
Character of the week : Holisai

"Her indoors" as Ronald calls her, Empress Holisai is Ronald's wife. She is the Royal Matriarch, the mother of Smellyson, Stinkyson, Ronaldson and Crystal Iguana of course. Shes also a right battleaxe. Ronald's relationship with his wife is 98% fear and 2% utter terror.

They have been together for a long time though, but Ronald's military service and later Emperorship means that he spends a lot of the time away from her. Oh woe, he is heard to have said. Her role in the empire is often overlooked, she is the driver of many social programmes. As she said, the boys are too busy with their stupid toys and games (i.e. war) to bother with the important stuff in life.

Its rumoured she is trying for a 5th child.