
Mutre Bee visits Starbot and issues threat

The Mutre Bee's fleet has appeared in the Starbot system. S101 and B-B were ordered to travel to the Mutre Bee's new flagship The Hive. There it is understood they were threatened by General Honey to not offer assistance to the so-called Real DDS. The Starbotians have denied they have done this though some sources say it is an open secret that Starbot has supplied Windy's rebel faction with assistance.

Honey said that if Starbot continues to assist Real DDS then they will face "serious consequences". The Mutre Bee fleet has now left the Starbot system.


Sunny winter time (3023)

The MBO rebels launch a devastating attack.

Lucky 13 (3022)

The rebel MBO drones fight back.

Use the right amount (3021)

Cruggson gives Crickson and Xaron a new mission.


NS to upgrade CM370 orbital defences and could extend to other planets

The CM370 network of "killer satellites" has been in operation over Proxima 7 for over ten years now but has not been upgraded in that time. Today, The Shiner announced an upgrade to the orbital defence system would finally be carried out. The satellites would be refurbished and upgraded - the TPM-1s they field (they are the last remaining NS weapon system to use the original TPM) would be replaced by new launchers that can fire TPM-3s. The communications would be upgraded to the new fractal standard. Data link bandwidth would also be tripled. The upgraded system will be known as CM370.1.

NS are also looking at extending the defences as Proxima 7 is no longer the home of NS GHQ! Proxima 5 and Solaris could also be covered by a new generation of defences. Though some sources indicate the cost is putting NS off.


Dinos will be able to deploy DIM to Joloka and Illiatri

The Dino Army has announced it will build support infrastructure for the Dino Interstellar Missile (DIM) on Jeloka and Illiatri. Both planets are the closest in the Dino Empire to MBO-New Sparta and this will put much of the UNP within range of the Dino Army's new missiles. However, the Dinos have said they will not routinely deploy the missiles though there will be occasional deployments for training purposes.

The missiles are operated by the 1st Space Artillery Brigade, part of the 1st Legion. Total strength is unknown though the Clones are said to have sold twenty mobile launchers to the Dinos. Missiles are now being built by the Dinos but it is unknown if mobile launchers are. A UNP source said that the Dinos have 12 launchers operational at the moment though no missiles are thought to have nuclear warheads.


Caratore warns Dinos to stay out of MBO-New Sparta affairs

Viceroy Caratore has issued a warning to the Dinos to stay out of MBO-New Sparta, especially helping Real DDS. It is known that the Dinos have unofficially offered Windy's rebel faction use of their ports for repair or resupply.

Caratore said that if MBO-NS received evidence of Dino assistance to then "serious and decisive action" will be taken against the Dinos. Caratore is said to have ordered the strategic forces of NS to make plans for a "devastating attack" on Dino-Land.


The Mutre Bee visits NS GHQ

Amid a massive security operation involving dozens of warships and hundreds of troops from the NSTF and MBO, the head of the MBO has visited NS GHQ. The Mutre Bee travelled in his gigantic new flagship the Hive. In what must be seen as a considerable show of force the Hive, a ship big enough and powerful enough to take on a fleet all by itself, was accompanied by no less than 12 Hornet heavy cruisers and over 30 Nectar destroyers.

The Mutre Bee was given a tour of the command facilities of New Sparta and held talks with Viceroy Caratore. He also met with a representative of the UNP. The Mutre Bee is understood to have already left NS space.


Caratore unveils multi-year project to upgrade MBO-NS communications

Viceroy Caratore has unveiled a multi-year and multi-billion zark project to completely replace communications in MBO-NS from person to person radios all the way through to datalinks between facilities. All communications will be protected by fractal encryption and be virtually secure from any kind of enemy eavesdropping. The new communications links will also have greater bandwidth.

The project is vast however, and the new communications will be installed alongside the existing systems so a switch over can occur seamlessly. Caratore said the final switch over would be no later than 2130 though key systems will be live long before that.

Work already quietly began last year on the project with a mandate for all new communication equipment fitted to ships be compatible with the future system, this equipment is being fitted to new build ships and also ships receiving upgrades. Over the next two years the backbone datalinks between the planets in UNP space and MBO-NS bases will be upgraded. Caratore said by 2125 all strategic communications would be covered by the fractal encryption and the majority of ship to ship and ship to base communications.


MBO-NS to field new generation of weather reconnaissance assets

MBO-New Sparta has been awarded a 290 million zark contract to upgrade weather reconnaissance abilities across the UNP for civil and military purposes. The contract will include new satellites across all UNP member planets with upgraded communication and reporting facilities including compatibility with the next generation fractal encrypted communication system being planned for MBO-NS.

MBO-NS spaceships will also be able to contribute to weather data recording using their existing sensors. This potentially will greatly increase coverage. Communication capacity at the MBO-NS Weather Analysis Centre at DDS City will also be upgraded.


Dinos begin production of DIMs, nuclear armed?

After using Clone built CSMs to become operational the 1st Space Artillery Brigade of the Dino Army has just taken delivery of the first Dino produced version of CSM, known as Dino Interstellar Missile or DIM. The DIM is said to be an exact copy of current CSM though the Dinos plan to develop the missile for their own needs.

Unlike the CSMs currently deployed, the DIM might be nuclear armed though the Dinos have not commented on it. Specialists from the SS unit which specialises in nuclear weapon integration have been seen at the base of the missile brigade.


Clones upgrade T-55Z

The Clones have announced an upgraded version of the T-55Z to Z8 standard. This is the first T-55Z upgrade for some time which hasn't been funded by the Dinos who are said to be happy with the ZDM3 though the Clones did pitch the Z8 to the Dino Army.

The T-55Z8 has a number of improvements to the new turret introduced by the Z7/ZDM3. The Z8 also has a new fractal encrypted communication system. The gun has also been modified to fire a new armour piercing shell. Production will switch to the Z8 sometime this year.


Operation Ground Shock 2123

The annual ground attack exercise has begun, this time concentrating on amphibious operations. Viceroy Caratore has ordered a large scale landing this year of an entire expeditionary attack group which will consist of troops from X01 Combat Brigade Central, from armoured and infantry regiments. The landing will be supported by NS aircraft and NS Marines. Landings will take place on Mars with Terra being used as a staging area.

The ships involved are:

21-105 Archer (flag)

35-501 Lynx

35-102 Jaguar

36-101 Mulberry

51-113 Careless

51-108 Comet

41-108 Holocene

41-209 Fierce

65-101 Tethys Ocean (amphib flag)

66-101 Triumph

62-101 Pangaea

62-105 Kenora

63-103 South East Asia

63-106 North America

71-119 Freightliner

73-106 Tristar


Monster of violence (3016)

Zotopian is given a mission to hunt rebel Mutant Bee clones.

He's dead (3015)

The Zones go on the attack!

If u know bro (3014)

Zone terrorists steal a Clone bomber.

Listen to the noise (3013)

Windy and Agent X do battle (again).


The one and only (3012)

Agent X stows away on Windy's ship.

Fatal blow (3011)

Windy's team has to go into battle.