
Dino Army warn against the imbalance caused by the formation of the SS-SW

The head of the Dino Army general staff, Senator Zanus, has warned that the formation of SS-SW which will take over the Dino Empire's strategic nuclear weapons could risk the balance of the triumvirate which controls the empire.

Zanus was referring to the triumvirate of the Emperor MBH (and the civilian authorities), Censor Ronald (and the SS) and the Dino Army. Since the formation of the second Dino Empire it is (unofficially of course) regarded that the power is shared by a balance of these three forces. Zanus said the Dino Army fears that the SS is being given too much power.

Later on Censor Ronald said that the SS were operating the weapons on behalf of the empire. "The decision of when to field and use these weapons will remain a joint decision between myself, the Emperor and the Army. I think the Army's fears are unfounded."