
Head of the 6th Legion arrested for treason and murder!

In a shocking development Legate Oeirkan, the head of the 6th Legion (Ronald's honour guard), has been arrested for treason and murder. The treasonous acts are thought to date back decades to early in Ronald's reign as Emperor during the first war with the Terrasaurs. One unconfirmed report states that Oeirkan took money to provide information to the Terrasaurs which resulted in over a hundred Dino Army deaths.

The murder charge is recent though no details are forthcoming. Oeirkan is now in SS custody. Tribune Bite, officially Oeirkan's deputy, has been named the new head of the 6th Legion though, as he is on Pulsin leading anti-terror operations against the Mosk, Senator Krusty has been put in temporary charge of the Legion.