
Allies launch major attack at Loeuss

The second wave of Dino/DDS forces has finally reached Loeuss (it was originally intended to reach the planet around April 20th but some technical problems with SS Intruder caused a delay). A fleet commanded by the Dino Senator Spikeson and including 12 Dinomarks and 2 Isometrics, SS Intruder and a number of other transports from the DDS Fleet and DDS Merchant Navy Reserve launched an attack yesterday surprising the 5 Utrek ships in orbit around Loeuss.

One Kalahati Tuul was destroyed and the others fled. The transports and LHA began deploying troops from the Dino and DDS Armies to the planet while the Dinomarks pounded the Utrek army positions in a sustained assault. While the landing was taking place the Utrek ships returned, re-inforced by 6 other ships. One Dinomark XT and 1 transport was destroyed in the battle for the cost of 2 Utrek ships. A number of ships on both sides were also damaged, 1 Utrek ships was abandoned and scuttled by it's crew.

As the Allied force retreated the cloak on a transport failed bringing them under sustained attack by the Utrekians who had been joined by re-inforcements. The Isometric ship SS Pennsylvanian bravely held off the Utrekians allowing the transport and the rest of the fleet to escape. Two more Utrek ships were destroyed, both Molentic Tuul, but the Isometric frigate was also lost however many of the crew were rescued by the Dinos. The Dino rescuers also managed to destroy a damaged Kalahati Tuul which got in the way.

However the operation was a complete success, over 10,000 men and 200 MBTs and other heavy weapons were landed on the planet which will greatly assist the hard-pressed allied forces and probably will now turn the tide of the land war on Loeuss.