
DDS Fleet update (Terran Sea et cetera)

The code audit of the Terran Sea EMS (Engine Management System) has been completed and the EMS is being tested. The DDS hope to roll out the new code to all Terran Sea frigates by mid-week and normal operations should be able to resume. The latest 2 ships to be completed will also be able to resume their fleet trials, as none-engine systems could still be tested while the ships were "grounded" the DDS is not expecting their entry into service to be delayed. November 15th has been pencilled in as the date they will enter service. The first Block 2 Terran Sea 3209 Yellow Sea is nearing completion and should enter trials by the end of november.

The first Pentekonter patrol ship 3501 Thucydides is also nearing completion, the DDS expect it to enter trials in december. The 3400 class long-range frigate will be known as the River class, not Explorer as previously stated. Work on the first ship is not due to start until the end of 2106.

Two more Provider transport ships have been completed and have entered service following trials those being 7909 Galaxy and 7910 Flying Boxcar. The DDS have decided to build another two. The ageing Cuba class transports will be withdrawn once these 2 extra ships have entered service. The first Marconi class EW ship 7351 Marconi has just entered trials.

Character of the week : Vodaphone

Vodaphone is the New DDS Director Of Communications and one of the deputies of Lord Rotarios, hail to thee! Vodaphone is the mouthpiece of the regime, using his impressive communication skills to keep the DDS On-Message. Vodaphone has been a long-time DDS member, his knowledge of communication technologies made him an ideal Field Comms Officer though he left the DDS as the war raged on due to lack of interest.

The Shiner bought Vodaphone back in, desperate for allies though ironically he doomed his own leadership. Vodaphone and Action Painting began to plot the demise of the Shiner regime which they saw as degenerate and unsuited to what the DDS required in the 22nd century. In Rotarios they saw the leader they needed. Vodaphone and Action Painting created the Hoods to destabilise the Shiner regime and then bring in Rotarios, hail to HIM! Who Him? Him Who? Him! Oh Him...


Lakes calls for elected leader

Lakes, the SS Commander and the leader of Veritas = Truth gave a speech to a rally of his party at Yavilanda City. He called for the post of Emperor to be abolished and to be replaced by an elected President. He said that the changes to the Dino command structure had not gone far enough and there should be full democracy.

"The people want a say but tyrants like Ronald and Jimmy wish to limit the say of the people! What are they afraid of? Perhaps they assume the people are too stupid to be trusted with the vote. I urge everyone to vote for Veritas = Truth, vote for us to show the degenerate leadership that they are the past and we are the voice of change!" Lakes told his audience of 86 party members.

Emperor Jimmy commented, "Lakes' tired soundbites seem to have come straight from M-B-H's quote library."


Update on the Terran Sea problem

The ship currently in the middle of a patrol has now resumed it after being given a new version of the EMS code that no longer has the dangerous bug. However the ship has been instructed to not exceed 700c for the rest of it's mission. The Pulsar on the Solaris-Proxima patrol has been replaced by a Starsystem from the training pool.

DDS Engineering say they have successfully fixed the problem in the EMS code and have nearly completed a full audit. The code should be ready for a full roll-out after testing is completed by tuesday. One happy side-effect is that the engineers were able to include some tweaks to the EMS from the Terran Sea Block 2 code and so the ships will be slightly faster!


Character of the week : Smellyson

Smellyson, the eldest son of Ronald, has for a long time been considered the heir to the Annoited One. A warrior of great skill Smellyson became head of the Emperor Special Bodyguard (ESBG) a.k.a. the Glory Boys. On several occaisions Smellyson showed command skill and courage which satisfied Ronald that his son would be a worthy emperor one day. Ronald appointed him the Minister of Defense.

But then Smellyson fell foul of M-B-H, in probably the worst way possible. Smellyson fell in love with a girl called Pheldira, not knowing that she was M-B-H's sister who had been off-planet for a time. When M-B-H found out he taunted Smellyson, accusing Smellyson of being gay and using his relationship with Pheldira as a proxy way of getting to his true love, M-B-H! The taunting worked and Smellyson tried to kill M-B-H, thus he found himself under arrest!

Smellyson was broken out of gaol by the Oojok Death Squad in a special deal between Ronald and Oojok and then he spent the next year in exile on Cloneworld and then later on Earth. Finally he was captured by M-B-H's forces but the Chosen One was defeated before he had a chance to kill Smellyson. In that time Smellyson and Pheldira split up, the pressures proving too great.

