
Sea Urchin criticised for comments on MBO

Sea Urchin, still a UNP Minister and defacto leader of the UNP pending a new election, has been criticised by Viceroy Caratore after he compared the MBO-New Sparta to the Rotarios/AP New DDS regimes. Sea Urchin is reported to have told a group of UNP officials that "the UNP and New Sparta survived the rule of Rotarios and later AP as part of the Hood reign of terror, we can survive the Mutre Bee regime".

Sea Urchin has denied he meant any offence, merely that he was stating that the UNP and NS can survive upheaval though Caratore is thought to be incensed that he has been compared (in his eyes) to Rotarios or AP.

Caratore may accelerate his plans for the UNP which may include appointing a liaison officer to represent MBO-New Sparta in the UNP government (replacing Sea Urchin) and agreeing to new elections.