
CAF attack positions in south Micom

Clone Air Force fighters have attacked an area in the south of Micom on Cloneworld. A spokesclone later said that two former army depots were attacked and destroyed, the facilities were being used by RP terrorists. Whether this is true or not has yet to be established.

The Clone junta is said to be satisfied with progress in fighting the RP remnants, a number of strategic errors including the disastrous attempt to seize navy nuclear weapons, has bled the core of the RP white. The most experienced RP members are now thought to have been killed and those remaining unsure how to continue the struggle. The junta said they will not rest until every RP member is either dead or captured.


F-12 has maiden flight

The next interceptor for the NS Air Division, the F-12 Hammerhead, has had it's maiden flight though this was supposed to take place last year and this indicates the planned entry into service of 2125 may be missed. The F-12 is a subsonic very long endurance interceptor for the LEO attack role as well as other interception duties.

In service the F-12 will carry three TPM-A missiles as well as air to air missiles. NS plan to built fifty of the type.


Dino political changes generate mixed reaction

Yesterday Censor Ronald unveiled a huge change in the way the Dino Empire is run including replacing the Senate with an Assembly and a slimmed down Dino Elders. The changes have had a mixed reaction.

Liberal Party leader Jimmy said the changes were long overdue and his party would contest any forthcoming Assembly election. With the popularity and organisation of his party there is a good chance the Liberals would be the largest party in the Assembly and hence Jimmy would have a good chance to be the first Consul or head of the Assembly.

Popular TV host and conspiracy theorist Goodson was less keen. "Only the Dinos could completely change their political system to apparently be more democratic and of the top three men who would lead this glorious new state, two are appointed for life!"

The Minister of Intelligence Services Krusty, a top figure in Imperial Order, said that the changes would bring accountability and dynamism, to help the Dinos negotiate a more unpredictable and dangerous galaxy.


Dinos unveil plans for complete democratic revamp of the empire

Censor Ronald has unveiled plans for a huge change to how the Dino Empire is governed. Currently the empire is governed by the Dino Senate which is led by Ronald and Emperor MBH. The Senate handles all major decisions including macroeconomic direction, foreign policy and the military. Below the Senate is the Dino Assembly which is fully elected though has little real power. The Assembly has been derided as a talking shop, a common joke is that the Assembley is for deciding speed limits while the Senate decides who to declare war on.

Under the new plans both will be replaced by a new Assembly of three hundred, which unlike the current Assembly will be contested on party lines. The winning party in the Assembly will form the Dino government, it's head being the Consul of the Dino Empire, other members will fill the various ministry head roles.

The Dino Elders, a mostly advisory body, will be changed to form the upper chamber. Ronald said the Elders would be slimmed down to one hundred members and he would head it as Censor. Laws would need to be passed by a majority in both the Assembly and the Elders.

Emperor MBH would remain the head of state, he would have veto power (as would Ronald). Ronald said that the Dino Senate would vote on the changes soon, it is likely to be passed as all parties are keen for the change and indeed the three main parties (Imperial Order, Veritas = Truth and the Liberal Party) are already recruiting candidates for the Assembly election.


Sky ghosts (3156)

LORD Gibson has a proposal.


Junta criticised after asteroid transfer to Dinos

The Clone military junta has been criticised by Clone Star Empire commentators after it was revealed that the Clones have given the Dinos two mineral rich asteroids near to Lornaca Melnig. The asteroids will be jointly mined by Dino and Clone companies with the Dinos receiving 60% of all revenue and profits from sale of the minerals. It is thought the asteroids were given to the Dinos in return for help with restarting the Clone shipbuilding industry.

Admiral Anderson said the criticisms were unfair, he said that the asteroids would not be exploited without Dino help and even though they will receive the most benefit from the asteroids, the Clones will still receive billions of zarks over the next twenty years.

Wahhhh! (3155)

Windy gets a new job.


Sacrifice (3154)

The Dinos receive a shock about the New ABBOs.


UNP pressing for return to democracy

After the MBO take over of New Sparta, the UNP was kept in post but elections were cancelled. Now the UNP are pressing Viceroy Caratore to allow the scheduled UNP election to take place next year. Sea Urchin remains the Head of the UNP though by appointment. It is thought he wants to retire from politics.

The problem for the UNP is that the decision may not be in Caratore's hands. The MBO need to give the go-ahead for elections and this is unlikely any time soon.


Not being honest (3153)

The New ABBOs have a plan.


Red flag! (3152)

Another Dino ship encounters the New ABBOs.


RP fighters launch attack on Sandworld

RP members have launched an attack on a major oil refinery on Sandworld. Around twenty RP fighters are understood to have been involved in the attack which included the use of mortars, rocket propelled grenades and other explosives. The RP fighters broke through the perimeter of the refinery compound killing three guards. They were halted by the inner layer of security and forced back by Clone Army troops who had flown in from a nearby base.

The RP fighters withdrew, it is thought four were killed in the battle. The refinery itself did not suffer any damage though was shut down as a precaution. The army are now hunting for the RP fighters.

The Clone military junta has ordered an extra Red Lizard brigade to Sandworld and three companies of troops to boosr security.


Felt really vibey (3151)

We return to the death of Ayatollah Clone XE.


Conflicting information about the Tarquin reported

It had been reported that NS agent The Tarquin died in SS custody but now it appears that it might still be alive after all. An SS spokesdino said that no one had died in SS custody, which he claimed was famous for it's fair and careful treatment of prisoners.

Another report says that an NS agent, captured after the latest clone of Agent X died at an SS facility, would be charged at a secret SS court.


Clones reported to having trouble restarting ship production

One of the key aims of the Clone military junta was to restart space ship production which has been at virtually nil for years. Despite several billion zarks in investment, the Clone shipyards are finding it very difficult to restart for one simple reason: they don't have any workers. Thousands of experienced workers left the industry during the years of no building, either to other industries or to retirement. Hardly any new workers have come in which has resulted in the collapse of the conveyor belt of training and skills of new workers.

Subcontractors and component manufacturers have also been badly hit, many companies moving into other industries or closing down.

It is thought the Clone junta have reached out to the Dinos for help in restarting their ship building industry. The Clones and Dinos are in talks about hundreds of Clone apprentices coming to Dino-Land to learn skills on Dino ship yard lines. The Clones are also looking to the Dinos for an alternative source for vitally needed components.


The Tarquin reported to have died in SS custody

Notorious agent The Tarquin, recently known to be working for MBO-New Sparta, was arrested a few days ago on Dino-Land, having been suspected of being involved in the Agent X attempt on Dr Forbidden's life. The Tarquin is thought to have secured the access key which Agent X used to gain access to an SS facility.

The SS have reported that The Tarquin died in custody, having accidentally fallen down some stone stairs.


Agent X killed in assassination attempt on Dr Forbidden

Agent X is reported to have been killed by the SS at a medical research facility where Dr Forbidden was working on anti-MBO cloning technology. It is assumed that Dr Forbidden was the target of the infamous bounty hunter, whose clones now work for the MBO. Dr Forbidden is reported to have not been harmed.

In an interesting development, the MBO have denied that Agent X was operating under their orders. Indeed, it appears that he was working on a New Sparta sponsored mission. The Dinos have made a protest to New Sparta.