Smellyson was cleared of his crimes and restored to the ESBG command and will be Minister of Defense again with the new governing set-up. His stock has fallen somewhat but he is still a potential future leader for the Dinos. In recent weeks he has got back together with Pheldira and they have announced their engagement.


Jimmy announces further details of the new "senate"

Emperor Jimmy has given more details of the expanded 12 man "senate" along with their intended roles in the government. It is thought the body will be known as the Inner Circle though this has not been confirmed yet. The members are to be :
  • Jimmy - Emperor
  • Ronald - Protector
  • G-B-H - Minister For Foreign Affairs
  • Cruggson - Deputy Emperor
  • El Diablo - Minister Of The Interior
  • Smellyson - Minister Of Defense
  • Spikeson - Minister Of Health & Social Services
  • Zanus - Head Of Internal Security
  • Lakes - Head Of The SS
  • Ouranosaur - Head Of Armed Forces (Dino-Land)
  • Razorback - Executive Officer
  • Lassetrans - Head Of Armed Forces (Other Planets)
Ronald is thought to be planning to stand down by mid-december and the rest of the Inner Circle will then be in place.

Terran Sea class has software problems

The Terran Sea class, the current production type of frigate for the DDS, has had some problems discovered with it's software. This has forced the DDS to cease all operations with the 6 ships already in service and the 2 on trials. The problems have been found in the engine management software and potentially could cause the engine to exceed safety limits for heat when operating at maximum output. A DDS engineer said that if the problem had not been found a ship would have exceeded the limits sooner or later and the subsequent engine failure would be catastrophic.

The problem was found during testing of 3207 North Sea when the engine exceeded the heat safety limit. The engine was shut down immediately by the engineering staff. All ships have been "grounded" until a full audit of the EMS software is undertaken and the bugs discovered and remedied. One ship is on the middle of a patrol and has been instructed to hold station.

The loss of the ships from the available Patrol Pool has forced the DDS to reassign two frigates from the Combat Pool. Also a Pulsar cruiser has been assigned to the Proxima-Solaris patrol. The DDS say that the code audit should be completed by the end of the week and after testing the roll-out of the code to all Terran Sea frigates (which can be done remotely to ships not at port) by the mid-part of the week afterwards. The EMS of the Isometric class is different but the code for that is also being examined to see if any similar potential problems could occur.


Windy to do series of talks to young men

Windscorpion is to give a series of talks to new recruits across the DDS. Windscorpion will give his talks at the DDS HQ on Terra but recruits on Proxima 7, Solaris and Rathun's World will also watch via video. It is thought Windy will give the young men the benefit of his experience.


DDS comment on Benito's fleet

The New DDS held another media briefing today where they commented more on Benito's fleet which is now said to number 30 ships. "We believe he has 4 Soulaki battlecruisers which is a considerable force. Twelve of the ships we think are Cosmos cruisers." General Inept of MI told the media, "The rest of the fleet is a mixture of Molentic and Kalahati Tuul. We think more of the former than the latter. Overall its a decent fleet. We have unconfirmed reports of another Cosmos joining the Benito side too."

A battle between the fleets of Benito and the HCS is thought imminant.

Dr Menglez answers your questions

The head of DDS Medical Research Dr Menglez kindly took some time out of his busy schedule to answer your questions. The answers are below.

Anonymous asked " Hi Dr Menglez, may i call you Adolf?" (Nein.) "Do you agree that pain is merely a misunderstood pleasure?"

Dr Menglez : "Indeed it is a verrrry interesting idea, I wish to explore it with you..."

Strongix asked : " I must say i find you repulsive! You sir, are an evil boil on the anus of humanity and deserve to rot in Hell for eternity!"

Dr Menglez : "Danke mein Herr, you say the kindest things..."

Dr Probe asked : "Dear sir, i find your methods rather interesting. But is it true you have tried to transplant Clone body parts onto other alien species? Why? Isn't that a... tad... unethical?"

Dr Menglez : "Are you a doctor too ja? It is true i have explored this TO INCREASE MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE! Unethical? Why? All i did was put a clone head on the body of der dog. Vot is wrong with that?!"

Verna Yugok asked : " Why do you think over 50% of DDS medicial personnel specialise in mental health?"

Dr Menglez : "It is der highly stressful environment ja? With many... pressures..."

Anonymous asked : "I would like to know a little about your back ground and education. Also, I would like to hear about any work your doing in the mental health field Dr. What you relationship with the Mad Medic like and what do you think of his medicine?"

