
Export Coril standard to be upgraded

Along with the upgrade to the NS fleet of Coril shuttles to Type 86C standard, NS has also upgraded the specification for export Corils it sells in two configurations: personnel transport and VIP. The export ships will also have the new e-Core family engine which has now been revealed to be the Mini Proton RM-53 e-Core. This has similar thrust output to the existing powerplant but a purported 43% reduction in fuel burn along with a 73% reduction in IR emissions.

The export Corils will have the same cockpit upgrades and accommodation improvements. Improved communication and self-defence systems will be an upgrade option. The new export Corils will be known as Coril SX and VX.

NS also said that it's fleets of Coril derived patrol ships (Okra and Navelwort) will also be upgraded later this decade.