At the Missileer unveiling yesterday it was mentioned that a secondary role for the arsenal ship was to carry and operate UCAVs. The question the galaxy's media asked was, what UCAVs? There have been rumours the DDS have been looking into unmanned combat ships for some time now, even a UCAV version of the Panther was mooted (the Stoat). Today Dr Forbidden gave a media briefing where he detailed what exactly the DDS was working on.
He said for the last few months a joint DDS-Dino team had been working on a small UCAV with space fighting and space-ground capabilities. The ships would be small and nimble and able to carry a TPM and other missiles. The ships would not have a hyperspace drive so would have to be taken to the combat zone by a carrier spacecraft.
He said the Starbotians have joined the project to assist with the AI and other guidance systems. He said it was likely the UCAV would be built on Starbot for both the DDS and Dino Armies. The UCAV would be cheap and mass produced in the 100s maybe 1000s. Dr Forbidden said that he hoped prototypes would be available later in the year. A possible name for the type in DDS service is Ferret but a name would not be finalised until later in the year.
Missileer begins trials
The Missileer, a missile carrier and arsenal ship, has begun trials. The ship is a modified version of the Provider and has 2 quad-bay missile launchers and is able to use targeting information from other ships as well as it's own.
The ship is a bit of a hack, using spare parts and used equipment to speed development. For example the missile launchers were to have been used on a Quasar ILU but as the update programme has been postponed due to the war the launchers were commandeered. The sensor suite has just been removed from SS Carboniferous as the ship receives an upgraded suite.
One problem is integration of the various systems which will probably take much of the rest of the year. The DDS also want to fit a Z5m cannon to it for self-defence. The shortage of TPMs is also proving a problem though this should be fixed by the time it enters service, the DDS are going to fit a small TPM production facility to the ship before it enters service in any event.
The key system aboard the Missileer is the fire control and targeting system that can take data from up to 24 other ships, integrate it with it's own and simultaneously track up to 64 targets using AI to select the best one to attack at any one time. The system is based on the Panther's tactical system though as this is unproven there is much work to do before it will be passed ready for combat.
As much of the Missileer's structure is still unused and there is some time before the ship can enter service the DDS are looking at adding other roles such as carrying UCAVs. The DDS have been working on a "space fighter" UCAV and this may be an extra role for the Missileer to carry, deploy and control these weapons.
The ship is a bit of a hack, using spare parts and used equipment to speed development. For example the missile launchers were to have been used on a Quasar ILU but as the update programme has been postponed due to the war the launchers were commandeered. The sensor suite has just been removed from SS Carboniferous as the ship receives an upgraded suite.
One problem is integration of the various systems which will probably take much of the rest of the year. The DDS also want to fit a Z5m cannon to it for self-defence. The shortage of TPMs is also proving a problem though this should be fixed by the time it enters service, the DDS are going to fit a small TPM production facility to the ship before it enters service in any event.
The key system aboard the Missileer is the fire control and targeting system that can take data from up to 24 other ships, integrate it with it's own and simultaneously track up to 64 targets using AI to select the best one to attack at any one time. The system is based on the Panther's tactical system though as this is unproven there is much work to do before it will be passed ready for combat.
As much of the Missileer's structure is still unused and there is some time before the ship can enter service the DDS are looking at adding other roles such as carrying UCAVs. The DDS have been working on a "space fighter" UCAV and this may be an extra role for the Missileer to carry, deploy and control these weapons.
Profit Motive withdrawn from service
8001V Profit Motive, the DDS VIP ship and one of the oldest ships in the fleet, has been withdrawn from service following the discovery of serious cracks in it's main load bearing structure beams. The ship was due to be withdrawn in late 2108 or 2109 in any case and replacing the beams is uneconomic. The ship has been withdrawn and will likely be given to the UNP Space Museum on Mars.
Windscorpion took the opportunity to say that the Profit Motive's replacement the 8300 Ambassador class has been cancelled. He said that he would be using the SS Carboniferous as his personal ship and thus did not need a VIP ship. Starsystems and the forthcoming Feeder class will be used for intergalactic VIP trips in future.
Windscorpion took the opportunity to say that the Profit Motive's replacement the 8300 Ambassador class has been cancelled. He said that he would be using the SS Carboniferous as his personal ship and thus did not need a VIP ship. Starsystems and the forthcoming Feeder class will be used for intergalactic VIP trips in future.
TPM production resumes
Transphasic missile (TPM) production has begun at 2 secret sites on New Arit and Proxima 7. The main production facility in orbit around Solaris was destroyed in a Utrek attack a couple of months ago but luckily the DDS was already building new factories at a number of locations. The new factories are all smaller facilities but their dispersal and better protection should ensure supply is maintained. Once both factories reach full output in a few weeks then (along with the 2 small existing factories around Rathun's World and on Proxima 7) DDS TPM production should be back to around 47% of previous rate. Other factories are currently being constructed on Rathun's World, Solaris and Sanger Alpha which should begin production by the end of the year.
In other TPM news the DDS have cleared the latest varient the TPM-1C for use on it's ships and production will begin switching to the new varient over the next few days. The C has improved terminal guidance and electronic countermeasures as well as a better engine for slightly higher velocity. The DDS are continuing development of the second generation TPM-2 which may enter service next year.
