
Dinos will be able to deploy DIM to Joloka and Illiatri

The Dino Army has announced it will build support infrastructure for the Dino Interstellar Missile (DIM) on Jeloka and Illiatri. Both planets are the closest in the Dino Empire to MBO-New Sparta and this will put much of the UNP within range of the Dino Army's new missiles. However, the Dinos have said they will not routinely deploy the missiles though there will be occasional deployments for training purposes.

The missiles are operated by the 1st Space Artillery Brigade, part of the 1st Legion. Total strength is unknown though the Clones are said to have sold twenty mobile launchers to the Dinos. Missiles are now being built by the Dinos but it is unknown if mobile launchers are. A UNP source said that the Dinos have 12 launchers operational at the moment though no missiles are thought to have nuclear warheads.