Dr Menglez : "I study at der unnamed Hospital und some universities i cannot mention... I like a hands on approach to... alien biological exploration... hehehe. Mental health ich der field of Dr Penis, so you can ask him! Der Mad Medic ich her dummkopf!"


DDS, Dinos report on the Benito uprising

In the virtual absense of official news from the clones the galaxy has been largely relying on the New DDS and Dino media for news on the Benito uprising on Austini 55. Director Of Communications Vodaphone gave his weekly media briefing earlier today and he said that 30 ships had now joined Benito's rebellion and they had surrounded Austini 55. A Loyalist fleet was on the way though and the DDS expected a confrontation within days.

The Dino News has reported that war is raging across Woloron 12 and that forces loyal to Benito are in the capital Ron. There has also been a skirmish in orbit between Loyalist and Benito ships. The Daily Dino reported 5 car bombs going off on Cloneworld, destroying RP offices in Ailier City, Beyond Micom and Arturia. All these events have been denied by the Clones.

Readers may also notice there has not been a entry from Legionary Cooly of the HCS for some time, we understand that he has been blocked from sending entries by the media blackout across the empire.

Character of the week : Chief Inspector Warkloz

Chief Inspector Warkloz is one of the most feared criminal inspectors in the bestial Religious Police, its said that even Oojok trembles a little in his presence...

The RP is the vanguard of the Clone Church, a mixture of military police, civilian police and secret police. Infidels and other undesirables are arrested, questioned and ... disposed of in their thousands. Warkloz is one of the top men. Its said he could get a confession from a corpse. A dark and unscrupilous soul, his fanatical zeal drives him on to punish all sinners.

However it may be his zealous nature is too much even for the RP, he has been sidelined in recent years as Akiwati has sought to rein back the excesses of his men. The empire is changing and the clones are becoming less fanatical to Oojok, with Warkloz around that could get worse.


Submit your questions to Dr Menglez!

The head of DDS Medical Research, Dr Menglez, has kindly agreed to answer any questions you may have for him on his work. Submit your questions below and the Doctor will answer them next week.

DDS announce new destroyers and losing some too

The DDS have announced they are to build a third Velocity class destroyer and also 2 extra Panther class destroyers. Building of the third Velocity will commence immediately and the ship, provisionally named Advance, should be ready to enter service towards the end of H1 2106. The extra 2 Panthers have been added to the existing order of 12.

However in the short term the number of destroyers in the DDS will be reduced as the DDS and New Arit Space Force have agreed a 405 million zark deal for 4 Intrepids. The ships will receive a minor refurbishment and refit (C-exam) and be transferred by the end of the year. All four ships have been removed from DDS service with immediate effect. The last remaining Intrepid, Relentless, has been redesignated a training ship but will not receive refurbishment and modification until next year.


Ronald steps down as Emperor

Following the decision by the Dino Elders to make changes to the Dino Empire's government one of the two Co-Emperors had to step down. Ronald held a media briefing earlier today where he said he would step down as Emperor by the end of the year. He said he looked forward to his new role as a member of the extended Senate. Deputy Emperor G-B-H has not yet decided if he will follow suit. The Elders made no decision about whether to keep 2 Deputies or just 1.

When asked why he had stood down and not Jimmy he said, "My family have been neglected all these years so its time for me so slow down and give my family more time with me! Jimmy also has been running the show defacto for so long its time he had the reins proper."

Ronald's second reign as Emperor began in 2099 after he slew the usurper One-Horn who had seized power from El Diablo. Before this Ronald was Emperor from 2052 to 2097 where serious injuries forced him to resign.

Ronald also announced the 12 members of the senate, these will be : Jimmy, Ronald, G-B-H, Cruggson, El Diablo, Smellyson, Spikeson, Zanus, Lakes, Ouranosaur, Razorback and Lassetrans. It is from the senate that future Emperors will be drawn therefore the likes of Smellyson and Razorback will be schooled by their elders in preparation for the time Jimmy stands down. However that is not expected as anytime soon!


UV91 : The Answer Is Death

The september-october issue comes with 5 earth-shattering stories. In "Fire Over Austini 55" Benito's uprising gets serious and Fortran himself comes into the firing line. On a more romantic note in "Dino Soap Opera" Smellyson is reunited with his love Pheldira and they have a surprise for Ronald. In "Beautiful Sunset" the Triad return to the old skool, don backpacks and kick clone ass... or are they? In "On The Rim" newcomer Caratore has to foil a Tarbotian raiding party, and finally in "Chaotic Messy" Z-B-H's group have to infiltrate the bestial SS...