In other TPM news the DDS have cleared the latest varient the TPM-1C for use on it's ships and production will begin switching to the new varient over the next few days. The C has improved terminal guidance and electronic countermeasures as well as a better engine for slightly higher velocity. The DDS are continuing development of the second generation TPM-2 which may enter service next year.
OPV news roundup
The Pentekonter fleet of OPV has been cleared to cruise at 390c following computer simulations and software changes to allow the engine and frame to be rated at a higher speed. The software updates are being rolled out to the fleet this week. Its thought a speed of 420c is possible with some modifications to the main load-bearing frame and this may be carried out as the fleet receives maintenance.
Two more Rome class OPVs have joined the fleet, 3604 Pompey and 3605 Claudius will join the DDS-South Patrol Pool based at Rathun's World.
Finally the DDS have confirmed they are in talks with the Dinos about procuring 10 refurbished and modified Dinomark XTs for the OPV 09 class. The class will form the space-ground liaison force acting as the bridge between DDS space assets and ground forces.
Two more Rome class OPVs have joined the fleet, 3604 Pompey and 3605 Claudius will join the DDS-South Patrol Pool based at Rathun's World.
Finally the DDS have confirmed they are in talks with the Dinos about procuring 10 refurbished and modified Dinomark XTs for the OPV 09 class. The class will form the space-ground liaison force acting as the bridge between DDS space assets and ground forces.

In It Is A Sin To Be Cool MBF leads a fightback by the DDS against the Utrek on Loeuss using the new DDS weapons like the Z5g. In Bum Rape while the Utrek try and nuke DDS GHQ Quarz and Delicate Flower decide to get married. Finally in We Want More Coke M-B-H destroys another political opponent.
UV113 is available in all sordid places, stay tuned for UV114 Master & Servant next month!
DDS make some changes to support fleet
The DDS have made a number of changes to their support fleet procurement plans. The Arsenal class weapon transport class has been cancelled. The weapon handling equipment has been found to be much more portable than first thought and as the Provider transport fleet is having it's defensive capabilities improved the need for a separate class has been removed. Two more Providers have been added to the orderbook with maybe more to follow.
The Nightingale class hospital ship class was planned to debut in 2108 but because of the war situation the DDS have bought their plans forward and construction of the first ship has begun, its hoped to have the ship in service by Q4. A fourth ship has also been ordered.
The Nightingale class hospital ship class was planned to debut in 2108 but because of the war situation the DDS have bought their plans forward and construction of the first ship has begun, its hoped to have the ship in service by Q4. A fourth ship has also been ordered.
Remedian warning : Utrek attack imminent
Remedian intelligence is warning that a major attack by the Utrekians is imminent, probably at Remedia Prime. The Remedians are reporting a number of fleet movements in the major Utrek staging area including as many as 6 Reptoli Tuuls. All in all the Remedians are reporting around 160 warships are assembling and are being prepared for battle.
Against them the DDS and Remedians have amassed a fleet of 51 ships including some of the best ships in the fleet such as the Quasar-ILU. DDS Fleet Commander The Orchid has stepped up the fleet to Readiness Level 1. There is hope the attack will not occur for a few more days to allow a shipment of TPMs to arrive from Solaris.
Remedian Military Leader Lord Argrox has told Remedia Prime to prepare for nuclear attack, it is feared that the Utrekians may try and launch nuclear missiles at the planet's cities. Major cities are being evacuated and military equipment on the ground dispersed as much as possible.
Against them the DDS and Remedians have amassed a fleet of 51 ships including some of the best ships in the fleet such as the Quasar-ILU. DDS Fleet Commander The Orchid has stepped up the fleet to Readiness Level 1. There is hope the attack will not occur for a few more days to allow a shipment of TPMs to arrive from Solaris.
Remedian Military Leader Lord Argrox has told Remedia Prime to prepare for nuclear attack, it is feared that the Utrekians may try and launch nuclear missiles at the planet's cities. Major cities are being evacuated and military equipment on the ground dispersed as much as possible.
Young Turks call for more radical fleet changes
A group of young officers led by a Lieutenant C. Vincent has called for radical changes to the DDS fleet with wholesale withdrawals of older types and rationalisation to create a "leaner swifter and cheaper fleet". The group, who call themselves DDS 3000, outlined their ideas at a meeting of DDS officers at GHQ. Some of their key points were :
- Withdrawal of Pulsar, Solaris, Intrepid, StarSystem classes
- Cancelling Pangaea, Arsenal classes
- Withdrawing all KT1s and turning KT2s into the training fleet
Windy clarifies future fleet plans
The interim report into the future of the DDS fleet, calling for a reduction of the Panther class and the cancellation of the Pangaea class, has caused a storm of protest across the DDS and Commander Windscorpion was forces to appear on DDS TV (breaking into the usual 24/7 gay porn) to clarify some issues.
He addressed concerns that the DDS was in a war so couldn't cut the fleet, "These are future plans, involving ships that will be built long after we have crushed the Utrek so they will not affect our war plans negatively, though improving our financial position will mean we can afford more relevant weapons and technology to fight the war now."
The reduction of the Panther fleet from 20 to 12 caused the most protests, Windy said "We need to move beyond single-role warships, that's why the Panther will be restricted to 12 examples. But, and I must emphasis that cute butt, we are working also on a follow-on class based on the Panther but a more mixed-role warship. This indeed will fill the gap by cancelling the Pangaea. Its much more effective from a cost and logistics standpoint to fill this gap with an existing type than create a new one."
