
Dr Menglez answers your questions

The head of DDS Medical Research Dr Menglez kindly took some time out of his busy schedule to answer your questions. The answers are below.

Anonymous asked " Hi Dr Menglez, may i call you Adolf?" (Nein.) "Do you agree that pain is merely a misunderstood pleasure?"

Dr Menglez : "Indeed it is a verrrry interesting idea, I wish to explore it with you..."

Strongix asked : " I must say i find you repulsive! You sir, are an evil boil on the anus of humanity and deserve to rot in Hell for eternity!"

Dr Menglez : "Danke mein Herr, you say the kindest things..."

Dr Probe asked : "Dear sir, i find your methods rather interesting. But is it true you have tried to transplant Clone body parts onto other alien species? Why? Isn't that a... tad... unethical?"

Dr Menglez : "Are you a doctor too ja? It is true i have explored this TO INCREASE MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE! Unethical? Why? All i did was put a clone head on the body of der dog. Vot is wrong with that?!"

Verna Yugok asked : " Why do you think over 50% of DDS medicial personnel specialise in mental health?"

Dr Menglez : "It is der highly stressful environment ja? With many... pressures..."

Anonymous asked : "I would like to know a little about your back ground and education. Also, I would like to hear about any work your doing in the mental health field Dr. What you relationship with the Mad Medic like and what do you think of his medicine?"

Dr Menglez : "I study at der unnamed Hospital und some universities i cannot mention... I like a hands on approach to... alien biological exploration... hehehe. Mental health ich der field of Dr Penis, so you can ask him! Der Mad Medic ich her dummkopf!"