Internal rebellions and conspiracies take centre stage in the latest DDS book. In
Prawn Sacrifice Lakes plots to assassinate Emperor Jimmy. Following from that in
Regicidal Tendancies we see Lakes plans come to fruition, can the Emperor survive? In
Business Is Business the HCS Loyalist and Benito Rebel fleets finally come to blows in a battle that may seal the fate of the HCS. El Diablo begins the investigation behind the Jimmy attack in
Bashing The Bishops, does the trail lead to Gibson... or Lakes? Finally in
Badgirl Rotarios decides the DDS needs a spiritial renewal.
The book is available from all criminals and brothels across the galaxy. The final two books of the year
UV93 : Sexual Fantasy Of The Chief Executive and
UV94 : The Way Of The Windscorpion will be released in december. The first book of 2006,
UV95 : Vile Thrills coming early in the new year.