He addressed concerns that the DDS was in a war so couldn't cut the fleet, "These are future plans, involving ships that will be built long after we have crushed the Utrek so they will not affect our war plans negatively, though improving our financial position will mean we can afford more relevant weapons and technology to fight the war now."
The reduction of the Panther fleet from 20 to 12 caused the most protests, Windy said "We need to move beyond single-role warships, that's why the Panther will be restricted to 12 examples. But, and I must emphasis that cute butt, we are working also on a follow-on class based on the Panther but a more mixed-role warship. This indeed will fill the gap by cancelling the Pangaea. Its much more effective from a cost and logistics standpoint to fill this gap with an existing type than create a new one."
Quarz and Delicate Flower to get married
The DDS is happy to announce the upcoming civil partnership of Commander Quarz to his second-in-command Delicate Flower. The lads plan their union for later in the year. They broke the news despite Quarz being arrested for attempted sexual assault of a female DDS soldier earlier in the day. Quarz said it was a total mistake and he was left off by Windscorpion. Then Quarz and his boyfriend made their announcement.
Windscorpion was unavailable for comment, said to be distraught.
Windscorpion was unavailable for comment, said to be distraught.
DDS needs to cut costs warns Windscorpion / Big fleet cutbacks
At a joint media briefing DDS Commander Windscorpion and Finance Officer The Shiner said that the DDS needed to cut costs because of the spending policies of Rotarios. "The DDS is in danger of bankruptcy." warned The Shiner, who added that debt was now topping 40 billion zarks. Windy said that the war was the priority but the DDS would look to cut costs after victory and a number of new projects would have to be cancelled or cut back. The Shiner added that a total of 25 billion over the next 5 years needed to be saved to keep the DDS afloat.
Windy said that one of the first things he did when he became commander was assign a veteran general the task of reviewing the DDS fleet from top to bottom and the general would report back later this year. A further review would do the same to the DDS as a whole.
An interim report by the General was released at the briefing and raised eyebrows. The DDS look set to cut back a number of future projects including the Panther destroyer. Key features of the report are a call to :
Windy said that one of the first things he did when he became commander was assign a veteran general the task of reviewing the DDS fleet from top to bottom and the general would report back later this year. A further review would do the same to the DDS as a whole.
An interim report by the General was released at the briefing and raised eyebrows. The DDS look set to cut back a number of future projects including the Panther destroyer. Key features of the report are a call to :
- Panther (DX) destroyer class reduced to 12 examples, though there may be a development of the Panther built later to a more multi-role specification.
- Pangaea (LCX) light cruiser class cancelled.
- Velocity destroyer class completed after 2 more examples leaving a class of 6.
- Rhombus long-range frigate not to have rebuilds and extra fuselage added, class to be basically same as Isometric except for specialised communications and reconnaissance equipment and internal changes.
- Solaris II fleet sold though one may be retained for surveying.
- Kalahati Tuul fleet and Kenora to be withdrawn and sold (if possible).
- Kalahati Tuul 2 fleet refurbished and updated. As a last-minute addition the report says the 4 HCS Kalahati Tuul 2Ns should be bought if possible to augment the fleet.
- 12 new frigates either of Terran Sea C2 or a new type will be built.
Utrek launch nuclear attack on DDS GHQ!
The stakes have risen in the Utrek war after the Utrekians launched an audacious raid on the centre of the DDS and launched a nuclear missile at GHQ. The missile was shot down using an air-launched TPM fired by an F-10 piloted by a Captain Robert who was unfortunately killed in the nuclear blast.
Three Molentic Tuuls were used in the attack, one carrying the missile into LEO and the other 2 maintaining cover. Windscorpion transferred to his flag SS Carboniferous as soon as the attack was raised and the Isometric plus 2 others in orbit (3114 SS Miocene and 3155 SS Pliocene) destroyed the Utrekian attackers. SS Miocene received moderate damage and will be out of action for a few weeks.
The air-launched TPM has never before been used in anger and indeed has not been calibrated for use against a target as small as a missile and at such an altitude. If the TPM had not worked then GHQ would have had to try it's long-range laser cannons which are similarly non-calibrated for missiles. If the missile had hit it's large warhead (estimated at 5MT) would have totally destroyed GHQ. The explosion was close enough was cause damage to systems at GHQ because of the EMP and blast wave, 4 fatalities were reported. One transport aircraft crashed near GHQ with the loss of 3 crew. There were also incidents and reported casualties at nearby Hexian City.
Windy has ordered an urgent upgrade of GHQ's defences, a doubling of air patrols and more ships to protect Proxima 7 in orbit.
Three Molentic Tuuls were used in the attack, one carrying the missile into LEO and the other 2 maintaining cover. Windscorpion transferred to his flag SS Carboniferous as soon as the attack was raised and the Isometric plus 2 others in orbit (3114 SS Miocene and 3155 SS Pliocene) destroyed the Utrekian attackers. SS Miocene received moderate damage and will be out of action for a few weeks.
The air-launched TPM has never before been used in anger and indeed has not been calibrated for use against a target as small as a missile and at such an altitude. If the TPM had not worked then GHQ would have had to try it's long-range laser cannons which are similarly non-calibrated for missiles. If the missile had hit it's large warhead (estimated at 5MT) would have totally destroyed GHQ. The explosion was close enough was cause damage to systems at GHQ because of the EMP and blast wave, 4 fatalities were reported. One transport aircraft crashed near GHQ with the loss of 3 crew. There were also incidents and reported casualties at nearby Hexian City.
