve and maintenance units that number per carrier will be around 40. Thus the HCSN need at least 80 fighters just for their carrier wing alone.
There are a couple of options for the HCSN, one is to rebuild older withdrawn F-40s into new F-40Ns and the other is to create a navalised version of the F-45. The former option is cheaper but will reduce in a less capable and older aircraft. A navalised F-45 will be much more advanced (especially as it would be based on the 2nd generation F-45C platform), long-lived and would keep the HCSN in the loop with respect to updates and new technologies. Navalising the F-45 is a lot more expensive however. A decision is expected early next year but no matter what is chosen CNS Cloneworld will enter service with 10 plus year old F-40Ns.
Naval experts question HCSN strategy
With the reborn HCS Navy having conducted a number of operations against pirates on Cloneworld and the next generation of warships being built including the carrier CNS Cloneworld all seems rosy for the HSCN. However some Naval experts, mainly ex officers of the previous HCSN have questioned the new fleet that is being built.
Former Admiral RT Wharn has questioned what the new navy is being designed to fight. "The navy will likely be facing pirates but the fleet being built seems designed to fight another fleet, what fleet is this?"
Former Admiral Mila echoes his former colleague saying the HCS is wasting money building big destroyers and frigates when the enemy will be a mainly littoral force. "Pirates don't and won't have battlecruisers, they've got small ships operating in coastal waters. We need more ships like the Triona." However Mila does agree CNS Cloneworld will be worth having as it can act as a floating base for air assets operating against pirates and insurgents in the various archipelagos off the main Cloneworld land mass' north coast.
The HCSN currently has 1 frigate (from the previous HCSN), 8 Triona OPV(H)s and 1 SSK submarine (also from the old navy). As well as the aircraft carrier, 1 destroyer and 6 more Triona are under construction. The HCSN have yet to commit to further orders though it is known they have indicated they want to start building another destroyer and 3 more frigates next year as well as more Trionas. These plans may change however following analysis of HCSN operations this year.
Former Admiral RT Wharn has questioned what the new navy is being designed to fight. "The navy will likely be facing pirates but the fleet being built seems designed to fight another fleet, what fleet is this?"
Former Admiral Mila echoes his former colleague saying the HCS is wasting money building big destroyers and frigates when the enemy will be a mainly littoral force. "Pirates don't and won't have battlecruisers, they've got small ships operating in coastal waters. We need more ships like the Triona." However Mila does agree CNS Cloneworld will be worth having as it can act as a floating base for air assets operating against pirates and insurgents in the various archipelagos off the main Cloneworld land mass' north coast.
The HCSN currently has 1 frigate (from the previous HCSN), 8 Triona OPV(H)s and 1 SSK submarine (also from the old navy). As well as the aircraft carrier, 1 destroyer and 6 more Triona are under construction. The HCSN have yet to commit to further orders though it is known they have indicated they want to start building another destroyer and 3 more frigates next year as well as more Trionas. These plans may change however following analysis of HCSN operations this year.
Windy sets off on his mission
Windscorpion has set off on a mission to locate the lost Christian settlers the New Cross. F103 Carboniferous and an accompanying Extender oiler/supply ship A142 Stratotanker left Proxima 7's orbit this morning. The Extender is carrying supplies for the mission which could last well into next year. It is thought the Carboniferous is carrying nuclear weapons with some others carried by Globemaster.
Windy said he was looking forward to exploring new areas of space. His second-in-command on the mission is MBF with Salamander as executive officer of Carboniferous.
Windy said he was looking forward to exploring new areas of space. His second-in-command on the mission is MBF with Salamander as executive officer of Carboniferous.
Fleet news (03/10/07)
The second Quasar-ILU C127 Graviton has completed it's testing and is now on a week long crew training programme before it rejoins the fleet (and will take over from Quasar as the flagship of the DDS North Fleet in Remedia). Two more Quasar-ILU updates are expected to be completed before the end of the year. C123 Boson has left service to begin it's ILU programme.
Panther lead ship D101 Panther has begun pre-proving trials testing. It recently was taken up to 500c on a test without any issues apart from some slight fixable vibrations. It is hoped the Panther can be taken up to full speed very soon. The DDS have pencilled in mid-January as a possible service date for the destroyer which is earlier than expected.
K110 Nero and K111 Ovid are the first Rome B corvettes and are nearing completion. Both will be fitted with the new 5036-A combat management suite which is a computer add on to existing tactical systems offering better data filtering and management and combat analysis functions. If the new system is successful all DDS combat ships will receive this system at a later date.
Panther lead ship D101 Panther has begun pre-proving trials testing. It recently was taken up to 500c on a test without any issues apart from some slight fixable vibrations. It is hoped the Panther can be taken up to full speed very soon. The DDS have pencilled in mid-January as a possible service date for the destroyer which is earlier than expected.
K110 Nero and K111 Ovid are the first Rome B corvettes and are nearing completion. Both will be fitted with the new 5036-A combat management suite which is a computer add on to existing tactical systems offering better data filtering and management and combat analysis functions. If the new system is successful all DDS combat ships will receive this system at a later date.
Firefly responds to DMZ fleet fears
Firefly has addressed concerns by some fleet officials that the DDS fleet will struggle with the commitment to the DMZ Patrol Pool. He said that reworked patrol routes had reduced the minimum ships needed from 40 to 38 without a loss of operational coverage. He also said the Dinos had agreed to up their allocation of ships to 15. The Starbotians had also agreed to provide 2 ships. With the Aritan ships this has reduced the DDS commitment to 19 though the DDS will provide a reserve of 2 ships. With an estimate of around 10 ships at any one time either on their way to the pool or on their way out this should reduce the DDS commitment from 40 to 30-31 ships.
