
Doombringer to join DDS / Other appointments

Doombringer has left the HCS this week yet already is thought to have agreed to join the DDS. The ex-head of the HCS Space Navy and robot warrior was contacted by the DDS as he left Cloneworld in a personal ship heading to his ancestral world beyond the Rim Worlds. Doombringer was spoken to by Windscorpion personally and offered the job of commanding the DDS Southern Fleet. Doombringer has agreed to join the DDS but wishes some months off to "recharge". He will travel to Starbot and enjoy some long awaited R&R (and also he says familiarise himself with the DDS fleet and tactics so he can hit the ground running when he joins the fleet sometime in the summer).

The death of Horsehead and the long-term injuries to Sea Urchin and Firefly is leaving the DDS' pool of fleet commanders depleted, especially as one of the two to remain, Windscorpion, is also DDS Commander and has other duties of course. The Orchid is in charge of the Northern Fleet currently the front line against the Utrek.

Windy intends to remain at GHQ for the time being and has said he will command the Central Fleet for now though is looking to groom Von Kane and Knobhead to become potential fleet commanders. Both have been appointed Orchid's deputies and it is thought will have the chance to press their claims for promotion. If all works out Knobhead could be appointed Central Fleet and Von Kane put in charge of a new fleet, as yet unnamed, which will be a rapid reaction force.

Windy has also addressed the status of Action Painting, Windy has already appointed Firefly to AP's old role of City Commander (i.e. GHQ Chief). Windy is content to give AP a chance to prove himself but does not want him at GHQ. Its thought AP will be put in charge of the DDS Army which is based at Solaris.