Windy has ordered an urgent upgrade of GHQ's defences, a doubling of air patrols and more ships to protect Proxima 7 in orbit.
HCS to begin withdrawal of Tuul fleet next year
The HCS Space Navy has announced that their large fleet of Kalahati and Molentic Tuul warships will be begun to be phased out next year with a final withdrawal within the next 10 years. The HCS will develop their fleet with 3 combat types, the Soulaki, Cosmos and OPV 08 which will form the basis of the HCS combat fleet into the 2120s and beyond.
The HCS wish to standardise on 3 types to make their logistics train and training easier (and of course save money!) Older types such as the KT-B and KT2 are coming to the end of their lives in any case. The only ships that will be withdrawn before their natural end of life will be some of the later Molentic Tuuls (in theory the KT-S too though its doubtful they would last to their advertised EOL of 2120), its possible the HCS may try and sell these ships.
The schedule for withdrawal is :
At the end of the media briefing the HCS have also announced that the HCS OPV 08 will be called the Shark. The name was not unexpected, having been used on the aborted frigate design of a few years ago from which the OPV 08 design came.
The HCS wish to standardise on 3 types to make their logistics train and training easier (and of course save money!) Older types such as the KT-B and KT2 are coming to the end of their lives in any case. The only ships that will be withdrawn before their natural end of life will be some of the later Molentic Tuuls (in theory the KT-S too though its doubtful they would last to their advertised EOL of 2120), its possible the HCS may try and sell these ships.
The schedule for withdrawal is :
- Kalahati Tuul-B : withdrawals beginning 2108. All 12 ships will be withdrawn by 2110.
- Kalahati Tuul 2 : withdrawals beginning 2108. All 40 ships will be withdrawn by 2112.
- Kalahati Tuul-S : withdrawals beginning 2111. All 40 ships will be withdrawn by 2116.
- Kalahati Tuul 2N : withdrawals beginning 2112. All 4 ships will be withdrawn in 2112.
- Molentic Tuul : withdrawals beginning 2113. All 28 ships will be withdrawn by 2116/7.
At the end of the media briefing the HCS have also announced that the HCS OPV 08 will be called the Shark. The name was not unexpected, having been used on the aborted frigate design of a few years ago from which the OPV 08 design came.
HCS to centralise
The HCS has been struggling to adapt after the split of the Oojok Star Empire into 3 separate political entities. Wrangling between the 3 states has seen new weapon procurement and development grind to a halt as basically no one could agree on anything! Following a summit between the 3 leaders of the Triumvirate the HCS will be centralised once more. Development and organisation will be handled by a central HCS agency as yet unnamed while operational and deployment matters are handled at a local level.
Benito Clone at a joint media briefing by the 3 leaders said that the HCS was falling behind the rival powers and had to renew itself to catch up. Captain Clone added that there would be a heavy investment in the Space Fleet and HCSAF as well as money for new weapons for the HCS Army too. Among the new programmes that will benefit :
Benito Clone at a joint media briefing by the 3 leaders said that the HCS was falling behind the rival powers and had to renew itself to catch up. Captain Clone added that there would be a heavy investment in the Space Fleet and HCSAF as well as money for new weapons for the HCS Army too. Among the new programmes that will benefit :
- The HCS OPV 08 Patrol Boat will go ahead though 2109 has been given as the new target date (though it will still be called OPV 08 for now as a proper name is still pending). The OPV 08 will be a Pentekonter sized vessel according to non-HCS sources and will have a general purpose remit. The order has been reduced to 60 from 100 though sources say the eventual total may be 120+.
- 3 more Soulaki cruisers will be built to an updated Soulaki-B specification which includes uprated engines and armament. Its thought these 3 ships will form the flagships for the 3 states.
- Cosmos production has been cleared to 120 examples, 99 are currently built. After the new build has completed then the HCS will begin a programme of updating the fleet from the oldest first to Cosmos SR specification which will be similar to the new build S spec.
- The F-40S programme to rebuild and update 1000 older F-40 fighter bombers has been confirmed after a year's delay.
- The HCSAF will begin development of a new battlefield support helicopter to replace the many thousands of ageing earlier model AH-26. The next generation AH-26X is the frontrunner for the new helicopter.
- The HCSAF will begin development of it's next generation of AA and AG missiles.
Dinos report succesful raid
The Dinos have launched a successful raid on a Utrek forward base. An asteroid near Loeuss was being used as a base for the Utrekian minelaying operations. Six Dinomarks launched an attack on the base which has been under observation for some weeks. Three Utrekian minelaying ships (of an unknown type) plus a Kalahati Tuul were destroyed and the base facilities wrecked using a nuclear missile. Two other Utrek ships fled.
One Dinomark NG was badly damaged in the battle though thought to be caused more by an accident in the weapons bay that saw missiles explode inside the bay. 8 Dinos were killed and the ship written off and destroyed once the survivors were lifted off.
Following the raid 5 Utrekian ships launched a counter-attack on the Dinos who withdrew after a short exchange. One Dinomark was hit and suffered 2 killed crewmen but was able to escape with the rest of the raiding party. One Utrekian ship was also damaged.