"It is still a tough ask." Firefly said, "But the DDS can manage these levels. We will also soon have an extra 2 Rome class corvettes on stream plus another Velocity and Arafura class frigate before the end of the year." He also added that full patrol operations would not begin until early next year anyway when the DDS fleet would have completed it's regeneration after the war and would have extra hulls.
"It is still a tough ask." Firefly said, "But the DDS can manage these levels. We will also soon have an extra 2 Rome class corvettes on stream plus another Velocity and Arafura class frigate before the end of the year." He also added that full patrol operations would not begin until early next year anyway when the DDS fleet would have completed it's regeneration after the war and would have extra hulls.
Fleet officials worried DDS fleet cannot cope with DMZ commitment
Some DDS Fleet officials have voiced concerns that the DDS fleet isn't big enough to maintain the DMZ patrol commitment. Around 40 ships are needed to maintain coverage of the DMZ patrol along the Remedian-Utrek border. The Dinos have pledged 12 ships and the Aritans 2 ships for the DMZ Patrol Pool. An official said that 26 ships did not seem like a lot but you had to remember that ships are also leaving the patrol pool / in refit or are on their way to the patrol / preparing. The official said that up to 7 ships either side of the patrol cycle at any one time will also be unavailable for other duties. Meaning of course up to 40 ships are allocated to the DMZ task.
The current DDS fleet strength is 70 warships including Pentekonter OPVs meaning that if 40 ships are taken up on DMZ duties it means there are not many ships available elsewhere especially if on average 40% of the fleet at any one time will be in refit or resupply. The officials have urged the DDS to try and get more allies to share the burden including asking the Dinos to increase their commitment to 15. Meanwhile plans are being accelerated to develop a tactical pod to allow non-combat ships like Provider transports perform low-risk patrol duties.
The current DDS fleet strength is 70 warships including Pentekonter OPVs meaning that if 40 ships are taken up on DMZ duties it means there are not many ships available elsewhere especially if on average 40% of the fleet at any one time will be in refit or resupply. The officials have urged the DDS to try and get more allies to share the burden including asking the Dinos to increase their commitment to 15. Meanwhile plans are being accelerated to develop a tactical pod to allow non-combat ships like Provider transports perform low-risk patrol duties.
DMZ patrol network set up as Utrek test the waters
The DMZ is a vast region of Utrek space which the Utrekians are heavily restricted in the military forces they can deploy in it. For example any warship or assault transport is liable to attack if it strays into the DMZ. The problem for the DDS is how to monitor and maintain the DMZ's "rules". Monitoring the space will be made easier once a network of long-range surveillance stations are set up with neutrino detection to track cloaked ships. Currently only a station on Loeuss exists (though not at full operational capability) though by the end of the year there will also be stations on Mila and on a Raegris planet. To fill the gap 2 Marconi class EW ships are using their sensors.
The next problem is stopping any Utrek incursions that are detected. This requires a lot of warships to maintain a network of patrols with enough ships to enter the DMZ in strength. The DDS have calculated they require around 40 ships to provide a minimum of coverage with 60 being an optimum. Unfortunately providing such a force (the DDS are aiming for the minimum) as well as existing commitments will be very difficult for the DDS, the Dinos have pledged to provide 10-12 ships (currently 6 are on station) and the Aritans have also offered 2 ships for the DMZ Patrol Pool.
To supply and support these ships will stretch the DDS logistic train and a network of 5 way-stations will be built along the Remedian border. These will support the patrol pool ships and also provide secondary surveillance. They are expected to be in service by the end of next year.
Until the full network is in place the Utrek have been testing the waters, 5 warships entered the DMZ near Diareel yesterday. Unfortunately only 1 DDS ship (a Quasar) was available to pursue the Utrek. It was considered too risky to enter the DMZ alone, by the time 2 frigates arrived to support the Quasar the Utrek ships had already left the DMZ.
A DDS spokesman said maintaining the DMZ will be very difficult but "we will build up our network and control the Utrekians."
The next problem is stopping any Utrek incursions that are detected. This requires a lot of warships to maintain a network of patrols with enough ships to enter the DMZ in strength. The DDS have calculated they require around 40 ships to provide a minimum of coverage with 60 being an optimum. Unfortunately providing such a force (the DDS are aiming for the minimum) as well as existing commitments will be very difficult for the DDS, the Dinos have pledged to provide 10-12 ships (currently 6 are on station) and the Aritans have also offered 2 ships for the DMZ Patrol Pool.
To supply and support these ships will stretch the DDS logistic train and a network of 5 way-stations will be built along the Remedian border. These will support the patrol pool ships and also provide secondary surveillance. They are expected to be in service by the end of next year.
Until the full network is in place the Utrek have been testing the waters, 5 warships entered the DMZ near Diareel yesterday. Unfortunately only 1 DDS ship (a Quasar) was available to pursue the Utrek. It was considered too risky to enter the DMZ alone, by the time 2 frigates arrived to support the Quasar the Utrek ships had already left the DMZ.
A DDS spokesman said maintaining the DMZ will be very difficult but "we will build up our network and control the Utrekians."
Dinos deploy legion to Loeuss
The Dinos have deployed a full legion to their new permanent base on Loeuss. The 10th Legion has begun replacing existing Dino forces on the planet. The legion includes a full armoured brigade and 16 Dinomarks. The Dinos say these forces will help protect Loeuss and also will be a valuable staging post for any future operations against the Utrek.
The arrival of such forces on Loeuss has raised some eyebrows among the Remedians and DDS who thought the Dinos were only going to use the base for training.
The arrival of such forces on Loeuss has raised some eyebrows among the Remedians and DDS who thought the Dinos were only going to use the base for training.
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