
Character of the week : Chief Inspector Warkloz

Chief Inspector Warkloz is one of the most feared criminal inspectors in the bestial Religious Police, its said that even Oojok trembles a little in his presence...

The RP is the vanguard of the Clone Church, a mixture of military police, civilian police and secret police. Infidels and other undesirables are arrested, questioned and ... disposed of in their thousands. Warkloz is one of the top men. Its said he could get a confession from a corpse. A dark and unscrupilous soul, his fanatical zeal drives him on to punish all sinners.

However it may be his zealous nature is too much even for the RP, he has been sidelined in recent years as Akiwati has sought to rein back the excesses of his men. The empire is changing and the clones are becoming less fanatical to Oojok, with Warkloz around that could get worse.