One Dinomark NG was badly damaged in the battle though thought to be caused more by an accident in the weapons bay that saw missiles explode inside the bay. 8 Dinos were killed and the ship written off and destroyed once the survivors were lifted off.
Following the raid 5 Utrekian ships launched a counter-attack on the Dinos who withdrew after a short exchange. One Dinomark was hit and suffered 2 killed crewmen but was able to escape with the rest of the raiding party. One Utrekian ship was also damaged.
Concerns on effect on fleet of continued stand-off
The head of the DDS Fleet Maintenance Arm (DDS-FM) has voiced concerns of the effect on the fleet of a continued stand-off against Utrek forces. "Ships are missing out on their C Exams and are gradually becoming more and more worn, now if these are delayed for too long then serious problems can emerge and ships can need more extensive maintenance earlier than they should." he said at a media briefing at Solaris.
In theory C Exams can be carried out by the crews in open space with the help of the DDS' fleet of Extender oilers but because of the dangerous situation and the sheet amount of ships being deployed the Extender fleet is being fully stretched and C Exams cannot be carried out on many ships as they would be out of action for several days (see below) and thus tie up other assets to protect them. Some ships are also overdue for their A & B Exams and this is causing problems as systems begin to break down. One Isometric frigate is thought to be restricted to 300c because of cracks in a hull structure beam that should be replaced but the ship cannot be spared.
A spokesman at GHQ said that as new ships entered the fleet and ships returned from repair then the ships currently deployed would gradually be released for maintenance. He also said that the DDS had given priority to Extender oiler construction and within a few months 2 more would be available.
DDS Ship Maintenance "Exams"
In theory C Exams can be carried out by the crews in open space with the help of the DDS' fleet of Extender oilers but because of the dangerous situation and the sheet amount of ships being deployed the Extender fleet is being fully stretched and C Exams cannot be carried out on many ships as they would be out of action for several days (see below) and thus tie up other assets to protect them. Some ships are also overdue for their A & B Exams and this is causing problems as systems begin to break down. One Isometric frigate is thought to be restricted to 300c because of cracks in a hull structure beam that should be replaced but the ship cannot be spared.
A spokesman at GHQ said that as new ships entered the fleet and ships returned from repair then the ships currently deployed would gradually be released for maintenance. He also said that the DDS had given priority to Extender oiler construction and within a few months 2 more would be available.
DDS Ship Maintenance "Exams"
- Exam A - total refit including replacing stressed hull and structure parts, reactor and computer cores shut down. Typically 4-6 months work. Usually done to a ship every 3-4 years at major port facilities.
- Exam B - partial refit including a full check of the ship's structure, replacing worn parts, filters and wearables et cetera. Reactor core left on though computer core may be shut off depending on work to be done. Typically 2-3 weeks work. Usually done at least once a year especially after long missions at major port facilities.
- Exam C - replacing wearables and checking key systems and structure. Can be done in smaller facilities or even by crew in deep-space. Typically 4-5 days work. Usually done after every mission.
- Exam D - topping up tanks and checking key systems. Replacing any worn or broken parts (that can be done at the facilities currently at). Usually done at smaller facilities and in space. Typically a few hours work. Usually done every few weeks.
Doombringer on the Utrek War
Ex-HCS bigwig Doombringer is currently on vacation on Starbot before he joins the DDS later in the year he wrote this article on the Utrek War for PlayDino.
The Utrekians have got bogged down in their war against the Allies but it is clear to see why : they didn't have a plan B. Plan A was a good one, a great one in fact. Use the Zones to distract and hurt the DDS and then launch a pincer attack to seize Remedia Prime. Destroy the DDS fleet in a showdown and then move on to seize Proxima 7. Game Over. A great plan that looked so good that the Utrekians thought it was guaranteed to succeed.
Unfortunately they did not consider the possibility of the Dinos getting involved so early. They probably expected the Dinos would help the DDS but not until the Remedians were lost and to sacrifice a fleet in order to destroy a Utrekian one was definitely not on the list of possible outcomes.
So the Utrekians were stalled and the DDS managed to get a powerful fleet to Remedia Prime before the Utrekians could seize it. Now the Utrekians seem to have been caught in the paralysis of indecision. If they throw their entire task force at the DDS and Remedian positions then its possible they will win but at a terrible cost of much of their task force. One analyst at the HCS has estimated the Utrekians could lose over 80 ships in such a battle. These are losses the Utrekians will find hard to take considering they have already lost over 130 ships.
So if an attack is off the cards the current strategy of waiting is not working. The DDS are happy for the Utrekians to hold off as the DDS and Dinos have a strategy called "bleeding the Utrekians", if you like a death of 1000 cuts. Small raids and actions to slowly but surely wear down the Utrekian forces.
The Loeuss front is key to this, its a large gaping wound in the Utrekian flank which is why the Dinos and DDS will keep the planet unusable by the Utrek.
The Utrekians are thought to be reviewing their strategy and have made some key changes of command. They really have 2 choices : attack or withdraw. The status quo is doing them no good, although some raids like the attack on the TPM factory have been successful the overall situation is wearing down the Utrekian fleet and their empire as a whole.
I personally feel the Utrekians will try some limited attack, maybe on another part of the front but if that doesn't produce any noticeable results then the Utrekians will look to get out of the mess they are in. Whether the allies will play ball is another question...
