
Clones reported to having trouble restarting ship production

One of the key aims of the Clone military junta was to restart space ship production which has been at virtually nil for years. Despite several billion zarks in investment, the Clone shipyards are finding it very difficult to restart for one simple reason: they don't have any workers. Thousands of experienced workers left the industry during the years of no building, either to other industries or to retirement. Hardly any new workers have come in which has resulted in the collapse of the conveyor belt of training and skills of new workers.

Subcontractors and component manufacturers have also been badly hit, many companies moving into other industries or closing down.

It is thought the Clone junta have reached out to the Dinos for help in restarting their ship building industry. The Clones and Dinos are in talks about hundreds of Clone apprentices coming to Dino-Land to learn skills on Dino ship yard lines. The Clones are also looking to the Dinos for an alternative source for vitally needed components.