Available from all drug stores on Proxima 7 and brothels of course. There are two more books scheduled for this year, UV 92 : Billions Of Crimes and the Windscorpion biography special UV 93 : The Way Of The Windscorpion.

Dino Elders vote for change

As commentators largely expected, the Dino Elders have voted for democratic change to the Dino State. Emperors Ronald and Jimmy announced the results of the vote today at a media briefing at GHQ. The Elders voted on a number of issues in a series of ballots and then held a final series of votes at the end of their meeting. The changes are summarised as :
  • One Emperor will stand-down, its expected that Ronald will choose to do this
  • The Senate will be increased to 12 members, future Emperors will be elected from this extended body. The membership will be announced later.
  • A new elected body to replace the Elders, details of which to come later
  • Extended democracy at the local level
Now the rush is on to form political parties, one party that already is on the ground is Lakes' Veritas = Truth party. Lakes gave a speech to party members after the media briefing where he told them it was prepare for government!


Character of the week : Horsehead

One word describes Horsehead : maniac! He is one of the fleet commanders but he commands by fear. He threatens his crew with instant death if they question his orders or make a mistake. To be assigned to Horsehead's team is not good for your stress levels.

Horsehead has been in the DDS for a long time and is a great warrior. He worships the Windscorpion who he sees as one day taking the DDS back into the Hell of Total War and drowning the ocean in a sea of blood. This is his dream and he hopes it will one day happen.

He also is quite keen on Rotarios who he thinks will also bring more violence to the DDS. Horsehead is loyal only to his plasma cannon.


DDS planning fleet re-organisation for 2107 / Fleet news roundup

The DDS Fleet is currently split into 3 commands, Strike, Patrol and Support commands. Strike Command is split into 4 fleets but the DDS are planning on changing this. Sometime in 2107 Strike Command will be renamed Combat Command and be split into 2 fleets A and B. Each fleet will consist of 10 cruisers and 10 escorts (probably 5 Panther and 5 Terran Sea or Isometric 3). Windscorpion and Sea Urchin will command these 2 fleets with Firefly and Horsehead as their deputies. The Orchid will move to take command of Patrol Command which comprises the rest of the combat vessels. These plans were outlined by The Orchid in a briefing to the media today though she did admit that 2107 was a long way off and plans could change.

In other news the last 2 Terran Sea Block 1 frigates have been completed and are now entering their trials. Its expected they will be available for Patrol Command's pool by mid-november. The first Pentekonter patrol craft has been "launched" (which in DDS terms means the reactor ignited and power grid energised). Engine testing has now begun and final fitting out shall take place during november. The ship will enter trials before the end of the year. Finally the final 4 Intrepids to be sold may be sold to New Arit in a 400 million zark deal though the Remedians are also keen, the DDS are expected to keep 2006 Relentless for it's training pool.

Dr Forbidden replies

The Head of DDS Research, Dr Forbidden, has kindly replied to your questions posed to him earlier this week.

North Korean Observer asked "Can you tell me your thoughts on the Dino's bubble shielding and do you think it will counter the effectiveness of your transphasic missile technology?"

Dr Forbidden : "Basically what the Dinos are working on is little mini-shields that wrap around an incoming missile. We are working on improving our targeting systems to enable our missiles to re-phase either inside the target or so close to the target that the Dinos cannot deploy a bubble. As with any weapon system there is always a continual race between the offense and defense sides."

Anonymous asked "What do you see happening to the Pulsar and Quasar classes? I heard a rumor about a second and improved block of Panthers. Also, any comments on their speed and firepower."

Dr Forbidden : "The Pulsar will receive a MULE3 update towards the end of the decade with a major rebuild around 2014. The Quasar ILU programme will be commencing in a year or so. We will keep our cruiser classes up to date. There are no plans for a second block of Panthers yet, we will reveal more details about our future destroyer in a media briefing next year."

Oily Maniac asked "Where do you see the DDS fleet in 20, 30 or 40 years time? Will we see ships the size of the Pentekonter but with a firepower of a fleet? Or will we see the return of the big ship?"

Dr Forbidden : "Its hard to tell but i think we have seen the end of the big ship now, the Panther is the future. No doubt smaller ships with massive firepower will be the roadmap for the forseeable future."

Captain Peter asked "Is it true the Pulsar and other modern ships are suffering from a bottleneck in tactical response now because the databus has not kept up with the technological advances in targetting and payload delivery. I read that in the recent battle against the Tarbotians the Pulsar's tactical sub-system could not keep up with the data being given it by the sensor array."