(c) Doombringer 2107
The Utrekians have got bogged down in their war against the Allies but it is clear to see why : they didn't have a plan B. Plan A was a good one, a great one in fact. Use the Zones to distract and hurt the DDS and then launch a pincer attack to seize Remedia Prime. Destroy the DDS fleet in a showdown and then move on to seize Proxima 7. Game Over. A great plan that looked so good that the Utrekians thought it was guaranteed to succeed.
Unfortunately they did not consider the possibility of the Dinos getting involved so early. They probably expected the Dinos would help the DDS but not until the Remedians were lost and to sacrifice a fleet in order to destroy a Utrekian one was definitely not on the list of possible outcomes.
So the Utrekians were stalled and the DDS managed to get a powerful fleet to Remedia Prime before the Utrekians could seize it. Now the Utrekians seem to have been caught in the paralysis of indecision. If they throw their entire task force at the DDS and Remedian positions then its possible they will win but at a terrible cost of much of their task force. One analyst at the HCS has estimated the Utrekians could lose over 80 ships in such a battle. These are losses the Utrekians will find hard to take considering they have already lost over 130 ships.
So if an attack is off the cards the current strategy of waiting is not working. The DDS are happy for the Utrekians to hold off as the DDS and Dinos have a strategy called "bleeding the Utrekians", if you like a death of 1000 cuts. Small raids and actions to slowly but surely wear down the Utrekian forces.
The Loeuss front is key to this, its a large gaping wound in the Utrekian flank which is why the Dinos and DDS will keep the planet unusable by the Utrek.
The Utrekians are thought to be reviewing their strategy and have made some key changes of command. They really have 2 choices : attack or withdraw. The status quo is doing them no good, although some raids like the attack on the TPM factory have been successful the overall situation is wearing down the Utrekian fleet and their empire as a whole.
I personally feel the Utrekians will try some limited attack, maybe on another part of the front but if that doesn't produce any noticeable results then the Utrekians will look to get out of the mess they are in. Whether the allies will play ball is another question...
(c) Doombringer 2107
Z5g a success in combat
The ground-attack version of the Z cannon the Z5g has had a successful combat debut when 2 Rome OPVs launched a bombardment of Utrek positions on Loeuss. The attack was not wholly successful though, one Z5g failed towards the end of the attack and other units has problems with accuracy though the units were a pre-production build with much work still to be done (indeed it is rumoured DDS Research was still working on software bugs half-an-hour before the attack!)
The Rome OPVs are returning to Solaris where they will have the next build of Z5g fitted, this is expected to be close to the final version and will have improved power management and accuracy. DDS Research say that once the Z5g has entered full service it will then begin working on the Z5i which will integrate space-space and space-ground modes into one unit (though space-ground will remain inferior to the Z5g). There will also be a Z5mi for smaller craft.
That is expected to be the end of the Z-cannon story as the DDS hopes to be able to migrate to the transphase Zip cannon from next year though delays with the technology could see the DDS keeping the Z-cannon team together to continue revisions into 2108.
The Rome OPVs are returning to Solaris where they will have the next build of Z5g fitted, this is expected to be close to the final version and will have improved power management and accuracy. DDS Research say that once the Z5g has entered full service it will then begin working on the Z5i which will integrate space-space and space-ground modes into one unit (though space-ground will remain inferior to the Z5g). There will also be a Z5mi for smaller craft.
That is expected to be the end of the Z-cannon story as the DDS hopes to be able to migrate to the transphase Zip cannon from next year though delays with the technology could see the DDS keeping the Z-cannon team together to continue revisions into 2108.
Fleet news (09/05/07)
Two new ships have been commissioned and successfully completed trials. Extender class oiler 7207R Argus has joined the Remedian fleet though may remain on DDS duties for the duration of the war. Marconi class EW ship 7354 Fleming has joined the DDS fleet. Also the 6 Isometric ships earmarked for Rhombus conversion have been recommissioned with their new numbers though will not be converted until after the war unless a ship received major damage that will require major reconstruction anyway.
A Coril class shuttle operating with the Remedian fleet 8112R Linda has been withdrawn after failing a structural test.
A Coril class shuttle operating with the Remedian fleet 8112R Linda has been withdrawn after failing a structural test.
DDS launch major attack on Loeuss
The DDS have unleashed their new ground attack weapons in a devastating assault on the Utrek forces on Loeuss before an offensive by the DDS/Dino forces there. Two Rome OPV fitted with a development version of the ground attack module (which has a pre-production version of the Z5g) launched a bombardment of Utrek forces in the Eltrar Valley. Two Pulsar bombers, said to be equipped with SAS2 targetting equipment, also launched an attack with an unspecified conventionally armed version of the DDS space-ground missile. The Pulsars are said to have hit major Utrek positions behind the front line including the GHQ of General Wellox, the C.O. of Utrek forces on Loeuss. Unconfirmed reports say he was killed or at least badly wounded in the attack.
Both ASUs (Active Service Units) of the SS-D operating on Loeuss also attacked ammo dumps and the fire control centre of the Utrek artillery. The Dinomark XTs operating with the ground forces also attacked positions behind the lines though were chased off by Utrek UCAV interceptors. One Dinomark received minor damage resulting in 2 crew members being badly injured.
After the bombardment the Allied forces launched an attack under artillery and Dinomark cover. The attack was spearheaded by the powerful 3rd Armoured Brigade of the Dino Army and 3 DDS Infantry Brigades. At the end of the day the Allies had advanced 30km and seized highly strategic positions along the valley.
The next day the Utrekians attempted a counterattack but were repulsed. Over 10,000 Utrek soldiers were taken prisoner and now the Allies hold the advantage on Loeuss.
Both ASUs (Active Service Units) of the SS-D operating on Loeuss also attacked ammo dumps and the fire control centre of the Utrek artillery. The Dinomark XTs operating with the ground forces also attacked positions behind the lines though were chased off by Utrek UCAV interceptors. One Dinomark received minor damage resulting in 2 crew members being badly injured.
After the bombardment the Allied forces launched an attack under artillery and Dinomark cover. The attack was spearheaded by the powerful 3rd Armoured Brigade of the Dino Army and 3 DDS Infantry Brigades. At the end of the day the Allies had advanced 30km and seized highly strategic positions along the valley.
The next day the Utrekians attempted a counterattack but were repulsed. Over 10,000 Utrek soldiers were taken prisoner and now the Allies hold the advantage on Loeuss.
DDS announce billion zark investment in fleet
The DDS have announced an extra billion zarks has been found from reserve funds to fund a series of updates and improvements to the fleet. They are :
- Quasar Update 2107 - update of all non-ILU Quasars with improved sensors, software and latest series Z-cannon. Each update can be undertaken by crew and port maintenance is around 3 days.
- 3 HCS Derinny class minesweepers loan - 3 minesweepers have been loaned off the HCS for 12 months (at least), the ships will be given localisation and DDS communication equipment. The localisation will take around a month to complete and the ships should be operational after training and trials around July time. Training has already begun of crews using VR learning environments.
- 2 Isometrics to receive "Pave Yellow" control equipment - linked to the minesweeper role, the "Pave Yellow" is control/communications equipment to allow the frigates to act as control co-ordinators for mine sweeping operations.
- 2 Pulsar SAS updated to SAS 2 - enhanced targetting and fire control equipment for ground attack using conventional space-ground weapons. Update already completed.
- Procurement of Raegris mines - The 2 bought-back ex-Raegris Quasars have now entered trials and should return to the fleet in a few weeks. The 2 ships are equipped for mine laying and the DDS have procured a number of Raegris mines for that to be used. Some dummy mines have also been bought for training of laying (and sweeping). A mine transport with specialist handling equipment has also been loaned off the Raegris though it will remain with a Raegris crew and not be involved in combat operations.
Allies launch major attack at Loeuss
The second wave of Dino/DDS forces has finally reached Loeuss (it was originally intended to reach the planet around April 20th but some technical problems with SS Intruder caused a delay). A fleet commanded by the Dino Senator Spikeson and including 12 Dinomarks and 2 Isometrics, SS Intruder and a number of other transports from the DDS Fleet and DDS Merchant Navy Reserve launched an attack yesterday surprising the 5 Utrek ships in orbit around Loeuss.
One Kalahati Tuul was destroyed and the others fled. The transports and LHA began deploying troops from the Dino and DDS Armies to the planet while the Dinomarks pounded the Utrek army positions in a sustained assault. While the landing was taking place the Utrek ships returned, re-inforced by 6 other ships. One Dinomark XT and 1 transport was destroyed in the battle for the cost of 2 Utrek ships. A number of ships on both sides were also damaged, 1 Utrek ships was abandoned and scuttled by it's crew.
As the Allied force retreated the cloak on a transport failed bringing them under sustained attack by the Utrekians who had been joined by re-inforcements. The Isometric ship SS Pennsylvanian bravely held off the Utrekians allowing the transport and the rest of the fleet to escape. Two more Utrek ships were destroyed, both Molentic Tuul, but the Isometric frigate was also lost however many of the crew were rescued by the Dinos. The Dino rescuers also managed to destroy a damaged Kalahati Tuul which got in the way.
However the operation was a complete success, over 10,000 men and 200 MBTs and other heavy weapons were landed on the planet which will greatly assist the hard-pressed allied forces and probably will now turn the tide of the land war on Loeuss.
One Kalahati Tuul was destroyed and the others fled. The transports and LHA began deploying troops from the Dino and DDS Armies to the planet while the Dinomarks pounded the Utrek army positions in a sustained assault. While the landing was taking place the Utrek ships returned, re-inforced by 6 other ships. One Dinomark XT and 1 transport was destroyed in the battle for the cost of 2 Utrek ships. A number of ships on both sides were also damaged, 1 Utrek ships was abandoned and scuttled by it's crew.
As the Allied force retreated the cloak on a transport failed bringing them under sustained attack by the Utrekians who had been joined by re-inforcements. The Isometric ship SS Pennsylvanian bravely held off the Utrekians allowing the transport and the rest of the fleet to escape. Two more Utrek ships were destroyed, both Molentic Tuul, but the Isometric frigate was also lost however many of the crew were rescued by the Dinos. The Dino rescuers also managed to destroy a damaged Kalahati Tuul which got in the way.
However the operation was a complete success, over 10,000 men and 200 MBTs and other heavy weapons were landed on the planet which will greatly assist the hard-pressed allied forces and probably will now turn the tide of the land war on Loeuss.