Dr Forbidden : "Yes and its a major problem we are urgently addressing. There is so much data flowing through the system now the data architecture of our ships is creaking. The Terran Sea introduced a new 1024-bit databus and we aim to upgrade other ships when they next receive updates."

Simon Webstar asked "When will the DDS be moving to wholly wireless control technology on their ships?"

Dr Forbidden : "Pulsar MULE2, Isometric IIU1 and Terran Sea have all introduced wireless control with a traditional fibre optic backup but with the TS Block 2 and new designs we will dispense with the wires. It brings a major cost saving and increases internal volume dramatically."

Finally Anonymous asked "I am currently studying chemistry at Wolverhampton University on Terra, i'd love to join DDS Research when i graduate! Is it possible?"

Dr Forbidden : "No."


RP launch brutal crackdown on Benito blogs

Following the Benito uprising the Clone internet has been buzzing with rumour and counter-rumour. Blogging has flourished, one report even said 100 new blogs on Benito and the uprising were being created every day across the empire. Now the RP have had enough. Over ten thousand people have been arrested (mostly young men) for starting websites and blogs on Benito. Sixty ISPs have been shut down and their staff also arrested. It is rumoured that all are receiving a brutal whipping by RP men before being hurled into punishment batallions to perform back-breaking toil for Oojok!

One ISP was even destroyed by an airstrike after barrackading itself in a remote server farm room on Randalf 74. This has not stopped the spread of news though, which Clones are desperate for as the official news media have largely not reported the events. A new wave of blogs, written by anonymous users hiding their locations has started up. But RP hackers are busy at work destroying the blogs as fast as they arrive. Its an endless job.

DDS update media on latest Tarbotian skirmish

The New DDS has corrected some details of the latest skirmish with the Tarbotians out near New Arit. The ship in question was an Isometric class ship not an Intrepid as previously stated. The SS Jurassic, under command of Caratore, received moderate damage and has already returned to a DDS depot at New Arit for repairs.

Former DDS member The Cleanser did make the rescue but the New DDS said he will not be returning to colours.


Submit your questions to Dr Forbidden!

The Head of DDS Research, Dr Forbidden, has kindly agreed to answer questions posed to him by the readers of Latest Victory News! If you have any questions on DDS weapons and technological development and policy please add them below and we will present them to Dr Forbidden later this month!

Benito's rebellion enters space

The Dino News (which is usually on the ball with this kind of thing) has reported that the first space battle between HCS warships loyal to Oojok and Benito has taken place near Woloron 12. Three Benito ships (thought to be all Kalahati Tull 2s) were attacked by 5 HCS ships as the Benito ships approached Woloron 12. The Benito ships were chased off, none of the ships on either side was seriously damaged.

The rebellion on Woloron 12 is increasing, though Benito forces on the planet are thought to be outnumbered by Oojok loyalists.

In other news three bomb blasts rocked Beyond Micom, the second city on Cloneworld. A HCS spokesman said Benito terrorists were behind the attacks on a HCS recruitment office and the homes of two Generals. It is thought General Utren-Ulim was killed by one of the blasts. He was the commander of a notable panzer division of the 3rd Legion.

Character of the week : Jimmy

Jimmy, now the Co-Emperor of the Dinos with Ronald, has for a long time been one of the key men in the empire yet often has been away from the headlines. Jimmy rose quickly through the ranks of the army, being a skilled, brave and intelligent soldier. By the time of the dying days of Juliawaki's regime he was commander of the 6th Legion.

When Juliawaki's weakness allowed SS Commander Telavason to seize power and he had Ronald arrested Jimmy immediately saw that things had to change. He led his 6th Legion to a titanic battle with the SS which left his legion reduced to a few hundred survivors. After Ronald took over Jimmy was promoted to Senator and became the Minister of the Interior (the 6th Legion became the vanguard of the Emperor and remained at 200 strong).

Thus Jimmy basically ran the empire while Ronald and G-B-H had adventures across the galaxy, his role was largely unseen but vital. When Ronald took his extended leave from the empire (in which he created the DDS) he left the empire in Jimmy's hands, knowing it to be safe.

When M-B-H was overthrown Jimmy was the ideal choice to become Co-Emperor, indeed many said that Jimmy had been defacto Co-Emperor for decades. Strangely though since his election Jimmy has become much higher profile, differing with Ronald on his vision for the future of the empire. Jimmy however remains one of Ronald's closest allies and friends.