Windy announces policy of decentralisation
Commander Windscorpion has announced that the DDS needs to decentralise it's facilities and resources to make it less vulnerable to attack. Presently the DDS has 2 major centres : GHQ on Proxima 7 and the Solaris ground and orbital complexes. Windy said that if an enemy destroyed these 2 centres then the DDS would be defeated.
Windy has announced a new policy of decentralisation though admitted it was a long term project that could take decades to bring to fruition. Windy said he had held meetings with Building Services to come up with a coherent policy and course of action. The DDS Communications School would be moving to new premises elsewhere on Proxima 7 next year he announced (which was needed anyway as the school occupies space to be used by the Gay Porn Archive). He also said DDS Research would move away from GHQ entirely by the end of the decade.
Windy has announced a new policy of decentralisation though admitted it was a long term project that could take decades to bring to fruition. Windy said he had held meetings with Building Services to come up with a coherent policy and course of action. The DDS Communications School would be moving to new premises elsewhere on Proxima 7 next year he announced (which was needed anyway as the school occupies space to be used by the Gay Porn Archive). He also said DDS Research would move away from GHQ entirely by the end of the decade.
F-10S reaches Milestone 2
The next generation DDS fighter the F-10S Shark 2100 has reaches Milestone 2 in it's development after 2 pre-production aircraft successfully carried out a week long field test. The test included air to air, air to ground and recon "missions", the A2A also including a test with the air launched TPM.
DDSAF evaluators were very happy with the Shark 2100's progress saying the new aircraft would greatly enhance the DDS' aerial capabilities. The DDS would now work on some bugs and issues as well as add some enhancements ready for Milestone 3 in the autumn.
DDSAF evaluators were very happy with the Shark 2100's progress saying the new aircraft would greatly enhance the DDS' aerial capabilities. The DDS would now work on some bugs and issues as well as add some enhancements ready for Milestone 3 in the autumn.
Von Kane bags a Molentic Tuul
The Utrek have fallen into a trap again as Von Kane's task force managed to destroy a Molentic Tuul earlier today. Von Kane's task force is currently operating in space near Algol conducting a survey of an asteroid field there (which may yield large precious metal deposits). Four Utrekian ships were spotted nearby so Von Kane laid a trap.
The task force's Pentekonter OPV was left behind to continue the survey while the other ships left and cloaked, using the force's Marconi class EW ship to lay false emissions to make the Utrek think they had entered hyperspace. The Utrek then went to attack the Pentekonter and were ambushed by Von Kane's force. One Molentic Tuul was destroyed and the other 3 ships fled, all receiving some damage. No DDS ships were damaged.
The task force's Pentekonter OPV was left behind to continue the survey while the other ships left and cloaked, using the force's Marconi class EW ship to lay false emissions to make the Utrek think they had entered hyperspace. The Utrek then went to attack the Pentekonter and were ambushed by Von Kane's force. One Molentic Tuul was destroyed and the other 3 ships fled, all receiving some damage. No DDS ships were damaged.
Doombringer to join DDS / Other appointments
Doombringer has left the HCS this week yet already is thought to have agreed to join the DDS. The ex-head of the HCS Space Navy and robot warrior was contacted by the DDS as he left Cloneworld in a personal ship heading to his ancestral world beyond the Rim Worlds. Doombringer was spoken to by Windscorpion personally and offered the job of commanding the DDS Southern Fleet. Doombringer has agreed to join the DDS but wishes some months off to "recharge". He will travel to Starbot and enjoy some long awaited R&R (and also he says familiarise himself with the DDS fleet and tactics so he can hit the ground running when he joins the fleet sometime in the summer).
The death of Horsehead and the long-term injuries to Sea Urchin and Firefly is leaving the DDS' pool of fleet commanders depleted, especially as one of the two to remain, Windscorpion, is also DDS Commander and has other duties of course. The Orchid is in charge of the Northern Fleet currently the front line against the Utrek.
Windy intends to remain at GHQ for the time being and has said he will command the Central Fleet for now though is looking to groom Von Kane and Knobhead to become potential fleet commanders. Both have been appointed Orchid's deputies and it is thought will have the chance to press their claims for promotion. If all works out Knobhead could be appointed Central Fleet and Von Kane put in charge of a new fleet, as yet unnamed, which will be a rapid reaction force.
Windy has also addressed the status of Action Painting, Windy has already appointed Firefly to AP's old role of City Commander (i.e. GHQ Chief). Windy is content to give AP a chance to prove himself but does not want him at GHQ. Its thought AP will be put in charge of the DDS Army which is based at Solaris.
The death of Horsehead and the long-term injuries to Sea Urchin and Firefly is leaving the DDS' pool of fleet commanders depleted, especially as one of the two to remain, Windscorpion, is also DDS Commander and has other duties of course. The Orchid is in charge of the Northern Fleet currently the front line against the Utrek.
Windy intends to remain at GHQ for the time being and has said he will command the Central Fleet for now though is looking to groom Von Kane and Knobhead to become potential fleet commanders. Both have been appointed Orchid's deputies and it is thought will have the chance to press their claims for promotion. If all works out Knobhead could be appointed Central Fleet and Von Kane put in charge of a new fleet, as yet unnamed, which will be a rapid reaction force.
Windy has also addressed the status of Action Painting, Windy has already appointed Firefly to AP's old role of City Commander (i.e. GHQ Chief). Windy is content to give AP a chance to prove himself but does not want him at GHQ. Its thought AP will be put in charge of the DDS Army which is based at Solaris.
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